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Baseman posted:

Mi prapa sorry fuh dem bannaz. Poor Volda mouth twiss up and swell up.  Me hope Jagdeo kind enuff fuh gi should lil wuk.  He should send she fuh wuk pon a sugar estate wid nuff rustic coolies!  She guh learn respect!

You see this is why black people have to get on bad.  You all really have hard ears.  Now one would think that if there are two groups 40% each they would cooperate.

But you all just dont want to do this.  

You cannot accuse the Coalition about exclusion because look at how Volda got cuss down by PNC supporters about why its only BK and those like him benefit and the coalition was shutting down the vendors, teachers and others in their support base.  So Volda defended herself by pushing her foot in her mouth.

Tribal societies only function when the tribes learn to cooperate.   When they dont we have Nigeria and Bosnia.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Mi prapa sorry fuh dem bannaz. Poor Volda mouth twiss up and swell up.  Me hope Jagdeo kind enuff fuh gi should lil wuk.  He should send she fuh wuk pon a sugar estate wid nuff rustic coolies!  She guh learn respect!

You see this is why black people have to get on bad.  You all really have hard ears.  Now one would think that if there are two groups 40% each they would cooperate.

But you all just dont want to do this.  

You cannot accuse the Coalition about exclusion because look at how Volda got cuss down by PNC supporters about why its only BK and those like him benefit and the coalition was shutting down the vendors, teachers and others in their support base.  So Volda defended herself by pushing her foot in her mouth.

Tribal societies only function when the tribes learn to cooperate.   When they dont we have Nigeria and Bosnia.

dude chill...not everything has to be interpreted as one race against another

Is like me saying some coolies are like crabs in a barrel


Ray is correct. 

It would be in the interest of all parties for the PPP and PNC to sit down and set a date that is reasonable but the PPP is ready to roar. Interesting times ahead.

Bottom line is elections in 90 days as per the speakers ruling that the NC stands.

This will be the mother of all elections.

Pray for peace since the PNC Has a history of election violence especially when they lose.

ABC might have to save GT from being burnt down. Carib is already hinting of PNC unleashing violence if they lose.




Last edited by Former Member
Ray posted:
Nehru posted:

The Speaker has no authority to send it to Court. He has to decide if the NO Confidence vote is valid as per Parliament Rules!!!  He is a bloody dunce or is very CORRUPT!!1

I don't think he is sending it to's up to the PNC to go to court...I think

Maybe not, but why mention the Court? He does NOT understand his ROLE as Speaker.

VishMahabir posted:
Ray posted:

in 90 days

Court Case first hear de Speaka??

1. Speaker reaffirmed his decision that the 33 Yes over the 32 No is valid.

2. Next step is for an election to take place within three months, or at a further date as APPROVED by a minimum of two-thirds of the MPs.

3. Government becomes a care-taker one with specific focus on getting the elections completed by the designated time.

4. The issue of whether 33 is the acceptable number is simply a matter for the political groups; should they decide to pursue the mater.

5. There is a clear and definite separation between further actions by the Government and those of the political groups.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Mi prapa sorry fuh dem bannaz. Poor Volda mouth twiss up and swell up.  Me hope Jagdeo kind enuff fuh gi should lil wuk.  He should send she fuh wuk pon a sugar estate wid nuff rustic coolies!  She guh learn respect!

You see this is why black people have to get on bad.  You all really have hard ears.  Now one would think that if there are two groups 40% each they would cooperate.

But you all just dont want to do this.  

You cannot accuse the Coalition about exclusion because look at how Volda got cuss down by PNC supporters about why its only BK and those like him benefit and the coalition was shutting down the vendors, teachers and others in their support base.  So Volda defended herself by pushing her foot in her mouth.

Tribal societies only function when the tribes learn to cooperate.   When they dont we have Nigeria and Bosnia.

