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Former Member

Nearly everday in Guyana when AFC axe grinders and losers Moses and Khemraj open the Chronicle newspaper they start cussing--in today's chronicle ESSO and SHELL have announced that oil exploration activities, 3D seismic studies, will begin on Sunday--Moses and Khemraj are royally pi$$ed--good news for Guyana and Guyanese is bad news for the 10% party--the AFC.





THE Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, through the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission, is advising all fisherfolks and mariners that 3D seismic oil exploration activities is slated to begin offshore Guyana in a few days time.


It said the activities will be conducted by Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Ltd./Shell Exploration and Production Guyana Ltd; through CGG Veritas.

The 3D seismic activities are scheduled to commence from January 20, 2013 and is expected to conclude in mid-March 2013, subject to favourable weather conditions.

The exercise will involve towing a streamer of sensitive devices over a breadth of approximately one kilometer, length of eight kilometer and at a depth of seven meters.

As such, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment is urging all mariners and fisherfolks to be alert and take necessary precautions to avoid contact with sensitive equipment used to conduct oil explorations activities




=axe grinders, rejects and losers


May the axe grinders in the AFC, Moses and Khemraj, men who are dying to see Guyana become a failed state under the PPP---may these 2 miscreants forever live a life of desperation and mental torture---keep cussing Moses and Khemraj--LOSERS!





Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by TK: Ramo getting serious and tekkin a break from CGX. 




After a year in office, it has finally soaked into his head--Ramo now realizes he is large and in charge--give thanks to first lady Deolatchmie--she is Ramo's chief advisor---and the first lady's orders to Ramo:




There are a lot of nervous souls in the PPP---the debauched Jagdeo clique is not pleased---infact they are deeply worried.




You can easily add Backstabbers to the list. Trotman stabbed Moses in the back to become speaker of the House while a stunned Moses looked on as Trotman joined ranks with his PNC kith and kin.


Trotman filled up the AFC party MP's with his own people and stabbed young Gerhard in the back. Remember, young Gerhard worked very hard for the AFC and was left out in the cold by Trotman as he selected his own kith and kin.


The AFC remains a party of rejects and back stabbers. They got a reality check as the PNC excluded terrorist Nigel from the recent talks in Linden. The PNC does not want another black politician in their own backyard in Linden.


Now in this BB, Joker AKA Farouk, failed politician has joined their ranks. It is fun to watch as the AFC accept applications and embrace losers.


They are burning in envy as more foreign investment pours into Guyana. The AFC mantra: What is good for Guyana is bad for the AFC. 


Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK: Ramo getting serious and tekkin a break from CGX. 




After a year in office, it has finally soaked into his head--Ramo now realizes he is large and in charge--give thanks to first lady Deolatchmie--she is Ramo's chief advisor---and the first lady's orders to Ramo:




There are a lot of nervous souls in the PPP---the debauched Jagdeo clique is not pleased---infact they are deeply worried.





Good to hear but Ramo will need to do much more to convince skeptics like me to drop my vision of Equatorial Guinea. 

Originally Posted by TK:


Good to hear but Ramo will need to do much more to convince skeptics like me to drop my vision of Equatorial Guinea. 



You are aware of the old saying, "the fish rots from the head."




Once the big man has his hands in the cookie jar--the underlings and subordinates will feel entitled too.





The man has clearly decided that he will not take the blame for the infractions of Jagdeo and his clique---there will be no more hiding---everything will be above board.


Listen! Donald Ramotar is a decent man---he is a man of character and integrity!





Will folks want to do business with them because their daddy is President ?




They have to be very careful---numerous opportunities will come their way---hope they keep things above board.








Originally Posted by yuji22:

You can easily add Backstabbers to the list. Trotman stabbed Moses in the back to become speaker of the House while a stunned Moses looked on as Trotman joined ranks with his PNC kith and kin. Trotman filled up the AFC party MP's with his own people and stabbed young Gerhard in the back.


-->Trotman stabbed Gerard because he claimed Gerhard was too close to Khemraj--Gerard denied MP position.




