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@Spugum posted:

i meant another 5 years - just to clarify

you tell us about the army man

Anyway...I agree that two bangles and the cash dem PNC bais was handing out to dem hungry belly supporters (lose to 900 mill G$ without receipts ) can never compare to de barefaced-ness of the other side. If only aluh didnt try to rig de election. Just move on, 2025 was aluh term again. Most people I talk to are not in the "lesser of two evil" mood. Dem in the mood of "devil we know." Unfortunate when men cyan only think wid dem penis...

@Former Member posted:

Anyway...I agree that two bangles and the cash dem PNC bais was handing out to dem hungry belly supporters (lose to 900 mill G$ without receipts ) can never compare to de barefaced-ness of the other side. If only aluh didnt try to rig de election. Just move on, 2025 was aluh term again. Most people I talk to are not in the "lesser of two evil" mood. Dem in the mood of "devil we know." Unfortunate when men cyan only think wid dem penis...

Interesting post. The PPP has their "young" cadre of leaders already (ratman, fatman, sperm man, knockman, etc). The PNC and AFC (for the most part) hasn't brought out their young ones yet. Granger is gone, Moses is gone, and those from the 60's to 90's are on their way out.

Now you'll see younger leaders emerge in the PNC that do not have ties to the 70's and 80's. And if they can articulate a vision (Granger never could) and eloquently point out the shortcomings of the PPP (of which there are many), there could be a change.

To most black people, your "devil we know" PPP are actively engaged in dispossessing them of their birthright. It goes both ways.

@Former Member posted:

Interesting post. The PPP has their "young" cadre of leaders already (ratman, fatman, sperm man, knockman, etc). The PNC and AFC (for the most part) hasn't brought out their young ones yet. Granger is gone, Moses is gone, and those from the 60's to 90's are on their way out.

Now you'll see younger leaders emerge in the PNC that do not have ties to the 70's and 80's. And if they can articulate a vision (Granger never could) and eloquently point out the shortcomings of the PPP (of which there are many), there could be a change.

To most black people, your "devil we know" PPP are actively engaged in dispossessing them of their birthright. It goes both ways.

Wish aluh luck. But it's not just about black people. That is where yuh fall down flat pon yuh face. Yuh still have to win de election, unless aluh storing up kero and gasoline.

Ganesh...why yuh don't go and check out how more coolie people poor than black man in the country side.

@Former Member posted:

Wish aluh luck. But it's not just about black people. That is where yuh fall down flat pon yuh face. Yuh still have to win de election, unless aluh storing up kero and gasoline.

Ganesh...why yuh don't go and check out how more coolie people poor than black man in the country side.

I don't know which "Ganesh" yuh talking about. Yuh tink yuh in Hindu temple? You cannot debate with me so you need to sink into creating and pinning fake personalities on me and tossing the numerous red herring yuh kyarry around.

I've said on NUMEROUS occasions here that BOTH blacks and Indians are poor. They are merely pawns in a game.

I am saying to you that a young PNC leader who can articulate a VISION (how did you miss that part) stands a chance of winning the election.

@Former Member posted:

I don't know which "Ganesh" yuh talking about. Yuh tink yuh in Hindu temple? You cannot debate with me so you need to sink into creating and pinning fake personalities on me and tossing the numerous red herring yuh kyarry around.

I've said on NUMEROUS occasions here that BOTH blacks and Indians are poor. They are merely pawns in a game.

I am saying to you that a young PNC leader who can articulate a VISION (how did you miss that part) stands a chance of winning the election.

