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GOVERNMENT Monday evening reiterated its stand of being open to any level of public scrutiny as  regards any developmental project, and the Marriott Hotel project is no exception.



Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh

These remarks were made even as the one-seat majority opposition voted against public funds for the project, through a motion that was brought to the National Assembly by AFC member, Khemraj Ramjattan.
From the inception, the Marriot Hotel project has been a matter of great controversy for the opposition, notwithstanding the fact that it will create more than 250 jobs, generate income, and significantly boost Guyana’s capacity to become a high-end tourist destination.
Since the announcement of the project, the opposition’s reasons for not wanting it have varied from it not being economically viable, to insufficient information being made available, to the use of NICIL funds, which, Ramjattan insisted, ought to be deposited in the consolidated fund.
Despite these arguments, Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh holds strongly to the view that the opposition’s move to block this national project is clearly politically driven and has nothing to do with lack of transparency and openness, as they are claiming; noting that if they needed more information about the project, they would not have moved to block it altogether.


Carl Greenidge

As for accusations that transactions with regard to the project are being done under a “cloak of secrecy” according to A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU’s) member, Carl Greenidge, Minister Singh reminded that large volumes of documentation on the project, including answers to questions that were asked by Ramjattan, were tabled in the House and  also distributed to the media.
However, there are certain confidentiality clauses that government is bound to at this stage of the project, and members of the opposition, many of whom are lawyers, including the mover of the motion himself, are aware that this is common practice in large business transactions.
Two market feasibility studies were conducted for the project, one by the Marriott Hotel Group, and one in 2010 by an independent American firm, which is being updated in 2012. There is also a draft Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) that is awaiting final issuance by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), pending the receipt of building permission.
These documents are confidential at this time; however, government is willing to have a closed-door presentation that will allow certain details of these documents to be made available under the condition of utmost confidentiality.
Responding to the aspersions that were cast by Greenidge on the integrity with which government has managed the privatisation process through NICIL, Minister Singh said, “The matter of accountability and transparency in privatisation transactions is a matter in which Mr. Greenidge has no moral authority.”
He told the House that former Auditor-General, Anand Goolsarran, is on public record as saying that Greenidge had refused him permission to


Minister of Tourism, Industry, and Commerce (ag), Irfaan Ali

audit privatisation transactions. When this was said, Greenidge rose on a point of order to make his rebuttal; however, the Speaker told him to keep that matter for a press conference.
Greenidge also said that there is no guarantee that the project will be endorsed by the Marriott Company. However, in June 2010, Marriott International Inc. had announced that the 160-room hotel is on track to receive LEAD certification from the United States Green Building Council, and is on track of being Marriott’s lead hotel in the Caribbean and Latin America.
It will operate under a management agreement with Atlantic Hotel Inc. (AHI), which is currently owned by the Government of Guyana, as part of a public/private partnership between government and private sector investors.
In November 2011, former President Bharrat Jagdeo turned the sod for the construction of the Marriott Hotel at Kingston, Georgetown. The civil works contract for the project was a subject for a public tender and the price was announced.
“It is not a secret how much the hotel will cost, it is not a secret tender, and it is not a secret when the advertisement was placed. We have all the records of every advertisement and every bid received,” Minister Singh emphasised.
Meanwhile, Minister of Tourism, Industry, and Commerce (ag), Irfaan Ali, said that the opposition is of the view that the project is an inevitable failure, but to date, has failed to show solid analysis as to why the project would not be economically viable.
He, too, shares the view that the prolonged blockade of this development is driven by self-interest and he called on Ramjattan to come clean and declare his personal and political interests with regard to this project.
Minister Ali said that the tourism sector will benefit greatly from this development, and made reference to other countries that spent billions of dollars to build infrastructure that will boost their tourism capacity.
He also informed of Guyana’s growing popularity as a prominent tourist destination. Since 2001 to 2011, arrivals to Guyana increased by 58 percent, from 99,317 to 156,910.
Responding to the argument that government, being an investor, will deny the taxpayers and the revenue base of Guyana, important duties, taxes and other concessions, Minister Ali  informed that any company investing in a hotel, 35 rooms and above, is entitled to certain incentives.
Attorney-General and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall, questioned why Ramjattan chose to bring a motion to the House to challenge what he claims to be illegalities with regard to the Marriot project, when it is an established fact that motions do not have any binding force on government policies, instead of taking the matter to the courts.
“The reason why he cannot go and file a proceeding to challenge the illegality of which he speaks, in the court, is because it would not see the light of day in the court; the application will be rejected,” the AG said.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds said that this project is a key investment for this country.
After several hours of debate, a division was called; resulting in 33 members voting for the motion and 31 against.
This project has an estimated capital cost of US$58. Funding will be in the form of debt and equity with government’s contribution being one-third of the funding.
The contract is being executed by Shanghai Construction Group (SCG). Completion and start of commercial operations of the hotel and entertainment complex is expected two years thereafter, that is, February 2014.