Banna, relax yuhself.  I make a light hearted comment and you gone bunkers.  Volda, a senior member of the ruling coalition, had her Black only tantrums and you seemed less concerned!

She affect Guyana, I don’t!!

Ray posted:

dude chill...not everything has to be interpreted as one race against another

Is like me saying some coolies are like crabs in a barrel

This forum and every Guyanese forum has views that can be predicted based on the race of the person rendering the opinion.

Indians love the NC. Blacks dont. Indians love the PPP. Blacks dont.

Now please give me evidence that this isnt the case.

Baseman posted:

Banna, relax yuhself.  I make a light hearted comment and you gone bunkers.  Volda, a senior member of the ruling coalition, had her Black only tantrums and you seemed less concerned!

She affect Guyana, I don’t!!

Your comments about blacks are NEVER light hearted.  Earlier in the afternoon you and some other Indo Nazis once again paraded around bashing blacks as some inferior species when all they wish is to be treated as equals.

Volda in fact specifically told her comrades in a crude manner that "they need to get more people looking like Jagdeo in the party".  Where that appears that she is chatting black only can be only deduced by a man like you.

Her problem was her "PNC only" rant, clearly stupid given that she exists within the context of a multi party coalition, and no doubt objected to the prior gov'ts "PPP only" behavior.

I argued lengthily with ronan on the optics of her rants, precisely because she gave ammunition to people like you.  You however join the rest of your Indo Nazi comrades with your screams of black ingratitude and stupidity for refusing to support the PPP.

caribny posted:
Ray posted:

dude chill...not everything has to be interpreted as one race against another

Is like me saying some coolies are like crabs in a barrel

This forum and every Guyanese forum has views that can be predicted based on the race of the person rendering the opinion.

Indians love the NC. Blacks dont. Indians love the PPP. Blacks dont.

Now please give me evidence that this isnt the case.

You are so RIGHT, we can straight through your RACISM, BIAS and Propaganda!! Clear as a shining class window after a wash with Windex!!!

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Banna, relax yuhself.  I make a light hearted comment and you gone bunkers.  Volda, a senior member of the ruling coalition, had her Black only tantrums and you seemed less concerned!

She affect Guyana, I don’t!!

Your comments about blacks are NEVER light hearted.  Earlier in the afternoon you and some other Indo Nazis once again paraded around bashing blacks as some inferior species when all they wish is to be treated as equals.

Volda in fact specifically told her comrades in a crude manner that "they need to get more people looking like Jagdeo in the party".  Where that appears that she is chatting black only can be only deduced by a man like you.

Her problem was her "PNC only" rant, clearly stupid given that she exists within the context of a multi party coalition, and no doubt objected to the prior gov'ts "PPP only" behavior.

I argued lengthily with ronan on the optics of her rants, precisely because she gave ammunition to people like you.  You however join the rest of your Indo Nazi comrades with your screams of black ingratitude and stupidity for refusing to support the PPP.

You argued with him then changed.  Anyway, as I said, I don’t affect Guyanese in anyway.  And Jagdeo don’t have to give her wuk.  She will be a PNC parliamentarian!

She don’t give any ammunition to me.  I expected she damaged herself.  But Jagdeo sent a haymaker!

Her comments were stupid and racist because she exists in a multi ethnic country!


Carib, why are you getting so anxious ? This election will not be a cake walk for the PPP.

This will be the mother of all elections in Guyana. 

Nothing is guaranteed in an election, the people will make the final decision. The PNC really screwed up this one and allowed Moses to bring it on and beought down the PNC. How long will congress Place tolerate this leech and failure ?

It would be advisable for the PNC to announce Ramjattan as their PM candidate. You used to beat up on the AFC but in the end, it was the AFC which held the balance of power. This undoing of the PNC is all Moses fault, his ego is bigger than the Statue of Liberty. 

Clean up your PNC house and you stand a fighting chance.


