They sound like there is no danger and no problem to mislead me. I think aliens suffer with my anxiety attacks
Do you see my transparency? They must be able to see through walls.
Look around; isn't the point of contact of curved things blocked--if you detect this then I am right. Linear things cross with point of contact seen. This was done by Jesus' cross for bad to the human race.
I think people are walking around changing my eye direction unnoticed and this is why they feel powerful (I have to sense this and blink as I think to correct this).
I think the soul of the earth is trying to make decisions of when to feel on ITs own terms with time. They don't want me to have any self-control with my fate.
Their body language shows no concern to indicate they are not concerned for life.
The thought passing with time traps the nerves in the material causing anxiety attack. I had a strong one today, afraid to look at them with contempt.
What do the doctors really know; in fact what does that word doctor means?