Excerpts from the Guyana Chronicle

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Minister of Tourism, Industry, and Commerce (ag), Irfaan Ali, said that the opposition is of the view that the project is an inevitable failure, but to date, has failed to show solid analysis as to why the project would not be economically viable.
He, too, shares the view that the prolonged blockade of this development is driven by self-interest and he called on Ramjattan to come clean and declare his personal and political interests with regard to this project.


So why Banks DIH and DDL not putting any funds into the POT?


Because it is one big PONZI scheme that will result in the taxpayers losing $4.3 billion within the next 4 years.


JUST WATCH, wait and see!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

TK take your head of the sand, the Private Sector has said publicly, that they are fully in support of the project.....except Mr.Badal and the AFC Cabal

You mean the private sector like the pilot guy and what's his name the ex-Banks DIH dude? You are a simpleton as usual. The greatest SUPPORT they can give the project is fund it. As they say actions speak louder than words. Give Elizabeth my regards, BTW. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

TK take your head of the sand, the Private Sector has said publicly, that they are fully in support of the project.....except Mr.Badal and the AFC Cabal

You mean the private sector like the pilot guy and what's his name the ex-Banks DIH dude? You are a simpleton as usual. The greatest SUPPORT they can give the project is fund it. As they say actions speak louder than words. Give Elizabeth my regards, BTW. 

Why dont Microsoft Fund the building of Marriots in USA?? Man Al YUh really can talk DOO DOO. DIH has it's Funds for it's Capital Projects. And you are a Prof, right????  My Kids will stay far away from you.  No wonder American Kids are at the bottom of the Barrel, it is because of Prof like you.


The Marriott is indeed a good investment for Guyana, a fact Mr.Badal and the AFC Cabal are afraid to admit, the AFC are at full throttle defending the interest of Mr.Badal, is it because he's one of their biggest financier?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

TK take your head of the sand, the Private Sector has said publicly, that they are fully in support of the project.....except Mr.Badal and the AFC Cabal

You mean the private sector like the pilot guy and what's his name the ex-Banks DIH dude? You are a simpleton as usual. The greatest SUPPORT they can give the project is fund it. As they say actions speak louder than words. Give Elizabeth my regards, BTW. 

Why dont Microsoft Fund the building of Marriots in USA?? Man Al YUh really can talk DOO DOO. DIH has it's Funds for it's Capital Projects. And you are a Prof, right????  My Kids will stay far away from you.  No wonder American Kids are at the bottom of the Barrel, it is because of Prof like you.

Pavi bai you are shouting again. You have obvious problems with analogies. When you can find me a few hotels in America built by the Federal government then we can talk.


how about the ones SONNY  and some of the ppp boys will be staying in,the USA build those.every ppp person that post shit on this site know that the ppp have a bunch of low life thief.but they are willing to go down with the ship.its too bad they are helping to rob their country.the bottom line they are helping guyana to remain the worse country in the caribbean 


The Marriott is indeed a VERY BAD investment FOR THE STATE OF Guyana to make, a fact Mr.Badal and the AFC recognizes and that is why the AFC is at full throttle defending the interest of POOR AND THE WORKING CLASS IN TRYING TO RECOVER THE $4.3 billion OF THE TAXPAYERS MONEY Brazzy already buried in this shady company called ATLANTIC HOTEL INC.


The AFC seems to defend the interest of Mr.Badal, at the expense of the Guyanese Populace, and is purposely blocking the path of development, How long would the Guyanese Populace still idle by and allow the AFC to continue with their anti working class agenda? how long would be Guyanese Populace allow the AFC to place them on the breadline? how long would be Guyanese allow the AFC to wag their tails and not call in masses for a snap election?


