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Official date for Deepavali is Nov. 10 – Minister Ramjattan

October 22, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, is maintaining that he will not relent on his position that November 10 will be a public holiday to celebrate the Hindu festival of Deepavali.

Minister of National Security Khemraj Ramjattan

Minister of National Security Khemraj Ramjattan

Ramjattan’s announcement comes amidst confusion among Hindu groups on the official date of the Festival of Lights. According to Ramjattan, his decision was arrived at following consultations with various authorities on the subject, both locally and abroad. In explaining how he arrived at his decision, Minister Ramjattan in a statement issued last evening said that he received a letter dated June 16, 2015 informing him that based on the zodiac constellations in the Hindu Calendar (Drik Panchang), the correct date for Deepavali is November 10, 2015 and not November 11, 2015 as shown on certain calendars. This letter was written by a respected and well known Pandit Rabindranath Persaud, (Ravi), Head of the Hindu Organization called the Viraat Sahba. This letter also informed him that at a meeting held on June 4, 2015, at the Guyana Pandits Council, senior Pandits and Mandir leaders approved November 10, 2015 as the rightful date for the observation of this Hindu Festival of Lights. The Minister said that apart from the signature of Pandit Ravi, other senior Hindu representatives attached their signatures at the end of that letter, namely, Swami Shivashan Karananda of the Guyana Seevashram Sangha of Cove and John, Pandit Rudra Sharma of the Guyana Pandits Council, Pandit Maneshwar Sawh of Gandhi Youth Organization, among others. “I sought justification as to why the date which Pandit Ravi claimed was the rightful date.  I was then sent a letter from Pandit Ramdial Balbadar, President of the Sanatan Vaidic Dharma Pandits Sabha – Region Three, setting out the reasons why the 10th November, 2015 is Deepavali in Guyana,” Ramjattan stated. By this time he had learnt that the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha, headed by Dr. Vindhya Persaud, was the other Hindu Organization which was arguing the case for November 11, 2015, and not November 10, 2015 as the date for Deepavali. Ramjattan said that he decided that it was necessary that he share the contention of the Viraat Sabha with Dr. Vindhya Persaud. He said that he requested that Dr. Persaud respond to Pandit Ramdial Balbadar, and for her to justify why it was November 11, 2015 and not November 10, 2015. Dr. Persaud responded by letter dated September 4, 2015 and presented a full case in support of her position. “I then requested Pandit Balbadar to reply to what Dr. Vindyha Persaud canvassed.  He did so by letter dated September 30, 2015… I then naturally deliberated on the contending positions.” According to Minister Ramjattan it does appear, upon a distillation of what the core issue is that the primary question is:  When is the period of Amavasya here in Guyana? Both contending factions agree that Deepavali must be called during this period of Amavasya. It is regarded as the darkest period and as is well known that is the reason for the Festival of Lights. “Pleasantly surprising to me on this issue, both sides agreed that Amavasya commences as at 11:35 a.m on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 and ends at Wednesday 1:47 p.m November 11, 2015. “Now if Amavasya ends on Wednesday 11th at around 1:47 in the afternoon, it necessarily means the New Moon will begin immediately after this time and therefore the evening time, say 6.00 p.m. of Wednesday, November 11, cannot be the darkest night or that period within Amavasya.  It most certainly is outside of it by some four hours even as admitted by Dr Vindyha Persaud in her submission to me,” Ramjattan declared. The Minister said that since Amavasya commences at 11:35 a.m on November 10, then the only night, which falls during this Amavasya period, is the night of November 10.  This night then should be the night for the Festival of Lights, and not the night of November 11. Ramjattan said, to shore up this opinion, he sought the views of some other knowledgeable Pandits. “I received a note from the very prominent and authoritative Swami Aksharananada. I wish to quote Swamiji: ‘Please note that according to the Panchangs I have consulted, Amavasya of Kartika 2015 will last from around 11.35 a.m. on Tuesday November 10 to 1:55 pm on Wednesday, November 11. It means that Lakshmi Puja to mark Diwali must be on the appropriate muhurta within this time slot. To do this Lakshmi Puja during the evening of Wednesday, November 11, will mean in essence celebrating Diwali on Pratipada. The gist of the problem is that some people are conflating the lunar tithi with the solar day.  The two do not necessarily coincide. I hope this helps!’” Ramjattan said that he is aware that Trinidad and Tobago has roughly the same situation as in Guyana. He said he then contacted an associate in that country to request of the powerful Hindu Leader Pandit Sat Maraj to find out what was their computation.  The communication he received was that Tuesday November 10 is when Deepavali will be celebrated in Trinidad and Tobago. The Minister said that a number of Pandits all across the country have signed on to petitions urging that he makes the call for November 10. The President of the Dharmic Sabha, Dr. Vindyha Persaud did, by telephone call, communicate to me her disappointment at my declaring Deepavali on November 10. I indicated to her I had very good reasons to declare that date and will not relent.   So the November 10, 2015 it shall be.” “I am the Minister empowered to declare public holidays under the Public Holidays Act Cap 19:07. I as a result, on Thursday, October 15, 2015 signed on to an Order declaring November 10, 2015 as Deepavali Day, a National Public Holiday.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

