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Jubilee fallout – Granger mulls National Events Dept.


–to ensure smooth coordination, execution of national events

PRESIDENT David Granger has mooted the idea of establishing a Department of National Events to ensure major public events are well coordinated and properly executed. The Department, if it becomes a reality, will be housed within the Ministry of the Presidency.

The idea was floated at a recent meeting between the President and several high-ranking officials, including Minister within the Ministry of Education, Nicolette Henry. An official who attended the meeting explained that, for now, the Department is just a conceptual idea.

Though specific details of the deliberations were not disclosed, the source revealed that attention was placed on national events during the discussion when the idea of establishing a Department of National Events under the Ministry of the Presidency came up. The idea was put forward by President Granger. The source explained that no decision has as yet been made to establish such a Department, but Government would most likely be moving in this direction.

“It has not evolved to the point where a decision has been made. It is just an idea which was floated, and could possibly be developed to create a framework for such a Department. From the posture of the President, too, it seems like he would like to see the Government go in that direction,” the source told the Guyana Chronicle.

It is not clear what Minister Henry’s reaction to this idea was, but such a move is intended to chart a way for strengthening the management of national events, more particularly Mashramani activities and Independence celebrations.

Guyana recently celebrated 50 years as an independent nation, and the planning of events for that occasion was hailed a success by Minister Henry, but several shortcomings in protocol and logistics were noted, and those attracted criticisms. One such logistical mishap was the seating arrangements at the flag-raising ceremony, which led to the Opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) leaving the event prematurely. Another criticism, which continues to resurface annually, is the mundane cultural displays at the Independence celebrations and, to some extent, Mashramani events. These have generated much discussion in social corners, and the general feeling is that there is need for better management of these events.

Against this backdrop, the discussion was likely held to devise a strategy to strengthen the management of these events, so as to ensure all protocols are observed and the events are well coordinated and executed.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Oh Skont, another Department, wait it MUST be managed by old, senile PNC members with big salaries. Well I tell Al YUh when yuh think Stupidity is not endless, yuh get a fool of a president assures you that STUPIDITY is endless.


I wonder if the whole world is sitting around laughing at these people.  Dem ABC countries must be banging their heads on the wall for shooting demselves in the foot.  No one expected this level of incompetence.  People used to read about this stuff in comic books back in the day.

Bibi Haniffa

Instead of another Govt dept (which most likely will screw up), why not use a private company to stage events...

You pay the fee to stage the event instead of funding a dept year you create private sector jobs

RiffRaff posted:

Instead of another Govt dept (which most likely will screw up), why not use a private company to stage events...

You pay the fee to stage the event instead of funding a dept year you create private sector jobs

Remember is a jackass yuh talkin bout!!!!!!!!

Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Instead of another Govt dept (which most likely will screw up), why not use a private company to stage events...

You pay the fee to stage the event instead of funding a dept year you create private sector jobs

Remember is a jackass yuh talkin bout!!!!!!!!

Actually this has been a problem with Govt in Guyana for a long time....they want to do things that they can't

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I wonder if the whole world is sitting around laughing at these people.  Dem ABC countries must be banging their heads on the wall for shooting demselves in the foot.  No one expected this level of incompetence.  People used to read about this stuff in comic books back in the day.

The ABC nations are saying nothing of the sort.  What they are saying is thank god the thugs who excelled in extrajudicial killing, torture of teenagers, refusal to allow local gov't elections, and then shutting down parliament to stifle debate, is no longer in power.

RiffRaff posted:

Instead of another Govt dept (which most likely will screw up), why not use a private company to stage events...

You pay the fee to stage the event instead of funding a dept year you create private sector jobs

Now that to me is a good idea.  I don't know why a minister was made responsible for coordinating a gala.  An events planner should have been engaged.

This whole thing makes me realize that these coalition people will not transform Guyana as it ought to be.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

This department will be named Ministry of Parties.

Why not.

Oi Carib, me hear dem hiring for the Minister of Parties job.  How are your party planning skills?  No 50% increase though.  You miss de cut on that one!

Bibi Haniffa

The US State Dept.'s Office of the Chief of Protocol should be the model [massively scaled down version, of course]:


Working with style, elegance and an acute attention to detail, the Ceremonials division plans, executes and supports a wide range of ceremonial and official functions hosted by the President, Vice President, Secretary of State, and other high-ranking United States Government officials.

The essence of international protocol is the practice of employing proper etiquette, official formalities and dignified ceremonies in the welcoming and hosting of foreign leaders. The Ceremonials division plays a key role in maintaining this timeless tradition. A Ceremonials Officer will plan each event meticulously, considering every detail from the invitation and flower arrangements to menu and official entertainment all while adhering to cultural considerations and ensuring that the honored guests feel welcome and comfortable. These events include but are not limited to Official and State Luncheons, meals during major international summits, receptions in the State Department’s official Diplomatic Reception Rooms, and swearing in ceremonies.

