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Former Member

The People's Progressive Party today lashed out at the political opposition for what it says is an attempt to use the issue of the Berbice River Bridge fares for political purposes. Read the full statement below:

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) once again notes how the Opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), and the Alliance For Change (AFC), misused their combined one-seat majority in the National Assembly to impose and derail economic ventures which are pivotal for our country’s continued economic growth and prosperity of its people. Their latest foray in this regard is the motion they passed on Wednesday, May 15, 2014, to reduce the Berbice River Bridge toll.

History will vindicate that PPP/C-led government, through the prudent management of this country’s financial resources, has implemented numerous measures over the last two decades to ensure that Guyanese derive maximum benefits from modern infrastructure. This is as a direct result of the enabling environment created by the government to ensure that ordinary Guyanese benefit from the unprecedented development thrust over the years.

The Party wishes to state categorically that as enshrined in all of our several manifestos, the creation of a better life for all has been our foremost priority. This was never envisaged to be confined to one geographical area of our country. As a result, Guyanese from all Regions continue to have their lives improved.

The numerous projects implemented over the years are as a result of a combination of our country’s own economic resources, assistance through loans/grants from international agencies and through the encouragement of Public/Private Sector Partnership, among others. The economic resources the country has been able to make available for these development projects was a result of prudent management with the well being of our people foremost in mind. The loans/grants and the partnership with the Private Sector have been effected from the confidence investors have in Guyana.

The enabling economic environment and investors’ confidence were monumental tasks to achieve given the ruins our country was left in by the PNC regime and the despondency created both here and overseas. Today, Guyana is been lauded by many international agencies and countries for the economic successes and the standard of living Guyanese now experience. It is in this context that our Party believes that the attempt by the Opposition to impose itself on the operations of the Berbice River Bridge would have a negative impact on investors’ confidence and their willingness to conduct business here.

This action by the Opposition is a direct intrusion on a private investment in an attempt to scare the investors off. This is dÉjà vu for Guyanese in terms of the actions of the Opposition and their actions when they were the dictatorial government for almost three decades. During their reign of terror in government, many investors were forced out and today, under the guise of a new name, the Opposition finds it challenging to curb its propensity to deprive Guyanese of benefits through development. The Opposition clearly does not want to see Guyanese enjoy a better life as were the case when they rule through deprivation.

The Party reiterates that the Berbice River Bridge is a government/private sector/international investors project with specific arrangements which were agreed upon. This arrangement is not unique to Guyana and is a norm in other countries. The PPP-led government, through its vision to bridge the Berbice River has realized a dream for Guyanese, especially Berbicians. This has resulted in real-time travel by removing the extremely time consuming process of crossing with the ferry.

It must be noted that during our country’s journey from bankruptcy to prosperity, our own resources would not have been adequate to meet the demands for development. As such, these Public/Private Sector partnerships became crucial to help deliver the services our people are entitled. Our Party can only conclude that the action of the Opposition with regards to the Berbice River Bridge is viscerally political and intended to chase investors away. Guyanese must remain cognizant that such actions would deprive the country of much needed investments to continue the modernization and provision of services. Without such partnerships, the bridge would not have been realized in the first place. Without investors, jobs would be lost and the economy would contract. Guyanese would stand to lose.

We believe that Guyanese, especially Berbicians, are aware of the circumstances regarding the fare structure of the Berbice River Bridge but are also equally aware of the tremendous transformation through time-saving travel which the bridge has facilitated. The fare structure is no different for a family crossing with a vehicle when they did with the ferries but now with the convenience of crossing at one’s leisure anytime twenty-four hours a day. We call on all Guyanese to remain cognizant of the visionary thrust of our government and for their continued support for these transformative projects. Guyana is a better place today and will be a better place in the future as these projects continue to unfold.

We would like to thank all for their understanding and for us to continue to work together for a better Guyana. We urge that all remain steadfast to the awareness of the attempts of the Opposition to reverse our country and its people’s achievements and to return this now prosperous nation to backwardness and despondency.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

And who are these investors??? PPP insiders who are in bed with the government to set up fake private investment scams with public money.

