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Originally Posted by yuji22:

I watched this debate and there is no smoking gun. Drama queen Ramjattan will slowly destroy the AFC.


To be constructive, Ramjattan and Moses have done great harm to the AFC by not showing up. This adds more to the public mistrust of the AFC. KN and the media outlets are indicating that they need the government to reach out to the media.


The PPP needs a better PR consultant.


The government should and must provide information that can be legally provided to the media in a timely manner.


The media should be more responsible when publishing articles that cannot be substantiated.


There needs to be more transparency in the way government operates in Guyana.


Opposition parliamentarians must be more responsible and accountable when making claims that cannot be substantiated.


The AFC needs to refocus on it's original role of being the balancing force in parliament. It will do them no harm.


Guyana needs more public debates with opposition MP's and government officials and ministers.


Guyanese cares passionately about Guyana and need to engage in more dialogue rather than constant bickering.


AFC needs to provide answers about fraud. corruption and nepotism within the top brass of the party. They need to refocus.

 There is no smoking gun because as usual you are easily duped. Where is the accounting? Is NICIL a government asset management agency or a mechanism to transfer state property to kith and kin of the PPP?


None of these distractions will detract us from a resolution to this fiasco. That will only come when we see the books, understand what has happened for real. The certainty that they were using the agency as a washing machine to launder the nations assets will be confirmed. Some of these crooks are indeed going to jail one day.


"Now we have AG Nandlall breaking his silence by saying there is no conflict of interest. But this should come as no surprise, given the Jagdeo era culture when right became wrong and wrong became right, Messrs. Nandlall and Brassington may honestly believe they are right, and may only realize their error when a judge tells them in a court of law."





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