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Men who have many women partners less likely to develop prostate cancer, researchers say: a scene from the film <i>The Lovers</i>.

Men who have many women partners less likely to develop prostate cancer, researchers say: a scene from the film The Lovers. <cite>Photo: Supplied</cite>

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<cite class="author">By TOM DECENT</cite>

Men who have sex with more than 20 women during the course of their lifetimes are less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer, new research shows.

But for homosexuals who have had sex with at least 20 men and virgins, the risk of being diagnosed is doubled, the researchers from the University of Montreal have found. 

Compared with men who have had just one sexual partner, men who have slept with 20 or more women have a 28 per cent lower risk of being diagnosed, and are 19 per cent less likely to develop the most aggressive form of prostate cancer. 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I was just going to reply to Rev's disclosure that he only had one woman in the last 22 years, but then he deleted his confession to being "one of them..".

Well Rev, it is not a crime to be bisexual or gay in most states in the US. At least you have as evidence one woman who can defend your sexuality.


Mr. T:


*It looks like you are trying to take a cheap shot at the Rev.


* Listen! The only woman I've been sexually involved with the past 22 years has been my wife.


* And if I am lucky that's the only woman I'll have for the rest of my life.


* That study, by the way, is bullshit.




Last edited by Former Member

* Lemme turbocharge this tread.


* Men who brag about their virility and sexual drive, and all the women they have slept with, most of those men are sexually incompetent and  inadequate.


* They move from woman to woman because they cannot satisfy one woman---like I said most are sexually incompetent and inadequate---once a woman finds out their sexual deficiency they move on to another woman, and then brag about their numerous conquests.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

* Lemme turbocharge this tread.


* Men who brag about their virility and sexual drive, and all the women they have slept with, most of those men are sexually incompetent and  inadequate.


* They move from woman to woman because they cannot satisfy one woman---like I said most are sexually incompetent and inadequate---once a woman finds out their sexual deficiency they move on to another woman, and then brag about their numerous conquests.



Not true, Rev. I respect your opinions but it's not true what you've written here. Well, not 100% true. My experiences in my heyday have been different. Not bragging, just stating. And, oh, I confess to having extra-marital relationships. No names no warrant.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Not true, Rev. I respect your opinions but it's not true what you've written here. Well, not 100% true. My experiences in my heyday have been different. Not bragging, just stating. And, oh, I confess to having extra-marital relationships. No names no warrant.




* Didn't you lament over in Political that back in Guyana you paid 10 bucks to a woman for sex and she disappeared with your money ?hahahaha


* Listen! The Rev has never been attracted to women of loose morals. Women with STDs are usually willing to share their germs around.


* By the way gilbakka, since we are sharing personal information, My first time was with the maid I was 14; she was around 20/21---Rev was always mature.hahahaha


* Then the maid left and got married----to some cane cutter guy----a cane cutter beat out the Revhahahahaha


* Then Mom hired a nice girl named Rattie----I was happy no rass----she was cute---and older too---she was like 25---but Rattie turned out to be a thief----so before Rev made his move---Mom fired Rattie. I was hugely disappointed.hahaha


* No more maid after that---Mom stopped hiring.LOL


* Anyway gilbakka, Rev never paid for sex----and all my relationships have been long term.


* Also never cheated on my wife---and never will.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I was just going to reply to Rev's disclosure that he only had one woman in the last 22 years, but then he deleted his confession to being "one of them..".

Well Rev, it is not a crime to be bisexual or gay in most states in the US. At least you have as evidence one woman who can defend your sexuality.


Mr. T:


*It looks like you are trying to take a cheap shot at the Rev.


* Listen! The only woman I've been sexually involved with the past 22 years has been my wife.


* And if I am lucky that's the only woman I'll have for the rest of my life.


* That study, by the way, is bullshit.




Rev, To each his own. I respect your way and I hope you respect mine.

I dont know how you do it or even if it  is possible. God Bless you.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Rev, To each his own. I respect your way and I hope you respect mine.

I dont know how you do it or even if it  is possible. God Bless you.




* Keeping the flame going with one woman after 22 years takes a lot of hard work and creativity.  It sure a'int easy.hahaha


* Guys like you, TI and gilbakka must have magical powers



* You guys are able to have muliple flames going.hahaha


* I am barely able to keep one flame going.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Not true, Rev. I respect your opinions but it's not true what you've written here. Well, not 100% true. My experiences in my heyday have been different. Not bragging, just stating. And, oh, I confess to having extra-marital relationships. No names no warrant.




* Didn't you lament over in Political that back in Guyana you paid 10 bucks to a woman for sex and she disappeared with your money ?hahahaha

$20, not $10. But don't count that. Those were merely escapades, time killers. Not meaningful relationships.


