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Former Member

According to a new study the vaginal orgasm does not exist. It is the clitoris that holds the key to female pleasure, the study



* For years, women  have often declared they can either orgasm through sex or foreplay.


* But new research  suggests we may all have been wrong.


* For there is no  such thing as a vaginal orgasm, a clitoral orgasm or even a G-spot, new research  claims.


* Instead, the  umbrella term 'female orgasm' should be used, the study authors  argue.



If you are curious and want to read more click on the link:





Replies sorted oldest to newest

* The study says that it is the clitoris that is the source of female orgasm, but then says there is no such thing as a clitoral orgasm.

* Something is not exactly right there.

* If the clitoris is the trigger then there has to be a clitoral orgasm.


* If a woman doesn't have deep feelings for a man, if she doesn't connect emotionally with him, then the probability of her experiencing any kind of orgasm is very slim.


Originally Posted by Rev:

* The study says that it is the clitoris that is the source of female orgasm, but then says there is no such thing as a clitoral orgasm.

* Something is not exactly right there.

* If the clitoris is the trigger then there has to be a clitoral orgasm.


* If a woman doesn't have deep feelings for a man, if she doesn't connect emotionally with him, then the probability of her experiencing any kind of orgasm is very slim.


so rev all this time when kwame was banging you,you was faking  


GNI Social Club is not the place for this topic. Young people visit this club. The female GNI members are mainly married women with children and grandchildren as well as husbands. Rev should get his wife to join GNI before he invites the ladies on this forum to express their views on this topic.

Better yet, GNI Administrator should open up an X-rated forum in addition to Political, Social, Sports, etc where Rev and like-minded members can carry on. Of course, Rev should be the Moderator there.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

GNI Social Club is not the place for this topic. Young people visit this club. The female GNI members are mainly married women with children and grandchildren as well as husbands.



* The findings of the study mentioned in the lead post was posted in the Health section of the Daily Mail online newspaper. It was not pulled from some pornographic magazine.


* Are you saying that the posters on GNI, men and women, are so immature, unschooled, unsophisticated, and uncultured that they would be deeply offended by the mention of a study that talks about women's orgasm ?


* I posted the same topic over at Krishna's cricket site---in the non cricket section----see link:


* The responses there were mature.


* In fact one response was from one of the ladies who sometimes posts on GNI, VillageBelle. This was her comment:


"For there is no  such thing as a vaginal orgasm, a clitoral orgasm or even a G-spot, new research  claims"
VillageBelle: 100% disagree with this!

* You see that gilbakka, Ms VillageBelle, a mature and intelligent grandmother, respectfully disagreed with parts of the study.


* The subject of a woman's orgasm is a serious one----so take your mind out of the gutter gilbakka---I expected a 63 year old man like you to be more mature and cultured and sophisticated.


* I should ask Ms. VillageBelle over at Krishna's site to post here more often, but then again with vulgar and boorish men like warrior, she is right to stay away.



Originally Posted by Rev:



* The subject of a woman's orgasm is a serious one----so take your mind out of the gutter gilbakka---I expected a 63 year old man like you to be more mature and cultured and sophisticated.





When you're man enough to declare your age on this BB as I did, you will earn the right to mention my age in your posts.

As for whose mind is in the gutter, I will let GNI members and visitors be the judge. I'm not the one people call Kitty Beast of Rama Krishna Primary School.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

When you're man enough to declare your age on this BB as I did, you will earn the right to mention my age in your posts.


Men are like wine--some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age.


* The Rev will forever be young in the heart and soul gilly.


* By the way, If you really want to know---Rev somewhere in the mid to late 40s. But will always feel like the 30s. Fit and Healthy and wear the same suit size as when I was 30.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

When you're man enough to declare your age on this BB as I did, you will earn the right to mention my age in your posts.


Men are like wine--some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age.


* The Rev will forever be young in the heart and soul gilly.


* By the way, If you really want to know---Rev somewhere in the mid to late 40s. But will always feel like the 30s. Fit and Healthy and wear the same suit size as when I was 30.





I can settle for this approximation. I understand your Dad deserted you and took the birth certificate with him, leaving you in a state of uncertainty to this day.

So, I will be fair and reasonable with you and say your age is in limbo mode between 45 and 49.9 years.

Thanks for reminding me that I'm 63.

BTW, there are studies and there are studies, but experience in the real world trumps studies always. Orgasm is real, and the Gilbakka touch always produced 80+ percentage orgasmic rate among his partners. And that G-spot is real too. No idle boast, frenno. But all that is behind me now. I've reached the Bramhachari stage.

No more will I discuss this and related topics on this board. I will peep in occasionally though.




If a woman doesn't have deep feelings for a man, if she doesn't connect emotionally with him, then the probability of her experiencing any kind of orgasm is very slim


Ms Meseret writes: "AGREE! I'll say that without the emotional connection, the man will never find the G-Spot.  He can stick finger in and beckon all he wants."


