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Former Member

At a coronavirus-task-force briefing at the beginning of April, White House adviser Jared Kushner explained the approach that would — as events proved — get the country through its ventilator crisis.

The media relentlessly pilloried and mocked him, distorting his words in the process.

Kushner said at one point that states shouldn’t be drawing on the federal stockpile just to hold ventilators in their own reserves (the administration was worried about ventilators sent to New York state not making it to hard-pressed hospitals in the Big Apple).

This led to a flurry of media criticism alleging that Kushner wanted to hoard the federal ventilator stockpile. In a piece for The New Yorker, Susan Glasser predicted that the briefing would “surely go down as one of the ­administration’s most callous performances.”

Actually, the emphasis on data and shrewd allocation that Kushner discussed at the April 2 briefing has clearly worked.

At the outset, the country was looking at a daunting, perhaps impossible challenge. A chilling briefing at the Federal Emergency Management Agency early on posited that the United States could be short 130,000 ventilators by April 1. The federal government had about 16,000 ventilators on hand in its stockpile and several thousand more from Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense.

A couple of insights drove the administration’s effort to get its arms around the problem.

Officials realized, as one White House adviser puts it, that there was “too much guesstimating” ­going on. Many governors didn’t know how many ventilators their states had and were acting on the normal impulse to have more than enough, just in case.

The administration created a data team. It used hospital billings to estimate how many ventilators were in each state and how many were being utilized, so it didn’t have to depend on perhaps panicky, poorly informed requests from states.

Another important realization was that FEMA could pull off just-in-time delivery. This created a lot of flexibility. The administration could wait to see how things ­really played out rather than making decisions based on projections weeks in the future.

The media portrayed it as a failure every time the administration gave a state a fraction of its ­request, but this was a key element of the strategy.

If the administration had tried to meet New York’s initial estimated need for 40,000 additional ventilators, for instance, everything would have gone out the door — and for no good reason.

Another insight was that most ventilators out in the country weren’t being used, since virus hotspots are geographically limited. That meant there was a tremendous capacity to be tapped. This led to the Dynamic Ventilator Reserve. States and hospitals with a safe margin of ventilators not in use could lend them to places that needed them.

The lubricant for the system was a federal guarantee that a hospital lending a ventilator would get a replacement in 24 or 48 hours if it turned out that it needed it back. This removed the fear and the risk of giving up ventilators.

To add to the nation’s overall supply, FEMA acted quickly — much faster than is possible in the regular process — to get so-called notifications to purchase to ventilator manufacturers, so they could start work and hold their inventory, which ­ensured it wasn’t lost to foreign countries. The Defense Production Act was invoked with General Motors to get production moving as quickly as possible, not backloaded later in the summer.

Last year, according to administration figures, the country produced 30,000 ventilators. This year, it’s going to produce something on the order of 200,000, and they are already coming in.

“The balance now is growing daily,” the White House adviser says of the federal stockpile. “We are going to be swimming in ventilators.”

By any measure, that’s a success, certainly compared with where we thought we would be less than a month ago. If the media weren’t so devoted to gotcha idiocy, more people might know about it.

Twitter: @RichLowry

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Anything coming from trump camp is sheer bullshit. No one really cares what they come up with, it's all shyte,period. You can keep on waddling in their shyte for as long as you like.

Last edited by cain

You people are plain foolish. Why don’t you ask Andrew Cuomo why he didn’t follow California approach.  California governor said if Cuomo had followed his approach, 80% of the infections would have be avoided.  Instead he waited then started blaming the White House.  Then he demanded 40,000 Ventilator which he never needed!

Ayuh got cake shop brain.  Bazidy liberals!

Baseman posted:

You people are plain foolish. Why don’t you ask Andrew Cuomo why he didn’t follow California approach.  California governor said if Cuomo had followed his approach, 80% of the infections would have be avoided.  Instead he waited then started blaming the White House.  Then he demanded 40,000 Ventilator which he never needed!

Ayuh got cake shop brain.  Bazidy liberals!

Blame the President! 


Trump is making ventilators to ship to Russia. You mentioned the name Jared Kushner , he is Dumb as a door knob. Is he still working on the peace deal for the Middle East or paving the way to go to jail.


