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President David Granger speaks to the media on the sidelines of an accreditation ceremony at the Ministry of the Presidency. (Department of Public Information photo)


October 17 2019

The lack of evidence that can stand up in court and the refusal of persons to come forward and give information to the police are the reasons behind convicted drug trafficker Roger Khan not being charged locally, according to President David Granger who said he finds the situation of witnesses not coming forward disappointing.

President Granger was asked yesterday by Stabroek News why Khan, who was said to have been involved in drug trafficking and a series of other transgressions during the post-2002 crime spree, had not been charged since he returned to Guyana. Khan was deported to Guyana last month after he had served his 15-year sentence in a US jail for drug trafficking but was only questioned by the police here for two days on two murders before he was released on bail.

Guyanese drug trafficker Roger Khan

The President was asked on the sidelines of an accreditation ceremony at the Ministry of the Presidency as to why given that he had commented often on the so-called `troubles’ involving Khan, the convicted trafficker had not been charged on his return to Guyana.

Granger, who currently heads a caretaker administration,  said that charging Khan or holding a Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into his activities would be based on the acquisition of evidence.

The Head of State pointed out that a previous Commissioner of Police in relation to a massacre had said that all of the witnesses had been killed, a statement he found very difficult to believe. The Police Commissioner that the President was referring to was Seelall Persaud who had made this statement in relation to the 2008 Lindo Creek massacre during that CoI.

According to Granger, his Government did make a start in investigating the `troubles’ by convening a CoI into the Lindo Creek massacre and even now the relatives of those killed would like to see some follow-ups.

Launching the Lindo Creek CoI on January 31, 2018, the President had said “This is really a massacre of the innocents and we feel that the way in which the investigation was handled indicated that there was a high level of collusion by the Government of the day. We feel that this will be a pivotal investigation, which will unravel the criminal network, which was behind the killings in what is now called the ‘Jagdeo era’, during the ‘troubles.’ When we see the report of this Commission of Inquiry, it will lead to other Commissions. You know [there was the death of a former Minister]; it is really beyond belief that a President of a country could have one of his Cabinet Ministers assassinated and not even hold an inquest or an inquiry”.

Yesterday, the President said about the inquiry: “We are in discussions with them (the relatives) about the recommendations of the Lindo Creek massacre, but it pointed out the fact that there has not been any smoking guns, that evidence has not been sufficient to bring anybody to justice and that many of the possible witnesses have been killed or eliminated.”

A major consideration, he said, is that there might be people who are unwilling to speak because they feel they could be targeted.

“We would like to bring these matters to a closure to the relatives of the persons who were killed, Lindo Creek was a good lesson for us. We may spend millions of dollars, we may interview persons but those persons who are culprits or might have been implicated or might even have knowledge of what took place have not come forward and given us the type of evidence on which we can go to court and have convictions,” the President said.

“It is very disappointing for me but that is part of the reality that during the `troubles’ people were easily eliminated and even now people are being executed it is difficult for the police to find the motivation for such executions,” he said.

One such execution, he said, was that of activist Courtney Crum-Ewing, which he said was “most notorious”.  Crum-Ewing was on March 10, 2015 shot dead at Third Avenue, Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara while urging residents to vote against the PPP in the General and Regional elections which had been scheduled for May 11.

The President said it is an ongoing task of the police force and he is convinced that it [the force] would like to move ahead further or faster but “a lot of people had been killed and dead men tell no tales.”

Under the Bharrat Jagdeo administration, Khan was thought to have been given free rein to go after persons he determined to be criminals in the period following the 2002 jail-break when five escapees triggered a crime wave the likes of which had never before been seen in the country.

Some believe that Khan could have been prevailed upon to provide information on his activities here post the 2002 jail-break and up to the point he fled from Guyana. He was arrested in Suriname in June, 2006 and was seized by US authorities in Trinidad while ostensibly en route to Guyana. Khan was released from a US prison in early July this year after serving almost ten years of a 15-year sentence for drug trafficking. He was sentenced after he pleaded guilty to trafficking cocaine, witness tampering and gun-running.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Credible evidence would have likely dragged in the PNC operatives behind the scenes.  

Don't you think that's good ?

No. I prefer to see the sponsors of the Indian genocide exposed! Now they safe in Govt!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Credible evidence would have likely dragged in the PNC operatives behind the scenes.  

Don't you think that's good ?


I prefer to see the sponsors of the Indian genocide exposed! Now they safe in Govt!

Banna read my question again !!!

Django posted:

President David Granger speaks to the media on the sidelines of an accreditation ceremony at the Ministry of the Presidency. (Department of Public Information photo)


Someone need to inform KN to address Grainger correctly...something like acting president or squatting president would be more appropriate…. 


