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Published: January 24, 2012 NY Times

There is absolutely no excuse for the New York Police Department’s decision to show a hate-filled film about Muslims to more than 1,400 city police officers.

Relations between police and the diverse Muslim community are already tense after The Associated Press uncovered aggressive surveillance of Muslims, including American citizens. The propaganda of this film will only damage those relations further and make law enforcement more difficult.

The film shows some of the grisliest jihadist terrorists attacks in recent years and argues that the real agenda for Islamists in America is to infiltrate and dominate the country. The department said at first that it was shown to only a handful of officers, but that proved to be false when the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University obtained police records through the courts after a nine-month struggle. Police documents show some confusion over where the film, β€œThe Third Jihad,” came from β€” possibly a contractor β€” and how it kept running for three months to a year in a conference area.

Paul Browne, a Police Department spokesman, said the officer responsible for making sure the film ran β€œon a continuous loop” while officers were filling out papers has been disciplined. That is not remotely enough.

Mr. Browne said Commissioner Raymond Kelly found the film objectionable. Mr. Kelly should apologize for the film, which was financed and distributed by the conservative Clarion Fund, and he should make clear that his department does not tolerate such noxious and dangerous stereotyping.

A version of this editorial appeared in print on January 25, 2012, on page A28 of the New York edition with the headline: Hateful Film.
Originally posted by Cobra:
Police commissioner Raymond Kelly is doing a great job in keeping NYC safe and combating terrorism. I hope he stays on and do what he does best. I am willing to gave up some of my freedom for safety. Thanks Mr. Kelly!

African Americans, Jews and others who know what it's like to be treated differently will piss on chammars like you!!
CAIR Calls for Press Conference on Steps of City-Hall - January 26th at 11 a.m

* Jan 25,2012

Following the cooperation of NYPD Police Commissioner Ray Kelly with producers of Anti-Islam film β€˜The Third Jihad’ and his spokesman Paul Browne being caught in the lie after denying any involvement, CAIR-NY demands Kelly and Browne’s resignation.


CAIR-NY: Coalition to Call for Resignation of NYPD Commissioner Over Anti-Islam Film Cover-Up

(NEW YORK, N.Y., 1/25/12) Β­ On Thursday, January 26, the New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-NY) β€” along with the Muslim American Civil Liberties Coalition (MACLC) and other minority and civil liberties groups β€” will hold a news conference on the steps of City Hall to call for the resignations of New York City Police Department (NYPD) Commissioner Ray Kelly and Deputy Commissioner Paul Browne due to revelations that they covered up their roles in the production of the anti-Islam propaganda film β€œThe Third Jihad” that was shown to almost 1500 NYPD officers.

WHAT: News Conference to Call for Resignation of NYPD Commissioner Kelly, Deputy Commissioner Browne
WHEN: Thursday, January 26, 11 a.m.
WHERE: Steps of New York City Hall, New York, NY
CONTACT: CAIR-NY Civil Rights Manager Cyrus McGoldrick, 203-206-6883 or 212-870-2002, E-Mail:

A New York Times article published yesterday stated:
β€œCommissioner Kelly is listed on the β€˜Third Jihad’ Web site as a β€˜featured interviewee.’ Paul J. Browne, the Police Department’s chief spokesman, wrote in an e-mail that filmmakers had lifted the clip from an old interview. The commissioner, Mr. Browne said, has not asked the filmmakers to remove him from its Web site, or to clarify that he had not cooperated with them.”

CAIR-NY: In NYPD Training, a Dark Film on U.S. Muslims –

But in a follow-up article today, the Times reveals that Kelly and Browne were both involved in the film’s production: β€œDeputy Commissioner Paul J. Browne told The New York Times on Monday that the filmmakers had relied on old interview clips and had never spoken with the commissioner. On Tuesday, the film’s producer, Raphael Shore, e-mailed The Times and provided a date and time for their 90-minute interview with the commissioner at Police Headquarters on March 19, 2007. Told of this e-mail, Mr. Browne revised his account. β€˜He’s right,’ Mr. Browne said Tuesday of the producer. β€˜In fact, I recommended in February 2007 that Commissioner Kelly be interviewed.’”

SEE: In Shift, Police Say Leader Helped With Anti-Islam Film and Now Regrets It (NY Times)-

β€œThis controversy has moved beyond an issue of poor judgment in the use of an Islamophobic training film to an issue of the integrity of public officials,” said CAIR-NY Civil Rights Manager Cyrus McGoldrick. β€œThe lack of truthfulness exhibited by Commissioner Kelly and Deputy Commissioner Browne means New Yorkers must now question the credibility of every statement they make. This situation necessitates their immediate resignations.”

