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@Mitwah posted:

@Former Member, This an evergreen by Asha Boshle. Sorry for dem babes whose name was Monica. And this song was done 50 years ago.

Thanks! I loved her singing! An Afro guy I worked with in Guyana didn't like Indian singing because he thought the women's singing had a nasal quality to it! I don't know what he was talking about!

I love the singing of the AfroAmerican singer Ella Fitzgerald, called the First Lady of Song in America, and have listened to her singing for hours cell phone. I described her singing like musical gold being poured into my ears! She was a musician without par! Funny thing is, she thought Billie Holiday's singing was better than hers! BS to me!

Those were (are they still alive?) two wonderful singers, weren't they, Latta and Asha?!!

I liked the dancing, too!

Last edited by Former Member
@Mitwah posted:

@mud_flap, I admire the dexterity of the Tablaji also the Guitarist. All the musicians did well and they are from Pakistan.

Thanks! That was FANTASTIC! If that group should ever tour the US they might revolutionize music in, not only America, but the entire Western world! As I've previously stated, India could become the greatest nation in the world eventually! But I'm worried about this Hindustan idea of Mad i! The Brahmins are behind this, I'm sure!

What colour is the brain?

Last edited by Former Member
@mud_flap posted:

There is a documentary on them. Iโ€™m not sure who is streaming it but here is a preview:

Itโ€™s not surprising that they are from Pakistan as most of the top Tabla players are from there, like Tari Khan my favourite.

Religion DOES spoil everything, doesn't it?!! I posit once more, religion is NONSENSE! I hope India and Pakistan will someday re-unite!

Last edited by Former Member

Imagine the British drew a line and divided the ancient lands of Punjab and award the alien muslims all its culture, history and music and portion of its lands. Muslims had no artistic interests. Once in Lahore, they accquired Punjabi culture which is widely accepted by Pakistanis in the arts.

Ofcourse, the Dravidians who found the Aryans to be annoying vacated the lands called the Punjabs. Perhaps, they knew once the Hitties came the Oghuz will follow, who really are the peoples of the North.


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