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Former Member

Today is my birthday but I am not in a celebratory mood but a reflective one. It is more so because this morning my wife requested her father be removed from life support.


The old man is 87. He lived a long successful life overcoming great hardships. He used to tell me about his grandfather whom he knew who was a slave. Too often we miss the nearness of these cruelties.


My father in law joined the army to fight in Europe and fought alongside the french ( have to research why). He came back, went to college and then went back into the army for a year in the Korean War.  All of that before he was even close to 30 years old.


He became a treasury agent then opened his own accounting firm and then ran for office. He served his community as mayor for 16 years before retiring. He came out of retirement and ran for city treasurer a couple of years ago and won. He had that job until his stroke last year.


He seemed to be  recovering nicely until last Monday when he had a massive stroke again. I spoke to him on Sunday and he was alert but apparently had a premonition of something. He wanted me to give his golf clubs a someone who said could play better if only he had better clubs. Anyway, instead of celebrating my birthday today; I am reflecting on his life.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Happy Birthday D2. I am sorry to hear about your father in law, watching someone on life support is not easy, taking them off it,  makes it much more hard. I pray to the good lord to give your family the strength to deal with this delicate matter. And when the time does reach, I pray that the old man find peace. Thanks for letting us know. In times like this, the GNI family unites and support each other.




You are right to be in a reflective mood. You should forever be grateful and thankful to your father-in-law----the man took a big gamble on you when he decided to give you the green light to marry his bright, beautiful and charming daughter. But it looks like he made a wise decision.


Oh well! It's still your birthday. So happy birthday---may you live to see many more---your father in law is headed to a better place.




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Errol:

This is terrible news.  I went through the same with my mother a short while ago and quite understand the pain it engenders.  My sincerest condolences to both you and your wife and do still enjoy a happy birthday.

I am sort of sure my wife has not fully comprehend what is happening. She is acting as though everything is fine but I know the earth has shifted under her feet. I am waiting for her to say "my daddy is no longer here" then I will know she is right.


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