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No basis for any sanction

January 24, 2014, By Filed Under Features/Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source


A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) should spare Guyana further embarrassment. It should avoid holding the National Assembly up to possible ridicule by refraining from the absurdity of attempting to place the Minister of Finance before the Committee of Privileges.

APNU wants to have the Minister of Finance sanctioned for his failure to comply with a resolution of the National Assembly concerning the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL). APNU has no basis to do so, and if its proceeds with this ill-advised action, would open the National Assembly to being seen as an object of political amusement. Guyana should be spared that fate.

Anyone with an elementary understanding of how parliaments work would know that resolutions and motions are not binding on the government. Motions and resolutions are instruments through which the majority of the members of the legislature express an intention or a viewpoint.

Adhering to resolutions and motions has nothing to do with obedience to the Standing Orders. Standing Orders are concerned with the procedures of the National Assembly, while adhering to resolutions and motions are about giving effect to the decisions made in the National Assembly. The Cabinet is not bound by such motions and resolutions.

The reasons are fairly obvious. If governments were bound by the motions and resolutions of the legislature, then such motions would become the basis of arrogating to the legislature, the ability to determine on government policy. The determination of such policy has always been the remit of the Executive.

The role of the legislature is to debate policy and to pass Bills, including Financial Bills. If the legislature feels that the government is totally unresponsive, then it is within its powers to pass a special type of motion known as a motion of no confidence which, by convention, should lead to the resignation of the government.  There is, therefore, no type of parliamentary motion that is legally binding on the government. The government is not even bound by the motions it supports.

The Minister of Finance therefore cannot be sanctioned for not complying with non-binding acts of the National Assembly.

How then, it may be asked, are the opposition parties to force responses from government? In his seminal work “Cabinet Ministers and Parliamentary Government”, Michael Laver reaffirms the position that parliamentary motions do not bind the government. But Laver goes on to point out a number of ways in which parliaments can force a response from a minister.

The first is by asking questions. This is recourse which for some inexplicable reason is underutilized in Guyana’s National Assembly. Yet when employed, it has proven quite effective in allowing the opposition to hold the government’s feet to the proverbial fire.

It should be recalled that it was the Alliance for Change that asked questions about the broadcasting spectrum. This particular question elicited a response from the Prime Minister which stunningly revealed that a number of persons close to the ruling party had been granted radio licences. This was a sensational disclosure that allowed the public for the first time to know just what had taken place as regards the distribution of licences. Had that question not been asked, the public and the National Assembly would have been none the wiser.

The second way of forcing responses is through parliamentary debate, including debate on resolutions and motions. In these debates, the government can be criticized and alternative policy proposals can be advanced. Governments will be forced here to defend their actions and decisions. This debate is part of the public record and allows the electorate to assess the merits of competing proposals.

Thirdly, the opposition can force a response through hearings. A while back there was big furor over NICIL. The State-owned television station invited the opposition parties to be part of a debate-series on various issues involving NICIL. One opposition parliamentarian declined the offer of a debate with the Head of NICIL, claiming he did not wish to debate with him but rather to interrogate him.

The response suggested that the opposition member was also delineating a hierarchical relationship between himself and the Head of NICIL by implying that his role was not to debate with the Head of NICIL as equals but rather for the Head of NICIL to be accountable to him as a parliamentarian.

The public is still waiting for that interrogation. And it shows that the opposition parties are not utilizing the means at their disposal to hold government accountable. Instead there have been attempts to stop the Minister of Home Affairs from speaking and to have him placed before the Committee of Privileges, without it being clear just what offence he was being committed for.

Now, there is this latest threat about sanctioning the Minister of Finance!
APNU, all heady about the combined opposition’s razor-slim majority, is operating as if that majority affords it the right to demand that the government do what the opposition parties compel in the National Assembly. It does not, and the sooner APNU deflates and comes to that realization, the less embarrassment and humiliation it will suffer.

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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The role of the legislature is to debate policy and to pass Bills, including Financial Bills. If the legislature feels that the government is totally unresponsive, then it is within its powers to pass a special type of motion known as a motion of no confidence which, by convention, should lead to the resignation of the government.  There is, therefore, no type of parliamentary motion that is legally binding on the government. The government is not even bound by the motions it supports.


No basis for any sanction

January 24, 2014, By Filed Under Features/Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source

PNC cum AFC are afraid to face another election; where the PPP/C will win with a majority of votes.