He said this latest revelation comes following a year-long series of misstatements and retractions from Kelly and Browne that indicates a total disregard for the civil rights of American Muslims and a complete lack of respect for one of the city’s largest religious communities.

McGoldrick said that when the issue first came to light last year, CAIR-NY called on the NYPD to investigate how the propaganda film came to be used in mandatory counterterrorism training. CAIR-NY also called for new NYPD guidelines to ensure that officer training materials offer only unbiased information about any religious or minority community. Along with the Muslim American Civil Liberties Coalition (MACLC), CAIR-NY sent several letters to Commissioner Kelly, but received no response beyond callous dismissals of the allegations as β€œwrong” and β€œa non-issue.”

SEE: CAIR Asks NYPD to Probe Use of Anti-Muslim Training Film-
SEE: Muslim American Civil Liberties Coalition-

McGoldrick added that a recent series of investigative reports by the Associated Press revealed that undercover NYPD officers in a so-called β€œDemographics Unit” spied on Muslim communities and houses of worship with the assistance of individuals linked to the CIA. NYPD officials initially denied the Demographics Unit existed, despite the AP’s publication of an NYPD presentation and other documents that described the mission and makeup of the unit.

SEE: CIA Lawyer Never Approved NYPD Collaboration that Built Widespread Muslim Spying Programs-
AP: NYPD Demographics Unit Presentation-

Reports indicate that the NYPD even spied on Muslim leaders who figured prominently in community outreach efforts, and infiltrated Muslim student groups not suspected of committing any crime.

SEE: NYPD Even Spied on the Muslim Leaders Who Were Helping Them-
SEE: NYPD Spying on Muslim College Students Now-

β€œThe Third Jihad” was produced by the shadowy non-profit group the Clarion Fund. A previous anti-Muslim propaganda film produced by the group and distributed to millions of voters in swing states just prior to the 2008 election was apparently backed by a $17 million donation from a β€œlongtime contributor” to neo-conservatives and militant Israeli groups. The Clarion Fund also has links to the right-wing Israeli group Aish HaTorah.

SEE: Moneyman for Anti-Muslim DVD Campaign Revealed?-

The Times article on Tuesday also notes: β€œ[The Clarion Fund’s] previous documentary attacking Muslims’ β€˜war on the West’ attracted support from the casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, a major supporter of Israel who has helped reshape the Republican presidential primary by pouring millions of dollars into a so-called super PAC that backs Newt Gingrich.”

SEE: Gingrich’s Anti-Muslim Sugar Daddy Funded Film Shown to NYPD-

McGoldrick noted that the Obama administration said it would review and reform government training on Islam after CAIR and the other civil rights groups expressed concerns about persistent reports that FBI agents and other government and military officials are trained to view mainstream American Muslims with suspicion and to view the faith of Islam as the source of terrorism and extremism.

SEE: CAIR Calls for Reform of FBI’s Training on Islam, Muslims-
Manufacturing the Muslim Menace-
How We Train Our Cops to Fear Islam-
Islam-Bashing Bigots Train Counterterrorism Agents-

CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

Become a Fan of CAIR on Facebook-
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- END –

CONTACT: CAIR-NY Civil Rights Manager Cyrus
McGoldrick, 212-870-2002, or 203-206-6883,
E-Mail:; CAIR National
Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper,
202-744-7726, E-Mail:; CAIR
Communications Coordinator Amina Rubin,
202-488-8787, 202-341-4171, E-Mail:
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by Cobra:
Police commissioner Raymond Kelly is doing a great job in keeping NYC safe and combating terrorism. I hope he stays on and do what he does best. I am willing to gave up some of my freedom for safety. Thanks Mr. Kelly!

African Americans, Jews and others who know what it's like to be treated differently will piss on chammars like you!!

Dem seh dem gatt nuff "sleeper cells" up deh. Datt's wy abie lil careful wid dem Mid-East bais, yuh nevva know wah dem gatt plan foa abie donk hay in me lil country. Dem could mek Buxton FF look laka play war.
The Times article on Tuesday also notes: β€œ[The Clarion Fund’s] previous documentary attacking Muslims’ β€˜war on the West’ attracted support from the casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, a major supporter of Israel who has helped reshape the Republican presidential primary by pouring millions of dollars into a so-called super PAC that backs Newt Gingrich.”

