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Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Through growth, good tax policy, good spending, he will do it.

Straight-jacket time

The straight jacket was the other night at the debate.  The fad of Obama is gone, talk is cheap, delivery is what matters, not likability.  Obama's failed leadership is now his own albatros.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Through growth, good tax policy, good spending, he will do it.

Straight-jacket time

The straight jacket was the other night at the debate.  The fad of Obama is gone, talk is cheap, delivery is what matters, not likability.  Obama's failed leadership is now his own albatros.

he still leading in most, if not all the battleground states...people know that ROmney is a liar


Post-debate polling by Ipsos for Reuters showed no change in the national polling of likely and registered voters who looked at the debate. The one change was a slight increase in Rombey's favorability rating which is still in the toilet.


Today's jobs report of unemployment at 7.8% has dipped below the un-magical 8% barrier and hiring is up. You will begin to see some structural changes, fiscal incentives and the lessening of the consumer debt overhang, impacting the economy to the point where even with stchupidee Al as President you will see 12 million jobs created in the next 4 years, Europe notwithstanding.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by caribny:

rev Al...who is the Romney who you are voting for??????



The Romney the Rev will be voting for is:


* The Romney who spoke in coherent sentences and paragraphs in the debates--something Obama can only do reading prepared speeches from a teleprompter.


* The Romney who stripped Obama of his intellectual pretensions and exposed him as a confounded dunce.


* The Romney who demonstrated superior intellectual artillery.





So Obama is a lousy debater.


Remember how Hillary demolished him and we know where that ended.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev since you are a die hard Romney supporter.


Explain this.  Federal Expenditures $3.8T of which only $450 B is on non defense federal discretionary programs.  Deficit is $1.3T


So do you think that not funding PBS is going to balance the budget?


They will have to decimate social security and medicaid/medicare if they do not increase income taxes.


Figure this out. Its  simple arithmetic.


Romney says that he will not touch medicare  and social security.  Medicaid is used mainly for special needs kids and old people in nursing homes.  So he cant tough that either.


So do you now see that Romney is not telling you the truth? 

Through growth, good tax policy, good spending, he will do it.

So I see like Romney you have no idea.



A magazine well respected by Wall Street stated that Reagan.


Note. Income taxes and ESPECIALLY capital gains taxes were higher under Reagan.  Not only that but, faced nwith budget deficits Reaga INCREASED taxes and raised capital gains taxes to the same rate that income taxes were at the time 28%.


You will recall that Reagan and Clinton who INCREASED income taxes had strong job creation.


On the other hand Bush who CUT income and especially capital gains taxes left office with 800,000 jobs being lost MONTHLY!!!!



So it appears to me as if cutting income taxes does NOT lead to growth, or job creation.


So scratch your head and think harder.  Clearly romney has no idea what to do as he is yet to tell us, but he still has not told us HOW he will create 12 million jobs. 


Now Rev I know this is hard for you to do as if a donkey was running for office you will vote for fim, provided that it isnt a black donkey.





Listen folks!


When you are not that bright you can't get better prepared. What nearly 70 million Americans saw  was the real Obama - a confounded dunce. Romney exposed his dunceness in the first debate, and will continue to flog him in the remaining debates.



Originally Posted by Kari:

Post-debate polling by Ipsos for Reuters showed no change in the national polling of likely and registered voters who looked at the debate. The one change was a slight increase in Rombey's favorability rating which is still in the toilet.


Today's jobs report of unemployment at 7.8% has dipped below the un-magical 8% barrier and hiring is up. You will begin to see some structural changes, fiscal incentives and the lessening of the consumer debt overhang, impacting the economy to the point where even with stchupidee Al as President you will see 12 million jobs created in the next 4 years, Europe notwithstanding.

Kari think.  Jobs increased by a mere 100,000.  Do you really think that this is what led to a drop in unemployment?   Labor force participation rates are at 58%.......a record LOW level. Adjust this upwards to a more normal 65% and you will see how high unemployment really is.


And of course the issue is the quality of jobs....many reported today were part time.


