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The reporting in certain sections of the media, particularly the Kaieteur News, have contributed to the demise of failed low-cost carrier EZjet, according to Transport Minister Robeson Benn.

Transport Minister Robeson Benn

Benn made the disclosure at a press conference, on Friday, where he stated that the media reports came at a time when the airline had few flights and was seeing a decrease in passengers.
“I still believe that the attacks on EZjet coming at the time they did  in the press were perhaps unwarranted, still perhaps unwarranted and unfortunate in the terms of timings, because they occurred at the low-point season where cash flow for all the airlines operating in Guyana were affected and also because people stopped travelling,” he said.
“…that resulted in immediate demands from service providers and that’s what killed the operations. I am still saying that cash flow killed the operations,” he said.
He said that the government through the Public Works and Transport Ministry and the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) did “all the requisite” with respect to the licensing of EZjet’s operations.
He further explained that these reviews and assessments were no less than those for Redjet or any other operation including Caribbean Airlines who applied for new routes too.
“These reviews were no less than the United States Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) review and licensing for EZjet and also the Toronto Transportation Board and they have significantly much more resources that we have,” he said.
He added that the issue of having low-cost competitive air traffic in Guyana, particularly for the diaspora and business interest, is a major one.
“I am not defending it one way or the other, with respect to having these people travelling cheap; whether there is a flow of funds from other places was not an immediate issue and we could not have been aware of it with respect to the licensing of the airline,” he said.
Benefits to Guyana
“A boss could do something illegal and punishable, but the company continues and my interest is that the operations continue – that’s my interest, because it was a benefit to Guyana and I want that to be highlighted,” he added.
EZjet’s demise came after its former chief executive officer and owner, Sonny Ramdeo was accused of stealing more than US$5 million from a hospital chain in the U.S.
Promise Healthcare and 11 of its hospitals sued Ramdeo, of PayServ Tax, in Palm Beach County Court, accusing him of stealing the money “through a sophisticated scheme of fraud and deception”.
It claimed it hired Ramdeo eight years ago to manage payroll for its 3500 employees in its hospitals nationwide.
“Specifically, Ramdeo incorporated a company called PayServ Tax Inc and deceived Promise’s senior management into believing that PayServ was a legitimate payroll tax processing company affiliated with the nationally-known payroll processing company, Ceridian (a global payroll services company that Promise had used for years).
Based on this lie, he deceived Promise into transferring millions of dollars to PayServ Tax Inc and diverted over five million dollars (U.S.) of Promise’s money to himself and his companies,” the complaint states. “Significantly, in the past two months alone, Ramdeo stole US$5,387,000 from Promise by diverting its funds to EZjet.
He did this by diverting money in the PayServ account that had been deposited for payment of Promise’s payroll taxes….”
The United States Department of Transportation suspended EZjet’s U.S. licence on the request of Swift Air, its charter company; its licences to operate in Guyana and Canada were later cancelled by the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority and Toronto Transportation Board respectively.  EZjet officially wrapped up operations in Guyana after acting CEO Rosalinda Rasul denounced Ramdeo as a man of lies and deception. He is currently in FBI custody.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Insanity Ropy Benup, Insanity?


You have definitely caught this disease with this statement.


You trying to protect a US Federal tief with this statement?




“A boss could do something illegal and punishable, but the company continues and my interest is that the operations continue – that’s my interest, because it was a benefit to Guyana and I want that to be highlighted,” he added.


What a load of crap!!! This was a criminal enterprise so there can be no way to support it and come out on the right side.

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:




You pathetic, racist, juvenile delinquent. Robeson Benn is the most honest man in Guyana. He is almost unique in is ability to look to the national interest instead of trying to find a way to exploit every controversy for partisan advantage. He is a genuine patriot. 

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:




You pathetic, racist, juvenile delinquent. Robeson Benn is the most honest man in Guyana. He is almost unique in is ability to look to the national interest instead of trying to find a way to exploit every controversy for partisan advantage. He is a genuine patriot. 



