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Nigel Hughes condemns City Council for ‘Dread Shop’ demolition

May 20, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

The Mayor and City Council has moved to demolish shops in the Stabroek Market area, but attorney at law Nigel Hughes has condemned the action as being unlawful since the matter is engaging the attention of the court.broken building

‘How can you breach an order of the Court of Appeal – which states that the matter was set to go to court for mediation – and come and destroy a building in total, and show complete disrespect and disregard for the court of Appeal,” Hughes said, adding that the Town Clerk is saying by his actions that he has no regard for the rule of law.
“This means the citizens are not protected by the law, because those who are responsible for enforcing, have clearly intended to disregard it,” he chided.

Hughes is representing 73-year-old Anthony Forde called “Rasta Man” who is the owner of the “Dread Shop” that was located in proximity to Stabroek Market, and next to the Island Snackette and Pizzeria since 1968. The general area is referred to as “Lucky Square”
The building was yesterday torn apart by ranks of the city constabulary around 3 am, reportedly without notice.
Hughes said to members of the media yesterday that he spoke to the Town Clerk who confirmed that this was the action of the city council.
He stated that there is currently a dispute between the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and the Mayor and City Council as to who really owns the plot of land. The matter was in court long before Guyana gained Independence, to ascertain who owns the property.

Hughes disclosed his clients were always paying taxes to the Council and not the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, who believe that they are the owners of the land.
However the lawyer said that his clients were regularly attending court in relation to the matter, under the instruction of the Court of Appeal, but the ministry failed to turn up for mediation. Hughes said he was made aware by the City Engineer that the city council was responsible for the demolition, however he indicated that “once the Court of Appeal has conduct in a matter, nobody can seek to pervert or interfere with the actions of the Court of Appeal, who ordered mediation in this matter, and the Attorney General’s Chambers having accepted it. So the town council does not have any jurisdiction to cut across or override the Court of Appeal since they are subject to the Court of Appeal.”
The lawyer said he has asked the owner of the shop to assess the damage that he has suffered “because we intend to have the government to pay immediate compensation for all he has lost.”
The owner, Anthony Forde, who is solely dependent on rent from the building, told members of the media that he has not only lost a historic landmark in his life, but well over $1M in financial losses. A cousin of Forde told members of the media that he was there when the ranks came and did not allow them to remove their items out of the building. He told Kaieteur News that freezers, tables, a pool table and television sets were among the many items destroyed by the ranks.

“All dem doing is taking food outta people dem mouth! No notice …no time, no nothing, everything just up and gone.”
The City Council is also looking to demolish the building next door, Island Snackette, owned by Elva Hawker, since it shares the plot of land. The woman’s daughter, Abiola Fung, said the business has been in the family for generations. She recalled growing up with her mother who went to the Council many years ago to submit a plan to have the business established.

Fung said that her mother started out with a small stall on the square selling food until she erected the building years later. She said she wonders why the Government is now claiming the land, when they had been paying taxes to the Council for over 50 years. She said it was business as usual until she got the call in the morning that her neighbour and friend for many years had lost his entire business to the City Council and they were gunning for hers next, with or without objections.
The woman said when she asked for some time to remove her items she was refused by the council.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The Mayor and City Council has moved to demolish shops in the Stabroek Market area, but attorney at law Nigel Hughes has condemned the action as being unlawful since the matter is engaging the attention of the court.broken building

‘How can you breach an order of the Court of Appeal – which states that the matter was set to go to court for mediation – and come and destroy a building in total, and show complete disrespect and disregard for the court of Appeal,” Hughes said, adding that the Town Clerk is saying by his actions that he has no regard for the rule of law.
“This means the citizens are not protected by the law, because those who are responsible for enforcing, have clearly intended to disregard it,” he chided.

Nigel Hughes condemns City Council for ‘Dread Shop’ demolition, May 20, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

While the actions of City Council is highly unacceptable, the result of their work has shown total disregard for the Courts and public safety.

The demolished area should be enclosed and the debris contained within to protect the public.

kp posted:

Isn't Nigel a member of the coalition?? and the city council Ruled by the PNC/coalition. This reminds me of the Amelia falls  fiasco with the  Hughes.

I see PPP mentality. Jagdeo can run every PPP person down the Kaieteur Falls, and you will applaud.

APNU and AFC folks aren't like that. When their leadership is wrong they stand up to them. When their leadership is unresponsive and elections come, they stay home.