Crum-Ewing may have been killed by supporters of the PNC to make the PPP look bad.  I cannot see any PPP supporters killing him. He did not shout total African militant response like another dead person did.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Credible evidence would have likely dragged in the PNC operatives behind the scenes.  

Don't you think that's good ?

I do. You do. Seems like Granger doesn’t.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Credible evidence would have likely dragged in the PNC operatives behind the scenes.  

Don't you think that's good ?

I do. You do. Seems like Granger doesn’t.

I will like to know the truth ,let the chips fall where it may,  in Guyana evidence disappears , witness threatened and dead men tell no tales.


Something is missing here Djanjo- Dont you think so. 

Group ups calls for murder charge against Roger Khan

Convicted Drug Lord: Roger Khan

– says enough evidence available to lay charges of murder, drug trafficking

OUTRAGED that convicted drug lord, Shaheed “Roger” Khan, was not charged upon arrival in Guyana for the atrocities committed here, the ‘Mourning Families and Friends in White’ are calling on the Guyana Police Force to ensure that there is no stone left unturned in their investigations.

The notorious drug lord was deported to Guyana on Friday, after spending more than eight years in a US detention facility for drug trafficking. Upon his arrival, he was immediately taken into custody for the murder of Political Activist, Ronald Waddell, and former boxing coach, Donald Allison, but the Mourning Families and Friends in White believe that the police should have pressed immediate charges. “As far as I am concerned, and the group, soon as he got off the plane, he should have been arrested and charged for the atrocities that he fled from in this country,” Chairperson of the Mourning Families and Friends in White Committee, Catherine Penda Guyan, told the Guyana Chronicle on Saturday.

Last July, the committee had handed over a petition to President David Granger calling for an investigation to be launched into “the State-sponsored Right Wing Death Squad murders” that occurred under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration led by Bharrat Jagdeo. Khan was allegedly the Leader of the ‘Phantom Squad.’

Chairperson of the Mourning Families and Friends in White Committee, Catherine Penda Guyan, holding the petition which was submitted to President David Granger for an investigation to be launched into murders that occurred during the crime wave

Sister Guyan told the Guyana Chronicle that not only was Khan a fugitive, but he was fingered in the murders of Waddell, Allison and many others. In support of her statement, the rights activist alluded to the fact that in April, 2006, the Guyana Police Force, led by Winston Felix, the then Commissioner of Police, issued wanted bulletins for Khan, Paul Rodrigues, Ricardo Rodrigues and Gerald Pereira. They were wanted for a string of criminal activities including the trafficking of drugs and ammunition. Refusing to turn himself in, the drug lord fled to Suriname where he was arrested along with three of his bodyguards in a sting operation. Instead of being deported to Guyana, then Minister of Justice of Suriname, Chandrikapersad Santokhi, ordered that Khan be flown to Trinidad. Upon arrival at the airport in Trinidad, Khan was handed over to immigration authorities who then handed him over to US officials.


Now that he has been deported to Guyana, the rights activist said that Khan should face the full force of the law. “Now, the minute you have a wanted bulletin out for someone, except that bulletin had been withdrawn, you are still a fugitive. So the minute he gets here, he should also be charged for that,” Sister Guyan argued.

Rubbishing contentions by Khan’s Attorney, Glen Hanoman, that there is no evidence against his client, the rights activist alluded to the fact that US informant, Selwyn Vaughn, who had infiltrated Khan’s group, had testified in a US Court that the drug lord had ordered the killings of Waddell and Allison. “It was Roger Khan himself, who at one point, took out advertisements in the paper, stating that he is working directly with the government, and he is assisting them in the fight on crime. So there is no if’s and buts, the evidence is there,” she told this newspaper.

Sister Guyan, who was backed by the members of the Mourning Families and Friends in White, said the Guyana Police Force should waste no time in having Khan brought to justice. The first step, she emphasised, is to charge him for murder and drug trafficking. “I am saying that he needs to be locked up and charged for the murders that he was involved in, and there are so many more that he is involved in. He was the leader; he was the person that was heading that phantom squad. He was the head, and therefore he is directly responsible,” Sister Penda contended.

According to her, it is “ridiculous” that despite the glaring evidence, Khan is being questioned when he should be charged. “This is what is ridiculous, why you are saying that you are questioning him, on arrival here, he should have been charged,” she iterated.

Families of those who were killed at the hands of Khan and his Phantom Squad are still grieving, she said, noting that only justice will give them closure. “Now it is very painful, it is very painful for you as a family or friend of a loved one, who has been executed or went missing to sit down every day and see some of the persons in your mind who have been the architects in these atrocities and they are still going along their lives like nothing has happened,” Sister Penda related.