Ms. VillageBelle writes: "Emotionally, i believe that is true, but experience-wise I can't concur, since I have no comparison (just hubby)."




* It's always a delight interacting with smart, intelligent, sophisticated, adventurous, and confident women.



Originally Posted by Riya:

Why are you bringing quotes from another site? They chose to respond.....others don't really care.


Some women here choose not engage in topics like these because there are some lewd and perverted men on GNI who may take their responses to a whole other level. Just saying.

* You are absolutely right about some of the men on GNI being vulgar and boorish.


* In fact, a lot of women have avoided posting on GNI because of the sick behavior by some of the men here.





* Well, if I can post observation from the female orgasm study on GNI, I see nothing wrong with posting the sensible and mature comments from women on other sites.


* If women on GNI choose not to comment on the study, that is there prerogative.


* Although it was nice to see one woman "like" one of the observations made by the study. This one:


The size and distance of the clitoris from the vagina is paramount as to whether  a woman can achieve orgasm, according to  U.S. researchers who scanned the  pelvic areas of 30 women as part of another study



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Riya:

Rev, have you given it any thought that perhaps Villagebelle didn't want to share her comments here for that very reason that some men here are vulgar?

* I have interacted with villagebelle over at the other site, and she made it very clear that she enjoys posting over there because the men there are decent and respectable, while some of the men here  are vulgar and boorish.


* Regarding my posting VB's comments from over at Krishna's website----come on, it's the internet, nothing is private.


* Infact, VillageBelle won't mind my posting her comments and praising her maturity on GNI. She is a fun an engaging woman with a wicked sense of humor over at Krishna's site.


Krishna's site:





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Riya:

Why are you bringing quotes from another site? They chose to respond.....others don't really care.


Some women here choose not engage in topics like these because there are some lewd and perverted men on GNI who may take their responses to a whole other level. Just saying.

I agree with Riya,was thinking the same as I read Rev's post.

Originally Posted by Rev:

According to a new study the vaginal orgasm does not exist. It is the clitoris that holds the key to female pleasure, the study



* For years, women  have often declared they can either orgasm through sex or foreplay.


* But new research  suggests we may all have been wrong.


* For there is no  such thing as a vaginal orgasm, a clitoral orgasm or even a G-spot, new research  claims.


* Instead, the  umbrella term 'female orgasm' should be used, the study authors  argue.



If you are curious and want to read more click on the link:





The research is flawed. My own research contradicts those findings.

Last edited by Mr.T
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The research is flawed. My own research contradicts those findings.

Mr. T:


* So why don't you share your wisdom with the forum ?


* You said the research is flawed. Well, tell us why it is flawed.


* That study says there is no such thing as a vaginal orgasm and refers to the so called G SPOT as a myth.










* By the way, the study is right, there is no such thing as the G SPOT----that's a spot Dr. Graffenberg named after himself----it does not exist.

* But there are numerous erogenous or erotic or titillating zones on a woman's body---the clitoris is just one---but there are numerous.

* Men who are average or mediocre lovers focus  mainly on their women's main HOT SPOT----but the advanced and adventurous lovers make concerted efforts  to find all the HOT SPOTS, all the erogenous and titillating zones, on their women's heavenly bodies.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

GNI Social Club is not the place for this topic. Young people visit this club. The female GNI members are mainly married women with children and grandchildren as well as husbands.



* The findings of the study mentioned in the lead post was posted in the Health section of the Daily Mail online newspaper. It was not pulled from some pornographic magazine.


* Are you saying that the posters on GNI, men and women, are so immature, unschooled, unsophisticated, and uncultured that they would be deeply offended by the mention of a study that talks about women's orgasm ?


* I posted the same topic over at Krishna's cricket site---in the non cricket section----see link:


* The responses there were mature.


* In fact one response was from one of the ladies who sometimes posts on GNI, VillageBelle. This was her comment:


"For there is no  such thing as a vaginal orgasm, a clitoral orgasm or even a G-spot, new research  claims"
VillageBelle: 100% disagree with this!

* You see that gilbakka, Ms VillageBelle, a mature and intelligent grandmother, respectfully disagreed with parts of the study.


* The subject of a woman's orgasm is a serious one----so take your mind out of the gutter gilbakka---I expected a 63 year old man like you to be more mature and cultured and sophisticated.


* I should ask Ms. VillageBelle over at Krishna's site to post here more often, but then again with vulgar and boorish men like warrior, she is right to stay away.



this fool ever hear me comment on social,i personally think rev is a sick fag


The clitoris is a vaginal structure so Vaginal organism do exist. In any event, the idea of sexual stimulation is all in the head so the brain is the organ of orgasms. You and your finessing with your dildos is part of your repertoire to mental engagement in the sex act. It may be your ritual to get you into the game. As I said, ultimately it is the brain.


In any event, this is about your 10 thread on the matter? Why this obsessive compulsion with sex?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The clitoris is a vaginal structure so Vaginal organism do exist.