The Alexei Ramotar saga – paper

qualifications do not equate to

competence, skill or managerial ability

January 22, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, Finance Minister Ashni Singh went on the warpath recently defending President Ramotar son’s (Alexei Ramotar) shoddily incompetent administration, management and delivery of a US $32 million project to bring a fibre optic cable from Brazil to Guyana. It is no surprise that old ethnic supremacist and intellectual fraudster Vishnu Bisram of the PPP could win up to 60% of the votes in the 2011 election fame echoed Ashni Singh’s misguided and obtuse statements. The Opposition’s criticism of the soporific pace and abysmal performance of this project and its manager, Alexei Ramotar, has nothing to do with Alexei Ramotar’s qualifications or him being President Ramotar’s son, although most Guyanese must think the incompetence and inaction is now genetic. It has nothing to do with limited talent or a paucity of human resources in Guyana or a brain drain. These are all red herrings thrown in by con artists like Ashni Singh and their ethnic triumphalist friends like Bisram to detract from the real issue here – Alexei Ramotar failed and continues to fail and it is costing the people of Guyana who dutifully pay their taxes a lot of money. It does not matter how many degrees Alexei Ramotar holds. What this is really about is incompetence and failure and the pathetic attempts to excuse failure and incompetence under all manner of ludicrous guises. In fact, this fiasco magnifies Alexei Ramotar’s failure and mismanagement because of the same supposedly eminent qualifications he holds. Let us not forget that a man with a Masters in Computer Sciences from a Canadian university has failed at the simple task of stringing a cable from Brazil to Guyana when GT&T engineers, some of whom are not as qualified on paper, have successfully brought a cable across an ocean to Guyana in addition to running hundreds of miles of cables across Guyana. This is the real problem here. Computer engineers with lesser qualifications right here in Guyana have done more than Alexei Ramotar and the Opposition is right to ask serious questions, for this is taxpayers’ money going down the drain. So, brandishing Alexei Ramotar’s qualifications will only serve to emphasize the depth and shockingness of his deficiencies in handling this project. Now we know he did not fail for lack of qualifications but for lack of managerial acumen, skill, expertise and ability to just get it done. Qualification is not competence. Ashni Singh with his doctorate in finance has failed to radically transform Guyana’s economy under his helm as Finance Minister. We are a country burdened with high debt, narco and black-market economy, rising exchange rates, growing inflation, gross inequality, oligarchic domination of resources, runaway corruption, failed systems, dismal accountability, a non-functioning stock exchange, a pathetic investment banking sector, catastrophic waste, theft and mis-spending of taxpayers’ money under Dr. Ashni Singh and Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo in spite of their training in economics and finance and their other eminent qualifications. The Guyana economy performed better under Desmond Hoyte the lawyer (after reforms in 1990) and Cheddi Jagan the dentist, two men without any Masters degrees and without any formal training in Economics, than under the stewardship of Ashni Singh and Bharrat Jagdeo with all their post-graduate qualifications. Dr Leslie Ramsammy, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, Dr. Ashni Singh and Robert Persaud, MBA all presided over the collapse of the sugar industry with the final nail in the coffin coming in 2016 when the EU cuts off its preferential market and pricing to Guyana. The latter three culprits were the architects of a duncified deal with the Norwegians with so many stringent conditions that we have locked up our forests for the Norwegians to profit by getting carbon credits while we cannot get any money in return because we cannot meet the very conditions the three idiot savants in mismanagement have agreed to. Dr. Frank Anthony runs probably the smallest and most inconsequential ministry in the country yet he is exposed on what seems like a daily basis by a Ruel Johnson for his glaring managerial inadequacies. Dr. Jennifer Westford and Dr. Gopaul have presided over a growing debacle of contract workers (largely PPP comrades and soup drinkers) getting paid like highway robbers while the regular public service have to protest for a decent increase. Dr. Bheri Ramsaran oversees the nation’s public hospital which was recently avoided by the Home Affairs Minister when he fell ill. These are some of the supposedly eminently qualified denizens of the PPP politburo. We must distinguish them from the unqualified within government such as Clement Rohee and Donald Ramotar who just like their qualified compadres are also very qualified in incompetence, failure, non success and non performance. Ashni Singh might be able to fool the bumpkins who swoon over the piles of degrees, certificates, doctorates and Masters adorning people’s names, but he cannot fool people who know how to make out the qualified fool and qualified incompetent. The Ashni Singhs and Vishnu Bisrams need to cut the crap and call a spade a spade. This is taxpayers’ money going down the drain and the Guyanese people have a right to question Alexei Ramotar regardless of his qualifications or the state of the brain drain, which incidentally is caused by these frightening acts of seemingly continued nepotism where Alexei Ramotar gets to keep his job for failing and mismanagement. Only in the peculiar mind of Ashni Singh would investors looking to invest their hard-earned money in a corrupt failed state like Guyana under Ashni Singh and his friends not want to know of the delays, failures and breakdowns surrounding projects and life in general in the PPP’s Guyana. Ashni Singh must think these investors have money to waste. He must think everyone thinks like him and the rest of the PPP charlatans who have no problem wasting other people’s money with reckless schemes, ill-planned misadventures and plain old corruption and colossal failure. I would like to know how much Alexei Ramotar is being paid for this disaster. M. Maxwell

