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Suzi LeVine is the US Ambassador to Switzerland. During her swearing-in ceremony recently, she did not use a hard copy of the Holy Bible or another religious text. She walked with her Kindle e-reader and swore on an electronic text of the 19th Amendment of the US Constitution.

According to an article in the New Yorker magazine, "There is no constitutional requirement for any federal official—firefighter, ambassador, or President—to take the oath of office over a particular text or, in fact, over any text at all. This explains why LeVine was able to swear over the Constitution rather than the Bible, which is a much more common choice. Legally, if not diplomatically, “Moby-Dick” or “The Cat in the Hat” would have been just as acceptable."

Gilbakka, scratching his gills, is wondering how long will it be for this kinda swearing-in to happen in Guyana.

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Frenno, some things in Guyana run slower than molasses.

Never mind they already got smartphones, tablets, e-readers and suh.

Up to now magistrates are still recording court cases verbatim by hand. Some electronic recorders were recently introduced in Georgetown, but the rural courts are a 19th century time capsule.

Originally Posted by IGH:

Bookie, about 2 years ago, hubby & I were invited to aKoran Sharief... The priest was reading the Koran from his phone. 


I don't doubt you. There are quite a number of Holy Qur'an apps for smartphones.

Even in backward Yemen Muslims share Qur'an quotes and prayers via cell phones.

But in Guyana, dem peeple use dem cell to talk me and you name. And to inform Savi which lady she husband was sporting with yesterday.

Seriously, at official government public service and courts level, things move velly velly s..l..o..w..l..y.

Last edited by Former Member

next yo know them clever phone gun be performin the cermony


one other danger is there is a lot of stupid people out there with smart phones, just about everyday you can see them walking into traffic 


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