You are 100% correct about Trotman---not only is he the biggest political opportunist in Guyana---the man is also the biggest back stabber.


Take a look at this photo:




You notice how Trotty positions himself ?


Check out how Trotty has a clear view of the backs of Moses and Khemraj.hahahaha





The chief Justice recently slapped him in the face---now he wants to appeal to the higher court---that bastard Trotty is the most devious politician in Guyana.


By the way, don't be surprised to see Moses get stabbed again---Moses is expecting to be the AFC's presidential candidate---but Trotty has plans for him:


==Will Moses be stabbed a 2nd time by Trotty ?






RAMOTAR GOVT vows to go after more than US$2 million owed by Guyana stores limited


-==These 2 hustlers, Tony Yassin and Glenn Lall, are trying to con the Guyanese people.





Executive Secretary and head of the Privatisation Unit, Winston Brassington on Tuesday said the government of Guyana is still owed US$2 million (G$400 million) for the privatisation and sale of Guyana Stores Limited (GSL) more than a decade ago. If interest is added at a modest rate of 12 per cent per annum, that figure would be G$1.2 billion at the end of 2012/2013.


Kaieteur News publisher Glenn Lall and Tony Yassin are reportedly the two major shareholders of GSL.  Shareholders had raised concerns about the operations of GSL, which used to be the country’s premier store. One shareholder has expressed concern regarding whether GSL was being used as a source of funding for the various business interests of some shareholders

Originally Posted by Rev Al:

Nearly everday in Guyana when AFC axe grinders and losers Moses and Khemraj open the Chronicle newspaper they start cussing--in today's chronicle ESSO and SHELL have announced that oil exploration activities, 3D seismic studies, will begin on Sunday--Moses and Khemraj are royally pi$$ed--good news for Guyana and Guyanese is bad news for the 10% party--the AFC.



May the axe grinders in the AFC, Moses and Khemraj, men who are dying to see Guyana become a failed state under the PPP---may these 2 miscreants forever live a life of desperation and mental torture---keep cussing Moses and Khemraj--LOSERS!





 I see you and your piece of shit self is on the same path as you were on with the American Presidential Campaign....deliberate misinformation and lies.


I do not know that the members of the AFC is against exploration. Further, you are a veritable uninformed ass as you would know these leases were given out a while back and the fussing was more as to why were they sitting on them.


In any event, even if we find oil you would know it would be a few years for production to be on line and another few years for the money to come in. Hopefully, by then we would have been able to persuade the PPP to have an open accounting system with respect to oil revenues or what has happened under the Teodoro Obiang government in Equatorial Guinea Or Nigeria will inevitably be our fate.


If self affirmed racists and  moral degenerates like you with no compunction to lie are what we have  representing the PPP; the imperative is to be on guard for the inevitability of thievery. My hope is the AFC grows in strength, become disciplined advocates with clear and easily identifiable position on issues as these so disgusting pigs like you cannot distort the message. It is clearly not against exploitation of our non renewable resources but well managed and accountable ways in doing so. We do not want another Teodoro Obiang Ramotar


BY the way, I wonder what makes you think you are a winner? Not your integrity, not your intellect...what?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


 I see you and your piece of shit self is on the same path...


I do not know that the members of the AFC is against exploration.




There is a course called "Basic writing skills"----sign up for that course---you cannot be adressing a man of higher standards like the Rev using pi$$ poor english.hahahahahaha



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


 I see you and your piece of shit self is on the same path...


I do not know that the members of the AFC is against exploration.




There is a course called "Basic writing skills"----sign up for that course---you cannot be adressing a man of higher standards like the Rev using pi$$ poor english.hahahahahaha



Good one Rev!

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


 I see you and your piece of shit self is on the same path...


I do not know that the members of the AFC is against exploration.




There is a course called "Basic writing skills"----sign up for that course---you cannot be adressing a man of higher standards like the Rev using pi$$ poor english.hahahahahaha



That is a trivial issue. His content has significant punch. This is not a formal setting so no one needs to bother about being a grammar purist.  

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


 I see you and your piece of shit self is on the same path...


I do not know that the members of the AFC is against exploration.




