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Originally posted by Mad Max: evidenced by the global protests on corporate greed. The people have finally awakened!
Communism is dead. It was buried with the Soviet rejection of it and China thinking it can redefine it as Hybrid capitalism ( communism for the rulers and capitalism as the engine for change). If democracy is the greatest intellectual construct in the political order, a competitive economic model is its substratum. However, as with all things humans, there is a great chance a great to mess it up.

That capitalist societies have been struggling, means little with respect to a rejection of it as an economic paradigm. It is actually a focusing on its practices that produces negative consequences. There have been many transformative movements across time and all acts as perfecting modalities. Capitalism like democracy are ideals. One need to ensure the means to end strategies for achieving these ideals have integrity. When they do not, one corrects. Capitalism and Democracies out to be auto correction to have integrity. In Guyana the lie is we have democracy. It is clear that the constitution, electoral system and the racial demographics acts against the pursuit against that ideal and produces an autocracy. It is due for a correction.

The protesters are not protesting for a want of communism nor are they rejecting capitalism. I was among them yesterday (in DC) and concurrent with the harvest/thanksgiving festivals across the city, it was in fact a celebration of the western capitalist/democratic spirit. They do not want to rejecr Capitalism but to make corrections to the way it functions. One does not throw away a car because it blew a tire. None of us wants to live in a communist system.

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