SEE: Gingrich’s Anti-Muslim Sugar Daddy Funded Film Shown to NYPD-

Newt fuh president!
Many Americans came out against right wing evangelists who became powerful under GW Bush and the Republican Party. The Tea Party Movement continues to cultivate these religious morons.

Moderate muslims have not been open against right wing extremist islamic groups who support terrorism. If they were I am sure non- muslims would be more willing to embrace them and see islam differently and not paint all muslims with the same brush in one stroke.

It is always the ignorant , backward cowards who remain silent or opposes proactive actions. The occupy movement got more flack from people who are victims of the financial carnage , who dont have a cent to scratch their ar5e.

Too many people are easily brainwashed ! I said a long time ago , we should never have gone into war with islamic terrorist movements but rather use intel to cut off their funding , assassinate key members and pressure countries which host them into submission and if neccessary, collapse and force the masses to revolt.

If my rights and security is directly threatened towards my peril I would have no friken mercy. Its them or me or both of us .
Originally posted by kidmost:
Moderate muslims have not been open against right wing extremist islamic groups who support terrorism. If they were I am sure non- muslims would be more willing to embrace them and see islam differently and not paint all muslims with the same brush in one stroke.

So are you saying that these Americans are fairer than the Guyanese people back in the 70's who used to say that 'all fullaman are scamps'? Or are you saying that they are equally as fair and all fullaman were indeed scamps back in Guyana during the 70's?
rASS DEM USED TO CALL all, Your word "Fullaman" Scamps????
Originally posted by ksazma:
Originally posted by kidmost:
Moderate muslims have not been open against right wing extremist islamic groups who support terrorism. If they were I am sure non- muslims would be more willing to embrace them and see islam differently and not paint all muslims with the same brush in one stroke.

So are you saying that these Americans are fairer than the Guyanese people back in the 70's who used to say that 'all fullaman are scamps'? Or are you saying that they are equally as fair and all fullaman were indeed scamps back in Guyana during the 70's?
Originally posted by Nehru:
rASS DEM USED TO CALL all, Your word "Fullaman" Scamps????
Originally posted by ksazma:
Originally posted by kidmost:
Moderate muslims have not been open against right wing extremist islamic groups who support terrorism. If they were I am sure non- muslims would be more willing to embrace them and see islam differently and not paint all muslims with the same brush in one stroke.

So are you saying that these Americans are fairer than the Guyanese people back in the 70's who used to say that 'all fullaman are scamps'? Or are you saying that they are equally as fair and all fullaman were indeed scamps back in Guyana during the 70's?

The word 'fullaman' is not the contentious aspect of my statement.
Originally posted by kidmost:
. The occupy movement got more flack from people who are victims of the financial carnage , who dont have a cent to scratch their ar5e.


Yes becasue thos epeople so no point in a bunch of white hippies screaming and behaving like hooligans and not focusing instead in developing realistic solutions.

As a result OWS is a distinctly 2011 event even though the problem still exists.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Chief:

African Americans, Jews and others who know what it's like to be treated differently will piss on chammars like you!!

I love it when Muslims, who dont give the slightest about blacks, suddenly love us when they too feel the sting of racism.

Who say they love you? Bilaal would turn over in his grave to hear you say that! Big Grin
Originally posted by ksazma:
Originally posted by kidmost:
Moderate muslims have not been open against right wing extremist islamic groups who support terrorism. If they were I am sure non- muslims would be more willing to embrace them and see islam differently and not paint all muslims with the same brush in one stroke.

So are you saying that these Americans are fairer than the Guyanese people back in the 70's who used to say that 'all fullaman are scamps'? Or are you saying that they are equally as fair and all fullaman were indeed scamps back in Guyana during the 70's?

every ethnic group had a stereotype in Guyana. Back in the 70's fanatic extremist muslims were not a domestic, nor global threat. Guess what, everywhere now it seems fashionable to not only become or profess to be muslim but to dress and parade as an arab muslim , note, as an ARAB MUSLIM ! They all want to appear ARAB ! You dont see me running around in a dhoti kurta and turban. Maybe I should tatoo a big F@cking swastika on my forehead or an OM !
Originally posted by kidmost:
every ethnic group had a stereotype in Guyana. Back in the 70's fanatic extremist muslims were not a domestic, nor global threat. Guess what, everywhere now it seems fashionable to not only become or profess to be muslim but to dress and parade as an arab muslim , note, as an ARAB MUSLIM ! They all want to appear ARAB ! You dont see me running around in a dhoti kurta and turban. Maybe I should tatoo a big F@cking swastika on my forehead or an OM !