his decision was arrived at following consultations with various authorities on the subject, both locally and abroad. In explaining how he arrived at his decision, Minister Ramjattan in a statement issued last evening said that he received a letter dated June 16, 2015 informing him that based on the zodiac constellations in the Hindu Calendar (Drik Panchang), the correct date for Deepavali is November 10, 2015 and not November 11, 2015 as shown on certain calendars. This letter was written by a respected and well known Pandit Rabindranath Persaud, (Ravi), Head of the Hindu Organization called the Viraat Sahba. This letter also informed him that at a meeting held on June 4, 2015, at the Guyana Pandits Council, senior Pandits and Mandir leaders approved November 10, 2015 as the rightful date for the observation of this Hindu Festival of Lights. The Minister said that apart from the signature of Pandit Ravi, other senior Hindu representatives attached their signatures at the end of that letter, namely, Swami Shivashan Karananda of the Guyana Seevashram Sangha of Cove and John, Pandit Rudra Sharma of the Guyana Pandits Council, Pandit Maneshwar Sawh of Gandhi Youth Organization, among others. “I sought justification as to why the date which Pandit Ravi claimed was the rightful date.  I was then sent a letter from Pandit Ramdial Balbadar, President of the Sanatan Vaidic Dharma Pandits Sabha – Region Three, setting out the reasons why the 10th November, 2015 is Deepavali in Guyana,” Ramjattan stated.



Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Why don't you celebrate both days then....Muslims do it all the time

Because I am not a Muslim and no Chamar DAAG like Rumjhaaaaaaatan will tell me what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Why don't you celebrate both days then....Muslims do it all the time

Because I am not a Muslim and no Chamar DAAG like Rumjhaaaaaaatan will tell me what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yuh live in Guyana?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Why don't you celebrate both days then....Muslims do it all the time

Because I am not a Muslim and no Chamar DAAG like Rumjhaaaaaaatan will tell me what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought you could celebrate for 5 days

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I agree Ramjattan does not look good on this one....

Ray, I am sure you know I dont like to be discussing Religion BUT this is Religion and beyond and WE MUST STAND UP TO ILLITERATE BULLIES LIKE RUMJHAAAAATAN!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Why don't you celebrate both days then....Muslims do it all the time

It should be transparent. I is not bout the day. It is about bones to pick and highlighting coolie victimization as usual. If the administration had done one or the other they would still encounter criticism.  



Next year, the day should not be set until the two groups come together and secure the day per whatever Hindu authority they consult. If they cannot decide on a public stance on religious not participate


Why did Ramjhattan think it best to consult with all these splinters organization which represents less than 25 percent to the Hindu's population in Guyana, rather than to consult with the Major Organization (The Dharmic Sabha which has a membership of seventy five percent of the Hindu Populations in Guyana?


Very strange?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I agree Ramjattan does not look good on this one....

Ray, I am sure you know I dont like to be discussing Religion BUT this is Religion and beyond and WE MUST STAND UP TO ILLITERATE BULLIES LIKE RUMJHAAAAATAN!!!!!!!!!!

What do you have to say about the 2 groups disagreeing?

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I agree Ramjattan does not look good on this one....

Ray, I am sure you know I dont like to be discussing Religion BUT this is Religion and beyond and WE MUST STAND UP TO ILLITERATE BULLIES LIKE RUMJHAAAAATAN!!!!!!!!!!

What do you have to say about the 2 groups disagreeing?

YOu know what I am not going to say anything.  I think you know what I would say!!!

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I agree Ramjattan does not look good on this one....

Minister Ramjattan gave a credible explanation as to why he set the holiday date as 11/10 in the article above and this date has been substantiated by the Pandit's Council as well as many other learned pandits and Hindu organizations. 

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I agree Ramjattan does not look good on this one....

