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When ABC News first met little Tashina Iron Horse, she was 5 years old, a chatty and vivacious kindergartener.

Now she’s 6, in the first grade, and she tells us she wants Justin Bieber to be her boyfriend. If she could, she’d ask President Obama for “Fresh water…and bubble gum…and a backpack.” She wants to grow up to be a police officer, a career choice inspired by her mother Bobbie, who works long hours as a security guard.

Tashina lives on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, where most of the 30,000 to 40,000 residents identify as Oglala Lakota Sioux and boast of a rich cultural history and deep-seated spirituality. Located in the southwest corner of South Dakota, Pine Ridge is one of the 565 federally recognized Indian Nations in the United States. It is also one of the poorest.

Pine Ridge residents live amid poverty that rivals that of the third world. Forty-seven percent of the Pine Ridge population lives below the federal poverty level, 65 percent to 80 percent of the adults are unemployed, and rampant alcoholism and an obesity epidemic combine with underfunded schools to make it a rough place to grow up. Tashina lives in government housing in Manderson, 30 minutes north of downtown Pine Ridge. She lives with her grandmother, parents, siblings and uncles – sometimes up to 19 people live in the three-bedroom house, which has seen better days.

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Originally posted by Miraver:
she’d ask President Obama for “Fresh water…and bubble gum…and a backpack.”

The things we take for granted...
I hope that this child can get these.
I have been to Pine Ridge to mountain bike. It is beautiful country. I also visited there many times because my best friend did her residency at their hospital to work off her student loan. There are many problems on the reservation but lots of it are not as we face in the third world. Reservation problems are completely different and most are sociological, psychological malaise as well as neglect. However, they do have access to great health care and social services. Infrastructure to remote communities are always difficult and indeed more must be done.
Originally posted by Mad Max:
Time for these forgotten people to arise and start a tent city in D.C.
On that account our Amerinds are the Guyanese Palestinians and ought to become more militant with their rights as well. IF Jagdeo can give himself huge staths in the rupununi ( if the rumor is true) and refuse to allocate the WaiWai contiguous plots then there should be more militancy against outside domination of their lands.
Originally posted by Mad Max:
They need guns.
Discrimination is always perpetuated by the might of the more powerfully armed.
Militant objection to oppression does not have to be armed conflict.

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