APNU better get its act together because if they continue, the PPP might return, was Roger Khan as the president.  Why?  Because, increasingly its base is seeing them as being as arrogant, and corrupt as the PPP was, so see no need to bother to vote!

There are more humane ways to deal with the problem.  If people had a business at a location for generations, one cannot simply come and tear down the structure.

I bet you that if the businesses were owned by the Indian oligarchy, who grease them with bribes, and not by poor blacks, who cannot afford to do so, this wouldn't happen.

Demerara_Guy posted:

The demolished area should be enclosed and the debris contained within to protect the public.

In fact in their arrogance to display their power, they don't even demolish properly.   That site is more unsightly, and dangerous than before the structures were pulled down.

Some one better tell that arrogant female, who calls herself the mayor, and the arrogant male, who calls himself the Town Clerk, that their future will be very dim if they think that they own APNU voters.

This female claimed that there will be no political ramifications.  Some one please tell her that the support from the African middle class for the PNC isn't reliable.  Its that same poor FEMALE black voter who has always been their core, even under the hard Burnham days.  

In 2006 the Afro middle class fled to the AFC, and can do that again the minute that some alternative to the PPP/PNC emerges.  So let these PNC thugs think that they can behave wrong and strong like Robeson Benn.

caribny posted:
kp posted:

Isn't Nigel a member of the coalition?? and the city council Ruled by the PNC/coalition. This reminds me of the Amelia falls  fiasco with the  Hughes.

I see PPP mentality. Jagdeo can run every PPP person down the Kaieteur Falls, and you will applaud.

APNU and AFC folks aren't like that. When their leadership is wrong they stand up to them. When their leadership is unresponsive and elections come, they stay home.

APNU better get its act together because if they continue, the PPP might return, was Roger Khan as the president.  Why?  Because, increasingly its base is seeing them as being as arrogant, and corrupt as the PPP was, so see no need to bother to vote!

There are more humane ways to deal with the problem.  If people had a business at a location for generations, one cannot simply come and tear down the structure.

I bet you that if the businesses were owned by the Indian oligarchy, who grease them with bribes, and not by poor blacks, who cannot afford to do so, this wouldn't happen.

This has nothing to do with Jagdeo.  This is about Nigel Hughes and Anthony Forde.  Can we please stick to the subject matter?  This is a poor attempt to derail my thread.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

This has nothing to do with Jagdeo.  This is about Nigel Hughes and Anthony Forde.  Can we please stick to the subject matter?  This is a poor attempt to derail my thread.

Yes thanks for proving me right. Jagdeo can run you over with his huge SUV, and you will applaud.

If APNU does that to APNU supporters they will rip them out of the SUV, and stomp on them.

So APNU better not think that they can do what the PPP did, and  not suffer the result.  APNU supporters aren't slaves like you.

caribny posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

The demolished area should be enclosed and the debris contained within to protect the public.

In fact in their arrogance to display their power, they don't even demolish properly.   That site is more unsightly, and dangerous than before the structures were pulled down.

Some one better tell that arrogant female, who calls herself the mayor, and the arrogant male, who calls himself the Town Clerk, that their future will be very dim if they think that they own APNU voters.

This female claimed that there will be no political ramifications.  Some one please tell her that the support from the African middle class for the PNC isn't reliable.  Its that same poor FEMALE black voter who has always been their core, even under the hard Burnham days.  

In 2006 the Afro middle class fled to the AFC, and can do that again the minute that some alternative to the PPP/PNC emerges.  So let these PNC thugs think that they can behave wrong and strong like Robeson Benn.

Please address the entire comment made by DG.  You are taking one portion of his comment and twisting the meaning completely out of context.

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
kp posted:

Isn't Nigel a member of the coalition?? and the city council Ruled by the PNC/coalition. This reminds me of the Amelia falls  fiasco with the  Hughes.

I see PPP mentality. Jagdeo can run every PPP person down the Kaieteur Falls, and you will applaud.

APNU and AFC folks aren't like that. When their leadership is wrong they stand up to them. When their leadership is unresponsive and elections come, they stay home.

APNU better get its act together because if they continue, the PPP might return, was Roger Khan as the president.  Why?  Because, increasingly its base is seeing them as being as arrogant, and corrupt as the PPP was, so see no need to bother to vote!

There are more humane ways to deal with the problem.  If people had a business at a location for generations, one cannot simply come and tear down the structure.

I bet you that if the businesses were owned by the Indian oligarchy, who grease them with bribes, and not by poor blacks, who cannot afford to do so, this wouldn't happen.