* You need a lesson on female anatomy. The clitoris is not a vaginal structure. The clitoris is part of the human vulva just like the vagina is part of the vulva.


* You mean to say a big, old 55 year old man like you stormy don't understand the physiology of the vulva ?


* Go and ask your wife to explain the vulva to you and if you are to embarrassed to ask her check out Grey's Anatomy in your local library.

You'll get a lesson in the female anatomy.


* By the way stromborn, the word is ORGASM not ORGANISM.LOL


* If you want to join in a conversation on female orgasm at least know how to spell it.LOL


* Once again, the clitoris is not a vaginal structure. Educate yourself about the physiology of the vulva and then you can post on this thread.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The clitoris is a vaginal structure so Vaginal organism do exist.



* You need a lesson on female anatomy. The clitoris is not a vaginal structure. The clitoris is part of the human vulva just like the vagina is part of the vulva.


* You mean to say a big, old 55 year old man like you stormy don't understand the physiology of the vulva ?


* Go and ask your wife to explain the vulva to you and if you are to embarrassed to ask her check out Grey's Anatomy in your local library.

You'll get a lesson in the female anatomy.


* By the way stromborn, the word is ORGASM not ORGANISM.LOL


* If you want to join in a conversation on female orgasm at least know how to spell it.LOL


* Once again, the clitoris is not a vaginal structure. Educate yourself about the physiology of the vulva and then you can post on this thread.





First, let me inform you I walked away from the BSMD program in my fifth year so I know a little about anatomy. I also am an a artist and yes, musculature and anatomy is basic to any who care to draw any creature human or otherwise. The vaginal super structure does not break down into technical labels in the mind of the ordinary person. If a person has a belly ache they say the have a stomach ache not a small intestinal or colon ache.



I also write extemporaneously and seldom check for mistakes in spelling so if  mistype cause the auto-correct feature to substitute the wrong word it is often missed. I do not care since most people know what happened and what I meant. You are trolling for crapola if u think I misused the word 


In any event, the study is crap. The brain does it all. Women have organisms from anal penetration or mere caressing if they are in the mood. These people just needed to spend somebody grant money.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

First, let me inform you I walked away from the BSMD program in my fifth year so I know a little about anatomy.



* You may know "a little about anatomy" but there is a lot you have to learn.


* Now, colloquially the word vagina is used to refer to the vulva or the female genitals.


* However, by its anatomical definition, vagina refers exclusively to the specific internal structure.




* The study is absolutely correct. It is the clitoris that triggers the female orgasm.


* If you understand the anatomy of the vagina you will know that vaginal orgasms are a physiological impossibility because the vagina has insufficient nerve endings for sexual pleasure or climax.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

First, let me inform you I walked away from the BSMD program in my fifth year so I know a little about anatomy.



* You may know "a little about anatomy" but there is a lot you have to learn.


* Now, colloquially the word vagina is used to refer to the vulva or the female genitals.


* However, by its anatomical definition, vagina refers exclusively to the specific internal structure.




* The study is absolutely correct. It is the clitoris that triggers the female orgasm.


* If you understand the anatomy of the vagina you will know that vaginal orgasms are a physiological impossibility because the vagina has insufficient nerve endings for sexual pleasure or climax.



much of sex is psychological. The physiology  is about the landing sites of the neural receptors but not the end all of it.  Sex is a complete engagement of the physiological and psychological or it does not happen. In short, the brain is the orgasmic center.


I did not read the report so I do not know what it stated but I am sure it will cover these areas else you have a bunch of dunces wasting time with spurious research.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

First, let me inform you I walked away from the BSMD program in my fifth year so I know a little about anatomy.



* You may know "a little about anatomy" but there is a lot you have to learn.


* Now, colloquially the word vagina is used to refer to the vulva or the female genitals.


* However, by its anatomical definition, vagina refers exclusively to the specific internal structure.




* The study is absolutely correct. It is the clitoris that triggers the female orgasm.


* If you understand the anatomy of the vagina you will know that vaginal orgasms are a physiological impossibility because the vagina has insufficient nerve endings for sexual pleasure or climax.



Oh Rass Bhai I man learning a lot on GNI. Just reading Al YUh Posts gat me firing up.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

  Sex is a complete engagement of the physiological and psychological or it does not happen. In short, the brain is the orgasmic center.


* I would agree with you that the brain is the biggest sex organ there is.


* If a woman, for example, does not have deep feelings for a man, if she is not emotionally connected to him, her brain is frozen and does not release the chemicals needed to excite her.


* And that means that no matter what kind of "monkeyness" a man engages in----the probability of the woman experiencing any kind of orgasm is very low if feelings is absent.


* Having said that, the study is right, the clitoris is the most sensitive erogenous zone in a woman and it is the anatomical source of sexual pleasure(female orgasm).


* By the way stormy, you said you did not read the study, then why are you criticizing what you did not read ?





Last edited by Former Member

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