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Originally posted by ksazma:
My mom always say that you make your children, not their minds. Many young kids including indians are spreading their wings beyond anything you might ever think of. But for the most part they are only having fun. Their outlook is nothing to what we were brought up with. They are very confident, fearless and lack that grain of hypocrisy we sometimes have. They are much more tolerant to others and other cultures beliefs. Your daughter may not partake in this kind of activity but maybe she will and my bet is that if she did you will be able to use your love for her and all her other great qualities to overlook this and see it as just young kids having some fun.

Now at Nehru’s age, if he were to behave this way would be plain sick. Smile

i could never see my daughter practically naked and simulating anal sex on the streets with dozens of strange men as "just young kids having some fun." sorry, that's just me. again, i don't see anything "cultural" about the behavior of the women in the video. again, that's just me. not speaking for anyone else. and by the way, i consider myself a very tolerant and open-minded person when it comes to many, many controversial things. crude, nasty, vulgar behavior in public is not one of them.
Originally posted by ksazma:
What I usually find interesting about us as we become parents especially of teenagers, we tend to forget that we were basically no different than what they are now.

Speak for yourself, my upbringing and the people around me were far better. Our behaviour was far superior than the ones I see some of these tramps get on with. Yes I use the word tramp, cause people that get on like that in my opinion is just a few cents short of being call a slut.

The other day I saw a picture of Jagdeo that someone posted on Facebook doing the same thing with the GDF people looking on. I find that disgusting and disgracefull to the position of President.

Then again people values have been degraded now.
Originally posted by amral:
Originally posted by ksazma:
What I usually find interesting about us as we become parents especially of teenagers, we tend to forget that we were basically no different than what they are now.

Speak for yourself, my upbringing and the people around me were far better. Our behaviour was far superior than the ones I see some of these tramps get on with. Yes I use the word tramp, cause people that get on like that in my opinion is just a few cents short of being call a slut.

The other day I saw a picture of Jagdeo that someone posted on Facebook doing the same thing with the GDF people looking on. I find that disgusting and disgracefull to the position of President.

Then again people values have been degraded now.

Unfortunately these are the times we live in!! Carnival all over the World,, as Andre pointed out, consists of public nakedness. It has become part and parcel of the fabric of today's society.

This IS today's NY Daily News editorial....

Did ya see the video of the cops who danced with a handful of the costumed women at the West Indian Day Parade last week?

Please do. You can catch it on YouTube, courtesy of the website. It should bring a smile to your face while you wonder what in the hell all the fuss was about.

Not only did these officers have moves, they did wonders for police-community relations by getting harmlessly into the spirit of the festivities. The crowd loved them without a trace of the manufactured moralizing and holier-than-thou carping that surfaced as soon as the video went viral.

There they were, uniformed white NYPD officers stationed along the line of march. Passing before them was a large procession, mostly black, including many women wearing feathers and glitter - and not much else, as is the way of the Caribbean-themed festival.

A woman clad in a feathered bikini bends bottom up to grind into a cop's groin. He allows her the revelry without moving. Cops on either side of him begin to boogie. Women approach, shaking their booties. The officers respond with pelvic thrusts in kind - nothing that would seem out of place at a healthy wedding reception.

All around, people are moving and grooving. Everyone is all smiles. The cops get high-fives and fist bumps. It all lasts a bit more than a minute.

While Commissioner Ray Kelly said he doesn't want to make too much of the incident, the Brooklyn borough commander will investigate. Which only goes to show that when you join the NYPD, you are damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Make the mistake of handcuffing a city councilman and a political aide, who happen to be black, because they are in a frozen zone at the same parade, and your actions are held up as expressions of latent racism.

Get forced into a street gun battle with a desperate thug a few blocks from the parade, and you wind up the target of a shooting probe after a bystander is killed.

Smile, show a little rhythm and connect with your fellow New Yorkers, human being to human being, and you find the bosses breathing down your neck.

Heck with that.

Those guys don't deserve an investigation. They deserve medals.

Read more:
Originally posted by Rosita:
This is fairly decent maticore dance.

[FLASH_VIDEO]<object codebase=",0,0,0"
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Very decent.
There is little or no difference difference with women winning up to Tassa at Maticore night or on Lawa morning at Indian weddings.
I attended a hindu wedding at a Mandir and Tassa was allowed to play in the yard and boy I could not have belief the type of vulgar dancing that was going on in that Mandir Yard. I came here on GNI and spoke about it and was told that music and dancing is part and parcel of Hindu culture.

Chiefy, next time you see the dancing, you won't find it hard to believe!

Andre said, "Wine down behavior is common at most carnivals all over the world when people get drunk and start frollicking". Let's take venue (e.g. the mandir yard) and carnival out of the picture for a bit. I agree with Andre that anywhere you have alcohol, wine and guh down will happen. I've gone to Muslim wedding receptions and some of the dances I've seen will make your eyes pop! I've seen Guyanese women simulate sex with a post when they get drunk. Do you blush easily? If you do, and you were there, you would have been red for hours!!!
Originally posted by the new yorker:
[QUOTE] tassa dancing is nothing like the anal sex simulation going on in this video, so i don't what kind of tassa dancing you've been watching.

New Yorker, as you already know, tassa dancing is gaining the influence of other types of dances nowadays. Some people are expressing their "art" which may not be acceptable to others. I love to watch the older people do the tassa.
I see this board still needs some young blood around. Sorry TNY, but I can't see how that simulates Anal Sex at all. Just what are you looking for that, that is what you see? Is it sexually vulgar yes, but don't add what's not there. Were these officers wrong yes, but it's clear as day that these guys hang out with this type of crowd and this is what they are use to. What's done is done, I don't think it's anything to be so upset about. I would much rather these cops tek a lil whine than run around shooting up the place. Wasn't there a young woman that lost her life by a stray bullet from a cop at the parade? But this is what you chose to look at? This? This is major? Ever generation considers theirs to be the best, Elvis was considered vulgar.
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by Miraver:
I've seen Guyanese women simulate sex with a post when they get drunk. Do you blush easily? If you do, and you were there, you would have been red for hours!!!

Ever heard about a drunken mind reveals a sober heart.
Probably they always wanted to have a post in them dunno

you know i think you thinking like burnham Wink (douglarization project)

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