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Former Member

Original role of SOCU appears to have been totally abandoned – Ramkarran

February 22, 2016 By GuyanaTimes, Source

Former Speaker of the National Assembly Ralph Ramkarran has taken note of the fact that the Special Organised Crime Unit’s (SOCU) original role as merely an investigative arm into money laundering activities has expanded vastly under the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) administration, particularly with no prior public announcement, and that these new mandates appear to be stimulating unnecessary fear within the country.

Former Speaker of the National Assembly Ralph Ramkarran

Former Speaker of the National Assembly Ralph Ramkarran

SOCU was established in 2014 on the recommendation of the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) and was intended to be a police unit operating under the authority of the Commissioner of Police but with a close relationship with the FIU established under the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Act, Chapter 10:11 of the Laws of Guyana.

Though the Terms of Reference were approved by Cabinet, they were not publicly disclosed.

All that was announced was that “the Unit is expected to be dedicated to investigating suspected financial transactions suggestive of money laundering and financing of terrorism,” according to Dr Roger Luncheon, the then Head of the Presidential Secretariat.

Ramkarran pointed out that this was certainly what was understood by then Leader of the Opposition, David Granger, who at a press conference on October 11, 2014, acknowledged that SOCU was being assigned “as the investigative arm of the FIU.”

Ramkarran highlighted too that Carl Greenidge, then Shadow Minister of Finance, was even more expansive when he said: “The FIU, after receiving that report (from its reporting institutions), will now send it off to the SOCU which will operate as its investigative arm.”

“From what Mr Greenidge said at the time, he clearly envisaged SOCU as a desk bound agency, with accounting and financial expertise, checking transactions, following paper trails and then instituting charges where offences are found to have been committed,” Ramkarran reasoned.

In fact, Ramkarran highlighted that the first indication that SOCU was deviating from the original mandate announced to the public, was on November 18, 2014 when Head of the Financial Intelligence Unit Paul Geer stated that SOCU made its first “bust” which was the seizure of cash from a Bulgarian national who was attempting to smuggle it from the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA).

“This was SOCU’s first known operational role. No question was raised about its departure from its announced function as the investigative arm of the FIU. It is not known if it was this event, or an internal Government decision of which the public is unaware, that prompted Mr Anil Nandlall, former Attorney General, to assert that SOCU’s role included an operational element, but that it was confined to ports of entry and departure. There was certainly no hint that SOCU’s role would go beyond that announced by the PPP/C Government and agreed by the Opposition, which envisioned no operational activity at ports or elsewhere,” Ramkarran stated.

However, he expressed that this departure quickly escalated under the new government and has rapidly instilled fear into society at large.

“This secretive new role came into sharp focus in a spectacularly tragic manner. The horrific accident, which claimed three lives at the Christmas holidays, arose from a stakeout by SOCU, using military personnel, which degenerated into a car chase, to prevent the removal of documents from a house wrongly thought to be Mr Winston Brassington’s home. This event attracted widespread public criticism and questioning of the role of SOCU.

Many felt that it was being used by the Government, with the collusion of the military, as an enforcer and that all restraint and oversight had been removed. No answers were given. Much the same criticisms are now being made as a result of the raids carried out on homes and the seizure of money and gold. It is argued that these raids cannot be based on reports made by financial institutions as was originally conceived, and that SOCU is out of control,” he posited.

Ramkarran also pointed out that the public still is unaware of to whom SOCU reports.
“The Commissioner of Police? He has been silent!” he stated.

Moreover, Ramkarran clarified that there is a big difference between money laundering and money hoarding.

“The first is a criminal offence. The second is a more complex issue. A large number of small business people, many widely dispersed, make and receive payments in cash or sometimes in gold, which is also hoarded. It would not be surprising if they all now feel fearful and vulnerable as a result of SOCU’s widely publicised raids and if business activity is adversely affected,” he stated.

To this end, the political commentator concluded that SOCU has been given the support and resources to develop into a bust and raid unit, which appears now to be its main focus.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The current de facto government never understood the role of SOCU and many other departments of the government to begin with that is why they continue to mismanage the country and infringe on the constitution with out any thoughts or concern of the consequences. 

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The current de facto government never understood the role of SOCU and many other departments of the government to begin with that is why they continue to mismanage the country and infringe on the constitution with out any thoughts or concern of the consequences. 

First, the government is de jure ie the lawful government. Secondly, who would care for a desk investigative unit as its main anti laundering and anti tax evasion agency? That is like having Eliot Ness in s cubicle and think that is sufficient to bring down Capone.

It is amazing you people speak of mismanagement with a straigt face when you are defenders of the PPP whose entire administration was a morass of interwoven corrupt leech schemes.

Demerara_Guy posted:

And to note, Bibi Haniffa, the PNC/AFC government has about 25 ministers.

Some of whom are attorneys and some of whom were MPs when SOCU legislation was passed in the National Assembly in 2014.  Wonder if dem wuz sleeping??

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The current de facto government never understood the role of SOCU and many other departments of the government to begin with that is why they continue to mismanage the country and infringe on the constitution with out any thoughts or concern of the consequences. 