* Listen! The Rev has never been attracted to women of loose morals.

Believe me, some of those types are more honest and sincere than regular people.


* Then Mom hired a nice girl named Rattie----I was happy no rass----she was cute---and older too---she was like 25

Be a gentleman. Don't mention names. Not proper.

---but Rattie turned out to be a thief----so before Rev made his move---Mom fired Rattie. I was hugely disappointed.hahaha

Rattie...rat poison. I now know why you want Nagamootoo and Ramjattan to take rat poison. A Freudian wish


* Anyway gilbakka, Rev never paid for sex----and all my relationships have been long term.

Lots of young men in my days paid for sex to acquire experience. Gaumont was a university of sorts.The education came in handy in the real world.


* Also never cheated on my wife---and never will.

Good for you. But never say never.




Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Rev:

* Lemme turbocharge this tread.


* Men who brag about their virility and sexual drive, and all the women they have slept with, most of those men are sexually incompetent and  inadequate.


* They move from woman to woman because they cannot satisfy one woman---like I said most are sexually incompetent and inadequate---once a woman finds out their sexual deficiency they move on to another woman, and then brag about their numerous conquests.



Not true, Rev. I respect your opinions but it's not true what you've written here. Well, not 100% true. My experiences in my heyday have been different. Not bragging, just stating. And, oh, I confess to having extra-marital relationships. No names no warrant.




I am shocked. Yuji always boasts about Gil's high standards. 

Did you really pay $ 10 and she took your dignity, buckta and money and ran away ?

Just kidding.


Gil, I have been faithful for 25 years of marriage and never had an affair. Never will. 

My wife is the type who will cut off my thing if I did something like that. She is the business executive type.


As for the Rev, looks like he had a thing for the maids when he was a young bachelor. Funny to read how the second maid (Rattie) was fired before Rev made his move. Ha Ha.


Anyway, nice thread.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I was just going to reply to Rev's disclosure that he only had one woman in the last 22 years, but then he deleted his confession to being "one of them..".

Well Rev, it is not a crime to be bisexual or gay in most states in the US. At least you have as evidence one woman who can defend your sexuality.


Mr. T:


*It looks like you are trying to take a cheap shot at the Rev.


* Listen! The only woman I've been sexually involved with the past 22 years has been my wife.


* And if I am lucky that's the only woman I'll have for the rest of my life.


* That study, by the way, is bullshit.




There are lots of men who married a woman and still/then got involved with men only. You could say that was the only woman that they got involved with for the rest of their life. Jagdeo is a perfect example of such a person. "Married" a woman as cover, whilst inviting Kwame on his payroll.

Originally Posted by Rev:



* Watch how some men will avoid this thread like the plague after making accusations.



We are in different time zones so it takes a few hours in some cases before I can get to read replies and respond to them.

But I am not making an accusation. If you had not deleted your own post with such haste after coming out, we wouldn't be facing this issue of whether you are in or out. Maybe Admin can restore your deleted reply so that you can further clarify the issue unambiguously. Normally people just make a little amendment to their post if something doesn't quite sound right as it was meant to be. But you deleted yours completely, leaving just me as the only witness to what you had typed. Why the haste in deleting it if it was just a harmless comment with no deep seated underlying reason to cautiously express your current sexual position? At least you admitted to having typed the now deleted piece. So now we are left to discuss if you really meant that you only slept with one person in the last 22 years, and that person happens to be your wife. Or whether you meant to underline the fact that out of all the people you slept with, only one was a woman, and she happens to be your wife. we'll now never know for certain, although the deleted reply did not come across as a vague expression. It sounded crystal clear to me, which was the reason why I had tried to comment on it by being supportive towards your eventual decision to come out. 

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

There are lots of men who married a woman and still/then got involved with men only. You could say that was the only woman that they got involved with for the rest of their life. Jagdeo is a perfect example of such a person. "Married" a woman as cover, whilst inviting Kwame on his payroll.


Mr. T:


* You seem obsessed with the sex lives of other men.


* Men who go around labelling other men are hiding something about themselves.



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Be a gentleman. Don't mention names. Not proper.



* Just like gilbakka is not your real name, Rattie was not her real name.


* Also read my post again---nothing happened---she was fired before the Rev got a chance to


* By the way, Rev has always prided himself in being a gentleman.


* Check this:






Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Rev:

* Lemme turbocharge this tread.


* Men who brag about their virility and sexual drive, and all the women they have slept with, most of those men are sexually incompetent and  inadequate.


* They move from woman to woman because they cannot satisfy one woman---like I said most are sexually incompetent and inadequate---once a woman finds out their sexual deficiency they move on to another woman, and then brag about their numerous conquests.



