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New GPC drug saga…Drug procurement questions for Parliament- AFC & APNU

June 23, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


Minister Bheri Ramsaran dodging questions- AFC

New GPC is unable to deliver quantity and quality medications- APNU

The truth surrounding the procurement of medical supplies by Government this year would soon be revealed as the Alliance for Change, (AFC) plans to pose direct questions to Health Minister, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran in the National Assembly. This was disclosed by AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan, whose party had observed that advertisements to bid or tender for medical supplies had not been publicized in the daily newspapers.

Dr. Ranjisinghi Ramroop

However, medical supplies were reportedly delivered to State health facilities across the country by the New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation (New GPC). New GPC, which is controlled by Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop, has been at the centre of criticism as Government’s choice for the distribution of medical supplies to state owned health institutions over the past years. The company has been reportedly sole sourcing billions of dollars in medical drugs. In light of Dr. Ramsaran directing queries aimed at ascertaining the facts surrounding AFC’s allegations to his Permanent Secretary, Ramjattan said that the Minister is being evasive. According to Ramjattan, by dodging the question it shows how irresponsible Dr. Ramsaran is, since as the political head of the Health Ministry, he is accountable for such important matters that deal with taxpayers’ money. He said that recently Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee when questioned about an alleged fraud in his Ministry involving funds from the Inter-American Development Bank was also evasive. He stressed that Government should be following procurement procedures of the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board, which caters for a bidding process. There should be a system in place that allows a deserving company to be the winner of the tender. Ramjattan said that the AFC has been labeled criminals because of their stance on the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism legislation but stressed that Government has been behaving as criminals for the breaching the Procurement Act. He said that the Public Procurement Commission should be established to prevent such awarding of contracts. The AFC is not alone in its calls for the Minister to give answers in Parliament on the transparency of the acquisition of medications. A Partnership for National Unity, APNU Shadow Health Minster, Dr. George Norton, says answers to burning questions must be given, in regards to the procurement of medical supplies, citing the corruption and wastage, identified in this division of the health department.

AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan

Commenting on the issue, Dr Norton said that contrary to Government’s belief, the New GPC does not have the capacity to supply the quality and quantity of medications countrywide. “We are still in the situation where health centres are without their quota of basic drugs. We are encountering piles of expired drugs during our examinations…Patients are not getting the prescribed drugs at the public health facilities they have to purchase them from private pharmaceutical agencies,” he said. According to Dr. Norton, other local companies should be given the opportunity to bid for the supply of drugs to public health facilities. That would enable Government to acquire medical supplies at competitive prices. With the savings earned much needed equipment could be procured for the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by baseman:

I told these boys to be a bit more open.  They are not doing anything fraudulent, but not being very transparent raises suspicions.

Yeah right!! Tell that to the Marines.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I told these boys to be a bit more open.  They are not doing anything fraudulent, but not being very transparent raises suspicions.

No bid contracts to coneys is fraud,


The APNU is getting stronger every day. They r becoming a credible oppostion. The days of bad governments r over for Guyana. Watch out, soon the Government have no choice but to allow some of their cronies to go to the dirty GT lock up.

Originally Posted by seignet:

The APNU is getting stronger every day. They r becoming a credible oppostion. The days of bad governments r over for Guyana. Watch out, soon the Government have no choice but to allow some of their cronies to go to the dirty GT lock up.

APNU is as strong as it was in 1992, 1997, 2001, 2011.  it's the PPP who has grown in strength with better control of the armed forces.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by seignet:

The APNU is getting stronger every day. They r becoming a credible oppostion. The days of bad governments r over for Guyana. Watch out, soon the Government have no choice but to allow some of their cronies to go to the dirty GT lock up.

APNU is as strong as it was in 1992, 1997, 2001, 2011.  it's the PPP who has grown in strength with better control of the armed forces.

its just a matter of time before the armed force turn one day some blackman will get the balls to say enough and then guyana with get a bloodbath and the indians will be the one who will be at the reciving end i am a indian with friends and family in guyana but i keep telling them if this do happen its all what there are asking for as they say what  sweeten goat mouth those hurt his belly

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by seignet:

The APNU is getting stronger every day. They r becoming a credible oppostion. The days of bad governments r over for Guyana. Watch out, soon the Government have no choice but to allow some of their cronies to go to the dirty GT lock up.