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
APNU, all heady about the combined opposition’s razor-slim majority, is operating as if that majority affords it the right to demand that the government do what the opposition parties compel in the National Assembly. It does not, and the sooner APNU deflates and comes to that realization, the less embarrassment and humiliation it will suffer.


No basis for any sanction

January 24, 2014, By Filed Under Features/Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source

The Alexei Ramotar saga – paper

qualifications do not equate to

competence, skill or managerial ability

January 22, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, Finance Minister Ashni Singh went on the warpath recently defending President Ramotar son’s (Alexei Ramotar) shoddily incompetent administration, management and delivery of a US $32 million project to bring a fibre optic cable from Brazil to Guyana. It is no surprise that old ethnic supremacist and intellectual fraudster Vishnu Bisram of the PPP could win up to 60% of the votes in the 2011 election fame echoed Ashni Singh’s misguided and obtuse statements. The Opposition’s criticism of the soporific pace and abysmal performance of this project and its manager, Alexei Ramotar, has nothing to do with Alexei Ramotar’s qualifications or him being President Ramotar’s son, although most Guyanese must think the incompetence and inaction is now genetic. It has nothing to do with limited talent or a paucity of human resources in Guyana or a brain drain.


Dem boys seh… Check out why de exchange rate going up

January 21, 2014 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

De bad news is that dem two people who been pun de plane that crash dead; de good news is that de family get closure because dem ain’t got to worry. Perhaps de time now come fuh check out and probably get rid of dem single engine plane. De view is that dem can glide. This one didn’t glide.

But dem same plane can serve a good purpose. Dem boys wonder if all de people who bring misery to Guyana can’t get pun a couple of dem plane and tek a trip. Dem plane must also get engine problem.

Things reach de stage wheh Donald getting vex wid dem. De other day he let loose some cuss word at a couple of dem crooks. Dem boys seh it is about time Donald show people that he got power and that he prepare to use it.

Donald sit down and examine de books and find out that de currency devaluing because all of dem who thief and skim off money trying to change to US dollars. That happen back in 1992 when Papa Cheddi come to office. People run to buy US dollars and de price go up.

This time because de world focusing on money laundering all of dem trying to buy US dollar. Fuh years dem didn’t have to buy US suh de money stay round 200 to one. Now it reach 213 to one and is not that people stop sending money to Guyana. Now everything in Guyana gun get expensive and de government gun seh that de people only pressing de government.

De truth is that is de same people who seh that dem like de government who cause de problem. Dem don’t care if de money go up and dem is de same people who must get pun de plane and disappear.

Brazzy still trying to sheet out de $8 million of sand that disappear. He also know bout nuff other money. Dem boys seh that de man ain’t got shame. He collect nuff money fuh NICIL but when is time to pay in de money, de government can’t find $6 billion. And Brazzy still wukking.

Talk half and think about de reason.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mitwah Bhai, Address the question of Moses,Trotty and Ramjhaatan being DUNCES.The AG is correct and those FOOLS aretrying toFOOLthe Guyanese People.

They are not obliged to debate the head of NICIL, but as elected representatives in parliament, they have that constitutional right to interrogate him.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Anyone with an elementary understanding of how parliaments work would know that resolutions and motions are not binding on the government. Motions and resolutions are instruments through which the majority of the members of the legislature express an intention or a viewpoint.

Adhering to resolutions and motions has nothing to do with obedience to the Standing Orders. Standing Orders are concerned with the procedures of the National Assembly, while adhering to resolutions and motions are about giving effect to the decisions made in the National Assembly. The Cabinet is not bound by such motions and resolutions.


No basis for any sanction

January 24, 2014, By Filed Under Features/Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mitwah Bhai, Address the question of Moses,Trotty and Ramjhaatan being DUNCES.The AG is correct and those FOOLS aretrying toFOOLthe Guyanese People.

They are not obliged to debate the head of NICIL, but as elected representatives in parliament, they have that constitutional right to interrogate him.

