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Former Member

Khemraj Ramjattan: The fault dear Brutus is Indian competitors

Kaieteur News – In one of my columns in the ongoing analysis of the politics of Khemraj Ramjattan, I mentioned that I will expand on the theory that Ramjattan directly sought confrontation with every conceivable high-profile Indian leader in the AFC with the intention of weakening their role and influence. The motive was deep insecurity and fear of being displaced.

Here is a list of major Indian names in the AFC that are no longer there and the departure of each had to do with confrontation with Ramjattan. Dr. Tarron Khemraj, Sasenarine Singh, Dr. Ramaya, Gerhard Ramsaroop, Rajendra Bissessar, Imran Khan, Charrandass Persaud and Moses Nagamootoo. All of these names were highly educated people well known in professional life.

Of those names listed here, the most vocal denouncer of Ramjattan was Imran Khan. Mr. Khan made public statements against his leader that were extremely shocking. This was at a time when they were both in the leadership of the party.

Here are the words of Mr. Khan: “A well-known hooligan, thug and convicted felon who is being protected by a very senior executive of my own political party has threatened me and my wife that when his benefactor attains a certain political office my wife and I will be chased back to Antigua. Agents and collaborators of this high executive conspired to have my wife, removed as a WFC delegate at the very last minute. These developments are not the usual cut and thrust of politics but is (sic) the politics of stench and destruction which the AFC must demolish with haste lest it begins to infect the entire party.”

Rajendra Bissessar last week broke his silence on his feelings on Ramjattan. In a published interview with me (see my column last Saturday), he intoned, “Ramjattan chopped down any Indian with a high profile in the AFC because he lived in fear of being challenged by such.”
Before Nagamootoo emerged to eclipse Ramjattan in the AFC, there was Gerhard Ramsaroop. He was half-White and found extensive admiration among the country folks. It would not be incorrect to say the rural folks saw Ramsaroop with more fondness than Ramjattan.

Shortly after the 2011 election, Ramsaroop told me that Ramjattan broke his promise to him about his selection to parliament. He told me in no uncertain terms that he could no longer stay in the AFC with someone like Ramjattan. As 2012 drew to a close, Ramsaroop distanced himself from the AFC. My advice to him was to stay and fight but he chose to leave.

After the announcement of Nagamootoo’s entry into the AFC for the 2011 election, Ramjattan’s insecurity became morbid. But by this time, a new element had entered into the equation, which Ramjattan could do nothing about. With the decline of Ravi Dev’s party, ROAR, highly placed elements of ROAR found refuge in the AFC and ROAR’s diaspora groups began to bankroll the AFC.

There was enormous cajoling by ROAR’s financiers for Nagamootoo to team up with the AFC. After the 2011 election, Ramjattan sought to undermine Nagamootoo’s future role as an Indian leader in the AFC by pressing the AFC to nominate Nagamootoo for the role of Speaker of the National Assembly. Since Nagamootoo didn’t get the job, it allowed Nagamootoo scope to continue his politics in and out of parliament heightening Ramjattan’s insecurity.

It was the 2015 campaign that ended the relationship between the two. Nagamootoo virtually eclipsed Ramjattan in the 2015 campaign. After power was achieved in 2015, the two hardly gelled and by 2019 were not on speaking terms, which have lasted up to this day.
After 2015, with Ramjattan in power and busy with power, the two powerful Berbicians – Dr. Ramaya and Charandass Persaud – were seen as a threat. David Granger’s words in the 2011 election results were never forgotten by Ramjattan. During the disagreement between the PNC and AFC on Nagamootoo’s selection as Speaker, Granger said that the 2011 election results in Berbice were not due to Nagamootoo’s presence only and cited vote-getting by Charrandass.