The number Cuomo requested is based on CDC projections for the virus. You have to prepare based on those projections.

As it is, he did an excellent job with the rules put in place to tamp down the spread of the virus.

The question that should be asked is why was the US the worst prepared to deal with the virus? Did Trump ignore all the warnings and just thought it was a big hoax?

Trump batty lickers just want to ignore the facts!

Last edited by Former Member

Trump disarmed the Medical stock pile  and built the military. With all the military power America cannot defeat the BEAST Corona. According to the CDC head, Covid will be a bigger killer this Winter, hopefully America will be better prepared with Joe Biden as President and Kamala Harris as Vice President.


The Governor of California, a bleeding heart Liberal like Andrew Cuomo, said if Cuomo had taken the steps he did, infections would have been 80% less.

Ayuh guh argue with ayuh mattie. 

kp posted:

Trump disarmed the Medical stock pile  and built the military. With all the military power America cannot defeat the BEAST Corona. According to the CDC head, Covid will be a bigger killer this Winter, hopefully America will be better prepared with Joe Biden as President and Kamala Harris as Vice President.

I hope you have a strong heart when Biden is sent packing.

And Biden is the PNC dream.  

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Never mind the media critics: Team Trump got it right on ventilators

At a coronavirus-task-force briefing at the beginning of April, White House adviser Jared Kushner explained the approach that would — as events proved — get the country through its ventilator crisis.

The media relentlessly pilloried and mocked him, distorting his words in the process.

Twitter: @RichLowry

""Team Trump got it right on ventilators""

Oxymoronic, at best.


So Base, your idiot in chief has been going against the health professionals and taking sides with the backward gun toting rednecks about lifting restrictions and opening up business. Now that Georgia is following what he's pushing..your idiot in chief is now saying he shouldn't. So tell me something because you should know,  how de ass does anyone adore an idiot like him?


Oi ma man Baseless, howdy pardna. Hear nuh man. Yo buddy idiot in chief now says maybe doctors should be injecting disinfectant into the lungs to fight covid. Is what derass going on with that banna? They should place that jackass in a straight jacket, hold his rass down, pour a couple of dem hydrocloxerocitshit he's been peddling down his throat an chase it with some Javex on de rocks. 

Maybe it will work maybe it won't, what does he have to lose?

What do you think of jackass in chief now bud?

Last edited by cain
@Ramakant-P posted:

If Americans follow the advise of Donald Trump, all of them would die.  I hope they are not that stupid and ignorant to inject 

Lysol into their blood stream.

All those fools at his rallies and his Republicans who back his every asinine word should now show their support and follow his advice, if not they should switch sides to show they are smarter than most Republicans.

It is sad what's happening in Mexico with some hospital workers being doused with bleach and acid because of ignorance. These perps see at as cleansing them, they're not aware these same people could be trying to save their lives in the future.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

All those fools at his rallies and his Republicans who back his every asinine word should now show their support and follow his advice, if not they should switch sides to show they are smarter than most Republicans.

It is sad what's happening in Mexico with some hospital workers being doused with bleach and acid because of ignorance. These perps see at as cleansing them, they're not aware these same people could be trying to save their lives in the future.

When republicans get sick, instead of consulting a doctor, they consult a lawyer. No wonder America is now a failed state.   


Don’t worry, all will be well. I think the worse is behind us and everyone will be back to work and play at Nest.

Lots of precaution but by this time next year, most will be vaccinated...and Trump will be President!

@Former Member posted:

Baseman loves one like this ...

Why do you make fun of other people?  Did the woman do you something?  And why you think because she fat, she cannot give a man a good time?  You would be surprised at the dexterity of fat women!

Last edited by Former Member
@Ramakant-P posted:

Those People were already dead when they administered the drug.  The drug was never tested.  

You fools, it is an old drug.  The sample size was small. Novartis has filed for a large study.  It’s inconclusive.  That being said, at best, it will have limited use until a vaccine comes along. There is nothing out there for this. But Herd immunity is building!

@Former Member posted:

Lots of precaution but by this time next year, most will be vaccinated ... and Trump will be President!

January 2021, Trump will be past/former President.


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