The job market remains weak and until jobs are created at more than 250k/month we will not be dealing with the problem. 


And I have no more faith that Obama will create 12 million more jobs than I have that Romney will do so.  In fcat neither of them have told us how they plan to do so.


Obama is saying the same thing that he said 4 years ago, and whats disappointing is that many of his great ideas then, like the Infrastructure Bank, seem to be forgotten.  Given that the Feds are keen to push money into the economy, thay could have bought bonds issued by the Infrastructure bank rather than buying mortgages...this having limited effect as few people are getting mortgages so the cash just sits unused.


I am therefore left with the opinion that under Obama we will see job growth at a mere 100-150k fact jobs creation has SLOWED recently as US exporters have had to face a Europe problem as well as slow downs in the emerging markets, and continued sluggishness in domestic consumption and business investment.



Under Romney...who knows as he clearly thinks that screaming "abracadabra" and waving a magic wand with achieve this goal.  I only hope that Saturday Night Live can do to Romney what it did to Pallin, because clearly Obama cant do that.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:




Listen folks!


When you are not that bright you can't get better prepared. What nearly 70 million Americans saw  was the real Obama - a confounded dunce. Romney exposed his dunceness in the first debate, and will continue to flog him in the remaining debates.



And what does Romney know.


FACT: Income tax rates were higher under Reagan.


FACT: Reagan INCREASED income taxes and capital gains taxes to reduce the deficit.


FACT:  Reagan created jobs.  Bush destroyed jobs and Romney who is Bush on steriods will destroy even MORE.


But Rev he is a black man so that is all you care about.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The straight jacket was the other night at the debate.  The fad of Obama is gone, talk is cheap, delivery is what matters, not likability.  Obama's failed leadership is now his own albatros.

This is true about Obama.


The USA is left with deciding whether they prefer a likeable man who seems not quite able to fix the economy.


Or an untrustworthy man who does not seem to know what to do, so that every day we hear contrasting remarks.


They may well stick with the guy who they can predict...Obama...than the guy whose views change as quickly as the weather in London.


Baseman by the time Romney finishes showing how "moderate" he is,,,he will be saying the same thing that Obama is.


So who will you prefer.  The man who has been consistent, even if the results appear disappointing.


Or the man who seems to be having a mental moment, because any one who simultaneously contradicts himself must be psycho.

Originally Posted by caribny:


And what does Romney know.

What does Romney know you ask ?


70 million Americans saw Romney live, and most are now convinced that he knows a hell of a lot more than that confounded dunce and poser in the white house. Americans saw a Romney who was rock solid and fully in command---Duncy Obama looked Lazy and detached--and DUNCE!


Have a look at your hero Obama in the 2nd debate---Romney has agreed for him to use a TELEPROMPTER:hahahahaha






Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The straight jacket was the other night at the debate.  The fad of Obama is gone, talk is cheap, delivery is what matters, not likability.  Obama's failed leadership is now his own albatros.

This is true about Obama.


The USA is left with deciding whether they prefer a likeable man who seems not quite able to fix the economy.


Or an untrustworthy man who does not seem to know what to do, so that every day we hear contrasting remarks.


They may well stick with the guy who they can predict...Obama...than the guy whose views change as quickly as the weather in London.


Baseman by the time Romney finishes showing how "moderate" he is,,,he will be saying the same thing that Obama is.


So who will you prefer.  The man who has been consistent, even if the results appear disappointing.


Or the man who seems to be having a mental moment, because any one who simultaneously contradicts himself must be psycho.

The economy of the USA is controlled by many factors. It is not STATIC. The forces that controls the economy is DYNAMIC, suh y shouldn't Romney revise his position from time to time. That is a requiste of all progressive business people.


Heeelllllllo people! Romney is Businessman-he makes money. However, he has a whole lot of people to convince who were accustomed live on Clinton/Obama dole outs.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Post-debate polling by Ipsos for Reuters showed no change in the national polling of likely and registered voters who looked at the debate. The one change was a slight increase in Rombey's favorability rating which is still in the toilet.