Dr. Ramaya was denied any role after 2015. This columnist saw an email from President Granger to the top echelons of the AFC requesting a suitable occupation for Ramaya. Ramaya complaints were met with forceful rejection by Ramjattan and he resigned. The story of Charrandass’ mistreatment is well known and it led up to his role in the no confidence motion. Both Dr. Khemraj and Sasenarine Singh had a falling out with Ramjattan. Both opted out of the AFC. There was never any episode of a direct fight with an African leader in the AFC and Ramjattan. There couldn’t be. They were no threat to his leadership only the rising Indians were. And they were guillotined.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)


Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Former Member posted:

me hear that many big mouth AFC men were on GNI, then became PPP to devour soup. some of them are totally obscure. me unsure if they had falling out wid ramjattan

Yeah, me thinks there is some truth and some exaggerations in the Freddie K column. Not everybady had a falling out with Khemraj. And of course Freddie played he part in sowing discord .


now we seem to be getting to the bottom of what was behind charrandass' decision to vote in favour of the NCM

in the earlies freddie said charrandass voted his conscience. that his concern was for the sugar workers who were no longer employed by guysuco and was facing hardship

now freddie is saying that it is the mistreatment charrandass suffered from ramjattan that made him voted in favour of the NCM

freddie is a damn liar and many in the country always felt it was some personal petty disagreement shit that made charrandass bring down the democratically elected government. it's all coming out now

freddie said he knew that charrandass was going to bring down the government and he had no problem with that. he is petty just like charrandass. this is treachery

nasty, dutty, petty, all about my feelings politics

@Former Member posted:

Yeah, me thinks there is some truth and some exaggerations in the Freddie K column. Not everybady had a falling out with Khemraj. And of course Freddie played he part in sowing discord .

aye snowflake - yuh does talk the truth...sometimes

but most of the time you play the ass


@Spugum posted:

aye snowflake - yuh does talk the truth...sometimes

but most of the time you play the ass


Sherod/ tings bai? When yuh going on benchop to throw up lil conspiracy theory?

@Mitwah posted:

Seems like Freddie is picking a fight with Ramjattan.

Freddie Kissoon epitomizes "*******", not in the sexual sense but in his attitude and behaviour.  He jumps around like a turkey looking for attention. It wasn't so long ago he was thanking Ramjattan for representing him pro bono on numerous occasions.  Now he is on a mission to make the man look bad. 

@Totaram posted:

Freddie Kissoon epitomizes "*******", not in the sexual sense but in his attitude and behaviour.  He jumps around like a turkey looking for attention. It wasn't so long ago he was thanking Ramjattan for representing him pro bono on numerous occasions.  Now he is on a mission to make the man look bad.

Ramjattan should sue him for defamation. There are precedences that a true statement can also be considered defamation.

@Totaram posted:

Freddie Kissoon epitomizes "*******", not in the sexual sense but in his attitude and behaviour.  He jumps around like a turkey looking for attention. It wasn't so long ago he was thanking Ramjattan for representing him pro bono on numerous occasions.  Now he is on a mission to make the man look bad.

Tota which one of dem is you bai? Sherro, Ganesh, Irman?


I read pon FB that Freddie tell Khemraj that dont hire TK to some finance wuk. Freddie is king maker He blaming Khemraj too much. Yes, Khemraj shaft Gerhard. Dat is the only one me hear bout. Khemraj was a very effective leader foh 2011 election.

@Former Member posted:

Tota which one of dem is you bai? Sherro, Ganesh, Irman?

I don't understand your question?  Are you asking if I am Sherro, Ganesh or Irman?  If that's your question the answer is none of those.  I am Totaram, the nephew of Uncle Tula from tapside.  You know Uncle Tula? 

@Former Member posted:

Sherod/ tings bai? When yuh going on benchop to throw up lil conspiracy theory?

hear nah man, stop calling me sherod or imran

don't know what your beef is with the two but I'm not either

what conspiracy theory are you on about?

got to keep you honest because you're like a runaway train sometimes


@Totaram posted:

I don't understand your question?  Are you asking if I am Sherro, Ganesh or Irman?  If that's your question the answer is none of those.  I am Totaram, the nephew of Uncle Tula from tapside.  You know Uncle Tula?

suddenly he's playing a guessing game and he's piss poor at it

@Totaram posted:

I don't understand your question?  Are you asking if I am Sherro, Ganesh or Irman?  If that's your question the answer is none of those.  I am Totaram, the nephew of Uncle Tula from tapside.  You know Uncle Tula?

Fred right.That was a **** up government. They were trying to rewrite history to fool Guyanese young people.

