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So, here's the story. Canada has these fifty and hundred dollar bills but the dam things aint paper, it's plastic, see a problem with that?


Well ever tried "launderring" money, now I don't mean the illegal way but throwing your clothes into the wash then drying them only to find your money faded but can still be used.


I recently heard that these new bills have some problems if they ever get into the dryer, they stick together and is rass to play trying to flatten them out. Someone told me that he had one fall close to his radiator and it kinda...melted a bit.


Anyone here had problems with them?


I know I'll receive answers like, " How derass you does get 50 an 100 dollar bills dem, I does only get fives an tens, I too poor.

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Originally Posted by cain:

So, here's the story. Canada has these fifty and hundred dollar bills but the dam things aint paper, it's plastic, see a problem with that?


Well ever tried "laundering" money, now I don't mean the illegal way but throwing your clothes into the wash then drying them only to find your money faded but can still be used.


I recently heard that these new bills have some problems if they ever get into the dryer, they stick together and is rass to play trying to flatten them out. Someone told me that he had one fall close to his radiator and it kinda...melted a bit.


Anyone here had problems with them?


I know I'll receive answers like, " How derass you does get 50 an 100 dollar bills dem, I does only get fives an tens, I too poor.


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