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Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:




BTW I completely disagree with the president and whatever his motives it he framed the discussion poorly. My only problem with the crusades is was mismanaged poorly executed and  it failed. The Christians did not start the war. Muslim expansionism invaded 3 of the patriarchal seas. Christians  fought as all did at the time given the weaponry and their barbarism is excused on that account.


Did you just made the argument for those militants who target western interests? That is what they say is their motivation.

There is what they say and the truth.

And what is that truth?

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by seignet:

It was Islam that started a crusade against Christians. In the sixth century they invaded Damascus- a Christian city at the time. Then they went to Jerusalem with the attack. It was a continued trend of aggression, invading Egypt, which was Christian state at the time. Their aggression continued for centuries until the Muslims established a caliphate in Turkey-then they moved to the invasion of Constantinople taking the Church dedicated to the Lord-renamed the Blue Mosque.


In India, their expansion would lead to horrific practices. Remembered by the Hindus of Gujarat.


The invasions were Middle_Eastern muslims attacking middle-eastern christians and hindus.


Converted muslims are not Middle-Eastern people.    

Bai, the whole birth and development of Christianity was by invaders. There was no Christianity when Jesus walked the Middle East. The Romans created Christianity and enforced it on their occupied people. So why yuh shedding crocodile tears now?

You obviously lack the insight of the teachings of the Apostle Paul. Your knowledge of Christianity is to disprove its peaceful attributes

Point to one comment where unsolicited I made negative comments about any religion of people? With over 10 years and over 20k posts, you should have no problem. I am very comfortable with Islam. I do not need to go around bashing other peoples beliefs.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
BTW I completely disagree with the president and whatever his motives it he framed the discussion poorly. My only problem with the crusades is was mismanaged poorly executed and  it failed. The Christians did not start the war. Muslim expansionism invaded 3 of the patriarchal seas. Christians  fought as all did at the time given the weaponry and their barbarism is excused on that account. I also see Christians creating the framework for a rational world accepting, accommodating and inviting to other opinions.



Finally, someone with some basic grasp of history instead of a high school amateurish survey of medieval history. The Crusades were a response to repeated Islamic imperial aggression against Christian states.


The history of the middle ages is one of Christian Europe playing defense against repeated Islamic jihad and barely hanging on. It's almost a "miracle" that the Christians survived and actually turned around and put the smack down on the aggressor (Islam).

this is the Obama statement referencing the barbarism of ISIL:


"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ."


where did he engage in a misbegotten  tutorial on the cause(s) of the Crusades . . . blaming Christendom?


and why was the absence of a winning strategy by the Christians 1000 yrs ago material to what the President said?


btw, that "barbarism is excused" because "they" started it is odious; is the barbarism of the Muslims fighting then in the Holy Land similarly excused?


that aside, there is the lament elsewhere of ISIL channeling Vlad the Impaler (of Muslims) in its butcher's march across the desert; since, if i follow correctly, Vlad wasn't such a monster in the context of the times/circumstances he lived in, i wonder why we have embraced his memory so easily in the West as the prototypical Prince of Darkness, Count Dracula?


the infantile "smack down" remark by Shaitaan is, well . . . whatever

Sorry Bro, Obama aint too bright. A peaceful man he is, no doubt about that. But in the world's affairs, he just another lost sheep speaking without facts. Obama should have read the Book of Genisis, what it says about the descendant of Ishmael. The muslims belive Mahammad was his descendant. 

To the contrary, he is very bright but has unconventional approaches to many things. It is how he shapes his agenda. I am quite sure he has read Genesis and has a superb grasp of christian theology. I do not know how Ishmael he is a direct line from Ishmael and other Christians came from Issac. But I guess you swallowed the cool aid so you believe anything

You have stated u r an atheist.


Then y should it be illogical for me to believe there is a God?


Answer please. 

Originally Posted by seignet:

You have stated u r an atheist.


Then y should it be illogical for me to believe there is a God?


Answer please. 


As you are the claimant that there is this "God", the burden of proving that this "God" exists rests squarely on your shoulders.


Atheists do not bear the burden of proving disbelief in the God Hypothesis proffrerred by theists. It is on you, the theist, to prove your extraordinary claim.

Originally Posted by seignet:

To the contrary, he is very bright but has unconventional approaches to many things. It is how he shapes his agenda. I am quite sure he has read Genesis and has a superb grasp of christian theology. I do not know how Ishmael he Obama is a direct line from Ishmael and other Christians came from Issac. But I guess you swallowed the cool aid so you believe anything

You have stated u r an atheist.


Then y should it be illogical for me to believe there is a God?


Answer please. 

I do not care what you believe in. That is up to you. From where I stand, God is a delusion. I have seen no argument persuading me otherwise so it follows that you would not be looking to logic for an answer but to something irrational as "faith" ie belief with out evidence.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by seignet:

To the contrary, he is very bright but has unconventional approaches to many things. It is how he shapes his agenda. I am quite sure he has read Genesis and has a superb grasp of christian theology. I do not know how Ishmael he Obama is a direct line from Ishmael and other Christians came from Issac. But I guess you swallowed the cool aid so you believe anything

You have stated u r an atheist.


Then y should it be illogical for me to believe there is a God?


Answer please. 

I do not care what you believe in. That is up to you. From where I stand, God is a delusion. I have seen no argument persuading me otherwise so it follows that you would not be looking to logic for an answer but to something irrational as "faith" ie belief with out evidence.


Don't you feel God in your heart? Or see him in the sunset? How do you explain the amazing astounding stuff in the Bible?


Or do you think a retarded fish jumped out of the primordial sea and had butt sex with a monkey and that monkey had butt sex with another retarded monkey?


Storm is a "faith-ist" (I should trademark that concoction ). He believes in atheism. He has a belief system and follows it faith-like and dogmatically too. He is a living contradiction. He denies others their think space, after all acceptance of a faith is a thinking process - you process it like any pursuit that calls for the kind of discriminating exercise we are endowed with as intellectuals. Storm has a closed mind. He's like the Soviet Politburo who denies free thinking about faith.


Think about it and reason are not a zero-sum calculus. It is a weak mind and intellect that shuns any notion of faith.

Originally Posted by Kari:

So the Republicans are the arbiter of who's bright, eh?!




The Republicans are racist and only feel free to be so disrespectful to him because he's black.


Now I'm a supporter of Israel and Netanyahu but I do not support the disgraceful way they treated Obama in order to get Netanyahu a Joint Session invite.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Storm is a "faith-ist" (I should trademark that concoction ). He believes in atheism. He has a belief system and follows it faith-like and dogmatically too. He is a living contradiction. He denies others their think space, after all acceptance of a faith is a thinking process - you process it like any pursuit that calls for the kind of discriminating exercise we are endowed with as intellectuals. Storm has a closed mind. He's like the Soviet Politburo who denies free thinking about faith.


Think about it and reason are not a zero-sum calculus. It is a weak mind and intellect that shuns any notion of faith.

The only thing I am dogmatic about is being undogmatic.  You can beg the idea that minds are weak that refuses to resolve questions on mere faith but that is your delusion. 

Last edited by Former Member

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