Oh, for a minute I thought you is Spugum. Na, we know you is not Ganesh . I hope to see dem bright young PNC leaders. The last brite one said Indos are mentally lazy...and she mattie does vote for dem own too

@Former Member posted:

Anyway...I agree that two bangles and the cash dem PNC bais was handing out to dem hungry belly supporters (lose to 900 mill G$ without receipts ) can never compare to de barefaced-ness of the other side. If only aluh didnt try to rig de election. Just move on, 2025 was aluh term again. Most people I talk to are not in the "lesser of two evil" mood. Dem in the mood of "devil we know." Unfortunate when men cyan only think wid dem penis...

yuh have a figure for the "barefaced-ness of the other side" or yuh spinning? yuh give one for the pnc "hungry bellies" (one day the chickens will come home to roost with alyuh racism).

if by move on yuh mean forget and stop expose that not going to happen. push for clean voters list, investigate the 47 ballot boxes and other fraudulent votes, get gecom properly ready for local and general elections, yes

whatever happened to the coi on gecom's handling of the 2020 elections? the president "moved on"?

tables turning, snowflake. people hiding from service of law suits because of loose talk and no receipts. big money being awarded by the courts


move on indeed

@Former Member posted:

Oh, for a minute I thought you is Spugum. Na, we know you is not Ganesh . I hope to see dem bright young PNC leaders. The last brite one said Indos are mentally lazy...and she mattie does vote for dem own too

both sides have tendencies to vote for their own. Sad state of our politics. There is a history though, however tiny, of some not voting race. Plus the mixed race population is huge.

I still think if the PNC puts forth a young, articulate person who can speak to a vision for Guyana, yuh fren Flour boy and he party gon be in trouble.

@sachin_05 posted:

Where did say they accepted no confidence vote? I said the will of the people. Don’t feel bad though, I didn’t expect a supporter of rigging would know what the differenceâ€Ķ..hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

where did they accept the will of the people?

the first thing they did in response to the no confidence motion was to prorogue parliament for about six months and moved ahead with giving away the kaieteur and canje oil blocks (among other things) - worth billions don't you think?

once they felt they had things in place to rig the election they called it and lost

@sachin_05 posted:

Lincoln Lewis is a PNC spoke person. My homework doesn’t include party cronies as source of information, only party shills would do that.

Would you use Vishnu Bisram as source of information to defend illegal property occupancy in Pradoville? I won’t but shills like Yuji wouldâ€Ķ.

LOL ,caught in lapse . Was the property acquired by BK illegally ?

@Django posted:

LOL ,caught in lapse . Was the property acquired by BK illegally ?

I would call it  as I see it and say they were just as legal as the properties the ppp crooks doled out in pradoville. You would never call the APNU/AFC crooks though cause you and the likes of Yugi  cast from the same coin just different sidesâ€Ķ

Last edited by sachin_05
@sachin_05 posted:

I would call it  as I see it and say they were just as legal as the properties the ppp crooks doled out in pradoville.

You would never call the APNU/AFC crooks though cause you and the likes of Yugi  cast from the same coin just different sidesâ€Ķ

Quite a conclusion of the acquisition of the properties . APNU/AFC are called out when it's proven there are wrong doings ,lot's of mud pelting hoping it sticks from the propagandist.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

both sides have tendencies to vote for their own. Sad state of our politics. There is a history though, however tiny, of some not voting race. Plus the mixed race population is huge.

I still think if the PNC puts forth a young, articulate person who can speak to a vision for Guyana, yuh fren Flour boy and he party gon be in trouble.

Well, I am looking forward to see a rebirth PNC. De country need a serious opposition. I sincerely hope to see a modern, enlightened and intelligent PNC. I hope they will have some patience. If they are young they should be patient and have good careers.

@Spugum posted:

yuh have a figure for the "barefaced-ness of the other side" or yuh spinning? yuh give one for the pnc "hungry bellies" (one day the chickens will come home to roost with alyuh racism).

if by move on yuh mean forget and stop expose that not going to happen. push for clean voters list, investigate the 47 ballot boxes and other fraudulent votes, get gecom properly ready for local and general elections, yes

whatever happened to the coi on gecom's handling of the 2020 elections? the president "moved on"?

tables turning, snowflake. people hiding from service of law suits because of loose talk and no receipts. big money being awarded by the courts


move on indeed

Lol! You all over the place...sanctimonious...I hope yuh is not one of the "young bright" ones PNC go put up. Because from yuh poase here...its hopeless. Actually yuh have more coolie hungry belly than blackman hungry belly, yuh aint ready yet. 

