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@Former Member posted:

Under Jagdeo's watch, it was BLACK police killing their own for money! Want any more proof of innate stupidity? Now it's black GDF killing black teens to start a racial civil war, as if the US would tolerate any interference with THEIR oil! They would send the Georgian troops to vent their frustrations about BLM and to prove their contention about BLM! NO? NOT AT ALL! Hahahahahaha.........So fking pitiable!

Looks like your drugs are kicking in.  What is all this crap about?  You are not well. 


You see Sally's posts about blowing black people away? Django had to close the thread. Sally is a very disturbed individual. Conspiracy theorist, PTSD, buckta sniffing addiction.

And to top it off he roll pon he back and put he legs behind he head while he dog fart in he face.

Big trouble bai.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

You see Sally's posts about blowing black people away? Django had to close the thread. Sally is a very disturbed individual. Conspiracy theorist, PTSD, buckta sniffing addiction.

And to top it off he roll pon he back and put he legs behind he head while he dog fart in he face.

Big trouble bai.

He's an old man and a PPP plant.

@Bigan Choka posted:

It does look a lot better than what it was. But what concerns me is the pool of water on the street. Is that from high tide? Rain? What ever it is, they need to address the seawall/drainage problem before they start these beautification projects

Bigan Bai, the seawall problem is too big for them to handle.  Rising sea levels globally will make places like the coast of Guyana uninhabitable.  We are already seeing signs of coming problems. 

@Former Member posted:

He's an old man and a PPP plant.

Sally isn't old, he thinks he's smart writing that he voted in 68 to divert. Writes like a dumb teenager. He's probably an opportunist. He speaks of liking the PPP minus Jagdeo, then of conversations with PNC folks. Probably a soupie who jumps from PNC to PPP depending on who is in power.

He's a black man hater who probably got kicked in the ass by Jagdeo then went over to Granger only to be kicked in the nuts. Bitter.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Sally isn't old, he thinks he's smart writing that he voted in 68 to divert. Writes like a dumb teenager. He's probably an opportunist. He speaks of liking the PPP minus Jagdeo, then of conversations with PNC folks. Probably a soupie who jumps from PNC to PPP depending on who is in power.

He's a black man hater who probably got kicked in the ass by Jagdeo then went over to Granger only to be kicked in the nuts. Bitter.

Fits well with the name Ms. Pauline Dettol.

@Ramakant-P posted:

This forum should also be closed.  Some parents are telling their children not to access GNI.  It's a disgrace.

Rama, what will you do if the forum is closed? You are going to miss Tola and the boys. And when you get off the bike the wife will have you clapping Roti.

Look at yuh fren KP giving you thumbs up even though he is one of the prime reasons you think GNI is a "disgrace". He posting all he gay sex talk. KP de Kinky Poster.

@Former Member posted:

Sally isn't old, he thinks he's smart writing that he voted in 68 to divert. Writes like a dumb teenager. He's probably an opportunist. He speaks of liking the PPP minus Jagdeo, then of conversations with PNC folks. Probably a soupie who jumps from PNC to PPP depending on who is in power.

He's a black man hater who probably got kicked in the ass by Jagdeo then went over to Granger only to be kicked in the nuts. Bitter.

Once the fella said, he writes better Salman Rushdie.

@Former Member posted:

Rama, what will you do if the forum is closed? You are going to miss Tola and the boys. And when you get off the bike the wife will have you clapping Roti.

Look at yuh fren KP giving you thumbs up even though he is one of the prime reasons you think GNI is a "disgrace". He posting all he gay sex talk. KP de Kinky Poster.

As you should know I do clap Roti.  How many Indo boys can say that. I relieve my wife of the burden of doing housework. We have a great relationship and have been married for the last 51 years. My love for her grows and so deepens with every passing year. 


Good for you, Rama! These lowlifes can only think of a woman in terms of sexual gratification! Theirs! Although they seldom can please their partners, they boast as if they were the woman's gift! I know them like the back of my hand! Obscene, selfish, narcissistic and boastful! That's why I could always take their women away from them! My own pleasure took a backseat to my partner's!

Last edited by Former Member
@Ramakant-P posted:

As you should know I do clap Roti.  How many Indo boys can say that. I relieve my wife of the burden of doing housework. We have a great relationship and have been married for the last 51 years. My love for her grows and so deepens with every passing year.

Good for you Rama. My parents were married for 50+ years when they both passed away within months of each other.

@Former Member posted:

..the same can be said of you. You must be blue black for a white man to call you the N word. Imagine hating black man and going thru life looking like one. No greater sentence on you. LOL

There's your trouble! You think only blue blacks provoke the N word! To the 'white' man, anyone who is not 'white' deserves the N appelation! I'm quite sure YOU would thank him for calling you a N! Let me tell you something (and for the benefit of the CSIS scum who is always monitoring whatever I do on my notebook computer and cell phone) shortly after I arrived in Canada, I realized that to some Canadians I had been in a war with 'white' Canada and I had lost, therefore any 'white' Canadian racist felt he had the right to place his foot on my neck, threatening to break it! My response has always been "Break it, you fk! What are you waiting for?"

Last edited by Former Member

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