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NSA spying will be Obama’s Watergate: Franklin Lamb


Press TV has conducted an interview with Franklin Lamb, international lawyer, about Director of National Intelligence James Clapper admitting he lied to Congress when he said NSA doesn’t spy on Americans. What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Let’s jump right in. Do you think that James Clapper is only accepting this now that Edward Snowden has revealed the details of widespread spying not only on Americans but even on citizens and officials from other countries as well?

Lamb: Well I think that James Clapper statement was it to be...of his lawyers to keep him out of jail under the idea that he lied to Congress under a perjury sworn testimony but this apology will be used as this saga unfolds and I think it is going to unfold.

I think, can you imagine it has already been 40 years almost to the month since Watergate which brought down Nixon for a crime that does not compare really to this crime.

I think there is going to be, this continues to be as we said last week the tip of iceberg. It is Obama’s Watergate I believe and the first question that is going to start soon from Congress if they haven’t already, what did he know and when did he know it and let the chips fall and the investigations by the Congress and media and others continue.

I think it is very hard to say right now where this is going but it is not going in a good place for the Obama administration but it may be going to a good place for the American public who want to protect our civil liberties and our Constitution if this thing is totally exposed and this patriot, Mr. Snowden continues his work as others are joining not only in America but around the world.

So it is a very major happening and I think that Mr. Clapper is a small fish in this but there is going to be others.

So it is ... of what happened with France, violating IATA, the International Air Transport Association authority rules with regard to air space. He put the President of Bolivia, Morales wife in danger on a whim at a phone call and pressure and the Congress is going to want to know and the American people are going to want to know who gave the orders to contact France, Portugal, Italy, our allies to close off international air space so some team could run in there and arrest this fellow.

It is amazing what is unfolding the last couple of days and we are going to hope that some good comes out of this terrible experience which occurs in an egregious attack, a fundamental attack on civil liberties in America.

Press TV: Mr. lamb, let’s scale back to just how bad this is for national intelligence and for the United States. If people in the position of James Clapper are lying to Congress about such issues, what is to say that there aren't more lies still to be revealed that just haven't been unearthed yet?

Lamb: Nothing and that is why we use the term the tip of the iceberg and we do not fantasize about that but that is what history teaches us. Remember Watergate, it was step by step unfolded, unfolded and grew and grew and grew and I predict the same thing is going to happen with this and there were some good results that came out of the Church hearings and the Ervin hearings and the Baker hearings with Nixon and Watergate which caused of course his resignation but it was good for the people to see these kind of crimes being committed and I think we are going to frankly see the same thing here.

Again it is just the beginning, it is incalculable I think the damage that has been done to America by the American government in the eyes of the world and its allies. What country is going to trust America anymore with a secret?

And there is a boast coming out of Washington today, AIPAC, oh the thing you allowed about this Snowden stopped for a long time.

But wait a minute, how did the Israelis know about it if the American public did know about it ?

The claim is in the Intelligence Committee of the House of Representatives that somebody shared this intelligence with the Israelis before the story broke in last couple of years.

So we gonna have to see what develops on this historic and potentially very damaging episode in American history.

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QUOTE "I think there is going to be, this continues to be as we said last week the tip of iceberg. It is Obama’s Watergate I believe and the first question that is going to start soon from Congress if they haven’t already, what did he know and when did he know it and let the chips fall and the investigations by the Congress and media and others continue." UNQUOTE

Originally Posted by asj:

Impeachment in the air for Obama?

Go jump in a lake. Read Watergate and then reconsider if the parallel exist. It was the opportunistic use of the office of the presidency to leverage personal political gain by a coterie presidential insiders.


This is a long term project born over a decade ago and put in place by a previous president with oversight from congressional committees. Further, the extensive capacity to surveil citizens and even apprehend them without the benefit of habeas corpus kicking in is a creation of President bush and his neocon crew with full assent of the congress. It is called the Patriot Act.