Ali Khan Azad
Last edited by Ali Khan Azad
@Spugum posted:

now we seem to be getting to the bottom of what was behind charrandass' decision to vote in favour of the NCM

in the earlies freddie said charrandass voted his conscience. that his concern was for the sugar workers who were no longer employed by guysuco and was facing hardship

now freddie is saying that it is the mistreatment charrandass suffered from ramjattan that made him voted in favour of the NCM

freddie is a damn liar and many in the country always felt it was some personal petty disagreement shit that made charrandass bring down the democratically elected government. it's all coming out now

freddie said he knew that charrandass was going to bring down the government and he had no problem with that. he is petty just like charrandass. this is treachery

nasty, dutty, petty, all about my feelings politics

What was Rumjaat[AFC] reason for his decision to join with PNC to bring down the PPP with the said no confidence vote?
Did he and the PNC not know that if you live by the gun you can die by the same gun?

I know bai, it’s the first time y’all  PNC riggers was ever been democratically elected but could not give up y’all dictating ways.
pNC been rigging and dictating for over a quarter century so they thought they could rig and get away with it again.

The only nasty, dutty, petty, treacherous  politics are those of the riggers who in this day and age had intent to steal [the people’s votes]what they can’t legally obtain. Good thing dem rass loose ..hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

@sachin_05 posted:

What was Rumjaat[AFC] reason for his decision to join with PNC to bring down the PPP with the said no confidence vote?
Did he and the PNC not know that if you live by the gun you can die by the same gun?

an attempt to equate the two smacks of desperation on your part

the rest is shakabatty


Last edited by Spugum
@Spugum posted:

now we seem to be getting to the bottom of what was behind charrandass' decision to vote in favour of the NCM

in the earlies freddie said charrandass voted his conscience. that his concern was for the sugar workers who were no longer employed by guysuco and was facing hardship

now freddie is saying that it is the mistreatment charrandass suffered from ramjattan that made him voted in favour of the NCM

freddie is a damn liar and many in the country always felt it was some personal petty disagreement shit that made charrandass bring down the democratically elected government. it's all coming out now

freddie said he knew that charrandass was going to bring down the government and he had no problem with that. he is petty just like charrandass. this is treachery

nasty, dutty, petty, all about my feelings politics

Did the NC vote really mattered? The PNC held onto power even after loosing the elctions.

@seignet posted:

Did the NC vote really mattered? The PNC held onto power even after loosing the elctions.

it mattered! the government's power was curtailed (the administration effectively had only 3 years). no subsequent national budget was passed. government and opposition tied up in court action

any dummy can see that

@Former Member posted:

Yuh is a good dodge player bai.

says the man arguing the opposition should recognise the current government as legitimately elected then smothering it in useless economic theory that can't effectively be applied to a lawless country like guyana

a see yuh bai


@Spugum posted:

says the man arguing the opposition should recognise the current government as legitimately elected then smothering it in useless economic theory that can't effectively be applied to a lawless country like guyana

a see yuh bai


we bai TK doing what he does best   

@Spugum posted:

it mattered! the government's power was curtailed (the administration effectively had only 3 years). no subsequent national budget was passed. government and opposition tied up in court action

any dummy can see that

well this dummy cannot see that. The PNC government was not a democratic one.

@seignet posted:

well this dummy cannot see that. The PNC government was not a democratic one.

what pnc government?

look, you have a right not to like someone or even people of a particular ethnicity. that shouldn't mean you tell lies about them - you are despicable!

@Spugum posted:

says the man arguing the opposition should recognise the current government as legitimately elected then smothering it in useless economic theory that can't effectively be applied to a lawless country like guyana

a see yuh bai


Yeah...doh is true bai. Logic doan apply to Guyana. Is like aluh bais Khemraj Ramjat and Moses was careest interested in dem prado and pomp. And yuh know street hustle and pushing is de best thing foh

@Former Member posted:

Yeah...doh is true bai. Logic doan apply to Guyana. Is like aluh bais Khemraj Ramjat and Moses was careest interested in dem prado and pomp. And yuh know street hustle and pushing is de best thing foh

De bess ting dem did was to give themselves a raise. Well, Jughead set de bench mark. Moses can now retire and enjoy his mulgatani.