What hog wash from another house slave.


The Jagdeo team is a kuliman team that hire you house slaves to window dress the kuli team.


Robeson benup is no nationalist, he is an economic opportunist with a delinquent family and a wife beating son.


Benup is also a first class tief.  Tek that Henry the house slave and stuff where the sun does not shine.

Originally Posted by Freaky:
What a buncha morons Lardass tiefman Ramdeo didn't caused de demise, the media did What a buncha fools


Its not de tiefing thats the problem. Its people pointing out de tiefing. Now thats where the real problem lies.

Originally Posted by Freaky:
Yet wan whole *****ry full of illiterate coolies will believe this story Just like yuh fren Vish who posted this article


Truly our best and brightest they are not!

Originally Posted by Freaky:
Soon mud heads will be a bannable word too jus watch


Remember when "red" and "pung" and "beef" used in proximity to each other was a bannable offence?

Originally Posted by Freaky:
Lol yea this place is jus like GY When I first joined I swear I thought it was ran by the ppp


Me too. apparently they just bytch and complain to poor Armoral whenever they get gang raped.


I wonder if Alexei has complained yet to Armoral  about his sore kitty

Originally Posted by Freaky:
What a buncha morons Lardass tiefman Ramdeo didn't caused de demise, the media did What a buncha fools


Bai that is classic PPP for you. Everybody else is at fault except them. 

Originally Posted by Freaky:
The more amazing thing is how the masses are constantly fooled Perfect example is our own Pavi ke Kutha & he gyal fren Aunty Abeedah


I wonder. Are the coolie masses really as schupid as Pavi de Poke Cuttah and he gyalfrend Aunty Abeedah?

Originally Posted by Freaky:
The more amazing thing is how the masses are constantly fooled Perfect example is our own Pavi ke Kutha & he gyal fren Aunty Abeedah

The masses are not fooled entirely. The masses are voting with fear. The primary task  of the racists is to reinforce that fear on behalf of the PPP oligarchs. Some of them do benefit economically from the PPP. They don't have any specific talents so they have to defend the sinking ship to the end. The masses are slowing breaking from the past. It is a very slow process. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Freaky:
The more amazing thing is how the masses are constantly fooled Perfect example is our own Pavi ke Kutha & he gyal fren Aunty Abeedah

The masses are not fooled entirely. The masses are voting with fear. The primary task  of the racists is to reinforce that fear on behalf of the PPP oligarchs. Some of them do benefit economically from the PPP. They don't have any specific talents so they have to defend the sinking ship to the end. The masses are slowing breaking from the past. It is a very slow process. 

Well, a significant number of Berbicians got fooled, now they kech sense.  Only  a few political dead-enders continue to hold on to a hallow dream for purely personal reasons.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Freaky:
The more amazing thing is how the masses are constantly fooled Perfect example is our own Pavi ke Kutha & he gyal fren Aunty Abeedah

The masses are not fooled entirely. The masses are voting with fear. The primary task  of the racists is to reinforce that fear on behalf of the PPP oligarchs. Some of them do benefit economically from the PPP. They don't have any specific talents so they have to defend the sinking ship to the end. The masses are slowing breaking from the past. It is a very slow process. 

Well, a significant number of Berbicians got fooled, now they kech sense.  Only  a few political dead-enders continue to hold on to a hallow dream for purely personal reasons.


Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Freaky:
The more amazing thing is how the masses are constantly fooled Perfect example is our own Pavi ke Kutha & he gyal fren Aunty Abeedah

The masses are not fooled entirely. The masses are voting with fear. The primary task  of the racists is to reinforce that fear on behalf of the PPP oligarchs. Some of them do benefit economically from the PPP. They don't have any specific talents so they have to defend the sinking ship to the end. The masses are slowing breaking from the past. It is a very slow process. 

