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1. You refine heroin for a living, but you have a moral objection to liquor. You may be a Muslim

2. You own a $3,000 machine gun and $5,000 rocket launcher, but you can't afford shoes. You may be a Muslim

3. You have more wives than teeth. You may be a Muslim

4. You wipe your butt with your bare hand, but consider bacon unclean. You may be a Muslim

5. You think vests come in two styles: bullet-proof and suicide. You may be a Muslim

6. You can't think of anyone you haven't declared Jihad against. You may be a Muslim

7. You consider television dangerous, but routinely carry explosives in your clothing. You may be a Muslim

8. You were amazed to discover that cell phones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs. You may be a Muslim.

9. You have nothing against women and think every man should own at least four. You may be a Muslim

10. You find this offensive and don't laugh. You may be a Muslim

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Ow man,the heading did say "Offensive to all Muslims view at your own risk"

Jokes are quite often made of peoples disabilities. Right here on GNI we hear of a certain politician got a "cock eye" view of what he wants for the country.

Ethnic jokes exploit ethnic stereotypes. They are often racist and could be considered offensive.

For example, in Canada we tell jokes starting with "A Torontonian and a Newfie"(One from Newfoundland) which could be seen as prejudiced against the Newfoundler.

The there are jokes based on other stereotypes for instance,blonde jokes, are often considered funny.

Religious jokes are abound, (eg nun jokes, priest jokes,)

You need to be tough when in the company of clowns.Here's something I learned about Abraham Lincoln. When he was accused of being two-faced his reply was something like this, "If I had two faces, do you think this is the one I’d be wearing?".

So go ahead an laff.
Originally posted by cain:
Ow man,the heading did say "Offensive to all Muslims view at your own risk"

Jokes are quite often made of peoples disabilities. Right here on GNI we hear of a certain politician got a "cock eye" view of what he wants for the country.

Ethnic jokes exploit ethnic stereotypes. They are often racist and could be considered offensive.

For example, in Canada we tell jokes starting with "A Torontonian and a Newfie"(One from Newfoundland) which could be seen as prejudiced against the Newfoundler.

The there are jokes based on other stereotypes for instance,blonde jokes, are often considered funny.

Religious jokes are abound, (eg nun jokes, priest jokes,)

You need to be tough when in the company of clowns.Here's something I learned about Abraham Lincoln. When he was accused of being two-faced his reply was something like this, "If I had two faces, do you think this is the one I’d be wearing?".

So go ahead an laff.
Originally posted by cain:
There are 3 fundamental truths about religion:

Jews don't recognize Jesus as the Son of God
Protestants don't recognize the Pope as the Vicar of Christ
and Baptists don't recognize each other at the bar on Saturday nights.

There we go, we all even now. Big Grin

well, I doan have a Hindu joke yet.

... especially Baptists in a gay bar. Big Grin
Ram's son returns home to his father, very proud and says, `Papa, today we had to count at school, and all other students could only count to five but I could count to ten.'
`Yes, my son. That is because you are a Hindu,' says the father.
The next day Tali Ram's son returns again. `Papa, today we had to recite the alphabet, all other kids could reach only up to F but I could reach K.'
`Yes, my son. That is because you are a Hindu,' replies the father.
The next day the son returns and says, `Today we had sports class. I could run much faster than all the other kids in my class. Is that because i am a Hindu?'
Whereupon the father replies, `No, my son. That is because you are already 25 years old.'
Lil Johnie came home proudly from Sunday school telling his dad that there is a hot new sunday school teacher in church. Next week Johnie came home all excited, yelling, "Daddy, daddy, I did it! I did it! I am not a virgin anymore!!
Proud daddy went out and bought Johnie a brand new bicycle to celebrate this good news, but Johnie wouldn't ride it.

When daddy asked him why he doesn't like the cycle, Johnny replied, "I like the bike but my bambsie still sore from the sunday school sex!"

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