“It is very painful, so I think that something has to be done, and we are not going to stop until we see that justice has been given to our families and friends for the atrocities that have occurred,” she pledged.

This photo was taken in July 2019, moments before the Members of Mourning Families and Friends in White submitted their petition to the Ministry of the Presidency

It is the Mourning Families and Friends in White’s greatest fear that Khan would be allowed to walk when there is more than sufficient evidence against him for murder. “The fear is, if we do not insist that this man be locked up and tried for his crimes that he is going to walk free and they are going to do the same thing all over again,” she explained.

Ingrid Worrell, another member of the Mourning Families and Friends in White, said Khan is a self-confessed criminal, who should be brought to justice. “All that we want is for him to be charged and justice to be served because a lot of persons don’t have closure,” Worrell said. Worrell is of the strong belief that some elements linked to Khan remain in the hierarchy of the Guyana Police Force and they too should be brought to justice.

Dr. Rudi Guyan, like Sister Guyan, told this newspaper that because the ‘Wanted Bulletin’ was not recalled, it remains in effect and Khan should be therefore charged for the crimes he was wanted for, in addition to the 2006 revelation that he ordered the deaths of Waddell and Allison. “I would like to know what was the outcome of that (bulletin) because it was never withdrawn, and if it was never withdrawn, then it still holds,” Dr. Guyan said.
Khan was said to have close ties to the then, People’s Progressive Party/Civic, with the late ex-Home Affairs Minister, Ronald Gajraj, acting as conduit for a “Phantom Squad”. The squad was accused to murdering several criminals, competitors, and others.

Although the PPP government had sought to distance itself from Khan, the drug-trafficker had stated publicly in an advertisement in local newspapers that he had been fighting crime on behalf of the Bharrat Jagdeo-led government. He had also implicated former Health Minister, Dr Leslie Ramsammy, in his escapades, and documents bearing the then minister’s signature authorising the purchase of a sophisticated wire-tapping device were produced in U.S. courts during Khan’s trial. While Khan has completed his jail term in the US, Rights Activist and Social Commentator, Barrington Braithwaite, in a prior interview, told the Guyana Chronicle that the convict should be charged and sentenced for the crimes committed here. “What he served a sentence for in America was for selling drugs to America, what he did here has to be dealt with here,” Braithwaite told this newspaper. He was keen on noting that Khan is not the only one responsible, emphasising that many of the intellectual authorities and hitmen are still alive, simply ‘clothes in different garments.


What ever happened to this commitment by your leader Djanjo 

Earlier commitment
Back in August 2015 at a Critchlow Labour College forum, President Granger had indicated that he would launch an inquiry into unsolved and unnatural deaths between the years 2000 and 2008. He stated then that the issue is one of the priorities for his administration. “In due course, I will ensure that all of those mothers’ children who were killed have their deaths investigated,” the President told the gathering of the Cuffy 250 Third Annual State of the African-Guyanese Forum.

In 2012, Granger had drafted a motion which sought to have the very issue addressed, but it was not successful in the 10th Parliament. Back then, the motion had sought to open cases of every unnatural death.

On Sunday, President Granger said the opening of the cases is lawful, and while he has no immediate date for the start, he has already begun discussions with Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister Basil Williams on the matter. Among the deaths which will be investigated is that of former Minister of Agriculture, Satyadeow Sawh, his siblings and the security guard who were gunned down at their home in 2006. “When you have young men being shot in the backs of their heads with their hands tied; when you have so many deaths which have not been investigated; when a minister of the government has been assssinated and you don’t even have an inquest into his death, it is something stink. Something stinks, and we are going to investigate those deaths,” President Granger told the gathering.

Django posted:

@Former Member , that group should pressure the Government for an Investigation.

He promised an investigation.. see the article. 
but you need to read between the lines why Granger, who’s government is spending millions in unnecessary investigation, is running from this one . 

Dave posted:
Django posted:

@Former Member , that group should pressure the Government for an Investigation.

He promised an investigation.. see the article. 
but you need to read between the lines why Granger, who’s government is spending millions in unnecessary investigation, is running from this one . 

Why investigations are unnecessary ? I don't believe Granger running from any investigation , that's your interpretation. Let's assume there are damming evidence against the PNC , why the PPP didn't held an inquiry.

Django posted:

@ Dave , take some time to read the article, you will see are the problems.

Wanna bet there most evidence collected by the GPF , disappeared.


don’t try selling this one like how ayo did with 32 is greater than 33 and misleading people. 

