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@Former Member posted:

There's your trouble! You think only blue blacks provoke the N word! To the 'white' man, anyone who is not 'white' deserves the N appelation! I'm quite sure YOU would thank him for calling you a N! Let me tell you something (and for the benefit of the CSIS scum who is always monitoring whatever I do on my notebook computer and cell phone) shortly after i arrived in Canada, I realized that to some Canadians I had been in a war with 'white' Canada and I had lost, therefore any 'white' Candian racist felt he had the right to place his foot on my neck, threatening to break it! My response has always been "Break it, you fk! What are you waiting for?"

Madness.  This person is hallucinating.  No need to break his neck.  The blood supply to his head has been cut off. 

@Former Member posted:

Good for you Rama. My parents were married for 50+ years when they both passed away within months of each other.

Do you mean to say that for 50+ years your mother hid the truth of your paternity from your 'father'? I wonder how she was able to do that when  everybody in the neighbourhood knew the truth!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

dis fool cussing heself and calling heself a ramgoat LMAO. Somebody call Arjune fuh help he. Ah mek he run off. LOL

Listen up, cowardly fool! My father was a Rajput! One of the warrior castes of India! An old Indo Guyanese once told me about what he saw as a young man! My father had been living with an Afro woman on the railway enbankment and, one day, they had some argument over which he beat her! Instead of minding their own business, a crowd of Afros assembled and started to throw rocks and bottles at my father! Instead of running away, like some of you who are brave in numbers, my father advanced with a stick while fending off the missiles! The brave Afro crowd ran! The old Indo told me, "Ah nevur see ting lika dah!" My father wasn't racial like you keyboard warriors! He recognized differences but treated people according to how they treated him! I do the same! He beat the woman because his people felt women should always be subservient to men! Not because of race! Or why would he live with her in the first place!


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