Not true, Rev. I respect your opinions but it's not true what you've written here. Well, not 100% true. My experiences in my heyday have been different. Not bragging, just stating. And, oh, I confess to having extra-marital relationships. No names no warrant.




I am shocked. Yuji always boasts about Gil's high standards. 

Did you really pay $ 10 and she took your dignity, buckta and money and ran away ?

Just kidding.

yuji, you probably didn't read my original post in Political. Let me recap because it's an interesting story. One evening in 1979 I went to the Sunset Strip on Church Street Georgetown Guyana for a drink. I sat on a stool by the bar with a beer and a girl approached me and asked for a beer. I bought it and we chatted a little and she offered me sex for $20. Well, I was a bachelor with a whole evening to spare so, why not? We left Sunset Strip and while walking she asked for the $20 up front. I gave her and she took me to a bulding and told me to wait in the hallway while she organized a room. I waited a good while but she didn't come back. I walked about in the building and saw an open back door. I realized I was conned. I returned to Sunset Strip and bought another beer, pondering what had just happened. A guy sitting next to me asked me if something was wrong because I looked worried. He introduced himself as a police sergeant working as President Arthur Chung's driver. I told him about the girl. He described a girl and asked me if my trickster looked like her. She did. The sergeant told me the same girl conned him too, the exact same way in the same building. He was on the lookout for her to get back his money.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Be a gentleman. Don't mention names. Not proper.



* Just like gilbakka is not your real name, Rattie was not her real name.


* Also read my post again---nothing happened---she was fired before the Rev got a chance to

Okay, Rev. I believe you.





Originally Posted by TI:
Men who have many women partners less likely to develop prostate cancer, researchers say: a scene from the film <i>The Lovers</i>.

Men who have many women partners less likely to develop prostate cancer, researchers say: a scene from the film The Lovers. <cite>Photo: Supplied</cite>

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<button class="clip last" data-asset-id="d-11ddnd" data-asset-type="ARTICLE" data-asset-url="">Read Later</button>

<cite class="author">By TOM DECENT</cite>

Men who have sex with more than 20 women during the course of their lifetimes are less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer, new research shows.

But for homosexuals who have had sex with at least 20 men and virgins, the risk of being diagnosed is doubled, the researchers from the University of Montreal have found. 

Compared with men who have had just one sexual partner, men who have slept with 20 or more women have a 28 per cent lower risk of being diagnosed, and are 19 per cent less likely to develop the most aggressive form of prostate cancer. 

20 Girls in a life time....! that was a slow semester in school....

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

There are lots of men who married a woman and still/then got involved with men only. You could say that was the only woman that they got involved with for the rest of their life. Jagdeo is a perfect example of such a person. "Married" a woman as cover, whilst inviting Kwame on his payroll.


Mr. T:


* You seem obsessed with the sex lives of other men.


* Men who go around labelling other men are hiding something about themselves.



 Dude you live by labels. You hardly ever expand on what you mean by "looser, haters, do nothing etc" 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by TI:
Men who have many women partners less likely to develop prostate cancer, researchers say: a scene from the film <i>The Lovers</i>.

Men who have many women partners less likely to develop prostate cancer, researchers say: a scene from the film The Lovers. <cite>Photo: Supplied</cite>

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<button class="clip last" data-asset-id="d-11ddnd" data-asset-type="ARTICLE" data-asset-url="">Read Later</button>

<cite class="author">By TOM DECENT</cite>

Men who have sex with more than 20 women during the course of their lifetimes are less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer, new research shows.

But for homosexuals who have had sex with at least 20 men and virgins, the risk of being diagnosed is doubled, the researchers from the University of Montreal have found. 

Compared with men who have had just one sexual partner, men who have slept with 20 or more women have a 28 per cent lower risk of being diagnosed, and are 19 per cent less likely to develop the most aggressive form of prostate cancer. 

20 Girls in a life time....! that was a slow semester in school....

Now yuh talkin Stormy. Butta Bing butta bang Butta foookooo time.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

20 Girls in a life time....! that was a slow semester in school....


ha ha ha ha ha


* Looks like Stormy matriculated from the University of Sexology.LOL




Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

20 Girls in a life time....! that was a slow semester in school....


ha ha ha ha ha


* Looks like Stormy matriculated from the University of Sexology.LOL




Wow, wonder if it's the padna I know.  

Originally Posted by Observer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

20 Girls in a life time....! that was a slow semester in school....


ha ha ha ha ha


* Looks like Stormy matriculated from the University of Sexology.LOL




Wow, wonder if it's the padna I know.  

Gal is which Padna dat??


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