The Berbice bridge was built with public money. Those are the facts of the matter.


Like schools and hospitals, public roads and bridges are public goods. It's a government's responsibility to provide public goods.

While a government may contract private firms to supply goods and services in order to create and complete public projects, engaging private investors as big partners is not beneficial to a nation.

Those private investors will want to maximize returns on their investments even at the expense of the consumers of public goods. This is exactly what's happening with the Berbice River Bridge.

The big private partners are calling the shots. The PPP/C government is upholding those partners' selfish interests in not wanting to reduce the tolls.

Who are the private partners with big shares in the bridge? Bobby Ramroop's empire is one of them. And it's evident that the Ramroop outfit intends to rip off the bridge authority as it is ripping off the Georgetown Public Hospital by monopolizing the supply of extra-high-priced drugs.

In my opinion, the parliamentary opposition parties are defending the interests of the traveling public in demanding the reduction of the bridge tools. And that's a good thing.





I guess that you do not use the 407 ETR. It was built by the Ontario Government and sold to a private company. 


I use the 407 ETR and I have no problems paying. Governments should not be giving handouts.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Like schools and hospitals, public roads and bridges are public goods. It's a government's responsibility to provide public goods.

While a government may contract private firms to supply goods and services in order to create and complete public projects, engaging private investors as big partners is not beneficial to a nation.

Those private investors will want to maximize returns on their investments even at the expense of the consumers of public goods. This is exactly what's happening with the Berbice River Bridge.

The big private partners are calling the shots. The PPP/C government is upholding those partners' selfish interests in not wanting to reduce the tolls.

Who are the private partners with big shares in the bridge? Bobby Ramroop's empire is one of them. And it's evident that the Ramroop outfit intends to rip off the bridge authority as it is ripping off the Georgetown Public Hospital by monopolizing the supply of extra-high-priced drugs.

In my opinion, the parliamentary opposition parties are defending the interests of the traveling public in demanding the reduction of the bridge tools. And that's a good thing.


the temptation of public/private partnership has been that public officials select their private partners on the basis of enriching their friends and the PPP fell face first into this pattern. Once they partook of that poisoned fruit they  infected and all subsequent deals   made to date continue on the basis of more cash to their pockets.


The PPP is irredeemably corrupt. They are a disease without a cure. There is no rehabilitation of this lot. The entire upper echelon has to go for any redemption can be in the works.  They have to go.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:



I guess that you do not use the 407 ETR. It was built by the Ontario Government and sold to a private company. 


I use the 407 ETR and I have no problems paying. Governments should not be giving handouts.

yuji, my humble donkey cart is prohibited from using the 407 ETR.

The then conservative Government of Ontario built the 407 highway in 1997 and two years later leased it for 99 years to a private consortium for $3.1 billion.

yuji, I can understand that you would have no problem paying 407 ETR tools, being the proud owner of a Benz. But others do have problems with paying the tolls at the rates stipulated.

According to Wikipedia, "The Ontario provincial government has quarrelled with 407 ETR over toll rates and customer service. On February 2, 2004, the government delivered notice to 407 ETR that they are considered to be in default of their contract because of 407 ETR's decision to raise toll rates without first obtaining the government's permission. The court's initial decision sided with 407 ETR: on July 10, 2004, an independent arbitrator affirmed that 407 ETR has the ability to raise toll rates without first consulting the government. The government filed an appeal of this decision but was overruled by an Ontario Superior Court decision released on January 6, 2005; however, a subsequent ruling by the Ontario Court of Appeal on June 13, 2005 granted the government permission to appeal the decision....Critics have complained that the rising toll rates have made Highway 407 more of a 'luxury' rather than a bypass of existing congested roads as it was initially intended."

Where the Berbice bridge is concerned, the opposition parties are not advocating abolition of tolls, just a reduction to ease the financial burdens of consumers/vehicle owners.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:



I guess that you do not use the 407 ETR. It was built by the Ontario Government and sold to a private company. 


I use the 407 ETR and I have no problems paying. Governments should not be giving handouts.

