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kp posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

The democrat challengers are runneth over. I wouldn't advise the newcomers to jump into the ring just yet. Trump has his resources ready for a second term. He is focusing on Venezuela at the moment, plus he doesn't want to put further strain on federal workers. He caved in for the right reasons. He is still a winner to me. 

Are you advising Trump's challengers? I hope so. The Dems don't need a fuss standad dropout's advice. Believe me, they have "better best" than you.

I will tell you this just once that I hate to discuss you or anyone as you are doing to others. We have a topic to discuss, comment or debate on. Please don't waste your time discussing me. You of all people should know that since you have been making remarks that are irrelevant. I don't know you and you don't know me. I am putting you in line not to make a bigger ass of yourself than what you are at present. So, please spare me your daily rancor.   

Aw me massa, me beg you paadan. Carry on jackass, I only see comedy in your posts. You make my day here sometimes. It's all for a good laugh. You are in the wrong profession. FYI: The Democrats do not need your advice. Your PNC needs it.

Stay far from the jackass you might catch his disease,  he is a known pick pocketer at Liberty Avenue. 

I don't think jackasses carry mad cow disease or chronic wasting disease.

kp posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:

My pick is Kamala Devi Harris. She is another no nonsense Senator. 

I am not so sure Americans would want a half Jamaican as their President.

With the election of Obama and the advent of Trump, Americans don't hide their prejudices anymore. I doubt another colored person will be elected President of the US anytime soon.

After the Donald screwed the country, the people will elect any Democrat  be Black,White or Latino.

Trump was embarrassed. He met his match who is a woman and it was hard for him to accept that she did not allocate $1 for a wall. He cannot accept defeat at the hands of a smart woman. He got his ass whipped(not by Stormy) by an 80-year-old Italian woman. He is rubbing his ass and wiping his tears from the whipping and planning his next move.

skeldon_man posted:
Trump was embarrassed. He met his match who is a woman and it was hard for him to accept that she did not allocate $1 for a wall. He cannot accept defeat at the hands of a smart woman. He got his ass whipped(not by Stormy) by an 80-year-old Italian woman. He is rubbing his ass and wiping his tears from the whipping and planning his next move.

He came to DC to drain the swamp. He was used to bimbos, and never met a feisty woman like Nancy. He was playing hardball, utilizing all the pointers in his Art of the Deal book. He only surrendered to give his State of the Union. Let's see what happens when the next Shutdown starts. 

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Trump was embarrassed. He met his match who is a woman and it was hard for him to accept that she did not allocate $1 for a wall. He cannot accept defeat at the hands of a smart woman. He got his ass whipped(not by Stormy) by an 80-year-old Italian woman. He is rubbing his ass and wiping his tears from the whipping and planning his next move.

He came to DC to drain the swamp. He was used to bimbos and never met a feisty woman like Nancy. He was playing hardball, utilizing all the pointers in his Art of the Deal book. He only surrendered to give his State of the Union. Let's see what happens when the next Shutdown starts. 

He must be going nuts in the WH. I bet he gets up in the middle of the night, bare buctah on, pounding the walls of his bedroom cussin out "Nancy" and "Chuck" wanting to wring their necks. Poor Donald wishing he could have Stormy whipping his ass instead of Nancy!!

ksazma posted:

It is sad for anyone who Trump is a winner to them.

Trump probably reopened the government because Pelosi told him that there will be no SOTU appearance in the House.  

Trumpsky grovelling, crawling and probably saying to Nancy Pelosi ...

"Ohh, ohh ohhhh, Thank YOU ... Thank You .. Thank YOU ..."

High Quality trump crawling Blank Meme Template

And Nancy Pelosi ...

USA Washington - 116 Kongresssitzung: Nancy Pelosi [Getty Images/AFP/S. Loeb)

Last edited by Former Member
Ray posted:

This is the time for a Kamala/Beto ticket

A very good combination. 

Kamala Devi Harris was born on October 20, 1964 in Oakland, California. Her mother is a Tamil Indian and her father is from Jamaica. Her maternal grandfather is P. V. Gopalan, an Indian diplomat.

Her mother moved to Montreal, Quebec, Canada where she held a position engaged with Research at a General Hospital and also teaching at McGill University.

Kamala Devi Harris completed her junior and high schools studies in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. She then returned to the US_of_A where she did her studies at various universities earning among others, her Juris Doctor ( J.D ) title.


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