So why are they obstructing Parliament,wasting the Courts time and Resources and asking POOR,YOUNG AFRO GUyanese to go and intimidate Security Forces and sometime get killed?????????

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mitwah Bhai, Address the question of Moses,Trotty and Ramjhaatan being DUNCES.The AG is correct and those FOOLS aretrying toFOOLthe Guyanese People.

They are not obliged to debate the head of NICIL, but as elected representatives in parliament, they have that constitutional right to interrogate him.

So why are they obstructing Parliament,wasting the Courts time and Resources and asking POOR,YOUNG AFRO GUyanese to go and intimidate Security Forces and sometime get killed?????????

If people are willing to march and die, tells me that Guyana is about to explode. Gandhi encouraged the people to march into the British Firing squad. Note the young Afros that got killed were unarmed.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mitwah Bhai, Address the question of Moses,Trotty and Ramjhaatan being DUNCES.The AG is correct and those FOOLS aretrying toFOOLthe Guyanese People.

They are not obliged to debate the head of NICIL, but as elected representatives in parliament, they have that constitutional right to interrogate him.

Mits...I fully agree with you here...all heads of govt departments, including cabinet members and even  the president are answerably to the public through the elected members of parliament....

Originally Posted by Nehru:

They certainly have the RIGHT to question them in Parliament. Sending Young AfroGuyanese to their deaths are simply disgraceful.

Ghandi encouraged Indians to march and face the British guns. These Young AfroGuyanese are heroes created by Donald.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

They certainly have the RIGHT to question them in Parliament. Sending Young AfroGuyanese to their deaths are simply disgraceful.

Ghandi encouraged Indians to march and face the British guns. These Young AfroGuyanese are heroes created by Donald.

Mits trying to compar Gandhi to those THIEVES IS LAUGHABLE!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

They certainly have the RIGHT to question them in Parliament. Sending Young AfroGuyanese to their deaths are simply disgraceful.

Ghandi encouraged Indians to march and face the British guns. These Young AfroGuyanese are heroes created by Donald.

Mits trying to compar Gandhi to those THIEVES IS LAUGHABLE!!!!!

maybe some day you will understand what its like to fight for your rights

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

They certainly have the RIGHT to question them in Parliament. Sending Young AfroGuyanese to their deaths are simply disgraceful.

Ghandi encouraged Indians to march and face the British guns. These Young AfroGuyanese are heroes created by Donald.

Mits trying to compar Gandhi to those THIEVES IS LAUGHABLE!!!!!

Actually, I am comparing the Indian martyrs to the Young Afro Guyanese who are willing to die for their rights.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The role of the legislature is to debate policy and to pass Bills, including Financial Bills. If the legislature feels that the government is totally unresponsive, then it is within its powers to pass a special type of motion known as a motion of no confidence which, by convention, should lead to the resignation of the government.  There is, therefore, no type of parliamentary motion that is legally binding on the government. The government is not even bound by the motions it supports.


No basis for any sanction

January 24, 2014, By Filed Under Features/Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source

PNC cum AFC are afraid to face another election; where the PPP/C will win with a majority of votes.

Which serum did you just drink?

Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mitwah Bhai, Address the question of Moses,Trotty and Ramjhaatan being DUNCES.The AG is correct and those FOOLS aretrying toFOOLthe Guyanese People.

They are not obliged to debate the head of NICIL, but as elected representatives in parliament, they have that constitutional right to interrogate him.

Mits...I fully agree with you here...all heads of govt departments, including cabinet members and even  the president are answerably to the public through the elected members of parliament....

In reading the KN article I was wondering what's the raison d'etre of Parliament. Isn't it the legislative body of Guyana? Like the US Congress. Remember the US President does not pass laws, he just signs them or vetoes them.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The role of the legislature is to debate policy and to pass Bills, including Financial Bills. If the legislature feels that the government is totally unresponsive, then it is within its powers to pass a special type of motion known as a motion of no confidence which, by convention, should lead to the resignation of the government.  There is, therefore, no type of parliamentary motion that is legally binding on the government. The government is not even bound by the motions it supports.


No basis for any sanction

January 24, 2014, By Filed Under Features/Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source

PNC cum AFC are afraid to face another election; where the PPP/C will win with a majority of votes.

Which serum did you just drink?

Your option to select your choice.


An election in Guyana will be later in 2014; or within ninety days after the PNC cum AFC passes a non-confidence vote in Parliament.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The role of the legislature is to debate policy and to pass Bills, including Financial Bills. If the legislature feels that the government is totally unresponsive, then it is within its powers to pass a special type of motion known as a motion of no confidence which, by convention, should lead to the resignation of the government.  There is, therefore, no type of parliamentary motion that is legally binding on the government. The government is not even bound by the motions it supports.