Minister Ramjattan gave a credible explanation as to why he set the holiday date as 11/10 in the article above and this date has been substantiated by the Pandit's Council as well as many other learned pandits and Hindu organizations. 

The majority of hindus in Guyana follow the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha.


They are the main hindu organisation.


This was VERY POOR judgement on the part of Minister Ramjattan to follow a ONE mandir organisation called the Guyana Pandits Council.


Vindi Persaud has an organisation that has over 60 mandirs all across the country.


This was really petty on the part of Ramjattan.


POWER GONE to them head so them all of a sudden aloof.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I agree Ramjattan does not look good on this one....

Minister Ramjattan gave a credible explanation as to why he set the holiday date as 11/10 in the article above and this date has been substantiated by the Pandit's Council as well as many other learned pandits and Hindu organizations. 

I am still flabbergasted why you need learned pundits to calculate or set a lunar event. Call the bloody astronomy department at the university!


Vindi offered clear scientific and astrological explanation as to why Nov 11th is sound.


This is her with pandits from around the country explaining herself.


Ramjattan should listen to people who know and stop behaving like Jagdeo.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Vindi offered clear scientific and astrological explanation as to why Nov 11th is sound.


This is her with pandits from around the country explaining herself.


Ramjattan should listen to people who know and stop behaving like Jagdeo.



Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I agree Ramjattan does not look good on this one....

Minister Ramjattan gave a credible explanation as to why he set the holiday date as 11/10 in the article above and this date has been substantiated by the Pandit's Council as well as many other learned pandits and Hindu organizations. 

The majority of hindus in Guyana follow the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha.


They are the main hindu organisation.


This was VERY POOR judgement on the part of Minister Ramjattan to follow a ONE mandir organisation called the Guyana Pandits Council.


Vindi Persaud has an organisation that has over 60 mandirs all across the country.


This was really petty on the part of Ramjattan.


POWER GONE to them head so them all of a sudden aloof.

It's a matter of setting the holiday on the correct date not on the popular opinion. He determined that the correct date is November 10th based on the evidence put forward to him by learned pandits and religious organizations. How can you celebrate the darkest night on the 11th when the moon is out on the 11th and it's not there on the 10th? A bit silly isn't it?

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Hindus all over the country know Ramjattan playing politics.  He is the new Gowkarran Sharma who said Hamilton Green was LORD RAM.



And don't you think that the folks at the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha, who support the PPP, are not playing politics?

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:



Ramjattan wrong on this one....Diwali is being officially celebrated on Nov 11 in most parts of the world...including INdia

Most parts of the world does not matter. It's when the moon is out in your specific country. T&T is celebrating on the 10th.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:



Ramjattan wrong on this one....Diwali is being officially celebrated on Nov 11 in most parts of the world...including INdia

Most parts of the world does not matter. It's when the moon is out in your specific country. T&T is celebrating on the 10th.

What do you mean it does not, if the rest of the world celebrating CHristmas on the 25th, and Guyana celebrates on the 24th, should it matter?

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:



Ramjattan wrong on this one....Diwali is being officially celebrated on Nov 11 in most parts of the world...including INdia

Most parts of the world does not matter. It's when the moon is out in your specific country. T&T is celebrating on the 10th.

What do you mean it does not, if the rest of the world celebrating CHristmas on the 25th, and Guyana celebrates on the 24th, should it matter?

Good point KSI.  Mars just playing the azz.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:



Ramjattan wrong on this one....Diwali is being officially celebrated on Nov 11 in most parts of the world...including INdia

Most parts of the world does not matter. It's when the moon is out in your specific country. T&T is celebrating on the 10th.

What do you mean it does not, if the rest of the world celebrating CHristmas on the 25th, and Guyana celebrates on the 24th, should it matter?

In case you do not know, the Christmas holiday does not depend on when the moon is out. It is a fixed date, 12/25 every year. So your analogy using Christmas as an example is a very poor one. Diwali depends on when the new moon is out and the darkest night is regarded as the night before the new moon appears. In Guyana, the new moon will appear on the night of November 11th. Common sense alone will tell you that November 11th will be brighter than November 10th.


Suffice to say that the Dharmic Sabha has been doing this for the past forty (40 years) Income a shita batty Rawan, in Ramjhattan and he changed the entire structure of the dates.


Cant even perform a function of Security Minister properly, what can this guy do?


Just a square peg in a round hole, needs to have many chamchas, to follow him and give him shit a batty advise.