And Al YUh still STUPID beyond imagination to support them till death. I tell you such STUPID People are nowhere else on this Planet!!!!

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

This has nothing to do with Jagdeo.  This is about Nigel Hughes and Anthony Forde.  Can we please stick to the subject matter?  This is a poor attempt to derail my thread.

Yes thanks for proving me right. Jagdeo can run you over with his huge SUV, and you will applaud.

If APNU does that to APNU supporters they will rip them out of the SUV, and stomp on them.

So APNU better not think that they can do what the PPP did, and  not suffer the result.  APNU supporters aren't slaves like you.

I repeat sir.  This thread has nothing to do with Jagdeo.  Please stick to the subject matter.  And since you are not paying attention, it is APNU doing it to its own supporters.  Stop throwing spaggetti to the wall.

Bibi Haniffa
Mr.T posted:

The area needs cleaning up and modernising. Hughes should be ashamed of himself to back that fire hazard of a place.

While that may be true, there are more humane ways of dealing with this.

Guyana has this problem, because there is massive unemployment.  There is also some of the highest poverty rates in the Caribbean.

There are better ways of dealing with this, and not behaving like an arrogant PPP thug, in the way that Robeson Benn used to behave.

Robeson Benn ill treated these people, because they weren't his supporters. Let APNU do this. 

Granger is an old man so can exit the scene when APNU loses in 2020. That mayor and town clerk look young enough to still want to be employed after 2021!

APNU AFC won because this very class and race of Guyanese showed up in record numbers.  Nagamootoo knows full well that the votes that he brought in didn't offset the fact that the PPP delivered a massive turn out in PPP areas.

So if these types of folks stay home in 2020, Roger Khan will be president.  I think he will be out by then, and given that PPP folks think that he is a hero, I am not really joking.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Is Roger Khan running for President?

Based on your claim that Jagdeo isn't, and the screams of the brown bai KKK, that he is this hero, why not?

He will be out of jail by then, and will obviously have to leave the USA, even though I think that he is a citizen.  He can only return to Guyana if the PPP is back in.

Given that the brown bai KKK receive no opposition from other PPP supporters, I have come to the conclusion that their anti African, dougla, Amerindian, and Portuguese bigotry is par for the course at PPP meetings.

Goodness.  Attending a closed door PPP meeting must be like going to a KKK event!  In fact I do remember in 2011, when the PPP was demolished in Linden, after boasting that they would win there, the ranting that occurred.  "Black man lazy".  "Black man ungrateful after all we do for dem (free concerts).   They could barely hide their contempt for Afro Guyanese.

caribny posted:
kp posted:

Isn't Nigel a member of the coalition?? and the city council Ruled by the PNC/coalition. This reminds me of the Amelia falls  fiasco with the  Hughes.

I see PPP mentality. Jagdeo can run every PPP person down the Kaieteur Falls, and you will applaud.

APNU and AFC folks aren't like that. When their leadership is wrong they stand up to them. When their leadership is unresponsive and elections come, they stay home.

APNU better get its act together because if they continue, the PPP might return, was Roger Khan as the president.  Why?  Because, increasingly its base is seeing them as being as arrogant, and corrupt as the PPP was, so see no need to bother to vote!

There are more humane ways to deal with the problem.  If people had a business at a location for generations, one cannot simply come and tear down the structure.

I bet you that if the businesses were owned by the Indian oligarchy, who grease them with bribes, and not by poor blacks, who cannot afford to do so, this wouldn't happen.

The PPP will return and hopefully with Ronald Gajraj as their candidate.  The PPP needs a military minded, educated and operational guy to take over and run the country!  Like Granger, he in a military man, but unlike Granger, he is a lawyer and has strong leadership attributes!

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

The PPP will return and hopefully with Ronald Gajraj as their candidate. 

Same difference.  BOTH criminals alike.

Really, tell us about all the PNC stalwarth who assassinated/killed or attempted:  Ramsammy, Teekah, S F Ridley, Rodney, Fr Darke, Sat Shah, and the numerous not so notable victims of political violence sponsored from the inner most sanctum of the PNC!!

And tell us who Gajraj went after.  I hope you don't bring up the Buxton terrorists.  That will do a dis-service to the many political victims who suffered and paid the ultimate price under the PNC reign of terror!!

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

The PPP will return and hopefully with Ronald Gajraj as their candidate. 

Same difference.  BOTH criminals alike.

Really, tell us about all the PNC stalwarth who assassinated/killed or attempted: , Sat Shah,

Why don't you ask Jagdeo?  He screams that he knows who killed Sat Sawh. 