The Marriott funding is an illegal use of government funds to back a drugs den. It is an abuse of power that the PPP has introduced into Guyanese society. It is setting a bad presidence for future regimes.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

TK take your head of the sand, the Private Sector has said publicly, that they are fully in support of the project.....except Mr.Badal and the AFC Cabal

You mean the private sector like the pilot guy and what's his name the ex-Banks DIH dude? You are a simpleton as usual. The greatest SUPPORT they can give the project is fund it. As they say actions speak louder than words. Give Elizabeth my regards, BTW. 

Why dont Microsoft Fund the building of Marriots in USA?? Man Al YUh really can talk DOO DOO. DIH has it's Funds for it's Capital Projects. And you are a Prof, right????  My Kids will stay far away from you.  No wonder American Kids are at the bottom of the Barrel, it is because of Prof like you.

Pavi bai you are shouting again. You have obvious problems with analogies. When you can find me a few hotels in America built by the Federal government then we can talk.

The American Govt subsidised many, many Companies. If I have to name them it will take up ALL of Amral's space.


the AMERICAN government do not start up company,if a company run into problems they then come in and help out,the main reason to save this case this hotel is a bad business venture before it is build,so why must the guyana government see some thing that will have problem in the future and still want to go ahead with it.this is crazy


Imagine that! This PPP government can use the nation's asset outside of parliamentary oversight and they think it is a good thing! These are one of the most corrupt people in the west.


I remember reading Fanon in the 80s and one of the bits that stick in my head is the necessity for complete bottoms up redesign of the post colonial system or the white men in brown faces will simply take over the original status quo and become our new slave masters. That is what has happened to us. THe PPP took from the LFSB who took from the British and are complete replacement of the same subjugative system. We need a revolution.


The Marriott Hotel project is all about the self-enrichment of a few

October 30, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 


Dear Editor,
During the televised debates on institutional corruption in Guyana, Minister Ashni Singh stated repeatedly that the Marriott Hotel project is a “public/private partnership” and has justified the State’s investment as fostering a transformational project.


It is clear that Parliament did not authorize the use of taxpayers’ money to fund this project and it is also clear the taxpayers of Guyana have not been fully apprised of this mega-project – labelled the largest Ponzi scheme in Guyana by AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan.


Yet the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime was arrogant and conceited enough to tell the taxpayers that they plan to use some $4.3 billion of their money without their permission to build the Marriott Hotel, and that is if everything goes according to plan.


The worst case scenario in the Marriott Hotel deal is the taxpayers could end up funding some 86% of this project if the plan fails and the chance of that happening remains very high, given the track record of the regime.



We know from experience that the PPP has squandered billions of dollars of taxpayers’ money in their poor execution of several other mega-projects including the Skeldon Sugar Factory, the Enmore Sugar Packaging Plant, the Amalia Falls Road Project, and the Roll-on-Roll-off Supenaam Stelling. It appears as though either the PPP is mulish or they have not learnt a single lesson from their financial failures, because it appears once more that those in authority are about to squander billions of dollars more of the taxpayers’ money on the Marriott Hotel when they indicated that the casino, night club and restaurant would not be part of the hotel management. Is the PPP regime outsourcing the main revenue earners of the hotel to their cronies? Shame on the PPP cabal!! Earlier, it was NICIL, now it is the Marriott Hotel. When is this crookedness going to stop?



AFC leader Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan has criticized his former PPP colleagues for their blatant misuse of billions of dollars of the taxpayers’ money and their shameful exploitation of the poor and the working class who are worse off today than when Mr. Ramotar took office ten months ago.
Others including Kaieteur News publisher Mr. Glenn Lall and APNU MP Joseph Harmon have stated that the Marriott Hotel is clearly designed to enrich the business buddies, families and cronies of the ruling PPP cabal.


These wealthy PPP “untouchables” continue to rape and pauperize the taxpayers of billions of dollars every year, thus making the poor and the working class poorer.


We have come across information of a grand scheme to build the Marriott Hotel and when the project fails, a group of sympathetic investors all friends of the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime will purchase the hotel at a huge discount price, only to use it as a money laundering operation.


This is the reason why the PPP does not care what the people think; they have already sounded the alarm that the Marriott Hotel must be built with or without private money. So for the Finance Minister to make statements like “all the norms of accountability are being followed on the Marriott Hotel project” is quite brazen, false and troubling. He is misleading the public.