Well, a significant number of Berbicians got fooled, now they kech sense.  Only  a few political dead-enders continue to hold on to a hallow dream for purely personal reasons.

As I said you guys are not getting 50% again.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Freaky:
The more amazing thing is how the masses are constantly fooled Perfect example is our own Pavi ke Kutha & he gyal fren Aunty Abeedah

The masses are not fooled entirely. The masses are voting with fear. The primary task  of the racists is to reinforce that fear on behalf of the PPP oligarchs. Some of them do benefit economically from the PPP. They don't have any specific talents so they have to defend the sinking ship to the end. The masses are slowing breaking from the past. It is a very slow process. 

Well, a significant number of Berbicians got fooled, now they kech sense.  Only  a few political dead-enders continue to hold on to a hallow dream for purely personal reasons.

As I said you guys are not getting 50% again.

Then the PNC gun Win.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Freaky:
The more amazing thing is how the masses are constantly fooled Perfect example is our own Pavi ke Kutha & he gyal fren Aunty Abeedah

The masses are not fooled entirely. The masses are voting with fear. The primary task  of the racists is to reinforce that fear on behalf of the PPP oligarchs. Some of them do benefit economically from the PPP. They don't have any specific talents so they have to defend the sinking ship to the end. The masses are slowing breaking from the past. It is a very slow process. 

Well, a significant number of Berbicians got fooled, now they kech sense.  Only  a few political dead-enders continue to hold on to a hallow dream for purely personal reasons.

As I said you guys are not getting 50% again.

You never answered my question, what happened to the AFC 30% last time around?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Freaky:
The more amazing thing is how the masses are constantly fooled Perfect example is our own Pavi ke Kutha & he gyal fren Aunty Abeedah

The masses are not fooled entirely. The masses are voting with fear. The primary task  of the racists is to reinforce that fear on behalf of the PPP oligarchs. Some of them do benefit economically from the PPP. They don't have any specific talents so they have to defend the sinking ship to the end. The masses are slowing breaking from the past. It is a very slow process. 

Well, a significant number of Berbicians got fooled, now they kech sense.  Only  a few political dead-enders continue to hold on to a hallow dream for purely personal reasons.

As I said you guys are not getting 50% again.

You never answered my question, what happened to the AFC 30% last time around?

It was a BAD dream, leave the Power Hungry Bhia alone. dont make him cry.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Freaky:
The more amazing thing is how the masses are constantly fooled Perfect example is our own Pavi ke Kutha & he gyal fren Aunty Abeedah

The masses are not fooled entirely. The masses are voting with fear. The primary task  of the racists is to reinforce that fear on behalf of the PPP oligarchs. Some of them do benefit economically from the PPP. They don't have any specific talents so they have to defend the sinking ship to the end. The masses are slowing breaking from the past. It is a very slow process. 

Well, a significant number of Berbicians got fooled, now they kech sense.  Only  a few political dead-enders continue to hold on to a hallow dream for purely personal reasons.

As I said you guys are not getting 50% again.

You never answered my question, what happened to the AFC 30% last time around?


One has to aim high. I am surprised the AFC did not get 15%. We have to be vigilant to prevent future electronic rigging. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Freaky:
The more amazing thing is how the masses are constantly fooled Perfect example is our own Pavi ke Kutha & he gyal fren Aunty Abeedah

The masses are not fooled entirely. The masses are voting with fear. The primary task  of the racists is to reinforce that fear on behalf of the PPP oligarchs. Some of them do benefit economically from the PPP. They don't have any specific talents so they have to defend the sinking ship to the end. The masses are slowing breaking from the past. It is a very slow process. 

Well, a significant number of Berbicians got fooled, now they kech sense.  Only  a few political dead-enders continue to hold on to a hallow dream for purely personal reasons.

As I said you guys are not getting 50% again.

You never answered my question, what happened to the AFC 30% last time around?