@Former Member posted:

Lol! You all over the place...sanctimonious...I hope yuh is not one of the "young bright" ones PNC go put up. Because from yuh poase here...its hopeless. Actually yuh have more coolie hungry belly than blackman hungry belly, yuh aint ready yet.

yuh have zero credibility. always prostituting yuhself to the winner hoping to gain but never successful. you like them condemn whore that everybady walk by without paying too much attention to

i belong to no party and never voted for any. i happen to think the current ppp is not good for guyana as it hasn't changed from the one that lost in 2015

i liming lil in guyana, still my country. not looking fuh nuttin. but i see you put on yuh tight mini skirt and yuh lipstick and blowing kisses at the ppp (the coalition should move on argument)

banna, you're a two bit whore and nothing more. no-one takes you seriously. i see yuh "hungry belly" comment and effort at damage limitation - everybady know that has racial connotations suh you right home with the degenerates next door


Last edited by Spugum
@Spugum posted:

yuh have zero credibility. always prostituting yuhself to the winner hoping to gain but never successful. you like them condemn whore that everybady walk by without paying too much attention to

i belong to no party and never voted for any. i happen to think the current ppp is not good for guyana as it hasn't changed from the one that lost in 2015

i liming lil in guyana, still my country. not looking fuh nuttin. but i see you put on yuh tight mini skirt and yuh lipstick and blowing kisses at the ppp (the coalition should move on argument)

banna, you're a two bit whore and nothing more. no-one takes you seriously. i see yuh "hungry belly" comment and effort at damage limitation - everybady know that has racial connotations suh you right home with the degenerates next door


Who yuh think yuh fooling? The stench of your PNC shill can be smelled from miles awayâ€Ķhahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

@Spugum posted:

yuh have zero credibility. always prostituting yuhself to the winner hoping to gain but never successful. you like them condemn whore that everybady walk by without paying too much attention to

i belong to no party and never voted for any. i happen to think the current ppp is not good for guyana as it hasn't changed from the one that lost in 2015

i liming lil in guyana, still my country. not looking fuh nuttin. but i see you put on yuh tight mini skirt and yuh lipstick and blowing kisses at the ppp (the coalition should move on argument)

banna, you're a two bit whore and nothing more. no-one takes you seriously. i see yuh "hungry belly" comment and effort at damage limitation - everybady know that has racial connotations suh you right home with the degenerates next door


Yuh belong to NO PARTY? Lol. You sure come off as a man who lost he prado privileges and minista allowance that pay foh sweet homan rent and grocery + other things Yuh still have to win de election. Or yuh storing up kero and gasoline? De low IQ way is to store up de kero and gas

@Former Member posted:

Yuh belong to NO PARTY? Lol. You sure come off as a man who lost he prado privileges and minista allowance that pay foh sweet homan rent and grocery + other things Yuh still have to win de election. Or yuh storing up kero and gasoline? De low IQ way is to store up de kero and gas

yes, i belong to no party. yuh see alyuh problem is when people challenge ppp corruption and racism they anti-indian and a member of the pnc

leh me tell you something, mini-skirt and lipstick blowing kisses, i left guyana as a lil bai after school. i younger than most if not all y'all posting here. i have never been involved in politics in guyana. i never voted in guyana and sure as hell never prostituted mehself fuh government job in guyana

i know one thing though. the resources of guyana is for all guyanese and suh no amount of "move on" in the face of blatant racial discrimination and discrimination  against those suspected not to be supporters of the ppp will do. guyana cannot go down that road

suh haul yuh ass with yuh "move on" weak con trick. liar!