Today's jobs report of unemployment at 7.8% has dipped below the un-magical 8% barrier and hiring is up. You will begin to see some structural changes, fiscal incentives and the lessening of the consumer debt overhang, impacting the economy to the point where even with stchupidee Al as President you will see 12 million jobs created in the next 4 years, Europe notwithstanding.

Kari think.  Jobs increased by a mere 100,000.  Do you really think that this is what led to a drop in unemployment?   Labor force participation rates are at 58%.......a record LOW level. Adjust this upwards to a more normal 65% and you will see how high unemployment really is.


And of course the issue is the quality of jobs....many reported today were part time.


The job market remains weak and until jobs are created at more than 250k/month we will not be dealing with the problem. 


And I have no more faith that Obama will create 12 million more jobs than I have that Romney will do so.  In fcat neither of them have told us how they plan to do so.


Obama is saying the same thing that he said 4 years ago, and whats disappointing is that many of his great ideas then, like the Infrastructure Bank, seem to be forgotten.  Given that the Feds are keen to push money into the economy, thay could have bought bonds issued by the Infrastructure bank rather than buying mortgages...this having limited effect as few people are getting mortgages so the cash just sits unused.


I am therefore left with the opinion that under Obama we will see job growth at a mere 100-150k fact jobs creation has SLOWED recently as US exporters have had to face a Europe problem as well as slow downs in the emerging markets, and continued sluggishness in domestic consumption and business investment.



Under Romney...who knows as he clearly thinks that screaming "abracadabra" and waving a magic wand with achieve this goal.  I only hope that Saturday Night Live can do to Romney what it did to Pallin, because clearly Obama cant do that.


.'s about the trajectory. You have to see the underlying structural changes that can lead to robust growth in years to come....and this is more than the normal economic lag. The banking system clean-up and the education and R & D initiatives are not sexy and visible, but you haver to look at things critically.

Originally Posted by seignet:

The economy of the USA is controlled by many factors. It is not STATIC. The forces that controls the economy is DYNAMIC, suh y shouldn't Romney revise his position from time to time. That is a requiste of all progressive business people.


Heeelllllllo people! Romney is Businessman-he makes money. However, he has a whole lot of people to convince who were accustomed live on Clinton/Obama dole outs.

Dear sir the US economy is not so dynamic that Romney must do a 180 degree turn every time he speaks to another audience.


Romney might know how to make money but he is lost in the middle of the Pacific with some people speaking Polynesian when it comes to being president.


A man who tells the GOP that he will NOT raise taxes, and then tells the rest of us (as if the GOP isnt listening) that he will raise the effective taxes that , and will not cut the marginal tax rate if it blows up the budget, is not serious.  This is a skit from Sat Night Live and soon we will not be able to tell who is real and who is the SNL comedian.


So sorry OBama is not the God that Kari thinks he is, but he is a serious candidate. Romney is an SNL skit.

Originally Posted by Kari:




.'s about the trajectory. You have to see the underlying structural changes that can lead to robust growth in years to come....and this is more than the normal economic lag. The banking system clean-up and the education and R & D initiatives are not sexy and visible, but you haver to look at things critically.

Kari stop regurgitating White House press releases.  Obama looks good because Romney is so bad.  Obama's economic initiatives have failed to stimulate the eocnomy in a way that brings employment levels and incomes back to where they were in 2007. 


It is clear that he has no new ideas (or is he does he is hiding them) which is why he has energy while campaigning in front of admiring supporters, but when he knows that America is listening (his convention fiasco of a speech and his debate) he sounds like a worn out and tired old man. 


We have heard the same thing from him for the last 4 years, in fact some of his best ideas (the Infrastructure Bank and shovel ready projects) have long been lost because he instead wasted time on Obamacare which will be quickly demolished if he loses. 


I told you this 2 years ago and you scoffed.  Now you are left biting your nails hoping that the voting electorate looks more like 2008 than it does of 2010.  In that latter year blacks, Hispanics and young whites stayed home, all bitter about how things were turning out.