The division also organizes the participation of the Diplomatic Corps in special events and official public events such as Joint Sessions of Congress, inaugurations, funerals, and other ceremonies.

In addition, the Ceremonials division maintains the Order of Precedence of the United States of America, answers questions on flag etiquette, forms of address, seating, invitations, dietary, and cultural restrictions.


Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

This department will be named Ministry of Parties.

Why not.

Oi Carib, me hear dem hiring for the Minister of Parties job.  How are your party planning skills?  No 50% increase though.  You miss de cut on that one!

Well the Ministry of Parties is less damaging than Jagdeo's current "blackman a kill ahbe" rampage.  Jagdeo is doing his utmost to return Guyana back to 1964.

redux posted:

The US State Dept.'s Office of the Chief of Protocol should be the model [massively scaled down version, of course]:


Working with style, elegance and an acute attention to detail, the Ceremonials division plans, executes and supports a wide range of ceremonial and official functions hosted by the President, Vice President, Secretary of State, and other high-ranking United States Government officials.



These guys want a scaled UP model.  Not just for diplomatic events, etc.

They want it to be annually organizing national events.  Now I can see why the Jubilee will be very important to any nation.  Especially one as fractured as Guyana, which is in need of events and activities which will bring disparate groups together.

But I hope that they don't plan to make this whole thing an annual event.

I am still waiting for concrete ideas about economic transformation.  I am beginning to suspect that they have none, and will engage in distraction to disguise this fact.

caribny posted:
redux posted:

The US State Dept.'s Office of the Chief of Protocol should be the model [massively scaled down version, of course]:


Working with style, elegance and an acute attention to detail, the Ceremonials division plans, executes and supports a wide range of ceremonial and official functions hosted by the President, Vice President, Secretary of State, and other high-ranking United States Government officials.

These guys want a scaled UP model.  Not just for diplomatic events, etc.

They want it to be annually organizing national events.  Now I can see why the Jubilee will be very important to any nation.  Especially one as fractured as Guyana, which is in need of events and activities which will bring disparate groups together.

But I hope that they don't plan to make this whole thing an annual event.

I am still waiting for concrete ideas about economic transformation.  I am beginning to suspect that they have none, and will engage in distraction to disguise this fact.

events like the Jubilee come once in a generation

what the fiascos of late underline is a lack of capacity to execute these things to any proper standard

a "Protocol" dept can incubate these skills

there is no need to maintain some ginormous bureaucracy

the small office can scale up when big stuff like the Jubilee appear on the calendar

kp posted:

It is rumored that Rumjaat will be moved to the new ministry. He told Granger he is prepared to start from now for next year's"jubilee".

isn't there pastureland out there [some]where u could be grazing and otherwise useful as manure spreader?


redux posted:
kp posted:

It is rumored that Rumjaat will be moved to the new ministry. He told Granger he is prepared to start from now for next year's"jubilee".

isn't there pastureland out there [some]where u could be grazing and otherwise useful as manure spreader?


Then I will be taking your job.

Last edited by kp
caribny posted:
redux posted:

The US State Dept.'s Office of the Chief of Protocol should be the model [massively scaled down version, of course]:



These guys want a scaled UP model.  Not just for diplomatic events, etc.

They want it to be annually organizing national events.  Now I can see why the Jubilee will be very important to any nation.  Especially one as fractured as Guyana, which is in need of events and activities which will bring disparate groups together.

But I hope that they don't plan to make this whole thing an annual event.

I am still waiting for concrete ideas about economic transformation.  I am beginning to suspect that they have none, and will engage in distraction to disguise this fact.

Granger might have a new holiday in mind, May 11, Triumphalist day!  it will be an annual evet till money run out!  

redux posted:


what the fiascos of late underline is a lack of capacity to execute these things to any proper standard


During the 70s the Burnham regime was very capable of handling these events.  One thing that they did well was hosting foreign conferences, and handling protocol.

This suggested department is just a place to stage some more folks who don't have a clue about what to do.

I agree with Riffraff.  Events should be handed over to an events planner, with the relevant ministry setting the parameters, and overseeing the execution of the project.

If the Ministry of FA and/or the Presidency cannot handle protocol issues of what use are they.

ba$eman posted:

Granger might have a new holiday in mind, May 11, Triumphalist day!  it will be an annual evet till money run out!  

At least it will be only one day. 

Every day under the PPP was "ahbe pan tap, black man never gun rule ahbe, blackman time dun".