@Former Member posted:

Yeah...doh is true bai. Logic doan apply to Guyana. Is like aluh bais Khemraj Ramjat and Moses was careest interested in dem prado and pomp. And yuh know street hustle and pushing is de best thing foh

lesser of two evils bai

two bangle can't equate to disappearing billions in the 23 yrs (you arguing leff dem alone for another 5) and the mansions owned by people that didn't have a pot to piss in only recently


@Spugum posted:

what pnc government?

look, you have a right not to like someone or even people of a particular ethnicity. that shouldn't mean you tell lies about them - you are despicable!

If they not liked, then it is okay to lie on them. Despicable to get peoples confidence and then behave as if they do not matter and govern as if Guyana is a Afro country and Indians are immigrants.

@Spugum posted:

an attempt to equate the two smacks of desperation on your part

the rest is shakabatty


There is no equate, The ppp accept the will of people, call a snap elections after the no confidence vote within the ninety days allowed by the law like any civilized people would do. The PNCleach the Guyanese taxpayers for another two and a half years, steal andtransfer prime real estate to cronies. That’s one of the most vomit soak shakebatty attempt to equate i ever see….hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

@sachin_05 posted:

There is no equate, The ppp accept the will of people, call a snap elections after the no confidence vote within the ninety days allowed by the law like any civilized people would do. The PNCleach the Guyanese taxpayers for another two and a half years, steal andtransfer prime real estate to cronies. That’s one of the most vomit soak shakebatty attempt to equate i ever see….hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

ppp accepted what no confidence vote?

can someone help this clown out?

@sachin_05 posted:

There is no equate, The ppp accept the will of people, call a snap elections after the no confidence vote within the ninety days allowed by the law like any civilized people would do. The PNCleach the Guyanese taxpayers for another two and a half years, steal andtransfer prime real estate to cronies. That’s one of the most vomit soak shakebatty attempt to equate i ever see….hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

Caretaker gov’t sold prime city land to BK International a week before March 2 polls

Less than a week before the March 2nd elections, Minister of Finance Winston Jordan granted permission for a number of state assets to be sold, among them some 2.5 acres of prime land at Mud Lot, Cummingsburg, Georgetown, to BK International.

And while the results of the polls remain marred in controversy that has seen this country in a political stalemate since then, in the Official Gazette publication of Tuesday, March 28th 2020, notification of the sales were made.

“The title to the property shall, as from the Appointed Day, stand transferred to and shall be vested in the purchaser absolutely, free and clear from all claims and liabilities,” the Order, cited as the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (Transfer of Property) Order, in the Gazette’s Legal Supplement, states .

For the sale and transfer of state property from NICIL to a buyer to be legal, the Minister of Finance would have to make the order.

This newspaper yesterday tried contacting Jordan to ask about the grounds for the sale at such a time, when the Caribbean Court of Justice had ruled that the government is in caretaker mode.

The ministry’s Public Relations Officer Wanita Huburn was reached and she said that she would have to see the documents before replying. This was done but up to press time there was no response from her or the minister.

The three parcels of land sold total 2.553 acres.

The publication of the order drew much criticism with former Attorney General and PPP/C executive Anil Nandlall calling it an illegal act.

“In the ordinary course of things, a caretaker government does not dispose of state assets, does not acquire or dispose of state property. It is only to manage the country and provide essential services. Selling prime property at this time, when the government has lost the election, makes it even worse. One week before the election a caretaker government would do this?” he asked.

“While a government remains in power, the framers never contemplated that that government would not commit acts like these, and essential services alone,” he stressed.

Nandlall said that the elections came and the APNU+AFC government was “still holding on to power” and went ahead and published that the order was signed.

“The other thing is them remaining in power for such a protracted period. And it is not remaining in power because of some natural disaster or some unforeseen and unpreventable act, it is staying in power because of circumstances it created through its own political machinations,” he said.  Nandlall contended that it shows abuse of power. “This government has lost the elections and they know they have lost. This is not only illegal, it is a vulgar abuse of power. To crown it off, this is a political party that campaigned on the platform of honesty and integrity. Almost everything they have done since March 2nd has been dishonesty and without integrity,” he argued.

The sale will also raise serious questions as BK International has maintained close links with the government and has been seen as one of its key supporters.

Completion of the transfer of the GRB wharf to BK is just that

Dear Editor,

Reference is being made to Stabroek News’ article `Caretaker gov’t sold prime city land to BK International a week before March 2 polls’.  (2nd April 2020).