There is a course called "Basic writing skills"----sign up for that course---you cannot be adressing a man of higher standards like the Rev using pi$$ poor english.hahahahahaha



 I am am sure your abilities to determine the grammatical or syntactical correctness of my sentences are not a bother. On the other hand your insistence that you do have  adequately functioning mental faculties should be a bother to you. Rarely does one encounter another who is so easy to lie, quick to distort, and completely vacuous where insight is the necessity.


On this thread you were tasked to inform the readers on the initiation of active explorations of a couple of major lease holders in the oil industry on their holdings. Possibly you could have expressed satisfaction that it has begun after such a long delay or that you hope they discover oil soon and its production can truly bring us badly needed finances  to liberate us from begging. Instead you decide to manufacture displeasure in the PNC and AFC and pretend you know that they are out to stymie exploration.


That kind  of behavior marks you as a skunk, an insubstantial human and most of all a dunce. No one goes out to manufacture problems when we have them in abundance to solve.


BTW, you would do well to write a few sentences and demonstrate your superb conceptual grasp of the English language if that is a keen interest. Alas, you are more inclined to post silly cartoons and plaster the board with thefts of other people's art in hope it illustrates what you cannot, creatively on your own merit, convey. I am quite sure of my aptitude with the language. I am also sure on a head to head comparison you would not even rank.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


 I see you and your piece of shit self is on the same path...


I do not know that the members of the AFC is against exploration.




There is a course called "Basic writing skills"----sign up for that course---you cannot be adressing a man of higher standards like the Rev using pi$$ poor english.hahahahahaha



That is a trivial issue. His content has significant punch. This is not a formal setting so no one needs to bother about being a grammar purist.  

Sorry TK. His content perpetuates hate against Indians.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


 I see you and your piece of shit self is on the same path...


I do not know that the members of the AFC is against exploration.




There is a course called "Basic writing skills"----sign up for that course---you cannot be adressing a man of higher standards like the Rev using pi$$ poor english.hahahahahaha



That is a trivial issue. His content has significant punch. This is not a formal setting so no one needs to bother about being a grammar purist.  

Sorry TK. His content perpetuates hate against Indians.


Where do you see that? Give us some specific quotes. Thanks.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Sorry TK. His content perpetuates hate against Indians.


Correction Mudhead:


The following list, though not exhaustive, perpetuates hate against Indians:


1) The complete destruction of our law courts

2) The stranglehold of the PPP on the private sector

3) Rampant and unbridled official corruption

4) Shooting to kill protestors of the principal minority group

5) Employing death squads

6) Encouraging and nourishing the narco trade


etc. etc.

Originally Posted by TK:
That is a trivial issue. His content has significant punch. This is not a formal setting so no one needs to bother about being a grammar purist.  


Stormy's content will impress a fellow TALKER and READER like you.


Listen! Stormborn loves to pontificate and dogmatize and I rather enjoy his incessant ramblings!





He was the one who was berating the writing skills of poster Demerara-guy recently---I was just reminding him---those who live in glass houses ought not throw stones.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:
That is a trivial issue. His content has significant punch. This is not a formal setting so no one needs to bother about being a grammar purist.  


Stormy's content will impress a fellow TALKER and READER like you.


Listen! Stormborn loves to pontificate and dogmatize and I rather enjoy his incessant ramblings!





He was the one who was berating the writing skills of poster Demerara-guy recently---I was just reminding him---those who live in glass houses ought not throw stones.



 As is required of supposed "non talkers"; what is it we should rely on to conclude you are a doer?


You are not qualified to remind anyone of anything. You need to first demonstrate that capacity. To date it has been endless haranguing and lies?

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:
That is a trivial issue. His content has significant punch. This is not a formal setting so no one needs to bother about being a grammar purist.  


Stormy's content will impress a fellow TALKER and READER like you.


Listen! Stormborn loves to pontificate and dogmatize and I rather enjoy his incessant ramblings!





He was the one who was berating the writing skills of poster Demerara-guy recently---I was just reminding him---those who live in glass houses ought not throw stones.



