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Originally Posted by TI:

In Washington, D.C., the CBS affiliate reported this week that at least two people were recent victims of the Knockout Game. But the station got it wrong on two counts. One was of omission: It did not mention that everyone involved in committing the Knockout Game is black.



DC is almost 60 percent black...why is it a game "black kids" play and not a display of grotesque brutality by a few deviant kids. 2 events while grotesque in their expression is not an epidemic. In DC especially that will be stopped in its tracks no less than the Salvadorian gangs that marauded not far from where these incidents occurred are now history.


I am in that neighborhood almost every weekend and do not see malicious black kids running around. Actually, 15 years ago no white person ever visited the area. It has transformed so much that it is more whites than blacks and mainly young white professionals who throng that place like it is times square. Indeed this is a horrible thing but that is plainly horrible reporting.

Originally Posted by TI:

D2, wake up!

i hope you are not a victim of these black thugs, it is not a pleasant sight.

This game is now prevalent in New York, where black thugs are attacking Jewish people. It's all over the local news. When a Jew pop a cap in one of them, listen to the national outcry.

When does  a thing achieve the status of  prevalent? Do you mean four or five incidents of copycat criminal minded street hood punching white folks should tar and feathers the majority of kids who do not participate in this odious act?


Phoebe Connolly was targeted while riding her bike in the Columbia Heights section of Washington, D.C.

"My whole head went flying to the sideâ€Ķ it was a hard punch," Connolly said. "One kid came from the side and pretty much cut me off. He threw a hook with his left hand and got me right in the face and he said, 'Wapow!'"

Originally Posted by TI:

Phoebe Connolly was targeted while riding her bike in the Columbia Heights section of Washington, D.C.

"My whole head went flying to the sideâ€Ķ it was a hard punch," Connolly said. "One kid came from the side and pretty much cut me off. He threw a hook with his left hand and got me right in the face and he said, 'Wapow!'"


I know of the incident and understand the horror of it. I also realize that this is a copy cat activity flowing a series of these events across the country.  However, the generic reporting of the issue as "epidemic" among black kids is equally grotesque racist abuse. 


The NYPD has put extra officers in a Brooklyn neighborhood where as many as eight people have been smacked or punched as part of a known trend that targets random victims, mostly white Jewish people, on the street.

Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said Wednesday that some of the attacks were being investigated as hate crimes.


The suspects in the Brooklyn attacks have all been black teens, police said.



Originally Posted by TI:

The NYPD has put extra officers in a Brooklyn neighborhood where as many as eight people have been smacked or punched as part of a known trend that targets random victims, mostly white Jewish people, on the street.

Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said Wednesday that some of the attacks were being investigated as hate crimes.


The suspects in the Brooklyn attacks have all been black teens, police said.




It is quite disgusting to see D2 defending criminal activities and racist attacks on Jews. Shame on D2. 



With alarm I watched 4 or 5 instances of this dreadful Knockout Game on CBS This Morning.

I hope Knockout doesn't reach streets in Toronto.

People going about their business on the street, with their individual thoughts and purposes, ought not to be pounced upon from behind suddenly and viciously to a state of unconsciousness.

The predators are mindless hoodlums, plain and simple.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

People like D2 are the reason for Criminals to roam our Streets.

 i did not respond to the moron above because he is plainly an uneducated racist. You are apparently schooled to think so I am responding to you.


Nothing I said above excused the action of these kids. They are horrible deviants with a criminal bent and must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and as adults as long as they are over 13. Further, the victims should sue the parents in civil courts to make an example of their lax parenting.


That being said the point I make is the intent in the right wing media to tar and feather black kids in general on account of this sick game that some play. 99% of the kids do not do this and that is the fact I am highlighting. No black kid has taken a gun to the schools but you do not see the right wing media taking to the airwaves peppering it with suggestions of white psychological affinity for murder and mayhem. Every week there is one such incident but the same kind of racist descriptions are not attached to it.


That is my point. One can find many things to label according to race because one race does it ie wall street pillage, rape in the military, rape in colleges etc but these things have to be taken for what they are...a particular person not his race is culpable.


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