Only you you mama and mullah TV can envision the president being impeached.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by asj:

Impeachment in the air for Obama?

Go jump in a lake. Read Watergate and then reconsider if the parallel exist. It was the opportunistic use of the office of the presidency to leverage personal political gain by a coterie presidential insiders.


This is a long term project born over a decade ago and put in place by a previous president with oversight from congressional committees. Further, the extensive capacity to surveil citizens and even apprehend them without the benefit of habeas corpus kicking in is a creation of President bush and his neocon crew with full assent of the congress. It is called the Patriot Act.


Only you you mama and mullah TV can envision the president being impeached.

Resident Welfare Bum, Why don't you go suck up on your medications so that some iota of sense cab filter through that shitty head of yours. Jackass instead of comparing mama with mullah TV, should tell our readers how your wife and daughter left you maybe you can ask them where they went one could stand an odious stinky like you.


Whenever you feel like responding without all your mumbo jumbo, then and only then your post or your response will be worthwhile to be read.


I do not care for your habeas corpus or your blabbering of Neocons and your Patriot Act, I know that it is only a matter of time before the Republicans get Obama. The GOP's Second-term scandal machine is operational! Who knows if Obama be sunk by the IRS, the AP, Benghazi or NSA?


Quote "

As we all know, Republicans really want to impeach Barack Obama. Last time they really wanted to impeach a president, they did so, even though most Americans thought that was going a bit far. Here in 2013, a majority of Republicans support Obama's removal from office, and while elected Republicans seem, on the whole, slightly skeptical, we have suddenly been provided with a wealth of potential impeachment-worthy scandal.

We are in second-term scandal mode. A combination of genuine abuses of power and overblown pseudo-scandals will engulf the administration over the next four years. But which currently raging controversy is most likely to lead to the premature end of the administration?" Unquote


If you do not have anything to garbled about in understandable  language then you should tell us what kind of girly name you know use as a nick.......Danyael sounds like an old wh0re*****.



Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by asj:

Impeachment in the air for Obama?

Go jump in a lake. Read Watergate and then reconsider if the parallel exist. It was the opportunistic use of the office of the presidency to leverage personal political gain by a coterie presidential insiders.


This is a long term project born over a decade ago and put in place by a previous president with oversight from congressional committees. Further, the extensive capacity to surveil citizens and even apprehend them without the benefit of habeas corpus kicking in is a creation of President bush and his neocon crew with full assent of the congress. It is called the Patriot Act.


Only you you mama and mullah TV can envision the president being impeached.

Resident Welfare Bum, Why don't you go suck up on your medications so that some iota of sense cab filter through that shitty head of yours. Jackass instead of comparing mama with mullah TV, should tell our readers how your wife and daughter left you maybe you can ask them where they went one could stand an odious stinky like you.


Whenever you feel like responding without all your mumbo jumbo, then and only then your post or your response will be worthwhile to be read.


I do not care for your habeas corpus or your blabbering of Neocons and your Patriot Act, I know that it is only a matter of time before the Republicans get Obama. The GOP's Second-term scandal machine is operational! Who knows if Obama be sunk by the IRS, the AP, Benghazi or NSA?


Quote "

As we all know, Republicans really want to impeach Barack Obama. Last time they really wanted to impeach a president, they did so, even though most Americans thought that was going a bit far. Here in 2013, a majority of Republicans support Obama's removal from office, and while elected Republicans seem, on the whole, slightly skeptical, we have suddenly been provided with a wealth of potential impeachment-worthy scandal.

We are in second-term scandal mode. A combination of genuine abuses of power and overblown pseudo-scandals will engulf the administration over the next four years. But which currently raging controversy is most likely to lead to the premature end of the administration?" Unquote


If you do not have anything to garbled about in understandable  language then you should tell us what kind of girly name you know use as a nick.......Danyael sounds like an old wh0re*****.



 Pathetic. no need to follow you into the gutter.  The reality is Obama is only going to be impeached in your head.


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