DG still needs to rival Washoe...his writing skill is no where near that of Stormborn. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


 I see you and your piece of shit self is on the same path...


I do not know that the members of the AFC is against exploration.




There is a course called "Basic writing skills"----sign up for that course---you cannot be adressing a man of higher standards like the Rev using pi$$ poor english.hahahahahaha



That is a trivial issue. His content has significant punch. This is not a formal setting so no one needs to bother about being a grammar purist.  

Sorry TK. His content perpetuates hate against Indians.

Now that is a stretch. More, we can put it to a test. I can find at least one statement from me per month, inclusive of this one where I stated explicitly that race should not matter. At the same time, I know I can find some racially spiteful statement from you explicitly affirming you think it is all there is. Now you go out and find one statement from me where I suggested that Indians are predisposed to this or that. I have seen you say blacks are predisposed to theft, indolence and endless quarrel ( not in those terms since you are a moron).

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
BTW, you would do well to write a few sentences and demonstrate your superb conceptual grasp of the English language if that is a keen interest. Alas, you are more inclined to post silly cartoons and plaster the board with thefts of other people's art in hope it illustrates what you cannot, creatively on your own merit, convey. I am quite sure of my aptitude with the language. I am also sure on a head to head comparison you would not even rank.



Only insecure TALKERS brag. And one more thing--self praise is no recommendation.


By the way storm, I guess your "aptitude with the language" was missing in action when you wrote these 2 sentences:


I see you and your piece of shit self is on the same path...


I do not know that the members of the AFC is against exploration.




Thanks for the hearty laugh Storm.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
 As is required of supposed "non talkers"; what is it we should rely on to conclude you are a doer?






The Rev chooses to remain mysterious on this forum.



 You may think so but in short order I know you can be tracked. But that is irrelevant. If you choose to be mysterious then refrain from pretending you are a doer as opposed to others whose lives are similarly mysterious to you. Speak to what you can know of the individuals mind from what they say here.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
BTW, you would do well to write a few sentences and demonstrate your superb conceptual grasp of the English language if that is a keen interest. Alas, you are more inclined to post silly cartoons and plaster the board with thefts of other people's art in hope it illustrates what you cannot, creatively on your own merit, convey. I am quite sure of my aptitude with the language. I am also sure on a head to head comparison you would not even rank.



Only insecure TALKERS brag. And one more thing--self praise is no recommendation.


By the way storm, I guess your "aptitude with the language" was missing in action when you wrote these 2 sentences:


I see you and your piece of shit self is on the same path...


I do not know that the members of the AFC is against exploration.




Thanks for the hearty laugh Storm.



 Dude, this is an informal arena and beyond doubt is should be apparent I know the language par excellence. Now, I do not care to go back across this board to find not only ignorant statements but grammatically and syntactically stupid statements from you. I cannot restrain an ass from braying or a fool from laughing. In you case that would be the same thing.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
 Dude, I know the language par excellence.


I this. I that. I the next!


What is it about you TALKERS that compels you to be such braggarts ?


You know what the truth is Stormy ?


You are a weak and deeply insecure man Stormborn. Yes, you are blessed with vast amounts of general knowledge---you are obviously well read. But general knowledge is worthless in the real world.


Hopefully in your next life old man Stormborn, God will be kind to you--he'll send you back as a confident, self assured, cheerful, good-natured, and optimistic






Oh f&%^$*ing shut up aready Rev, you're getting readers nauseated with your constant crap.


One time you speak so highly of the Govt in power and other times you actually admit they are a nasty bunch of crooks. Well dude, that's what we've been saying all along and we do not go back on our word as you seem to do. It's either they are crooks or they are saints..make up your friggin mind.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
 Dude, I know the language par excellence.


I this. I that. I the next!


What is it about you TALKERS that compels you to be such braggarts ?


You know what the truth is Stormy ?


You are a weak and deeply insecure man Stormborn. Yes, you are blessed with vast amounts of general knowledge---you are obviously well read. But general knowledge is worthless in the real world.