If you don’t wanna admit it, I gon tell you why..

the investigation will lead into the door step of Congress Place and Granger own kind. NUFF Nuff a them will be caught with their panty down. 

you will believe Granger will make used of this opportunity at this election time to prove PPP connection with RK and the killings.. rite . 

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

@Former Member , that group should pressure the Government for an Investigation.

He promised an investigation.. see the article. 
but you need to read between the lines why Granger, who’s government is spending millions in unnecessary investigation, is running from this one . 

Why investigations are unnecessary ? I don't believe Granger running from any investigation , that's your interpretation. Let's assume there are damming evidene against the PNC , why the PPP didn't held an inquiry.


When did PPP express concern about 400 plus killing??? 

Dave posted:
Django posted:

@ Dave , take some time to read the article, you will see are the problems.

Wanna bet there most evidence collected by the GPF , disappeared.

don’t try selling this one like how ayo did with 32 is greater than 33 and misleading people.

If you don’t wanna admit it, I gon tell you why..

the investigation will lead into the door step of Congress Place and Granger own kind. NUFF Nuff a them will be caught with their panty down.

you will believe Granger will make used of this opportunity at this election time to prove PPP connection with RK and the killings.. rite . 

Mediocre response !!!!  Do you think Granger is vindictive to hold an inquiry during the election period ?

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

@Former Member , that group should pressure the Government for an Investigation.

He promised an investigation.. see the article. 
but you need to read between the lines why Granger, who’s government is spending millions in unnecessary investigation, is running from this one . 

Why investigations are unnecessary ? I don't believe Granger running from any investigation , that's your interpretation. Let's assume there are damming evidene against the PNC , why the PPP didn't held an inquiry.


When did PPP express concern about 400 plus killing??? 

Wait a minute only those lives counts?

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Dave, Dunda head confusing you

Look in the mirror , you don't understand when told to get in the corner.

Dund ahead, are you awake, should Dave check and tell you if you are??? DUMBWALLA!!

Nehru posted:


Did any one speaking to you !!!!!

Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Dave, Dunda head confusing you

Look in the mirror , you don't understand when told to get in the corner.

Dund ahead, are you awake, should Dave check and tell you if you are??? DUMBWALLA!!

F...K off you DUMB PRICK, any one speaking to you ? your wings will be cut in due time.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Dave, Dunda head confusing you

Look in the mirror , you don't understand when told to get in the corner.

Dund ahead, are you awake, should Dave check and tell you if you are??? DUMBWALLA!!

F...K off you DUMB PRICK, any one speaking to you ?

F@@#$ you too JACKASS. Yuh Uncle Charlie calling you to go fly kite!!!!!!!!!

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

@Former Member , that group should pressure the Government for an Investigation.

He promised an investigation.. see the article. 
but you need to read between the lines why Granger, who’s government is spending millions in unnecessary investigation, is running from this one . 

Why investigations are unnecessary ? I don't believe Granger running from any investigation , that's your interpretation. Let's assume there are damming evidene against the PNC , why the PPP didn't held an inquiry.


When did PPP express concern about 400 plus killing??? 

Wait a minute onlythose lives counts?

don’t run from the question I asked you. 

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

@Former Member , that group should pressure the Government for an Investigation.

He promised an investigation.. see the article. 
but you need to read between the lines why Granger, who’s government is spending millions in unnecessary investigation, is running from this one . 

Why investigations are unnecessary ? I don't believe Granger running from any investigation , that's your interpretation. Let's assume there are damming evidence against the PNC , why the PPP didn't held an inquiry.

Granger running off to Cuba again for medical treatment.  He look strong to me.

Bibi Haniffa
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

@Former Member , that group should pressure the Government for an Investigation.

He promised an investigation.. see the article. 
but you need to read between the lines why Granger, who’s government is spending millions in unnecessary investigation, is running from this one . 

Why investigations are unnecessary ? I don't believe Granger running from any investigation , that's your interpretation. Let's assume there are damming evidene against the PNC , why the PPP didn't held an inquiry.


When did PPP express concern about 400 plus killing??? 

Wait a minute onlythose lives counts?

don’t run from the question I asked you. 

You should have the answer , i am not sure what concerns the PPP.

I am aware many lives of different color was snuffed out .

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

@Former Member , that group should pressure the Government for an Investigation.

He promised an investigation.. see the article. 
but you need to read between the lines why Granger, who’s government is spending millions in unnecessary investigation, is running from this one . 

Why investigations are unnecessary ? I don't believe Granger running from any investigation , that's your interpretation. Let's assume there are damming evidence against the PNC , why the PPP didn't held an inquiry.

Granger running off to Cuba again for medical treatment.  He look strong to me.

Cancer patients have to get periodical check up .


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