No basis for any sanction

January 24, 2014, By Filed Under Features/Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source

PNC cum AFC are afraid to face another election; where the PPP/C will win with a majority of votes.

Which serum did you just drink?

Kwame cum.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Let's see "PNC cum AFC" - I'm trying to wrap my head around the meaning of that phrase. How is the Latin "cum" used here Mr. Malaprop?

Avoid compressing your head into mawkishness to understand - cum - a very simple word,

Originally Posted by Kari:

Let's see "PNC cum AFC" - I'm trying to wrap my head around the meaning of that phrase. How is the Latin "cum" used here Mr. Malaprop?

It probly got something to do wit a very simple word "shot"

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The role of the legislature is to debate policy and to pass Bills, including Financial Bills. If the legislature feels that the government is totally unresponsive, then it is within its powers to pass a special type of motion known as a motion of no confidence which, by convention, should lead to the resignation of the government.  There is, therefore, no type of parliamentary motion that is legally binding on the government. The government is not even bound by the motions it supports.


No basis for any sanction

January 24, 2014, By Filed Under Features/Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source

PNC cum AFC are afraid to face another election; where the PPP/C will win with a majority of votes.

Which serum did you just drink?

Kwame cum.


Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Let's see "PNC cum AFC" - I'm trying to wrap my head around the meaning of that phrase. How is the Latin "cum" used here Mr. Malaprop?

It probly got something to do wit a very simple word "shot"

you mean like 1 shot of Kwame's cum.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

No basis for any sanction...

APNU wants to have the Minister of Finance sanctioned for his failure to comply with a resolution of the National Assembly concerning the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL). APNU has no basis to do so, ...

  ....resolutions and motions are not binding on the government.... The Cabinet is not bound by such motions and resolutions.


The determination of such policy has always been the remit of the Executive.

The role of the legislature is to debate policy and to pass Bills, ...There is,.. no... parliamentary motion that is legally binding on the government...

The Minister of Finance therefore cannot be sanctioned for not complying with non-binding acts of the National Assembly.


APNU, all heady about the combined opposition’s razor-slim majority, is operating as if that majority affords it the right to demand that the government do what the opposition parties compel in the National Assembly. It does not, and the sooner APNU deflates and comes to that realization, the less embarrassment and humiliation it will suffer.

Parliament is a legislative body and as such its right to make and unmake any law is implicit. That understanding alone is sufficient to predicate demands for answers to failures in the law.


In the Ukraine the government had the autthoiry to join the EU or not. It chose not to. It is against the interest of the People so they are in the streets destroying the economy of the  country and demanding that the government demit office.  It s a catastrophe in the making all because an arrogant few, refuses to come under the scrutiny of the EU.


The PPP are corrupt. NICIL has become no more than a money pool for party leeches. This has to stop. The APNU is fully within its right to demand this corrupt government come to terms with its responsibilities and obligations. They cannot hide behind the shield of the law. The law in its just expression is not to hide administrators. It is intended to be a guide for appropriate actions. They cannot subvert the law and hide behind it as a cover to their crimes.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Let's see "PNC cum AFC" - I'm trying to wrap my head around the meaning of that phrase. How is the Latin "cum" used here Mr. Malaprop?

We have to nip this nonsense in the bud before it spreads like that "Cuffy lovers" virus.

Unlike "Demerara cum Guy" which is one entity, the PNC and the AFC are two distinct entities.

D_G wants people to regard the AFC and the PNC as sharing one blood, body and function.

He is dead wrong.

D_G must quit spewing more cum on this board.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Let's see "PNC cum AFC" - I'm trying to wrap my head around the meaning of that phrase. How is the Latin "cum" used here Mr. Malaprop?

We have to nip this nonsense in the bud before it spreads like that "Cuffy lovers" virus.

Unlike "Demerara cum Guy" which is one entity, the PNC and the AFC are two distinct entities.

D_G wants people to regard the AFC and the PNC as sharing one blood, body and function.

He is dead wrong.

D_G must quit spewing more cum on this board.

He doesn't know if/when he is going or cumming.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

No basis for any sanction...

APNU wants to have the Minister of Finance sanctioned for his failure to comply with a resolution of the National Assembly concerning the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL). APNU has no basis to do so, ...

  ....resolutions and motions are not binding on the government.... The Cabinet is not bound by such motions and resolutions.


The determination of such policy has always been the remit of the Executive.

The role of the legislature is to debate policy and to pass Bills, ...There is,.. no... parliamentary motion that is legally binding on the government...