Dont think that when Ryan talked about the recent graduate with the fading poster back at home, working in the copy shop, rather than in a professional capacity (50% are in this group) didnt have some impact.  Of course not to vote Romney...but then the intent is to simply ensure that they dont vote.


So we will support Obama because a 1-2% growing economy is better than the one that Romney will bring, a repeat of 2008 and maybe worse.


But call it what it is. Obama is not great and even he doesnt think that he is.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Kari:


Today's jobs report of unemployment at 7.8% has dipped below the un-magical 8% barrier and hiring is up.

For the record, when Obama took office in January 2009, the "official" unemployment rate was 7.7%.  So what progress has he made? 


Shut up!!

EH EHHHH!!! Well lookat story hey now. This girl makin she eyes an pass  big man tarass.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Kari:


Today's jobs report of unemployment at 7.8% has dipped below the un-magical 8% barrier and hiring is up.

For the record, when Obama took office in January 2009, the "official" unemployment rate was 7.7%.  So what progress has he made? 


Shut up!!

I love you sweetheart

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:




.'s about the trajectory. You have to see the underlying structural changes that can lead to robust growth in years to come....and this is more than the normal economic lag. The banking system clean-up and the education and R & D initiatives are not sexy and visible, but you haver to look at things critically.

Kari stop regurgitating White House press releases.  Obama looks good because Romney is so bad.  Obama's economic initiatives have failed to stimulate the eocnomy in a way that brings employment levels and incomes back to where they were in 2007. 


It is clear that he has no new ideas (or is he does he is hiding them) which is why he has energy while campaigning in front of admiring supporters, but when he knows that America is listening (his convention fiasco of a speech and his debate) he sounds like a worn out and tired old man. 


We have heard the same thing from him for the last 4 years, in fact some of his best ideas (the Infrastructure Bank and shovel ready projects) have long been lost because he instead wasted time on Obamacare which will be quickly demolished if he loses. 


I told you this 2 years ago and you scoffed.  Now you are left biting your nails hoping that the voting electorate looks more like 2008 than it does of 2010.  In that latter year blacks, Hispanics and young whites stayed home, all bitter about how things were turning out.


Dont think that when Ryan talked about the recent graduate with the fading poster back at home, working in the copy shop, rather than in a professional capacity (50% are in this group) didnt have some impact.  Of course not to vote Romney...but then the intent is to simply ensure that they dont vote.


So we will support Obama because a 1-2% growing economy is better than the one that Romney will bring, a repeat of 2008 and maybe worse.


But call it what it is. Obama is not great and even he doesnt think that he is.

You have the IQ of Rev Al......a waste of time being on the same thread you're on.....

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:'s about the trajectory. You have to see the underlying structural changes that can lead to robust growth in years to come....and this is more than the normal economic lag. The banking system clean-up and the education and R & D initiatives are not sexy and visible, but you haver to look at things critically.

Kari stop regurgitating White House press releases.  Obama looks good because Romney is so bad.  Obama's economic initiatives have failed to stimulate the eocnomy in a way that brings employment levels and incomes back to where they were in 2007. 


It is clear that he has no new ideas (or is he does he is hiding them) which is why he has energy while campaigning in front of admiring supporters, but when he knows that America is listening (his convention fiasco of a speech and his debate) he sounds like a worn out and tired old man. 


We have heard the same thing from him for the last 4 years, in fact some of his best ideas (the Infrastructure Bank and shovel ready projects) have long been lost because he instead wasted time on Obamacare which will be quickly demolished if he loses. 


I told you this 2 years ago and you scoffed.  Now you are left biting your nails hoping that the voting electorate looks more like 2008 than it does of 2010.  In that latter year blacks, Hispanics and young whites stayed home, all bitter about how things were turning out.


Dont think that when Ryan talked about the recent graduate with the fading poster back at home, working in the copy shop, rather than in a professional capacity (50% are in this group) didnt have some impact.  Of course not to vote Romney...but then the intent is to simply ensure that they dont vote.


So we will support Obama because a 1-2% growing economy is better than the one that Romney will bring, a repeat of 2008 and maybe worse.