It he was in India, they would have lit a fire under his ass.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:



Ramjattan wrong on this one....Diwali is being officially celebrated on Nov 11 in most parts of the world...including INdia

Most parts of the world does not matter. It's when the moon is out in your specific country. T&T is celebrating on the 10th.

What do you mean it does not, if the rest of the world celebrating CHristmas on the 25th, and Guyana celebrates on the 24th, should it matter?

In case you do not know, the Christmas holiday does not depend on when the moon is out. It is a fixed date, 12/25 every year. So your analogy using Christmas as an example is a very poor one. Diwali depends on when the new moon is out and the darkest night is regarded as the night before the new moon appears. In Guyana, the new moon will appear on the night of November 11th. Common sense alone will tell you that November 11th will be brighter than November 10th.

There has to be an official date for the holiday, since they cannot have a 2 day public holiday and that date should be determined by the main organization representing Hindus....

Ramjattan stance makes him look like a bully...and he got bigger problems to focus on instead of getting in a fight with Hindus

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:



Ramjattan wrong on this one....Diwali is being officially celebrated on Nov 11 in most parts of the world...including INdia

Most parts of the world does not matter. It's when the moon is out in your specific country. T&T is celebrating on the 10th.

What do you mean it does not, if the rest of the world celebrating CHristmas on the 25th, and Guyana celebrates on the 24th, should it matter?

In case you do not know, the Christmas holiday does not depend on when the moon is out. It is a fixed date, 12/25 every year. So your analogy using Christmas as an example is a very poor one. Diwali depends on when the new moon is out and the darkest night is regarded as the night before the new moon appears. In Guyana, the new moon will appear on the night of November 11th. Common sense alone will tell you that November 11th will be brighter than November 10th.

There has to be an official date for the holiday, since they cannot have a 2 day public holiday and that date should be determined by the main organization representing Hindus....

Ramjattan stance makes him look like a bully...and he got bigger problems to focus on instead of getting in a fight with Hindus

Of course there has to be an official date and it has to be correct according to when the moon appears in Guyana. The largest organization representing Hindus is unfortunately wrong with determining the darkest night and they are trying to bully the Minister into submission and making this into a political issue since they wholeheartedly support the PPP. Kudos to the Minister for getting the correct advice from the Pandits' Council and other Hindu organizations.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:



Ramjattan wrong on this one....Diwali is being officially celebrated on Nov 11 in most parts of the world...including INdia

Most parts of the world does not matter. It's when the moon is out in your specific country. T&T is celebrating on the 10th.

What do you mean it does not, if the rest of the world celebrating CHristmas on the 25th, and Guyana celebrates on the 24th, should it matter?

just as the 25 will occur at later times as the dateline move ( an arbitrary line in some instances...lunation will occur at different times in different places ie coincidence of the elliptical longititude of the sun and moon ( dark moon only seen in eclipse) also.


But these are two different event cycles Christmas day depends on the solar cycle hence it is the same day ie  constant and we adjust for the drift based on calendar error every leap year. Holidays depending on lunar cycles drift from the solar cycle ( calendar) because the lunar cycle is only 29 days.


There is no magic to this thing. It is scientific not astrological.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

The point is that the date was set for Nov 11 (most of the Hindu world has this as the official date) seems Ramjattan wanted to make this thing political

Most of the Hindu world cannot set it on the same day...that is absurd. the new moon differs by a day across the globe. Indian and Guyana cannot have the same day set except arbitrarily   as they are different places on the globe.


Guyana is 4.9173° N, 58.9435° W and India is 23.4060° N, 79.4581° E. We calculate the spring and neap tides so why should we fail here? Both rely on the same formula.

Last edited by Former Member

Most of India is observing Nov. 11; however, Delhi, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Kerala and some of the Union Territories observe Nov. 10 . . . it's simply interpretations of various lunar calendars u fools


why doan i hear nothing over there about anybady "disrespecting" Hinduism, eh?


what is the freakin problem? . . . ignorant Guyanese fetchin political wata for barrat and he one-eye gang of witches brewing racism and division in the stinkin bowels of Freedom House



Originally Posted by redux:

Most of India is observing Nov. 11; however, Delhi, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Kerala and some of the Union Territories observe Nov. 10 . . . it's simply interpretations of various lunar calendars u fools


why doan i hear nothing over there about anybady "disrespecting" Hinduism, eh?


what is the freakin problem? . . . ignorant Guyanese fetchin political wata for barrat and he one-eye gang of witches brewing racism and division in the stinkin bowels of Freedom House



In Guyana's case, this got nothing to do with lunar calender...I aint hear Ramjattan seh anything bout that

This is all politics


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