The Minister of Finance therefore cannot be sanctioned for not complying with non-binding acts of the National Assembly.


APNU, all heady about the combined opposition’s razor-slim majority, is operating as if that majority affords it the right to demand that the government do what the opposition parties compel in the National Assembly. It does not, and the sooner APNU deflates and comes to that realization, the less embarrassment and humiliation it will suffer.

Parliament is a legislative body and as such its right to make and unmake any law is implicit. That understanding alone is sufficient to predicate demands for answers to failures in the law.


In the Ukraine the government had the autthoiry to join the EU or not. It chose not to. It is against the interest of the People so they are in the streets destroying the economy of the  country and demanding that the government demit office.  It s a catastrophe in the making all because an arrogant few, refuses to come under the scrutiny of the EU.


The PPP are corrupt. NICIL has become no more than a money pool for party leeches. This has to stop. The APNU is fully within its right to demand this corrupt government come to terms with its responsibilities and obligations. They cannot hide behind the shield of the law. The law in its just expression is not to hide administrators. It is intended to be a guide for appropriate actions. They cannot subvert the law and hide behind it as a cover to their crimes.

Usual abundance of words but straying from the key issues.


Remember, Distinguished and Honourable Danyael, the gist of the article is ...



  No basis for any sanction ...


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

No basis for any sanction...

APNU wants to have the Minister of Finance sanctioned for his failure to comply with a resolution of the National Assembly concerning the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL). APNU has no basis to do so, ...

  ....resolutions and motions are not binding on the government.... The Cabinet is not bound by such motions and resolutions.


The determination of such policy has always been the remit of the Executive.

The role of the legislature is to debate policy and to pass Bills, ...There is,.. no... parliamentary motion that is legally binding on the government...

The Minister of Finance therefore cannot be sanctioned for not complying with non-binding acts of the National Assembly.


APNU, all heady about the combined opposition’s razor-slim majority, is operating as if that majority affords it the right to demand that the government do what the opposition parties compel in the National Assembly. It does not, and the sooner APNU deflates and comes to that realization, the less embarrassment and humiliation it will suffer.

Parliament is a legislative body and as such its right to make and unmake any law is implicit. That understanding alone is sufficient to predicate demands for answers to failures in the law.


In the Ukraine the government had the autthoiry to join the EU or not. It chose not to. It is against the interest of the People so they are in the streets destroying the economy of the  country and demanding that the government demit office.  It s a catastrophe in the making all because an arrogant few, refuses to come under the scrutiny of the EU.


The PPP are corrupt. NICIL has become no more than a money pool for party leeches. This has to stop. The APNU is fully within its right to demand this corrupt government come to terms with its responsibilities and obligations. They cannot hide behind the shield of the law. The law in its just expression is not to hide administrators. It is intended to be a guide for appropriate actions. They cannot subvert the law and hide behind it as a cover to their crimes.

Usual abundance of words but straying from the key issues.


Remember, Distinguished and Honourable Danyael, the gist of the article is ...



  No basis for any sanction ...


You are missing the point. There is no such thing as no basis if the basis for saying so it to hide a corrupt practice. They must not be allowed to hide the crooked dealings of this company by taking cover in the law. Then the option is to highlight it by motions etc, refusing to go along with other government projects, or even taking to the streets. You and that idiot above think you can let evil slide by saying one cannot do anything about it. There is no such option. You fight it every which way. There is always a way.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

No basis for any sanction...

APNU wants to have the Minister of Finance sanctioned for his failure to comply with a resolution of the National Assembly concerning the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL). APNU has no basis to do so, ...

  ....resolutions and motions are not binding on the government.... The Cabinet is not bound by such motions and resolutions.


The determination of such policy has always been the remit of the Executive.

The role of the legislature is to debate policy and to pass Bills, ...There is,.. no... parliamentary motion that is legally binding on the government...

The Minister of Finance therefore cannot be sanctioned for not complying with non-binding acts of the National Assembly.


APNU, all heady about the combined opposition’s razor-slim majority, is operating as if that majority affords it the right to demand that the government do what the opposition parties compel in the National Assembly. It does not, and the sooner APNU deflates and comes to that realization, the less embarrassment and humiliation it will suffer.

Parliament is a legislative body and as such its right to make and unmake any law is implicit. That understanding alone is sufficient to predicate demands for answers to failures in the law.


In the Ukraine the government had the autthoiry to join the EU or not. It chose not to. It is against the interest of the People so they are in the streets destroying the economy of the  country and demanding that the government demit office.  It s a catastrophe in the making all because an arrogant few, refuses to come under the scrutiny of the EU.