He also knows who killed the other folks.  Hammie Green's goons, who he rewarded handsomely by bringing them into the PPP, and allowing them free access to unbridled corruption.

Any more questions?

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

The PPP will return and hopefully with Ronald Gajraj as their candidate. 

Same difference.  BOTH criminals alike.

Really, tell us about all the PNC stalwarth who assassinated/killed or attempted: , Sat Shah,

Why don't you ask Jagdeo?  He screams that he knows who killed Sat Sawh. 

He also knows who killed the other folks.  Hammie Green's goons, who he rewarded handsomely by bringing them into the PPP, and allowing them free access to unbridled corruption.

Any more questions?

You dirty liar, Jagdeo never said he saw who killed Sat Sawh.  He is way too smart to say something so stupid.  You come on here and rant stupidity all day and somehow in your crazy head you think that people believe the nonsense you say.

Bibi Haniffa

Jagdeo and his posse went into the new Vendor's Arcade thinking they they would be received with open arms after the spat between the vendors and the government. They were soundly rejected by the vendors. I'll post the video later tonight. 

Mars posted:

Jagdeo and his posse went into the new Vendor's Arcade thinking they they would be received with open arms after the spat between the vendors and the government. They were soundly rejected by the vendors. I'll post the video later tonight. 

Of course we know couple of your PNC wicked friends were there to pick a fight.  Show us the video!!  NO editing!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:

Jagdeo and his posse went into the new Vendor's Arcade thinking they they would be received with open arms after the spat between the vendors and the government. They were soundly rejected by the vendors. I'll post the video later tonight. 

Of course we know couple of your PNC wicked friends were there to pick a fight.  Show us the video!!  NO editing!!!!

Why would I edit the video? I'm not into spreading lies like you.


Oh Lord, this must be Mars PNC friends dem with their typical bullyism.

"This morning's walkabout, however, was not without hiccups, as an organized group of about 15 persons sought to disrupt Jagdeo's engagement with the vendors, to the point of one man physically assaulting one vendor who was speaking to Jagdeo."

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh Lord, this must be Mars PNC friends dem with their typical bullyism.

"This morning's walkabout, however, was not without hiccups, as an organized group of about 15 persons sought to disrupt Jagdeo's engagement with the vendors, to the point of one man physically assaulting one vendor who was speaking to Jagdeo."

Why would they be my friends? 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh Lord, this must be Mars PNC friends dem with their typical bullyism.

"This morning's walkabout, however, was not without hiccups, as an organized group of about 15 persons sought to disrupt Jagdeo's engagement with the vendors, to the point of one man physically assaulting one vendor who was speaking to Jagdeo."

HAHAHA YUh SHAME the man now he gun run

Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh Lord, this must be Mars PNC friends dem with their typical bullyism.

"This morning's walkabout, however, was not without hiccups, as an organized group of about 15 persons sought to disrupt Jagdeo's engagement with the vendors, to the point of one man physically assaulting one vendor who was speaking to Jagdeo."

HAHAHA YUh SHAME the man now he gun run

These people are disgraceful!!

Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh Lord, this must be Mars PNC friends dem with their typical bullyism.

"This morning's walkabout, however, was not without hiccups, as an organized group of about 15 persons sought to disrupt Jagdeo's engagement with the vendors, to the point of one man physically assaulting one vendor who was speaking to Jagdeo."

HAHAHA YUh SHAME the man now he gun run

Why would I be ashamed when someone is obviously lying? I have no friends in GT who are vendors and who would be protesting at the arcade. I'm living out of Guyana for many years now and the friends I have in Guyana are not street vendors.

Mars posted:
Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh Lord, this must be Mars PNC friends dem with their typical bullyism.

"This morning's walkabout, however, was not without hiccups, as an organized group of about 15 persons sought to disrupt Jagdeo's engagement with the vendors, to the point of one man physically assaulting one vendor who was speaking to Jagdeo."

HAHAHA YUh SHAME the man now he gun run

Why would I be ashamed when someone is obviously lying? I have no friends in GT who are vendors and who would be protesting at the arcade. I'm living out of Guyana for many years now and the friends I have in Guyana are not street vendors.

Some elements of the PNC constituency are the most despicable obnoxious bunch of bastards.  Granger could walk about anywhere even in the PPP strongholds where the PNC sponsored terrorists took a toll and no one will show disrespect or aggression, no one.  They will listen and ask questions and be polite.