The PPP spin doctors even have the gall to go on public TV and make false statements about the project which are a stretch of the imagination and furthest from the truth.


Why aren’t the international private sector and the business elite in Guyana not lining up and rolling over each other to get to the front of the line on this investment? There are several families that have the financial capability to fund this project as well as consortia such as DDL and Banks DIH. These conglomerates have shown no interest in investing in this Ponzi scheme.


So let us examine the facts on the financing of the hotel. The Marriott Hotel project is estimated to cost just under G$12 billion. The PPP government, through NICIL and without the people’s permission, has invested some G$4.3 billion of the taxpayers’ money up front with zero commitment from any private partners so far.


The Jagdeo/Ramotar regime has a commitment in principle from Republic Bank to arrange for the additional G$5.6 billion that is expected to come from private financing to add to this G$4.3 billion of the taxpayer funds. But all Republic Bank will be doing is advising the PPP regime on the private financing for a fee to be paid by the taxpayers.


Republic Bank is also expected to lead the negotiations with the syndicate of prospective private financiers and could invest directly in the project, if it foresees that it is a profitable venture.


However, what Republic Bank would not do is underwrite the debt or offer any loan guarantee to the government. That financial responsibility/burden is being imposed on the taxpayers by the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal without their knowledge or consent.


If this whole project fails to offer the rate of return that the syndicated agreement instructs, then the private investors have a right to call upon the National Treasury for the difference.



Further, if the project fails completely, then the G$5.6 billion will have to be funded in full by the National Treasury, hence the taxpayers. This means that in the worst case scenario, the taxpayers could be called upon to fund 86% of this project (some G$10 billion).



Is this what Mr. Winston Brassington calls 1/3 financing from the taxpayers?  Is this what Minister Ashni Singh means when he says the overwhelming majority of the funds will be private funds? Where did they learn their arithmetic? And why is the PPP regime using the taxpayers’ money without Parliament’s approval to fund such a risky project that only their leaders know about?


If this project fails, the Government will have to liquidate its financial assets to a consortium of a third party at a huge discount. Is this another CLICO being conceived and created by the PPP regime?  And why should Guyanese believe in the political directorate and the few other private financiers of the PPP who will step forward to take control of this project at a huge discount from the taxpayers, thus leaving the people of Guyana with very steep losses?



We have concluded that there is irrefutable evidence for the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime not to execute this financial racketeering on the taxpayers. The fundamental question remains “is there a need for another hotel in Guyana at this time after the significant investment in the industry in the run-up to the World Cup cricket?  No! Is there a need for another mega hotel in Guyana when hotel occupancy rate in the country is at roughly 50% and tourism is at its lowest level? No! And why is the PPP so flippant in spending the taxpayers’ money on such a risky venture?
The combined opposition has to do more than just talk, and take whatever actions are necessary to stop the construction of the Marriott Hotel.  Now is the time for real action and for the majority opposition to show the people the mettle they are made of. We call on the leaders not to allow this corrupt PPP regime to get their hands on more of the taxpayers’ money. Enough is enough. Guyanese do not need another failed project of this financial magnitude.


In conclusion, we hope that this letter would encourage the people to confront the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal on this and other shady projects. We also call on Mr. Ramotar to scrap this venture, because we are convinced that this project has been hatched by the regime to compete with the Pegasus Hotel, which its business buddies did not succeed in getting. The Marriott Hotel has nothing to do with improving and expanding the tourism sector; but all about the new greedy, spiteful and corrupt ideology of self-enrichment of a few, while ignoring the plight of the poor and the working class in Guyana.


Dr Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh


worst case scenario, the taxpayers could be called upon to fund 86% of this project (some G$10 billion).


Is this what they doing to us???



  I am not happy at all.  That is money that can fix the infrastructure in Cotton Tree for the farmers.


"Kuli" man a punish in Jagan Guyana.  NOT RIGHT.


Yet the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime was arrogant and conceited enough to tell the taxpayers that they plan to use some $4.3 billion of their money without their permission to build the Marriott Hotel, and that is if everything goes according to plan.



Where is the feasibility study Minister Irfaan Ali?


What is there to HIDE?


Construction of the Marriott Hotel will continue despite a parliamentary motion brought by AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan which sought to block financing for the project.