The Berbice Bridge was built with 90% Tax payers money and handed over to the friends and cronies of the PPP/C. Even though the 407 was sold for a profit it costs Harris and his gang the election.


The poor Berbicians are not as rich as you.  


The owners of the ordinary share capital of $400 million are:


1.  Rambroop family (first man of Guyana ak Jagdeohoe) - $160 million,


2. The Beharry family from Chico sweets and Indi curry powder - $80 million;


3.  NIS - the workers of Guyana  - $80 million;


4. Demerara Construction - YESU Persaud   - $40 million;


5.  Hand in Hand - Keith Evlyn, another one of them Jagdehoe POOL bwoys   - $40 million.


So guess who greedy?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Like schools and hospitals, public roads and bridges are public goods. It's a government's responsibility to provide public goods.

While a government may contract private firms to supply goods and services in order to create and complete public projects, engaging private investors as big partners is not beneficial to a nation.

Those private investors will want to maximize returns on their investments even at the expense of the consumers of public goods. This is exactly what's happening with the Berbice River Bridge.

The big private partners are calling the shots. The PPP/C government is upholding those partners' selfish interests in not wanting to reduce the tolls.

Who are the private partners with big shares in the bridge? Bobby Ramroop's empire is one of them. And it's evident that the Ramroop outfit intends to rip off the bridge authority as it is ripping off the Georgetown Public Hospital by monopolizing the supply of extra-high-priced drugs.

In my opinion, the parliamentary opposition parties are defending the interests of the traveling public in demanding the reduction of the bridge tools. And that's a good thing.


the temptation of public/private partnership has been that public officials select their private partners on the basis of enriching their friends and the PPP fell face first into this pattern. Once they partook of that poisoned fruit they  infected and all subsequent deals   made to date continue on the basis of more cash to their pockets.


The PPP is irredeemably corrupt. They are a disease without a cure. There is no rehabilitation of this lot. The entire upper echelon has to go for any redemption can be in the works.  They have to go.



If the PPP has to go, then pass a no confidence nation and we can have have free and fair elections.


You are such a dunce.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Like schools and hospitals, public roads and bridges are public goods. It's a government's responsibility to provide public goods.

While a government may contract private firms to supply goods and services in order to create and complete public projects, engaging private investors as big partners is not beneficial to a nation.

Those private investors will want to maximize returns on their investments even at the expense of the consumers of public goods. This is exactly what's happening with the Berbice River Bridge.

The big private partners are calling the shots. The PPP/C government is upholding those partners' selfish interests in not wanting to reduce the tolls.

Who are the private partners with big shares in the bridge? Bobby Ramroop's empire is one of them. And it's evident that the Ramroop outfit intends to rip off the bridge authority as it is ripping off the Georgetown Public Hospital by monopolizing the supply of extra-high-priced drugs.

In my opinion, the parliamentary opposition parties are defending the interests of the traveling public in demanding the reduction of the bridge tools. And that's a good thing.


the temptation of public/private partnership has been that public officials select their private partners on the basis of enriching their friends and the PPP fell face first into this pattern. Once they partook of that poisoned fruit they  infected and all subsequent deals   made to date continue on the basis of more cash to their pockets.


The PPP is irredeemably corrupt. They are a disease without a cure. There is no rehabilitation of this lot. The entire upper echelon has to go for any redemption can be in the works.  They have to go.



If the PPP has to go, then pass a no confidence nation and we can have have free and fair elections.


You are such a dunce.

In 2011, 51% of the voters showed no confidence in the PPP. From the PPP own surveys, they know that number has grown since.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Like schools and hospitals, public roads and bridges are public goods. It's a government's responsibility to provide public goods.

While a government may contract private firms to supply goods and services in order to create and complete public projects, engaging private investors as big partners is not beneficial to a nation.

Those private investors will want to maximize returns on their investments even at the expense of the consumers of public goods. This is exactly what's happening with the Berbice River Bridge.

The big private partners are calling the shots. The PPP/C government is upholding those partners' selfish interests in not wanting to reduce the tolls.