The PPP are corrupt. NICIL has become no more than a money pool for party leeches. This has to stop. The APNU is fully within its right to demand this corrupt government come to terms with its responsibilities and obligations. They cannot hide behind the shield of the law. The law in its just expression is not to hide administrators. It is intended to be a guide for appropriate actions. They cannot subvert the law and hide behind it as a cover to their crimes.

Usual abundance of words but straying from the key issues.


Remember, Distinguished and Honourable Danyael, the gist of the article is ...



  No basis for any sanction ...


So, why are you talking about cum?

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

No basis for any sanction...

APNU wants to have the Minister of Finance sanctioned for his failure to comply with a resolution of the National Assembly concerning the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL). APNU has no basis to do so, ...

  ....resolutions and motions are not binding on the government.... The Cabinet is not bound by such motions and resolutions.


The determination of such policy has always been the remit of the Executive.

The role of the legislature is to debate policy and to pass Bills, ...There is,.. no... parliamentary motion that is legally binding on the government...

The Minister of Finance therefore cannot be sanctioned for not complying with non-binding acts of the National Assembly.


APNU, all heady about the combined opposition’s razor-slim majority, is operating as if that majority affords it the right to demand that the government do what the opposition parties compel in the National Assembly. It does not, and the sooner APNU deflates and comes to that realization, the less embarrassment and humiliation it will suffer.

Parliament is a legislative body and as such its right to make and unmake any law is implicit. That understanding alone is sufficient to predicate demands for answers to failures in the law.


In the Ukraine the government had the autthoiry to join the EU or not. It chose not to. It is against the interest of the People so they are in the streets destroying the economy of the  country and demanding that the government demit office.  It s a catastrophe in the making all because an arrogant few, refuses to come under the scrutiny of the EU.


The PPP are corrupt. NICIL has become no more than a money pool for party leeches. This has to stop. The APNU is fully within its right to demand this corrupt government come to terms with its responsibilities and obligations. They cannot hide behind the shield of the law. The law in its just expression is not to hide administrators. It is intended to be a guide for appropriate actions. They cannot subvert the law and hide behind it as a cover to their crimes.

Usual abundance of words but straying from the key issues.


Remember, Distinguished and Honourable Danyael, the gist of the article is ...



  No basis for any sanction ...


You are missing the point. There is no such thing as no basis if the basis for saying so it to hide a corrupt practice. They must not be allowed to hide the crooked dealings of this company by taking cover in the law. Then the option is to highlight it by motions etc, refusing to go along with other government projects, or even taking to the streets. You and that idiot above think you can let evil slide by saying one cannot do anything about it. There is no such option. You fight it every which way. There is always a way.

Again, an abundance of words unrelated to the specific issue.


Whether one likes it or not, until amendments and/or changes are made, existing laws prevail despite our beliefs.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

No basis for any sanction...

APNU wants to have the Minister of Finance sanctioned for his failure to comply with a resolution of the National Assembly concerning the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL). APNU has no basis to do so, ...

  ....resolutions and motions are not binding on the government.... The Cabinet is not bound by such motions and resolutions.


The determination of such policy has always been the remit of the Executive.

The role of the legislature is to debate policy and to pass Bills, ...There is,.. no... parliamentary motion that is legally binding on the government...

The Minister of Finance therefore cannot be sanctioned for not complying with non-binding acts of the National Assembly.


APNU, all heady about the combined opposition’s razor-slim majority, is operating as if that majority affords it the right to demand that the government do what the opposition parties compel in the National Assembly. It does not, and the sooner APNU deflates and comes to that realization, the less embarrassment and humiliation it will suffer.

Parliament is a legislative body and as such its right to make and unmake any law is implicit. That understanding alone is sufficient to predicate demands for answers to failures in the law.


In the Ukraine the government had the autthoiry to join the EU or not. It chose not to. It is against the interest of the People so they are in the streets destroying the economy of the  country and demanding that the government demit office.  It s a catastrophe in the making all because an arrogant few, refuses to come under the scrutiny of the EU.


The PPP are corrupt. NICIL has become no more than a money pool for party leeches. This has to stop. The APNU is fully within its right to demand this corrupt government come to terms with its responsibilities and obligations. They cannot hide behind the shield of the law. The law in its just expression is not to hide administrators. It is intended to be a guide for appropriate actions. They cannot subvert the law and hide behind it as a cover to their crimes.

Usual abundance of words but straying from the key issues.


Remember, Distinguished and Honourable Danyael, the gist of the article is ...