One has to aim high. I am surprised the AFC did not get 15%. We have to be vigilant to prevent future electronic rigging. 

HEHEHE Typical Snakeoil Talk. Next time will be more like 8% but in a Democratic Society why not Day Dream about 30 %.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Freaky:
The more amazing thing is how the masses are constantly fooled Perfect example is our own Pavi ke Kutha & he gyal fren Aunty Abeedah

The masses are not fooled entirely. The masses are voting with fear. The primary task  of the racists is to reinforce that fear on behalf of the PPP oligarchs. Some of them do benefit economically from the PPP. They don't have any specific talents so they have to defend the sinking ship to the end. The masses are slowing breaking from the past. It is a very slow process. 

Well, a significant number of Berbicians got fooled, now they kech sense.  Only  a few political dead-enders continue to hold on to a hallow dream for purely personal reasons.

As I said you guys are not getting 50% again.

You never answered my question, what happened to the AFC 30% last time around?


One has to aim high. I am surprised the AFC did not get 15%. We have to be vigilant to prevent future electronic rigging. 

HEHEHE Typical Snakeoil Talk. Next time will be more like 8% but in a Democratic Society why not Day Dream about 30 %.


Bai you so dunce you cant see snakeoil even when it hit you in yuh face. The greatest snakeoil ever sold is the US$580 mill annual money for LCDS that was supposed to pass through OP. The next greatest barrel of snakeoil is the bogus Skeldon factory for US$180 mill. The factory is such a big barrel of snakeoil that it is as good as the old one. The next biggest barrel of snakeoil is Fip Motilall's road. Where is the road? 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Freaky:
The more amazing thing is how the masses are constantly fooled Perfect example is our own Pavi ke Kutha & he gyal fren Aunty Abeedah

The masses are not fooled entirely. The masses are voting with fear. The primary task  of the racists is to reinforce that fear on behalf of the PPP oligarchs. Some of them do benefit economically from the PPP. They don't have any specific talents so they have to defend the sinking ship to the end. The masses are slowing breaking from the past. It is a very slow process. 

Well, a significant number of Berbicians got fooled, now they kech sense.  Only  a few political dead-enders continue to hold on to a hallow dream for purely personal reasons.

As I said you guys are not getting 50% again.

You never answered my question, what happened to the AFC 30% last time around?


One has to aim high. I am surprised the AFC did not get 15%. We have to be vigilant to prevent future electronic rigging. 

What rigging, how come the PNC did not raise that issue?  You catching at straws.  What you gon say next time with the Canadian electronic voting machines, Canadian conspiracy?


TK, everyone aims high but also face reality.  Thus far, facing reality evaded many of you.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Freaky:
The more amazing thing is how the masses are constantly fooled Perfect example is our own Pavi ke Kutha & he gyal fren Aunty Abeedah

The masses are not fooled entirely. The masses are voting with fear. The primary task  of the racists is to reinforce that fear on behalf of the PPP oligarchs. Some of them do benefit economically from the PPP. They don't have any specific talents so they have to defend the sinking ship to the end. The masses are slowing breaking from the past. It is a very slow process. 

Well, a significant number of Berbicians got fooled, now they kech sense.  Only  a few political dead-enders continue to hold on to a hallow dream for purely personal reasons.

As I said you guys are not getting 50% again.

You never answered my question, what happened to the AFC 30% last time around?


One has to aim high. I am surprised the AFC did not get 15%. We have to be vigilant to prevent future electronic rigging. 

What rigging, how come the PNC did not raise that issue?  You catching at straws.  What you gon say next time with the Canadian electronic voting machines, Canadian conspiracy?


TK, everyone aims high but also face reality.  Thus far, facing reality evaded many of you.

Eh are praising the PNC now. 