Some years ago, I was the trade union representative on the Privatisation Board – the only black person – when the property in question was put up by the Bharrat Jagdeo government for sale. That property which is located in Water Street was the former Guyana Rice Board (GRB) wharf which was burnt down in questionable circumstance during the life of the PPP/C government.

Among the bids for that property was one from BK International. Winston Brassington, Executive Director of NICIL, recommended at the meeting the property would be best given to a Company he was proposing which was registered at Phagoo Store in Regent Street.  The proposed company had no track record with any business. I objected!

I objected because I looked at the proposal of that company, BK International and others, and found BK’s proposal to be superior, satisfying the many requirements demanded by the PPP/C government. In as much as Brassington represented the company registered at Phagoo, the CAGI representative and Consumer representative on the Board supported my justification for BK to be given the property. The entire Board, appointed by the PPP/C government, agreed we will recommend to Cabinet the property will go to BK.

Let me make it very clear, I never knew Brian Tiwarie at the time, but met him subsequently at the funeral of Mr. Christiani Lewis, the original owner of Waterchris.

What is instructive is that the PPP/C government took time in making sure the final and legal transfer of this and some other properties were never brought to finality. The reason behind this behaviour is one of control over the intended Leasee/owner.  So if for any reason said person /persons or company wants to approach the bank or third party to be involved in any business it will require permission from the government to do so. As such, if the person to whom the property is given should take a position that conflicts with the government the owner will never be able to get the support or comfort to do any business with a bank or third party because the government can exercise leverage to keep the party in check.

The property has been in the possession of Brian Tiwarie and for all intents and  purposes was intended for transfer. The coalition government has done what the PPP/C initiated but failed to complete for whatever reason. This is a final and legal transfer to the owner.

The same principle that applied for the GRB wharf was applied for the BIDCO house which was also transferred to Capt. Gerry Gouveia, currently Chairman of the Private Sector Commission. Said property situated in Duke Street, Kingston is now converted into a business called Duke Lodge.

This is not a simple case of disposal of a state asset for if it is so then both governments would be held responsible and have questionable intent in starting this deal and/or completing it.  In my opinion the completion of the transfer of the GRB wharf is just that, a completion of one deal that started under a government and which another government has taken the responsibility to execute. The timing unfortunately like everything in Guyana right now, given the climate, is an opportunity for political advantage

Yours faithfully,

Lincoln Lewis

Try to spend more time doing home work ,tell where is the wrong doing ?

Last edited by Django
@Spugum posted:

lesser of two evils bai

two bangle can't equate to disappearing billions in the 23 yrs (you arguing leff dem alone for another 5) and the mansions owned by people that didn't have a pot to piss in only recently


Lol! Wait, you believe Jagdoe tief US$ 5 billion too? And SARU, SOCU etc only turn up de DUrban Park fiasco? You know de army man who cash in nice, right?

@Former Member posted:

Lol! Wait, you believe Jagdoe tief US$ 5 billion too? And SARU, SOCU etc only turn up de DUrban Park fiasco? You know de army man who cash in nice, right?

i meant another 5 years - just to clarify

you tell us about the army man

@Django posted:

Caretaker gov’t sold prime city land to BK International a week before March 2 polls

Less than a week before the March 2nd elections, Minister of Finance Winston Jordan granted permission for a number of state assets to be sold, among them some 2.5 acres of prime land at Mud Lot, Cummingsburg, Georgetown, to BK International.

And while the results of the polls remain marred in controversy that has seen this country in a political stalemate since then, in the Official Gazette publication of Tuesday, March 28th 2020, notification of the sales were made.

“The title to the property shall, as from the Appointed Day, stand transferred to and shall be vested in the purchaser absolutely, free and clear from all claims and liabilities,” the Order, cited as the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (Transfer of Property) Order, in the Gazette’s Legal Supplement, states .

For the sale and transfer of state property from NICIL to a buyer to be legal, the Minister of Finance would have to make the order.

This newspaper yesterday tried contacting Jordan to ask about the grounds for the sale at such a time, when the Caribbean Court of Justice had ruled that the government is in caretaker mode.