Hopefully in your next life old man Stormborn, God will be kind to you--he'll send you back as a confident, self assured, cheerful, good-natured, and optimistic





I take responsibility for what I say since it comes from my head to the board. On this thread your first paragraph is distilled lies and speaks to that vicious, nasty little lying mind of yours.


I am quite comfortable with my age and I am sure your "
young" legs cannot take you to terrains mine can. As for the mind scape, you got me beat with the ease you grasp for shallow lies and stupid belief systems based on race. I give you your kudos there.


Mathematically, I am assured you are a dunce and since that is the language of science ( and I never heard you utter a a science fact) I suspect you to be a dunce there as well.


I do not know on that dream scape you envisioned me to be lacking in confidence etc. But then one cannot but  expect you to massage your own duncified mind for comfort. After all, you are dealing with me.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
I am quite comfortable with my age



You said you are comfortable with your age. I dont know if you are being truthful or if you are lying. But no poster on gni is more grouchy, cantankerous, peevish and testy than you stormborn--but you have a valid excuse for your grumpiness--male menopause.hahahahaha


Listen Storm! It looks like you have had a rough life. You have always fancied yourself a sharp guy--a bright guy--but yet in the real world, despite all your credentials, mostly 3rd rate, you were always a slave--you were a follower, ordered around by bosses you hated and argued with.


The Rev won't be surprised to learn you never held a job---any job---for more than one year.hahahahahaha



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
I am quite comfortable with my age



You said you are comfortable with your age. I dont know if you are being truthful or if you are lying. But no poster on gni is more grouchy, cantankerous, peevish and testy than you stormborn--but you have a valid excuse for your grumpiness--male menopause.hahahahaha


Listen Storm! It looks like you have had a rough life. You have always fancied yourself a sharp guy--a bright guy--but yet in the real world, despite all your credentials, mostly 3rd rate, you were always a slave--you were a follower, ordered around by bosses you hated and argued with.


The Rev won't be surprised to learn you never held a job---any job---for more than one year.hahahahahaha



I detest liars and you are the biggest who came here to date. 


I stated here only recently, worked under the with direct supervision of another for only one year.  Do not now go on as though you are on to something. You are an idiot.


Focus your damn mind on what is on discussion here and on that account establish that you can and do think.In any event, to date you have been a clown.


I am not here to make friends. Politics is serious business and when the threat to ones homeland is a rapacious larcenous administration you can dance a jig if you are so inclined. I take it seriously.



Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Politics is serious business and when the threat to ones homeland is a rapacious larcenous administration you can dance a jig if you are so inclined. I take it seriously.




You said you detest liars and here you are telling a humongous lie about your homeland(Guyana) being under threat!


The truth is Stormy--your homeland has been experiencing real growth in the past 7 years.





2006: 2.3%

2007: 7.0%

2008: 2.0%

2009: 3.3%

2010: 4.4%

2011: 4.2%

2012: 3.9%---est









Originally Posted by warrior:

how come guyanese indians is running from a country that is growing,including you rev



The Rev told you before--he has lived 33 years in the United States---roots are deeply buried in God's own country---I enjoy visiting Guyana---was there late last year for a few days---but home is the USA.


Having said that---I will always be Guyanese---and am rooting for Guyana to succeed.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:

The Rev told you before--he has lived 33 years in the United States---roots are deeply buried in God's own country---I enjoy visiting Guyana---was there late last year for a few days---but home is the USA.


Having said that---I will always be Guyanese---and am rooting for Guyana to succeed.





 . . . that you have [supposedly] "lived 33 years" in this country and know so little about it is alarming

Originally Posted by redux:
 . . . that you have [supposedly] "lived 33 years" in this country and know so little about it is alarming



The Rev dares you to discuss the nuances of LTCM over at the other thread---don't be afraid---I'll be kind to you---the Rev is always kind and respectful to fellow posters.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by redux:
 . . . that you have [supposedly] "lived 33 years" in this country and know so little about it is alarming



The Rev dares you to discuss the nuances of LTCM over at the other thread---don't be afraid---I'll be kind to you---the Rev is always kind and respectful to fellow posters.



i haven't the time to indulge your nonense right now lil man . . . try me over the weekend

Last edited by Former Member

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