Who are the private partners with big shares in the bridge? Bobby Ramroop's empire is one of them. And it's evident that the Ramroop outfit intends to rip off the bridge authority as it is ripping off the Georgetown Public Hospital by monopolizing the supply of extra-high-priced drugs.

In my opinion, the parliamentary opposition parties are defending the interests of the traveling public in demanding the reduction of the bridge tools. And that's a good thing.


the temptation of public/private partnership has been that public officials select their private partners on the basis of enriching their friends and the PPP fell face first into this pattern. Once they partook of that poisoned fruit they  infected and all subsequent deals   made to date continue on the basis of more cash to their pockets.


The PPP is irredeemably corrupt. They are a disease without a cure. There is no rehabilitation of this lot. The entire upper echelon has to go for any redemption can be in the works.  They have to go.



If the PPP has to go, then pass a no confidence nation and we can have have free and fair elections.


You are such a dunce.

You cannot help but swallow your shoe! Dimwit, the post was about why they should leave ie they are kleptocratic. I never spoke of how they should leave. And for your information, I personally do not care if they are stoned out of office even though I lean for judicious removal. Also, someone is feeding you swill. A no confidence vote will not be enough to predicate an election. The President has to concur since our executive presidency co-opts that prerogative also.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.P.N.U/A.F.C are very cognizant that the P.P.P/C was a victim of their own success as such would never risk their razor thin majority by passing a vote of no confidence.

Keep deluding yourself. If the PPP is a victim, it is to their own delusions they can be kleprocraic and depend on ethnic voting, patronage ( contact workers) and bead trading with the Amerinds. They already are in the minority and that will continue to erode. Imagine them losing another 8 points and still demanding autocratic prerogatives! The People will string them up from the local lamp posts.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.P.N.U/A.F.C are very cognizant that the P.P.P/C was a victim of their own success as such would never risk their razor thin majority by passing a vote of no confidence.

Keep deluding yourself. If the PPP is a victim, it is to their own delusions they can be kleprocraic and depend on ethnic voting, patronage ( contact workers) and bead trading with the Amerinds. They already are in the minority and that will continue to erode. Imagine them losing another 8 points and still demanding autocratic prerogatives! The People will string them up from the local lamp posts.



The PPP will win a majority. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.P.N.U/A.F.C are very cognizant that the P.P.P/C was a victim of their own success as such would never risk their razor thin majority by passing a vote of no confidence.

Keep deluding yourself. If the PPP is a victim, it is to their own delusions they can be kleprocraic and depend on ethnic voting, patronage ( contact workers) and bead trading with the Amerinds. They already are in the minority and that will continue to erode. Imagine them losing another 8 points and still demanding autocratic prerogatives! The People will string them up from the local lamp posts.



The PPP will win a majority. 

Anything can happen. It did rain fishes in Australia the other day.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.P.N.U/A.F.C are very cognizant that the P.P.P/C was a victim of their own success as such would never risk their razor thin majority by passing a vote of no confidence.

Keep deluding yourself. If the PPP is a victim, it is to their own delusions they can be kleprocraic and depend on ethnic voting, patronage ( contact workers) and bead trading with the Amerinds. They already are in the minority and that will continue to erode. Imagine them losing another 8 points and still demanding autocratic prerogatives! The People will string them up from the local lamp posts.



The PPP will win a majority. 

Anything can happen. It did rain fishes in Australia the other day.



The PPP will win a majority.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.P.N.U/A.F.C are very cognizant that the P.P.P/C was a victim of their own success as such would never risk their razor thin majority by passing a vote of no confidence.

Keep deluding yourself. If the PPP is a victim, it is to their own delusions they can be kleprocraic and depend on ethnic voting, patronage ( contact workers) and bead trading with the Amerinds. They already are in the minority and that will continue to erode. Imagine them losing another 8 points and still demanding autocratic prerogatives! The People will string them up from the local lamp posts.



The PPP will win a majority. 

Anything can happen. It did rain fishes in Australia the other day.



The PPP will win a majority.

as I said, you calling me a dunce is you at your best. In former times one would politely say you are "touched". 


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