This is according to Secretary to the Cabinet(AG) and Presidential Advisor on Governance Gail Teixeira who said the motion is not legally binding during this week’s post cabinet media briefing held today.

Teixeira like Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh is contending that Ramjattan is solely concerned about the interests of a major financer of his party.

She added that the AFC’s attack on the Marriott project can be seen as an attack on the country’s developmental agenda.

On Monday last, AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan tabled to a motion in parliament to block financing for the Marriott Hotel.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Construction of the Marriott Hotel will continue despite a parliamentary motion brought by AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan which sought to block financing for the project.

This is according to Secretary to the Cabinet(AG) and Presidential Advisor on Governance Gail Teixeira who said the motion is not legally binding during this week’s post cabinet media briefing held today.

Teixeira like Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh is contending that Ramjattan is solely concerned about the interests of a major financer of his party.

She added that the AFC’s attack on the Marriott project can be seen as an attack on the country’s developmental agenda.

On Monday last, AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan tabled to a motion in parliament to block financing for the Marriott Hotel.



Isn't this what Old man Counsee is preaching - bullism of the majority by the MINORITY?


The Marriot Hotel should progress despite the anti-developmental stance of the joint opposition, the joint opposition seems hell bent on frustrating the progress of the long would be Guyanese Populace allow the joint opposition to block the path of development? In the event of any snap elections, the masses will make the right choice, and thus ensure progress continues

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Marriot Hotel should progress despite the anti-developmental stance of the joint opposition, the joint opposition seems hell bent on frustrating the progress of the long would be Guyanese Populace allow the joint opposition to block the path of development? In the event of any snap elections, the masses will make the right choice, and thus ensure progress continues

 Seeking accountability is only anti developmental to the PPP crooks. It robs them of the opportunity to steal as they so please. Objection to this hotel is a demand for transparency and accountability. The PPP instead decides brazenly to convert the nations cash to the private economic benefit of Brassington Bobby et al. This hotel is an example of every thing that ails us.


"Others including Kaieteur News publisher Mr. Glenn Lall and APNU MP Joseph Harmon have stated that the Marriott Hotel is clearly designed to enrich the business buddies, families and cronies of the ruling PPP cabal.


These wealthy PPP “untouchables” continue to rape and pauperize the taxpayers of billions of dollars every year, thus making the poor and the working class poorer.


We have come across information of a grand scheme to build the Marriott Hotel and when the project fails, a group of sympathetic investors all friends of the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime will purchase the hotel at a huge discount price, only to use it as a money laundering operation."



Oh Yeahhhh, this is some heavy stuff!


this ppp government is acting like a school yard bully.some body have to stop these people.RALPH,is begging these theives to stop and think,but they acting like a run away train.when the ppp run to the courts the chief justice have to chase these bare face theives or the ARMY HAVE TO WAKE UP.


government build hotel is not good investment for guyana,rebuilding the demerara bridge is good investment.better hospitals,better paying teachers,better and more effective police force and the list goes on and fools sell GTT share to build a hotel

Originally Posted by Conscience:

It appears the goons of the opposition are defending the selfish gains of their main financier, while attempting to deny the country of major investments



Reports coming out of GT advised that it appears that the PPP tief-men are defending their selfish gains compliments of the taxpayers/NICIL, while they are attempting to fleece the treasury as a result of another deal.


The private sector  has no objection against the Marriott Hotel, so far is the AFC Cabal feverishly defending the interest of their main financier, whose afraid of competition.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The private sector  has no objection against the Marriott Hotel, so far is the AFC Cabal feverishly defending the interest of their main financier, whose afraid of competition.



How untrue Old boy Consee  - yes the PPP cronies in the Private Sector have no choice but to follow BJ on this banana republic dream.  They Jerry Guviea and the other sycophants of their kin.


But the business people of Guyana would be happy for a Marriot if the money is coming from DIGICEL or another private company, not from the taxpayers.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear to see,the main reason the AFC Cabal is attempting to block funding for the Marriott hotel, is probably to protect the selfish interests of one of their financier

Blocking this enterprise as overt disregard for the legislature and the PPP usual corrupt secretive use the nations funds as a leech source for PPP cronies is real. Imagining other motives is simply a distraction.


If the project has merit, let it be open, transparent and let us know who the hell are we funding. I bet it  is Bobby the boob, Brassington and the usual leech hogs on the Berbice river Bridge cash cow at the nation's teat once again.


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