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An Indian couple have had their children taken away by Norwegian social workers because they were feeding them with their hands and sleeping in the same bed as them.

Anurup and Sagarika Bhattacharya lost custody of their three-year-old son and one-year-old daughter eight months ago after authorities branded their behaviour inappropriate.

The drastic measure led to intervention from the Indian government who contacted Norwegian authorities in an a desperate attempt to return the children.

Father Anurup told Indian television channel NDTV: 'They told me ‘why are you sleeping with the children in the same bed?’.

'(I told them) this is also a purely cultural issue. We never leave the children in another room and say goodnight to them.'

Anurup added: 'Feeding a child with the hand is normal in Indian tradition and when the mother is feeding with a spoon there could be phases when she was overfeeding the child.

'They said it was force feeding. These are basically cultural differences.'

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The Norwegian need to study Indian customs about hand feeding and sleeping together. The same custom we grew up with in Guyana, and I cherish is to this day. Our custom in the west is seen differently and taken seriously. I guess we have to abide by the laws in the country in which we lived in.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
In Norway Norwegian laws take precedence over Indian customs. If those Indians don't like it they can go back to India.

Is there really a law that states children cannot be fed by hands?
Do they have a law that states parents shouldn't be sleeping in the same bed as their children?
Or are the authorities seeing things their way?
I am sure there is, otherwise the Norwegians wouldn't have intervened. These Norwegians have always had a different perspective to the rest of Europe. In the old days the Norwegians would travel long distances just for a fight and unapproved sexual contact.
The Norwegian Gov might have to take the whole of La Leche (I think this is the name for the breast-feeding organization into custody!
What would they say about some of the Hispanics who give their children a bottle up to 6 years old? Or the 8 year old who gets his butt wiped by grandma? Big Grin
Originally posted by chameli:

when i had my first child i barely let her out of my sight and definitely not at nite

my kids are 23, 20 and 13 and i still feed them by hand if i am eating dhal n rice wid some dry bhunjal something...dem would say dem doan want but if i say take a taste from my hand then i end up feeding dem...

and the lil one has been sleeping in my bed for about 4 nites now...(okay she papa not home but i liked having the babies in my room)

Are you sure you are not a reincarnation of my Mom ?
darn, that's crazy. I guess non lil norwegian picknee don't sleep with their parents

I still keep my baby with me...especially when he's sick. And feed both of them occasionally. They say the food taste better when I feed them Smile

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