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I am aware that Arabs discriminate against others who are not ASrabs but that is not what Islam teaches.
As for Floyd Flake and the others, they are predominantly black churches.
Iam speaking about mixes congregations.

Islam teaches that all man kind are equal regardless of color of skin. That will not make sense to you because you feel that blacks should be superior over Indians.

Iam and to my last breath will remain in the owrds of Brother Bob' the color of a man skin is no more important than the color of his eyes"!!!
Originally posted by Chief:
I am aware that Arabs discriminate against others who are not ASrabs but that is not what Islam teaches.
As for Floyd Flake and the others, they are predominantly black churches.
Iam speaking about mixes congregations.

Islam teaches that all man kind are equal regardless of color of skin. That will not make sense to you because you feel that blacks should be superior over Indians.

Iam and to my last breath will remain in the owrds of Brother Bob' the color of a man skin is no more important than the color of his eyes"!!!

All religion dozz teach love and unity, but dem lead to moo killin' dan dem wah gatt no gaad.
Originally posted by Chief:
I am aware that Arabs discriminate against others who are not Arabs but that is not what Islam teaches.

Modern day Christianity doesnt teach racism either so whats your rambling about now?

Sudan has wide spread discrimination against black muslims but apparently darfur means nothing to you. Reports of bigotry have emerged also in Yemen, Iraq and elsewhere.

Chief your "religion is better than mine" is a discussion you best ignore. Note that your extremists are way worse than those of any other religion on this planet. How many thousands of people do some Muslims kill on behalf of Allah???

Look at Nigeria.

When I board a plane is it Christian or Hindu fanatics who force me to take off my belt, shoes, and carry limited amounts of liquid?

Now can you cite how I think blacks should be superior to Indians. Oh I see, suggesting that blacks should also play a role in running Guyana and should be selected on their merits for leadership. This in your eyes is anti Indian racism.

You can pull that nonsense over some black Muslims eyes, but not this black Christian.

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