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Originally Posted by cain:

No boasting or anything but for dinner tonite Iman havin me some cat fish, dah is a nice nice name leh me say it fishhhhhh.

She's a nice smell...I rub she up with oil good an propa


* Every man seems to have a different name for the world's greatest and most delectable delicacy.



* World class connoisseurs like the Rev prefer to call it SUSHI.hahahaha


* Enjoy your your heavenly experience tonight cainsta.





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Originally Posted by TI:

Cat fish is ugly fuh spite! Yu had to close you eyes and eat?

Bwoy TI:


* You have to put your IMAGINATION to work.


* There in nothing ugly about "cat fish".


* Here is where the IMAGINATION comes in:



* Think of it as a CARNATION ROSE.


* H-E-A-V-E-N-L-Y


* By the way, was cain speaking in parables in the lead post ?


* The Rev assumed he was.






Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TI:

I think all the posters who responded to the thread think he was speaking in parables....except Kari, yu see all dem smiley faces.


* I did notice the smiley() faces on all the women.

* Mullah Karimullah wanted the women to be incensed and infuriated.


* What Mullah doesn't know is that most women believe in the JOYS OF GIVING.


* And any woman who ascribes to that belief will always SMILE broadly when a man like cain  lovingly professes his deep and profound love for "Cat Fish" and publicly shares his wonderment and reverence of that astonishing delicacy.hahaha





Originally Posted by chameli:

Rev, you very wordy







* Is how you think a country boo-boo like the Rev convince a polished, sophisticated, cosmopolitan, and cultured woman like the first lady to take a chance on he ?




* I use to write she nuff letters back them.


* And then one day she write me back a letter---I was sooooo happy receiving that letter.hahaha


* She said she loved my punctuation.hahahahaha


* Thank god for punctuation I hook up with a nice



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