But call it what it is. Obama is not great and even he doesnt think that he is.

You have the IQ of Rev Al......a waste of time being on the same thread you're on.....

I think the guy is smart, but racism controls his every thought causing him to be stunted.


However, my view, Obama has been a failure in a major way.  Had he been White, chances of re-election would have been dismal. However, the Afro/Dougla votes coupled by leftist ideological freaks continue to breathe life into a losing proposition.  Obama has been exposed, his days are now numbered.


Sad to say, but he will win again. The majority is having a love affair with Charisma.


Do ppl on here really believe that Romney is a liar, daft and stupid-all at the same time.


Is like this Canadian chap who sold shares on the stock exchange for gold he was never mining. And ppl bought into his scam.


Yuh Americans have two scam artist to choose from. 

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Kari:


Today's jobs report of unemployment at 7.8% has dipped below the un-magical 8% barrier and hiring is up.

For the record, when Obama took office in January 2009, the "official" unemployment rate was 7.7%.  So what progress has he made? 


Shut up!!

I love you sweetheart

Now we all can learn how to debate in a CIVIL manner. Alena ROCKS!!!!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I think the guy is smart, but racism controls his every thought causing him to be stunted.

looking inward, i seeee


and, BTW, you just THINK U smart . . . a conceit, I concede, every idiot is entitled to

Ohh, the bottle-washer is back.

like i advised you a while back . . . do what U do well


reaching for satire, irony, etc., above your IQ level simply identifies U as bereft and desperate

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I think the guy is smart, but racism controls his every thought causing him to be stunted.

looking inward, i seeee


and, BTW, you just THINK U smart . . . a conceit, I concede, every idiot is entitled to

Ohh, the bottle-washer is back.

like i advised you a while back . . . do what U do well


reaching for satire, irony, etc., above your IQ level simply identifies U as bereft and desperate

Redux, When you were little the other Kids used to beat you up and call you names all the time or is it a medical condition you have????

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I think the guy is smart, but racism controls his every thought causing him to be stunted.

looking inward, i seeee


and, BTW, you just THINK U smart . . . a conceit, I concede, every idiot is entitled to

Ohh, the bottle-washer is back.

like i advised you a while back . . . do what U do well


reaching for satire, irony, etc., above your IQ level simply identifies U as bereft and desperate

Redux, When you were little the other Kids used to beat you up and call you names all the time or is it a medical condition you have????

actually, I used to slap lil punks like you around all the time; and since y'all migrate to GNI in ur dotage, i switch gears and pick up rite where i left off

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Kari:


Today's jobs report of unemployment at 7.8% has dipped below the un-magical 8% barrier and hiring is up.

For the record, when Obama took office in January 2009, the "official" unemployment rate was 7.7%.  So what progress has he made? 


Shut up!!

You forgot to mention.... 7.7% and rising.


7.8 % in Jan 2009 per the Bureau of Labor Statistics



Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Romney speaks with the sense of a Businessman.

I agree with you. He sounds like a used car salesman --- and like one of the worst, from speaking in generalities and making vague promises, to outright lies. He's a great businessman.

Romney makes money and is capable of creating employment.


Obama has never worked or created anything , he is another Cheddie-big on generalities. As for lies-do you remember the promises Obama made back in 2007/2008.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Romney speaks with the sense of a Businessman.

I agree with you. He sounds like a used car salesman --- and like one of the worst, from speaking in generalities and making vague promises, to outright lies. He's a great businessman.

Romney makes money and is capable of creating employment.


Obama has never worked or created anything , he is another Cheddie-big on generalities. As for lies-do you remember the promises Obama made back in 2007/2008.

 Shut your behind Lionel. What have you created?

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Romney speaks with the sense of a Businessman.

I agree with you. He sounds like a used car salesman --- and like one of the worst, from speaking in generalities and making vague promises, to outright lies. He's a great businessman.

Romney makes money and is capable of creating employment.


Obama has never worked or created anything , he is another Cheddie-big on generalities. As for lies-do you remember the promises Obama made back in 2007/2008.

Correct.  That's why he was flat-footed at the debates.


