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<h6 class="uiStreamMessage" data-ft="{"type":1}">ONLY IN GUYANA>>>>>A man was stopped for speeding, the police says "do you have a licence?", and the man says "yes, its in my glove box but you can't look in it because I have a gun".

On guard the cop says "why do you have a gun?" The man says "well I just shot my wife and I was speeding to remove the body which is in the trunk".

Hyped the cop calls for armed back up and loads of officer come an...d flood the area, a search of the car reveals no gun and no body.

The inspector asks the man "what's going on? My officer said you had a gun in the glove box and a body in the boot

The man replies, "what a lying bastard he is!! I bet he said I was speeding too"

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