TK all over the place like a wild Hog running with he head up his ASS.  Well, I understand he cant defend his SHAMELESSNESS but that does not mean you should forever EMBARASS yourself. Then again, it is the nature of a Snakeoil Salesman. He was trained that way.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

The masses are not fooled entirely. The masses are voting with fear. The primary task  of the racists is to reinforce that fear on behalf of the PPP oligarchs. Some of them do benefit economically from the PPP. They don't have any specific talents so they have to defend the sinking ship to the end. The masses are slowing breaking from the past. It is a very slow process. 

Well, a significant number of Berbicians got fooled, now they kech sense.  Only  a few political dead-enders continue to hold on to a hallow dream for purely personal reasons.

As I said you guys are not getting 50% again.

You never answered my question, what happened to the AFC 30% last time around?


One has to aim high. I am surprised the AFC did not get 15%. We have to be vigilant to prevent future electronic rigging. 

What rigging, how come the PNC did not raise that issue?  You catching at straws.  What you gon say next time with the Canadian electronic voting machines, Canadian conspiracy?


TK, everyone aims high but also face reality.  Thus far, facing reality evaded many of you.

Eh are praising the PNC now. 

TK, you picking up a lot of GR bad ways.  I ask you, if you know there was rigging, home come the PNC never raised that in all their complaints.  They would champion that complain.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

The masses are not fooled entirely. The masses are voting with fear. The primary task  of the racists is to reinforce that fear on behalf of the PPP oligarchs. Some of them do benefit economically from the PPP. They don't have any specific talents so they have to defend the sinking ship to the end. The masses are slowing breaking from the past. It is a very slow process. 

Well, a significant number of Berbicians got fooled, now they kech sense.  Only  a few political dead-enders continue to hold on to a hallow dream for purely personal reasons.

As I said you guys are not getting 50% again.

You never answered my question, what happened to the AFC 30% last time around?


One has to aim high. I am surprised the AFC did not get 15%. We have to be vigilant to prevent future electronic rigging. 

What rigging, how come the PNC did not raise that issue?  You catching at straws.  What you gon say next time with the Canadian electronic voting machines, Canadian conspiracy?


TK, everyone aims high but also face reality.  Thus far, facing reality evaded many of you.

Eh are praising the PNC now. 

TK, you picking a lot of GR bad ways.  I ask you, if you know there was rigging, home come the PNC never raised that in all their complaints.  They would champion that complain.

Dude...the AFC has to be blamed for this. As I have told them that you cannot go to election without covering each polling station in the country. We shall be vigilant for the future. Don't are not getting 50% again. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:


One has to aim high. I am surprised the AFC did not get 15%. We have to be vigilant to prevent future electronic rigging. 

What rigging, how come the PNC did not raise that issue?  You catching at straws.  What you gon say next time with the Canadian electronic voting machines, Canadian conspiracy?


TK, everyone aims high but also face reality.  Thus far, facing reality evaded many of you.

Eh are praising the PNC now. 

TK, you picking a lot of GR bad ways.  I ask you, if you know there was rigging, home come the PNC never raised that in all their complaints.  They would champion that complain.

Dude...the AFC has to be blamed for this. As I have told them that you cannot go to election without covering each polling station in the country. We shall be vigilant for the future. Don't are not getting 50% again. 

TK, no one covered every station, PPP was absent from many PNC strongholds, PNC was absent from many PPP strongholds, and AFC kept a presence where it mattered to them.  The PPP and PNC must have had a very flexible and versatile rigging machinery to pull off a rigging as windows of opportunity materialize.


TK, as I said, it has become a joke.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:


One has to aim high. I am surprised the AFC did not get 15%. We have to be vigilant to prevent future electronic rigging. 

What rigging, how come the PNC did not raise that issue?  You catching at straws.  What you gon say next time with the Canadian electronic voting machines, Canadian conspiracy?


TK, everyone aims high but also face reality.  Thus far, facing reality evaded many of you.

Eh are praising the PNC now. 