Exactly my point. Since those circumstances that you mentioned above did not exist back in Guyana during the 70's, what drove others to hate Muslims back then? What drove them to label all Muslims as scamps and declare that the bigger the Muslim's beard, the bigger a scamp he is? I submit that it is plain hatred and I also submit that that hatred still exist and not because some Muslims have become militant, intolerant or Arab imitator but because they are Muslims plain and simple.
Originally posted by kidmost:
Many Americans came out against right wing evangelists who became powerful under GW Bush and the Republican Party. The Tea Party Movement continues to cultivate these religious morons.

Moderate muslims have not been open against right wing extremist islamic groups who support terrorism. If they were I am sure non- muslims would be more willing to embrace them and see islam differently and not paint all muslims with the same brush in one stroke.

It is always the ignorant , backward cowards who remain silent or opposes proactive actions. The occupy movement got more flack from people who are victims of the financial carnage , who dont have a cent to scratch their ar5e.

Too many people are easily brainwashed ! I said a long time ago , we should never have gone into war with islamic terrorist movements but rather use intel to cut off their funding , assassinate key members and pressure countries which host them into submission and if neccessary, collapse and force the masses to revolt.

If my rights and security is directly threatened towards my peril I would have no friken mercy. Its them or me or both of us .

This man Kiddie!!
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Chief:

African Americans, Jews and others who know what it's like to be treated differently will piss on chammars like you!!

I love it when Muslims, who dont give the slightest about blacks, suddenly love us when they too feel the sting of racism.

Another piece of bullcrap from you.

Islam is the only religion where blacks can be in the first row, put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Further more in Islam we have no race barrier and restrictions/.
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by ksazma:
Originally posted by caribj:
I love it when Muslims, who dont give the slightest about blacks, suddenly love us when they too feel the sting of racism.

Interesting since about half the world's Muslim population is black.

Simply not true!

Then be my guest and show the numbers. Break it down by race and locality. Many thanks.
Originally posted by ksazma:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by ksazma:
Originally posted by caribj:
I love it when Muslims, who dont give the slightest about blacks, suddenly love us when they too feel the sting of racism.

Interesting since about half the world's Muslim population is black.

Simply not true!

Then be my guest and show the numbers. Break it down by race and locality. Many thanks.

Very 'cleverrr'!!

But, it's YOUR claim bai . . . U have to bring the numbers & PROVE IT!

I'm just a dissenter
Originally posted by redux:
Very 'cleverrr'!!

But, it's YOUR claim bai . . . U have to bring the numbers & PROVE IT!

I'm just a dissenter

Nah, your dissent is the current standing statement. Rather than make a statement you would have been smart to ask me to support my statement. You opened the door, now it is on you to close it.
Originally posted by ksazma:
Originally posted by redux:
Very 'cleverrr'!!

But, it's YOUR claim bai . . . U have to bring the numbers & PROVE IT!

I'm just a dissenter

Nah, your dissent is the current standing statement. Rather than make a statement you would have been smart to ask me to support my statement. You opened the door, now it is on you to close it.

So, you cannot support your reckless and manifestly false statement . . . now you want the discourse to degenerate into a meaningless gotcha exchange . . . to cover your tracks of course.

Go out a bit further on a limb with your FOOLISH 'claim' . . . THEN it will be worth my while to saw the bloody thing off!!
Originally posted by redux:
So, you cannot support your reckless and manifestly false statement . . . now you want the discourse to degenerate into a meaningless gotcha exchange . . . to cover your tracks of course.

Go out a bit further on a limb with your FOOLISH 'claim' . . . THEN it will be worth my while to saw the bloody thing off!!

Your rant, reminiscent of a few weeks ago.
Originally posted by ksazma:
Originally posted by redux:
So, you cannot support your reckless and manifestly false statement . . . now you want the discourse to degenerate into a meaningless gotcha exchange . . . to cover your tracks of course.

Go out a bit further on a limb with your FOOLISH 'claim' . . . THEN it will be worth my while to saw the bloody thing off!!

Your rant, reminiscent of a few weeks ago.

Yeah . . . rite

. . . can't help noticing that U still clinging to the trunk for dear life!
Originally posted by Chief:
Islam is the only religion where blacks can be in the first row,.

Obviously you have never been to black churches. Go spread your nonsense to Flake and see how fast you flee in embarrassment.

Arabs never had any concern for blacks until they replaced them as the new ni99ers.

tell those Libyans who are slaughtering blacks, and did so under Gaddafy, about the fact that Arab Muslims dont discriminate against blacks.

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