This is why you all are now under mental stress, as you have justifiable fears that you will be treated as you all treated blacks.

caribny posted:

During the 70s the Burnham regime was very capable of handling these events.  One thing that they did well was hosting foreign conferences, and handling protocol.

This suggested department is just a place to stage some more folks who don't have a clue about what to do.

I agree with Riffraff.  Events should be handed over to an events planner, with the relevant ministry setting the parameters, and overseeing the execution of the project.

If the Ministry of FA and/or the Presidency cannot handle protocol issues of what use are they.

sir, i speak of capacity building, not running a catering operation

how the hell can the "ministry" set the "parameters" for the vendor and oversee proper execution of the project without the kind of expertise and institutional savvy i am talking about?

your last paragraph is circular and makes no sense

"privatization" as religion, 3rd World style . . . smfh

Last edited by Former Member
redux posted:
caribny posted:

During the 70s the Burnham regime was very capable of handling these events.  One thing that they did well was hosting foreign conferences, and handling protocol.

This suggested department is just a place to stage some more folks who don't have a clue about what to do.

I agree with Riffraff.  Events should be handed over to an events planner, with the relevant ministry setting the parameters, and overseeing the execution of the project.

If the Ministry of FA and/or the Presidency cannot handle protocol issues of what use are they.

sir, i speak of capacity building, not running a catering operation


What does capacity building have to do with setting up a whole new department, as these people plan to do?

If you engage some one to perform certain tasks then you need to let them know what you want them to do, and set bench marks for performance.  Why is that beyond the capacity of a Ministry to do?  This can be internal, or it can (and often should be) outsourced.

They already have the structure.  They just need to put in place the people with the requisite experience, and  contract out services where necessary. 

The gala was a disgrace.  In fact this should have been handled by an events planner with experience.  I don't see how a Minister should have overseen this.  An events planner would have pointed out the fact that you do not do buffet style at galas.  They would have made sure that serving stations would have been adequately staffed with the requisite equipment.

As to the fact that they had a VIP section, that wasn't really VIP, again they don't need to set up a whole new department to oversee this.  If there were 500 seats then only 500 tickets should be issued. People in the VIP section should have been told the consequences of late arrival.  If there was no ability to pre arrange seating then people should have been informed of this.

Again no need for an entire department to do this. 

If the expertise doesn't exist within house then you contract out. And in fact to staff up a department for 2 events annually also makes no sense.

If the performances were lackluster then that is the fault of the Ministry of Culture.  I have seen Guyanese cultural performance at regional events that were on par with those performed by T&T.  So the talent exists (or used to exist) in Guyana.

I see no reason for a new department. 

And as to protocol.  They need to hire a former protocol officer who was around in the 70s to train these people. Give them a contract, and stop being cheap and refusing to pay people, just because they do not live in Guyana.

The talent exists and people want to help.  But this gov't is like the last one.  Unless you are on the "Friends & Family plan", are a party loyalist, or they think that they can squeeze bribes, they aren't interested.  I have heard too many complaints of people wanting to assist, and being ignored.

This notion of a new department is just further indication of the intellectual laziness that has been so typical of the coalition.  The guys just wanted power, and access to largesse.  It is clear that getting things done wasn't the agenda.  And when I saw ministries set up just to accommodate the desires of party loyalists I had deep concern.  Correctly it turns out.


Drugb posted:

Looks like this new department will be for blackman fests. 

more particularly Mashramani activities and Independence celebrations.

Imagine that you think that commemorating Independence and the Republican status are "blackman" events.

Are you suggesting that the only "Indian" events are the arrival of the latest Bollywood movie?

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like this new department will be for blackman fests. 

more particularly Mashramani activities and Independence celebrations.

Imagine that you think that commemorating Independence and the Republican status are "blackman" events.

Are you suggesting that the only "Indian" events are the arrival of the latest Bollywood movie?

It is a fact that Blacks are 99.99% participants in Mash/Independence celebrations. Everyone else too busy trying to earn a living while the PNC supporters enjoy free sporting at the celebrations. 

Drugb posted:

It is a fact that Blacks are 99.99% participants in Mash/Independence celebrations. Everyone else too busy trying to earn a living while the PNC supporters enjoy free sporting at the celebrations. 

Given that there are usually few festivities around May 26th and Mashramani is a mere few hours it is your racist brain that concocts this.

I guess when India bothers to play cricket in Guyana, Indians don't show up to cheer them, against their own Caribbean team?  Now that takes up way more time.

And what about the time wasted in bars, the result being type 2 diabetes, violence, spousal abuse, and rape when these folks get drunk?  Way more time than spent on Mash, or the Flag raising ceremonies.