But no, your goonish PNC cohorts will seek to disrupt and accost people trying to engage in a civil discourse.  You people are despicable shameless pack of wielding low-life hounds on the lose!!  No wonder Guyana is such a miserable place, compliments PNC goons!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

You dirty liar, Jagdeo never said he saw who killed Sat Sawh.

Poor, poor, Bibi.Jagdeo did scream that he knew who killed Sat Sawh.

Maybe he is more stupid than you wish he was.

You claim that he doesn't see race, then he boasts of consolidating the East Indian support base.

Face it Bibi, this guy isn't the perfection that you think that he is.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

PPP walkabout at Stabroek Market.  May 20th.

jag 001

And did Jagdeo walk about Linden, after he oversaw the firing of 3,000 bauxite workers?

Did he do a walk about when Robeson Benn was also destroying vendor stalls.

No this is an evil man trying to disguise that he is a horrendous racist.

Bibi. Jagdeo knows property owners.  Any idea why he hasn't offered alternate sites, as well as some micro financing, if he really cared about them.

Jagdeo ought to be very familiar with these people problems as we walked passed them for 23 years when the PPP was in power?  What new facts do you think that he is learning?

ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh Lord, this must be Mars PNC friends dem with their typical bullyism.

"This morning's walkabout, however, was not without hiccups, as an organized group of about 15 persons sought to disrupt Jagdeo's engagement with the vendors, to the point of one man physically assaulting one vendor who was speaking to Jagdeo."

HAHAHA YUh SHAME the man now he gun run

Why would I be ashamed when someone is obviously lying? I have no friends in GT who are vendors and who would be protesting at the arcade. I'm living out of Guyana for many years now and the friends I have in Guyana are not street vendors.

Some elements of the PNC constituency are the most despicable obnoxious bunch of bastards.  Granger could walk about anywhere even in the PPP strongholds where the PNC sponsored terrorists took a toll and no one will show disrespect or aggression, no one.  They will listen and ask questions and be polite.

But no, your goonish PNC cohorts will seek to disrupt and accost people trying to engage in a civil discourse.  You people are despicable shameless pack of wielding low-life hounds on the lose!!  No wonder Guyana is such a miserable place, compliments PNC goons!!

I don't belong to the PNC so how would they be my cohorts? There are some wicked people in the PPP too who would protest anything that the current government is involved in. Some even wanted to sell out the country to Venezuela after they lost the elections. 

Mars posted:
. Some even wanted to sell out the country to Venezuela after they lost the elections. 

In fact they want Guyana to send Venezuela free rice.  Free, because Venezuela will not pay.

Any bets that Jagdeo wouldn't do a walk about, when the rice farmers began to protest.  Or if he did, it will be the usual "black man a starve ahbe", with the blame being placed on Granger.

The farmers need to learn that the best thing that happened to them was when MadBURRO stopped buying Guyana rice.


Good move by the city council in clearing out these eyesores. Many people under the Hoyte/Burnham and PPP administration erected structures on public land without permission. Look at the old pictures of the square and there is no buildings to be seen in it. How did these buildings get erected on public land if not illegally. 

Mars posted:
ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh Lord, this must be Mars PNC friends dem with their typical bullyism.

"This morning's walkabout, however, was not without hiccups, as an organized group of about 15 persons sought to disrupt Jagdeo's engagement with the vendors, to the point of one man physically assaulting one vendor who was speaking to Jagdeo."

HAHAHA YUh SHAME the man now he gun run

Why would I be ashamed when someone is obviously lying? I have no friends in GT who are vendors and who would be protesting at the arcade. I'm living out of Guyana for many years now and the friends I have in Guyana are not street vendors.

Some elements of the PNC constituency are the most despicable obnoxious bunch of bastards.  Granger could walk about anywhere even in the PPP strongholds where the PNC sponsored terrorists took a toll and no one will show disrespect or aggression, no one.  They will listen and ask questions and be polite.

But no, your goonish PNC cohorts will seek to disrupt and accost people trying to engage in a civil discourse.  You people are despicable shameless pack of wielding low-life hounds on the lose!!  No wonder Guyana is such a miserable place, compliments PNC goons!!

I don't belong to the PNC so how would they be my cohorts? There are some wicked people in the PPP too who would protest anything that the current government is involved in. Some even wanted to sell out the country to Venezuela after they lost the elections. 

Go figure who I mean.

You know, I sympathize with the Blacks and what they experience here sometimes, but every time I see you people operate in Guyana, I remember why I left and just say, to hell with it.  American policing have the correct approach with you low-life despicable shameless bunch of goons.  That is just what you deserve!!


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