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Finnish President's Husband Caught Eyeing Danish Princess' Breasts?
By Katie Kindelan | ABC

What does a man do when caught red-eyed staring at a woman’s cleavage? And what does a man do when that woman is not his wife, the president of a nation, but the wife of a prince? And how does a man respond when his indecent exposure is caught-on-camera and broadcast to the world?

Those are all questions now facing Pentti Arajarvi, the “first gentleman” of Finland, married to Finnish president Tarja Halonen.

Arajarvi, 63, was seated next to Princess Mary of Denmark, wife of the Crown Prince of Denmark, at a dinner he attended in Copenhagen with his wife last month.

At some point during the dinner, Arajarvi became more enthralled with his 23-years-his-junior seatmate than the meal or the program itself, and began to stare at the princess’s chest.

Arajarvi’s fixed gaze was not only busted by the princess in an awkward moment, his ogling was also caught on camera, the footage of which was released to the world by The Sun newspaper this week.

The video shows Arajarvi abruptly lifting his gaze at the moment the princess spots his eyes and adjusts her dress.

To make matters worse, the dinner the two were attending was hosted by Princess Mary’s mother-in-law, the queen of Denmark.

Though local media reaction to Arajarvi’s has been unforgiving, the Sun gives him one possible out, writing, “In his defense, he may have simply been admiring Princess Mary’s necklace.”

Arajarvi’s wife, Halonen, is the first female to hold office of president in Finland.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

At some point during the dinner, Arajarvi became more enthralled with his 23-years-his-junior seatmate than the meal or the program itself, and began to stare at the princess’s chest.

The man was just "lowering his gaze". Smile
I look at women breasts all the time. Read somewhere that it can extend one's life. Now here is a sensible question. If you notice a woman's zipper open, do you tell her so she can modest up or would you let it go not wanting to disclose that you were looking there?

For the women, would you appreciate the advise or would you be upset that the man was looking there?
Originally posted by ksazma:
I look at women breasts all the time. Read somewhere that it can extend one's life. Now here is a sensible question. If you notice a woman's zipper open, do you tell her so she can modest up or would you let it go not wanting to disclose that you were looking there?

For the women, would you appreciate the advise or would you be upset that the man was looking there?

See below. It is divinely sanctionedBig Grin

Originally posted by Miraver:

The man was just "lowering his gaze". Smile
Originally posted by chameli:
Originally posted by ksazma:
I look at women breasts all the time. Read somewhere that it can extend one's life. Now here is a sensible question. If you notice a woman's zipper open, do you tell her so she can modest up or would you let it go not wanting to disclose that you were looking there?

For the women, would you appreciate the advise or would you be upset that the man was looking there?

i will be in your 'hood in May...i will delibrately leave it open so u can offer to take care of it...that is pull up the zipperBig Grin

I am only good at unzipping. Smile Have also mastered the art of unclasping at the touch. Smile
Originally posted by ksazma:

For the women, would you appreciate the advise or would you be upset that the man was looking there?

I would be embarrass that my zipper was down but grateful someone..anyone...told me. I would probably die from mortification Big Grin
Originally posted by amral:
the last time I helped a woman zipped her pants up, my fingers got caught in the zipper, I spent the next 15 mins "trying" to pull my fingers out from inside her crotch Big Grin

Did she pee pun yuh hand? Big Grin
Originally posted by chameli:
Originally posted by TI:
Mammary glands are merely glands.
why are women so uptight about a mere glance at glands?
Big Grin

why are you so obsessed with size? Wink Razz

nice play on words...glands/glanceclever

Actually I prefer small to medium Big Grin
[QUOTE]Originally posted by ksazma:
If you notice a woman's zipper open, do you tell her so she can modest up or would you let it go not wanting to disclose that you were looking there?[QUOTE]

I'd like to know. I hope he knows the lingo...XYZ. eXamine Your ZipperSmile

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