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Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

@Former Member , that group should pressure the Government for an Investigation.

He promised an investigation.. see the article. 
but you need to read between the lines why Granger, who’s government is spending millions in unnecessary investigation, is running from this one . 

Why investigations are unnecessary ? I don't believe Granger running from any investigation , that's your interpretation. Let's assume there are damming evidence against the PNC , why the PPP didn't held an inquiry.

Witnesses all dead.  Them PNC took care of the links to their inner circle!


Question for we PNC / APNU / AFC brothers and sisters and Antiman 

If PPP was in Government and they say “ we don’t have enough credible evidence to change RK” and charges  get thrown out against Sam Hinds son   what would be ayo response.



Magistrate dismisses all five Charges against Sam Hinds Jr.


That is why I believe that Ali should ask for his trial to be sped up not delayed. The charges against him are even more frivolous than the ones against Hinds Jr. The Coalition is all fluff.


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