The ministry’s Public Relations Officer Wanita Huburn was reached and she said that she would have to see the documents before replying. This was done but up to press time there was no response from her or the minister.

The three parcels of land sold total 2.553 acres.

The publication of the order drew much criticism with former Attorney General and PPP/C executive Anil Nandlall calling it an illegal act.

“In the ordinary course of things, a caretaker government does not dispose of state assets, does not acquire or dispose of state property. It is only to manage the country and provide essential services. Selling prime property at this time, when the government has lost the election, makes it even worse. One week before the election a caretaker government would do this?” he asked.

“While a government remains in power, the framers never contemplated that that government would not commit acts like these, and essential services alone,” he stressed.

Nandlall said that the elections came and the APNU+AFC government was “still holding on to power” and went ahead and published that the order was signed.

“The other thing is them remaining in power for such a protracted period. And it is not remaining in power because of some natural disaster or some unforeseen and unpreventable act, it is staying in power because of circumstances it created through its own political machinations,” he said.  Nandlall contended that it shows abuse of power. “This government has lost the elections and they know they have lost. This is not only illegal, it is a vulgar abuse of power. To crown it off, this is a political party that campaigned on the platform of honesty and integrity. Almost everything they have done since March 2nd has been dishonesty and without integrity,” he argued.

The sale will also raise serious questions as BK International has maintained close links with the government and has been seen as one of its key supporters.

Completion of the transfer of the GRB wharf to BK is just that

Dear Editor,

Reference is being made to Stabroek News’ article `Caretaker gov’t sold prime city land to BK International a week before March 2 polls’.  (2nd April 2020).

Some years ago, I was the trade union representative on the Privatisation Board – the only black person – when the property in question was put up by the Bharrat Jagdeo government for sale. That property which is located in Water Street was the former Guyana Rice Board (GRB) wharf which was burnt down in questionable circumstance during the life of the PPP/C government.

Among the bids for that property was one from BK International. Winston Brassington, Executive Director of NICIL, recommended at the meeting the property would be best given to a Company he was proposing which was registered at Phagoo Store in Regent Street.  The proposed company had no track record with any business. I objected!

I objected because I looked at the proposal of that company, BK International and others, and found BK’s proposal to be superior, satisfying the many requirements demanded by the PPP/C government. In as much as Brassington represented the company registered at Phagoo, the CAGI representative and Consumer representative on the Board supported my justification for BK to be given the property. The entire Board, appointed by the PPP/C government, agreed we will recommend to Cabinet the property will go to BK.

Let me make it very clear, I never knew Brian Tiwarie at the time, but met him subsequently at the funeral of Mr. Christiani Lewis, the original owner of Waterchris.

What is instructive is that the PPP/C government took time in making sure the final and legal transfer of this and some other properties were never brought to finality. The reason behind this behaviour is one of control over the intended Leasee/owner.  So if for any reason said person /persons or company wants to approach the bank or third party to be involved in any business it will require permission from the government to do so. As such, if the person to whom the property is given should take a position that conflicts with the government the owner will never be able to get the support or comfort to do any business with a bank or third party because the government can exercise leverage to keep the party in check.

The property has been in the possession of Brian Tiwarie and for all intents and  purposes was intended for transfer. The coalition government has done what the PPP/C initiated but failed to complete for whatever reason. This is a final and legal transfer to the owner.

The same principle that applied for the GRB wharf was applied for the BIDCO house which was also transferred to Capt. Gerry Gouveia, currently Chairman of the Private Sector Commission. Said property situated in Duke Street, Kingston is now converted into a business called Duke Lodge.

This is not a simple case of disposal of a state asset for if it is so then both governments would be held responsible and have questionable intent in starting this deal and/or completing it.  In my opinion the completion of the transfer of the GRB wharf is just that, a completion of one deal that started under a government and which another government has taken the responsibility to execute. The timing unfortunately like everything in Guyana right now, given the climate, is an opportunity for political advantage

Yours faithfully,

Lincoln Lewis

Try to spend more time doing home work ,tell where is the wrong doing ?

Lincoln Lewis is a PNC spoke person. My homework doesn’t include party cronies as source of information, only party shills would do that. Would you use Vishnu Bisram as source of information to defend illegal property occupancy in Pradoville? I won’t but shills like Yuji would….


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