YUji, the racism and bias is so clear that a blind man can see it. When Neemakram and Ruhjhaaaaaaat crossed over to topple a Indian dominated Party, he was ecstatic now he threatening Mo Fiah Slo Fiaf and calling the HONORABLR Charandaas JUdas. Go to the video tape, see the meaning of a Judas as explained by the Neemakaram and then maybe you will learn something BUT I doubt it very much. Learning is not for everyone!!!

caribny posted:
Ray posted:

dude chill...not everything has to be interpreted as one race against another

Is like me saying some coolies are like crabs in a barrel

This forum and every Guyanese forum has views that can be predicted based on the race of the person rendering the opinion.

Indians love the NC. Blacks dont. Indians love the PPP. Blacks dont.

Now please give me evidence that this isnt the case.

You forgot to mention, Blacks LOVES the PNC, am I wrong?

caribny posted:
Ray posted:

dude chill...not everything has to be interpreted as one race against another

Is like me saying some coolies are like crabs in a barrel

This forum and every Guyanese forum has views that can be predicted based on the race of the person rendering the opinion.

Indians love the NC. Blacks dont. Indians love the PPP. Blacks dont.

Now please give me evidence that this isnt the case.

Did Volda promised you a paycheque also, that’s why you’re going bonkers.

Anyhow PPP has room for everyone except the racist. 

caribny posted:
Ray posted:

dude chill...not everything has to be interpreted as one race against another

Is like me saying some coolies are like crabs in a barrel

This forum and every Guyanese forum has views that can be predicted based on the race of the person rendering the opinion.

Indians love the NC. Blacks dont. Indians love the PPP. Blacks dont.

Now please give me evidence that this isnt the case.

Since when the NCM becomes a Indian thing. Show me the 33 PPP members are all Indians. 

The black opposition that vote for the NCM don’t think racist like you. 

All the evidence can be provided to you , but guess what ... you gon be blind suddenly and asked for more and more .

yuji22 posted:

Carib, why are you getting so anxious ? This election will not be a cake walk for the PPP.

And THAT is why I am anxious. Two years ago a major businessman, who is neither black nor Indian, mentioned to a group of us that he fears that a tribal war in Guyana can break out.

His reasons;

1. He said that Indians object to Guyana being governed by a black people.

2. He said that blacks know this and so have decided that an Indo dominated gov't can never be fair to them.

The NC was carried out in a bad way.  This because all Jagdeo wants is power by winning. He governs by oppression so doesnt think that his aim should be to be inclusive. Even his choices are indicative of this. Is he promoting Anthony or Ramson who blacks might think aren't fundamentally racist and so can be dialogued with?  No he goes for two racists, Anil and Irfaan, both almost as hated by blacks as he is.

If every election is a tribal census Guyana has no where to go because Guyana isnt like Suriname where so many tribes cancel each other out.   Suriname has 4 tribes, none more than 25%. Guyana is a zero sum tribal society and zero sum tribal societies always carry a potential for conflict.  This because it has two tribes with one only slightly larger than the other.

Look at Ireland.  Their tribalism, based on religion, still exists and now there is the fair that Brexit might bring it all back again.

I suggest that you and the rest of your Indo Nazi brethren start by respecting the fact that in Guyana no group is so powerful that they can ignore the other large group. 

Your attitude being that of "why dont blacks just shut up and accept that they lost?"  That isnt a productive attitude.   No group should be made to feel that they lost, and should just accept the results.  In fact Granger said as much when he heard complaints that some exuberant blacks were threatening revenge on Indians for what they perceived that the suffered under the PPP.

Dave posted:

Since when the NCM becomes a Indian thing. Show me the 33 PPP members are all Indians. 

The black opposition that vote for the NCM don’t think racist like you. 

All the evidence can be provided to you , but guess what ... you gon be blind suddenly and asked for more and more .


And the PNC has several Indians, but you will never vote for them because you think that they abuse Indians. You also think that the Indians who went to the AFC against the PPP are also traitors.


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