I know what Romney is talking about.


Poor ppl doan create jobs for anyone.


Obama never had the necessay background for the job. And even after 4years on the job he still can't cut the mustard.


Every American President comes to the job with some credetials. Not taking anything from Obama he came empty of ideas. However, he believed in his idea of being the great facilitator. He tried it in Eygpt. And he tried to do it in America and in both places it failed to materialize.


The man has the mentality of a common person. Beer and pretzels appears to be his bargaining tools. 


White people have a better grasp of finances, however Obama choose the wrong ones to manage the economy


On US$450,000.00 sales from Mexico and USA, I lose considerably on Canadian exchange rates. A yearly US$2million sales is down to less than half million.


I lost most of it over the last 4 years. I doan want it drop any lower-suh I prefer Romney to energise the American economy.


It is time for my new Mercedez.












Originally Posted by seignet:

I know what Romney is talking about.


Poor ppl doan create jobs for anyone.


Obama never had the necessay background for the job. And even after 4years on the job he still can't cut the mustard.


Every American President comes to the job with some credetials. Not taking anything from Obama he came empty of ideas. However, he believed in his idea of being the great facilitator. He tried it in Eygpt. And he tried to do it in America and in both places it failed to materialize.


The man has the mentality of a common person. Beer and pretzels appears to be his bargaining tools. 


White people have a better grasp of finances, however Obama choose the wrong ones to manage the economy


On US$450,000.00 sales from Mexico and USA, I lose considerably on Canadian exchange rates. A yearly US$2million sales is down to less than half million.


I lost most of it over the last 4 years. I doan want it drop any lower-suh I prefer Romney to energise the American economy.


It is time for my new Mercedez.

You imperialist 1% pig.

Originally Posted by seignet:

I know what Romney is talking about.


Poor ppl doan create jobs for anyone.


Obama never had the necessay background for the job. And even after 4years on the job he still can't cut the mustard.


Every American President comes to the job with some credetials. Not taking anything from Obama he came empty of ideas. However, he believed in his idea of being the great facilitator. He tried it in Eygpt. And he tried to do it in America and in both places it failed to materialize.


The man has the mentality of a common person. Beer and pretzels appears to be his bargaining tools. 


White people have a better grasp of finances, however Obama choose the wrong ones to manage the economy


On US$450,000.00 sales from Mexico and USA, I lose considerably on Canadian exchange rates. A yearly US$2million sales is down to less than half million.


I lost most of it over the last 4 years. I doan want it drop any lower-suh I prefer Romney to energise the American economy.


It is time for my new Mercedez.








You may want Romney but you are fortunately for the rest of us not getting him. His only credential is breaking apart companies not creating any.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by seignet:

I know what Romney is talking about.


Poor ppl doan create jobs for anyone.


Obama never had the necessay background for the job. And even after 4years on the job he still can't cut the mustard.


Every American President comes to the job with some credetials. Not taking anything from Obama he came empty of ideas. However, he believed in his idea of being the great facilitator. He tried it in Eygpt. And he tried to do it in America and in both places it failed to materialize.


The man has the mentality of a common person. Beer and pretzels appears to be his bargaining tools. 


White people have a better grasp of finances, however Obama choose the wrong ones to manage the economy


On US$450,000.00 sales from Mexico and USA, I lose considerably on Canadian exchange rates. A yearly US$2million sales is down to less than half million.


I lost most of it over the last 4 years. I doan want it drop any lower-suh I prefer Romney to energise the American economy.


It is time for my new Mercedez.

You may want Romney but you are fortunately for the rest of us not getting him. His only credential is breaking apart companies not creating any.

Bunch of crock.  The companies he buys are in trouble and need therapy.  You cannot continue the same way and expect a different result.  VC's do just that, it no secret, no crime.  Their expertize is to reconfigure operations into profitable and viable ventures and find the right home for them.


This takes expertize, leadership and decisiveness, no excuses, no been there, done that.... and move on.  He does not create Solyndras, he buys them and turn them around.  This is much more beneficial than organizing the community to demand Govt services.


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