APNU is as strong as it was in 1992, 1997, 2001, 2011.  it's the PPP who has grown in strength with better control of the armed forces.

its just a matter of time before the armed force turn one day some blackman will get the balls to say enough and then guyana with get a bloodbath and the indians will be the one who will be at the reciving end i am a indian with friends and family in guyana but i keep telling them if this do happen its all what there are asking for as they say what  sweeten goat mouth those hurt his belly

You see, you say blackman go start violence against Indians. You know dem black people violent heh?

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by seignet:

The APNU is getting stronger every day. They r becoming a credible oppostion. The days of bad governments r over for Guyana. Watch out, soon the Government have no choice but to allow some of their cronies to go to the dirty GT lock up.

APNU is as strong as it was in 1992, 1997, 2001, 2011.  it's the PPP who has grown in strength with better control of the armed forces.

its just a matter of time before the armed force turn one day some blackman will get the balls to say enough and then guyana with get a bloodbath and the indians will be the one who will be at the reciving end i am a indian with friends and family in guyana but i keep telling them if this do happen its all what there are asking for as they say what  sweeten goat mouth those hurt his belly

We have been, from the 60's.  Like you short of memory. If you are as you say, then you are a yellow-belly c00l1e who would crawl in a corner when an Afro raises his voice.  This is the tactic of Afros, alyuh leh we rule and we gon leh alyuh live in "peace".


you is a ass which part of guyana you from no which part of the world you from this is what i am talking about you stupid indians donot want to give the black people a peice of the pie and you expect to live in peace but then again you is a racist you donot know how to live with other race

Originally Posted by warrior:

you is a ass which part of guyana you from no which part of the world you from this is what i am talking about you stupid indians donot want to give the black people a peice of the pie and you expect to live in peace but then again you is a racist you donot know how to live with other race

Afros do have equal rights and access to the assets and resources of the nation.  There is schooling, healthcare, jobs, business opportunities and the national infrastructure for all to exploit in the pursuit of their goals, dreams and ambitions.


I live with different races everyday and deal with all fairly.  I do not distinguish race, I distinguish skills, talents, honesty and integrity.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

you is a ass which part of guyana you from no which part of the world you from this is what i am talking about you stupid indians donot want to give the black people a peice of the pie and you expect to live in peace but then again you is a racist you donot know how to live with other race

Afros do have equal rights and access to the assets and resources of the nation.  There is schooling, healthcare, jobs, business opportunities and the national infrastructure for all to exploit in the pursuit of their goals, dreams and ambitions.


I live with different races everyday and deal with all fairly.  I do not distinguish race, I distinguish skills, talents, honesty and integrity.

you joking right

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

you is a ass which part of guyana you from no which part of the world you from this is what i am talking about you stupid indians donot want to give the black people a peice of the pie and you expect to live in peace but then again you is a racist you donot know how to live with other race

Afros do have equal rights and access to the assets and resources of the nation.  There is schooling, healthcare, jobs, business opportunities and the national infrastructure for all to exploit in the pursuit of their goals, dreams and ambitions.


I live with different races everyday and deal with all fairly.  I do not distinguish race, I distinguish skills, talents, honesty and integrity.

you joking right

Is this a joke site?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

you is a ass which part of guyana you from no which part of the world you from this is what i am talking about you stupid indians donot want to give the black people a peice of the pie and you expect to live in peace but then again you is a racist you donot know how to live with other race

Afros do have equal rights and access to the assets and resources of the nation.  There is schooling, healthcare, jobs, business opportunities and the national infrastructure for all to exploit in the pursuit of their goals, dreams and ambitions.


I live with different races everyday and deal with all fairly.  I do not distinguish race, I distinguish skills, talents, honesty and integrity.

you joking right

Is this a joke site?

your remark have me wondering now that you know i am rude please go preach that shit at your bottomhouse meeting 

Originally Posted by baseman:

I told these boys to be a bit more open.  They are not doing anything fraudulent, but not being very transparent raises suspicions.

baseman . . . as an ignar tiefman PPP tribal, perhaps you'd find it useful to engage Ralph Ramkarran here:


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