TK, you picking a lot of GR bad ways.  I ask you, if you know there was rigging, home come the PNC never raised that in all their complaints.  They would champion that complain.

Dude...the AFC has to be blamed for this. As I have told them that you cannot go to election without covering each polling station in the country. We shall be vigilant for the future. Don't are not getting 50% again. 

TK, no one covered every station, PPP was absent from many PNC strongholds, PNC was absent from many PPP strongholds, and AFC kept a presence where it mattered to them.  The PPP and PNC must have had a very flexible and versatile rigging machinery to pull off a rigging as windows of opportunity materialize.


TK, as I said, it has become a joke.


You must apologize for your gravy train. That's not my burden.




1. The 2011 elections were generally free and fair.  There were minor incidence of unsaviory acts but not material enough to affect the overall outcome.


2. The PNC was in charge of the GECOM machinery at the operational level.


3.  The PPP by way of Gocul Budhu tried to fix the numbers to reflect a PPP 50.5% but Vincent Alexander catch him and put him over his lap and spanked him until he spoke the truth.


4.  Gocul Budhu them spoke the truth and the PPP got 48 percent.




The only rigging if it was to be done was by the PPP agent - Gocul Budhu.


That is why I am surprised to date the majority opposition has not called for Gocul to get fired for cheating.


But this is a reflection of the back room deal between the PNC and the PPP to keep power in their family.



Originally Posted by Mahen:



1. The 2011 elections were generally free and fair.  There were minor incidence of unsaviory acts but not material enough to affect the overall outcome.


2. The PNC was in charge of the GECOM machinery at the operational level.


3.  The PPP by way of Gocul Budhu tried to fix the numbers to reflect a PPP 50.5% but Vincent Alexander catch him and put him over his lap and spanked him until he spoke the truth.


4.  Gocul Budhu them spoke the truth and the PPP got 48 percent.




The only rigging if it was to be done was by the PPP agent - Gocul Budhu.


That is why I am surprised to date the majority opposition has not called for Gocul to get fired for cheating.


But this is a reflection of the back room deal between the PNC and the PPP to keep power in their family.



Well, just maybe you never knew what you never knew.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

Dude...the AFC has to be blamed for this. As I have told them that you cannot go to election without covering each polling station in the country. We shall be vigilant for the future. Don't are not getting 50% again. 

TK, no one covered every station, PPP was absent from many PNC strongholds, PNC was absent from many PPP strongholds, and AFC kept a presence where it mattered to them.  The PPP and PNC must have had a very flexible and versatile rigging machinery to pull off a rigging as windows of opportunity materialize.


TK, as I said, it has become a joke.


You must apologize for your gravy train. That's not my burden.

Another of your "simpleton" concoction!!


Somehow this thread is now about AFC.


It was about the questionable operation of EZJET and lack of due diligence.



Freaky, you just could not stop yourself from taking a CHEAP shot.  It would be helpful to understand my modification of the Headline.

Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:

Somehow this thread is now about AFC.


It was about the questionable operation of EZJET and lack of due diligence.



Freaky, you just could not stop yourself from taking a CHEAP shot.  It would be helpful to understand my modification of the Headline.

Uncle Vish - son son is a tief and he is being protected by the Georgetown tief - brother Benn-up the hammer man.

Originally Posted by Vish M:

Sonny was arrested for the "fiddling" with payroll taxes.


His role in CHEATING the passengers on EZJET is still under review by the authorities.


Those charges are pending

Uncle Vish, you better shut yu rass before the FEDs pull you poney tail - B-grip that is reserved for you and Visnu Bisram in your play sessions.

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

Sonny was arrested for the "fiddling" with payroll taxes.


His role in CHEATING the passengers on EZJET is still under review by the authorities.


Those charges are pending

Uncle Vish, you better shut yu rass before the FEDs pull you poney tail - B-grip that is reserved for you and Visnu Bisram in your play sessions.



another one come out of the closet.


B Grip???


What is that?


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