You see blacks are patriots, who love Guyana.  Apparently Indian patriotism is tied to XM rum, and Bollywood, because they eagerly participate in those.

caribny posted:

What does capacity building have to do with setting up a whole new department, as these people plan to do?

it is a recognition that people with those skills/experience no longer can be found in the civil service!

Granger was thinking out loud about how best to address that

i happen to find the State Department model relevant and instructive, which is the reason i put my 2 cents in here

we may disagree on the best approach, but to impugn the motives of the President without even a pretense of backup is childish

no civilized country i know calls up a vendor for national/diplomatic events and hollers "handle it"!

. . . i truncated your post because most of the rest is rant and tilting at gawd-knows-what agenda-driven straw men


Last edited by Former Member
redux posted:
caribny posted:

What does capacity building have to do with setting up a whole new department, as these people plan to do?

it is a recognition that people with those skills/experience no longer can be found in the civil service!

Granger was thinking out loud about how best to address that

i happen to find the State Department model relevant and instructive, which is the reason i put my 2 cents in here

we may disagree on the best approach, but to impugn the motives of the President without even a pretense of backup is childish

no civilized country i know calls up a vendor for national/diplomatic events and hollers "handle it"!

i truncated your post because most of the rest is rant and tilting at gawd-knows-what agenda driven straw men

And yet setting up a "Department of Parties" is a poor use of his time.

Why doesn't Granger focus on the 20% unemployment, a slowing economy, and the high levels of poverty, especially within his support base? Jubilee done, so that ought to be the priority, unless he wants to see Jagdeo back in power in 2020!

BTW the State Department and other US federal agencies contract out work all the time.  Even when they do it in house, they recruit people from the private sector who have the experience.

When you find an "Agency of Protocol" in the federal gov't then get back to me.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

It is a fact that Blacks are 99.99% participants in Mash/Independence celebrations. Everyone else too busy trying to earn a living while the PNC supporters enjoy free sporting at the celebrations. 

Given that there are usually few festivities around May 26th and Mashramani is a mere few hours it is your racist brain that concocts this.

I guess when India bothers to play cricket in Guyana, Indians don't show up to cheer them, against their own Caribbean team?  Now that takes up way more time.

And what about the time wasted in bars, the result being type 2 diabetes, violence, spousal abuse, and rape when these folks get drunk?  Way more time than spent on Mash, or the Flag raising ceremonies.

You see blacks are patriots, who love Guyana.  Apparently Indian patriotism is tied to XM rum, and Bollywood, because they eagerly participate in those.

Even a disgruntled Indian who have a high opinion of the Blacks can not fool the people.   You claim Blacks are patriots, however it it the lure of backballing, wine down, bacchanal and all around sporting that draws them to these events. Not patriotism. 

caribny posted:
redux posted:
caribny posted:

What does capacity building have to do with setting up a whole new department, as these people plan to do?

it is a recognition that people with those skills/experience no longer can be found in the civil service!

Granger was thinking out loud about how best to address that

i happen to find the State Department model relevant and instructive, which is the reason i put my 2 cents in here

we may disagree on the best approach, but to impugn the motives of the President without even a pretense of backup is childish

no civilized country i know calls up a vendor for national/diplomatic events and hollers "handle it"!

i truncated your post because most of the rest is rant and tilting at gawd-knows-what agenda driven straw men

[i] And yet setting up a "Department of Parties" is a poor use of his time.

[ii] Why doesn't Granger focus on the 20% unemployment, a slowing economy, and the high levels of poverty, especially within his support base? Jubilee done, so that ought to be the priority, unless he wants to see Jagdeo back in power in 2020!

[iii] BTW the State Department and other US federal agencies contract out work all the time.  Even when they do it in house, they recruit people from the private sector who have the experience.

[iv] When you find an "Agency of Protocol" in the federal gov't then get back to me.

re [i], parroting ksazma's childishness is a poor use of YOUR time, no?

re [ii], after acres and acres of bandwith cussing APNU for botching the Jubilee arrangements, one can hardly blame Granger dem for paying attention . . . note: this was a brainstorming session in response to the loud and incessant criticism - Damned if you Do and Damned if you Don't! smfh

re [iii], so, who's disputing THAT Captain Obvious? and where did i recommend otherwise as it relates to Guyana? . . .banna, take your Namenda pleeze

re [iv], there is an "Office of the Chief of Protocol" in the State Department (i linked to it) . . . what the France are you babbling about?


Why doesn't Granger focus on the 20% unemployment, a slowing economy, and the high levels of poverty, especially within his support base? Jubilee done, so that ought to be the priority, unless he wants to see Jagdeo back in power in 2020!

Caribny, for the first time you make sense. Ministry of PARTY, EH.EH.EH.


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