Last edited by Spugum
@Spugum posted:

yes, i belong to no party. yuh see alyuh problem is when people challenge ppp corruption and racism they anti-indian and a member of the pnc

leh me tell you something, mini-skirt and lipstick blowing kisses, i left guyana as a lil bai after school. i younger than most if not all y'all posting here. i have never been involved in politics in guyana. i never voted in guyana and sure as hell never prostituted mehself fuh government job in guyana

i know one thing though. the resources of guyana is for all guyanese and suh no amount of "move on" in the face of blatant racial discrimination and discrimination  against those suspected not to be supporters of the ppp will do. guyana cannot go down that road

suh haul yuh ass with yuh "move on" weak con trick. liar!


Lol! Yuh low IQ slip yuh paying foh sweet homen now? Yuh have to drive yuh old cyar?

@Former Member posted:

Lol! Yuh low IQ slip yuh paying foh sweet homen now? Yuh have to drive yuh old cyar?

yuh low iq thief man supporting nonsense was exposed and yuh vex

i know it upsets you that black organisation and resistance against ppp racism got nuff support. it is JUST so people of other ethnicities support it

yuh sell yuhself like a cheap whore. once that happens there's no coming back - nobody wants you


@Spugum posted:

yuh low iq thief man supporting nonsense was exposed and yuh vex

i know it upsets you that black organisation and resistance against ppp racism got nuff support. it is JUST so people of other ethnicities support it

yuh sell yuhself like a cheap whore. once that happens there's no coming back - nobody wants you


Lol...yuh not ready yet. Na, aluh doan have nuff, nuff support for a Trump like strategy. Penis thinking mek aluh lose de election. I hope yuh cyan find a way foh pay de bills of sweet homen...because wid that approach aluh losing in 2025

@Former Member posted:

Lol...yuh not ready yet. Na, aluh doan have nuff, nuff support for a Trump like strategy. Penis thinking mek aluh lose de election. I hope yuh cyan find a way foh pay de bills of sweet homen...because wid that approach aluh losing in 2025

black penis is yuh worry?

hungry belly, blackman like plenty woman... anymore stereotypes for the blackman? i know you use them

banna, you're a joke


@seignet posted:

Truths are not stereo typing.

Who doan like to have nuff nuff wimen. Black men handles dem wimen real good-leaving and never to return. That is not the uppity ones.

banna, is, mini-skirt and lipstick blowing kisses, above who think that blackman like nuff woman. he should check out sleepin hotel and casino and see wuh he boys doing


@Former Member posted:

Lol! Yuh Run off to the Hakeem jeffreies now...mek sure you wear yuh armani and drive land rover over

not taking advice from the likes of you

you done run off with the ppp hoping the lil pounding bring yuh some reward. is desperation time, the body getting ole

they gon kick you out with yuh panty in yuh haan again

got the nerve to throw yuh condemn body at the coalition. them bais close the door and yuh vex


@Spugum posted:

not taking advice from the likes of you

you done run off with the ppp hoping the lil pounding bring yuh some reward. is desperation time, the body getting ole

they gon kick you out with yuh panty in yuh haan again

got the nerve to throw yuh condemn body at the coalition. them bais close the door and yuh vex


Lol! Yuh hopeless...yuh IQ at de level of dem street corner hustler. No wonder why Jagdoe outwit aluh

@Former Member posted:

Lol! Yuh hopeless...yuh IQ at de level of dem street corner hustler. No wonder why Jagdoe outwit aluh

yuh got busted with yuh nonsense about "move on" and "recognise the government". how the hell will those bring any benefit to guyana

it frustrates you that half the country believes the ppp cheated at the 2020 general election

it pains you that black organisation and resistance gained support and the narrative that the coalition rigged is now changing

you are weak and don't have stomach for the fight - stop pretending you have a clever plan

mini-skirt and lipstick blowing kisses, you enjoy civil and political rights where you are because the blackman had the guts to stand up for what is right



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