  No basis for any sanction ...


You are missing the point. There is no such thing as no basis if the basis for saying so it to hide a corrupt practice. They must not be allowed to hide the crooked dealings of this company by taking cover in the law. Then the option is to highlight it by motions etc, refusing to go along with other government projects, or even taking to the streets. You and that idiot above think you can let evil slide by saying one cannot do anything about it. There is no such option. You fight it every which way. There is always a way.

Again, an abundance of words unrelated to the specific issue.


Whether one likes it or not, until amendments and/or changes are made, existing laws prevail despite our beliefs.

The only thing related to the issue from my point of view is full disclosure. That is the right and moral thing and that is all that matters. You do not change the laws by sitting on your hands and claiming it is a straight jacket. You attack it from every viable possible way even to the point of throwing a few stones at glass houses.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

No basis for any sanction...

APNU wants to have the Minister of Finance sanctioned for his failure to comply with a resolution of the National Assembly concerning the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL). APNU has no basis to do so, ...

  ....resolutions and motions are not binding on the government.... The Cabinet is not bound by such motions and resolutions.


The determination of such policy has always been the remit of the Executive.

The role of the legislature is to debate policy and to pass Bills, ...There is,.. no... parliamentary motion that is legally binding on the government...

The Minister of Finance therefore cannot be sanctioned for not complying with non-binding acts of the National Assembly.


APNU, all heady about the combined opposition’s razor-slim majority, is operating as if that majority affords it the right to demand that the government do what the opposition parties compel in the National Assembly. It does not, and the sooner APNU deflates and comes to that realization, the less embarrassment and humiliation it will suffer.

Parliament is a legislative body and as such its right to make and unmake any law is implicit. That understanding alone is sufficient to predicate demands for answers to failures in the law.


In the Ukraine the government had the autthoiry to join the EU or not. It chose not to. It is against the interest of the People so they are in the streets destroying the economy of the  country and demanding that the government demit office.  It s a catastrophe in the making all because an arrogant few, refuses to come under the scrutiny of the EU.


The PPP are corrupt. NICIL has become no more than a money pool for party leeches. This has to stop. The APNU is fully within its right to demand this corrupt government come to terms with its responsibilities and obligations. They cannot hide behind the shield of the law. The law in its just expression is not to hide administrators. It is intended to be a guide for appropriate actions. They cannot subvert the law and hide behind it as a cover to their crimes.

Usual abundance of words but straying from the key issues.


Remember, Distinguished and Honourable Danyael, the gist of the article is ...



  No basis for any sanction ...


You are missing the point. There is no such thing as no basis if the basis for saying so it to hide a corrupt practice. They must not be allowed to hide the crooked dealings of this company by taking cover in the law. Then the option is to highlight it by motions etc, refusing to go along with other government projects, or even taking to the streets. You and that idiot above think you can let evil slide by saying one cannot do anything about it. There is no such option. You fight it every which way. There is always a way.

Again, an abundance of words unrelated to the specific issue.


Whether one likes it or not, until amendments and/or changes are made, existing laws prevail despite our beliefs.

The only thing related to the issue from my point of view is full disclosure. That is the right and moral thing and that is all that matters. You do not change the laws by sitting on your hands and claiming it is a straight jacket. You attack it from every viable possible way even to the point of throwing a few stones at glass houses.

There are apt approaches to change laws.


There are indeed those who approach the changes from adversarial angles, and it is their choices to accept the consequences for their actions.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

There are apt approaches to change laws.


There are indeed those who approach the changes from adversarial angles, and it is their choices to accept the consequences for their actions.



There are only adversarial modes with respect to the obdurate and recalcitrant. In such modes the objective is always to win against all odds so consequences are incidental

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

There are apt approaches to change laws.


There are indeed those who approach the changes from adversarial angles, and it is their choices to accept the consequences for their actions.

There are only adversarial modes with respect to the obdurate and recalcitrant. In such modes the objective is always to win against all odds so consequences are incidental

Obdurate and recalcitrant ones are indeed one's perspective, but they are not necessarily a circumspect view on the issues and situation.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

There are apt approaches to change laws.


There are indeed those who approach the changes from adversarial angles, and it is their choices to accept the consequences for their actions.

There are only adversarial modes with respect to the obdurate and recalcitrant. In such modes the objective is always to win against all odds so consequences are incidental

Obdurate and recalcitrant ones are indeed one's perspective, but they are not necessarily a circumspect view on the issues and situation.

I am sure you have our clauses mixed up but if that is your intent then indeed the PPP are not circumspect.

Last edited by Former Member

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