They learn from the ppp

Prashad posted:

Ramkurran should give it a break and crawl into history. Big rank is not on the horizon.

He is not capable of handling changes. All kinds of crimes are associated with money laundering.

Last edited by Mitwah

I heard a rumor that Stormy was in New York over the weekend for business. He took back a few bags of Urea to DC where he sold one bag to a professor dude by the name of some R. Singh. I don't know if this is just rumor or is the truth.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Prashad posted:

Ramkurran should give it a break and crawl into history. Big rank is not on the horizon.

I don't think Ramkarran is looking for any kind of career in any future government in Guyana.  He is going to be 70 years old in August and the next election is 2020.  His views however are useful as he has a long track record, almost 50 years, of government service.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Prashad posted:

Ramkurran should give it a break and crawl into history. Big rank is not on the horizon.

I don't think Ramkarran is looking for any kind of career in any future government in Guyana.  He is going to be 70 years old in August and the next election is 2020.  His views however are useful as he has a long track record, almost 50 years, of government service.

Tell uncle to take it easy. He could get a stroke.

Mitwah posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

And to note, Bibi Haniffa, the PNC/AFC government has about 25 ministers.

LOL! D_G giving Bibi an education.

Tweedle - you need to think before you write anything.  This thread is not for useless bantering.

Bibi Haniffa
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I heard a rumor that Stormy was in New York over the weekend for business. He took back a few bags of Urea to DC where he sold one bag to a professor dude by the name of some R. Singh. I don't know if this is just rumor or is the truth.

I have not been to NY in months. Plus I am   miles from NY and DC. Do not know any R. Singh or any Singh for that matter. If some one came to you for Urea claiming to be me you got conned. The FBI should come down on your pitiful ass for posting dangerous rumors with suggestions that anyone can take many ways. ***.k with me and I will come after you.

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I heard a rumor that Stormy was in New York over the weekend for business. He took back a few bags of Urea to DC where he sold one bag to a professor dude by the name of some R. Singh. I don't know if this is just rumor or is the truth.

I have not been to NY in months. Plus I am   miles from NY and DC. Do not know any R. Singh or any Singh for that matter. If some one came to you for Urea claiming to be me you got conned. The FBI should come down on your pitiful ass for posting dangerous rumors with suggestions that anyone can take many ways. ***.k with me and I will come after you.

Which Guyanese person doesn't know any Singh?

Bibi Haniffa
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The man is more bad than SOCU.  I got to watch out when I repeat hear-say shit about the Shaman.

If you ever see one of those tinted window SOCU vans drive up with a Shaman in it - Run like Hell!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I heard a rumor that Stormy was in New York over the weekend for business. He took back a few bags of Urea to DC where he sold one bag to a professor dude by the name of some R. Singh. I don't know if this is just rumor or is the truth.

I have not been to NY in months. Plus I am   miles from NY and DC. Do not know any R. Singh or any Singh for that matter. If some one came to you for Urea claiming to be me you got conned. The FBI should come down on your pitiful ass for posting dangerous rumors with suggestions that anyone can take many ways. ***.k with me and I will come after you.

Which Guyanese person doesn't know any Singh?

No singh is in my circle.


Might not mean a darn thing but there's a Baboolal in mine, hot Trini tarasss. I once had a Gary Singh as a buddy, he came to T.O but since disappeared.

Last edited by cain
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The man is more bad than SOCU.  I got to watch out when I repeat hear-say shit about the Shaman.

Listen you dumb ass. That post is already flagged. Do you think the authorities takes chances with anything these days? How are they to know you are just s stupid shi.t head writing nonsense. There are a couple of old dudes in jail for life just for talking like this. You are a veritable ass and I hope they put your behind on a no fly list just so you learn your lesson. You do not make stupid jokes like this. I do not know you and you do not know me from Adam. You are a fu.cking malicious idiot to speak of me as if you are familiar with me. Worse you are making some serious accusations.

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:

I have not been to NY in months. Plus I am   miles from NY and DC. Do not know any R. Singh or any Singh for that matter. If some one came to you for Urea claiming to be me you got conned. The FBI should come down on your pitiful ass for posting dangerous rumors with suggestions that anyone can take many ways. ***.k with me and I will come after you.

Which Guyanese person doesn't know any Singh?

No singh is in my circle.

That was not the point!!!

It is my point.


Isn't it troubling that this govt is not at all focused on development and bringing in investments. They are solely focused on vilifying the PPP and their supporters in the guise of routing out corruption. 

Drugb posted:

Isn't it troubling that this govt is not at all focused on development and bringing in investments. They are solely focused on vilifying the PPP and their supporters in the guise of routing out corruption. 

What investment the PPP brought in except the drug culture that turned t shirt vendors into mall builders and eco resort developers? We are a billion in debt for a massively over built airport, a road to nowhere, fiber infrastructure than never was, a sugar plant that does not work, a hotel that produces no income but instead vacuum it up. Bauxite is dead, sugar is dead and rice is on its last legs. What development are you talking about again? We build nothing, manufacture nothing, and sustain our self by begging. 60 years down the pike and we cannot even produce enough services and goods to balance our own budget except by begging at the international community's table for charity.

Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Isn't it troubling that this govt is not at all focused on development and bringing in investments. They are solely focused on vilifying the PPP and their supporters in the guise of routing out corruption. 

What investment the PPP brought in except the drug culture that turned t shirt vendors into mall builders and eco resort developers? We are a billion in debt for a massively over built airport, a road to nowhere, fiber infrastructure than never was, a sugar plant that does not work, a hotel that produces no income but instead vacuum it up. Bauxite is dead, sugar is dead and rice is on its last legs. What development are you talking about again? We build nothing, manufacture nothing, and sustain our self by begging. 60 years down the pike and we cannot even produce enough services and goods to balance our own budget except by begging at the international community's table for charity.

You speak through your own ignorance. The present govt is killing rice to punish the coolies who support the PPP. It's a shame you speak of Guyana in the "WE" and yet you fail to comprehend that Guyana is all agriculture..cassava, rice, piwari, lumber and  now KATAHAR.

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Isn't it troubling that this govt is not at all focused on development and bringing in investments. They are solely focused on vilifying the PPP and their supporters in the guise of routing out corruption. 

What investment the PPP brought in except the drug culture that turned t shirt vendors into mall builders and eco resort developers? We are a billion in debt for a massively over built airport, a road to nowhere, fiber infrastructure than never was, a sugar plant that does not work, a hotel that produces no income but instead vacuum it up. Bauxite is dead, sugar is dead and rice is on its last legs. What development are you talking about again? We build nothing, manufacture nothing, and sustain our self by begging. 60 years down the pike and we cannot even produce enough services and goods to balance our own budget except by begging at the international community's table for charity.

You speak through your own ignorance. The present govt is killing rice to punish the coolies who support the PPP. It's a shame you speak of Guyana in the "WE" and yet you fail to comprehend that Guyana is all agriculture..cassava, rice, piwari, lumber and  now KATAHAR.

and you speak through your racist lens as usual. The preposterous idea of  the present government would kill rice to punish indians at the expense of national well being could only be engendered in such a poisoned heart. That Guyana is all agrarian is not a bad thing. The lack of diversity and the focus on products that are experiencing a market glut and not high valued products we can also cultivate is the problem. Also that we do not have a strong manufacturing base is completely the PPP's fault. They concentrate on thievery and laundering money via the proliferation of a fast food economy more.

Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Isn't it troubling that this govt is not at all focused on development and bringing in investments. They are solely focused on vilifying the PPP and their supporters in the guise of routing out corruption. 

What investment the PPP brought in except the drug culture that turned t shirt vendors into mall builders and eco resort developers? We are a billion in debt for a massively over built airport, a road to nowhere, fiber infrastructure than never was, a sugar plant that does not work, a hotel that produces no income but instead vacuum it up. Bauxite is dead, sugar is dead and rice is on its last legs. What development are you talking about again? We build nothing, manufacture nothing, and sustain our self by begging. 60 years down the pike and we cannot even produce enough services and goods to balance our own budget except by begging at the international community's table for charity.

You speak through your own ignorance. The present govt is killing rice to punish the coolies who support the PPP. It's a shame you speak of Guyana in the "WE" and yet you fail to comprehend that Guyana is all agriculture..cassava, rice, piwari, lumber and  now KATAHAR.

and you speak through your racist lens as usual. The preposterous idea of  the present government would kill rice to punish indians at the expense of national well being could only be engendered in such a poisoned heart. That Guyana is all agrarian is not a bad thing. The lack of diversity and the focus on products that are experiencing a market glut and not high valued products we can also cultivate is the problem. Also that we do not have a strong manufacturing base is completely the PPP's fault. They concentrate on thievery and laundering money via the proliferation of a fast food economy more.

Keep your labels to put on your cassava bread that you got from your 300 acres. Save some for the piwari bottles too.
You need to stop addressing the Guyanese issues since you haven't gone there in more than 40 years.

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Isn't it troubling that this govt is not at all focused on development and bringing in investments. They are solely focused on vilifying the PPP and their supporters in the guise of routing out corruption. 

What investment the PPP brought in except the drug culture that turned t shirt vendors into mall builders and eco resort developers? We are a billion in debt for a massively over built airport, a road to nowhere, fiber infrastructure than never was, a sugar plant that does not work, a hotel that produces no income but instead vacuum it up. Bauxite is dead, sugar is dead and rice is on its last legs. What development are you talking about again? We build nothing, manufacture nothing, and sustain our self by begging. 60 years down the pike and we cannot even produce enough services and goods to balance our own budget except by begging at the international community's table for charity.

You speak through your own ignorance. The present govt is killing rice to punish the coolies who support the PPP. It's a shame you speak of Guyana in the "WE" and yet you fail to comprehend that Guyana is all agriculture..cassava, rice, piwari, lumber and  now KATAHAR.

and you speak through your racist lens as usual. The preposterous idea of  the present government would kill rice to punish indians at the expense of national well being could only be engendered in such a poisoned heart. That Guyana is all agrarian is not a bad thing. The lack of diversity and the focus on products that are experiencing a market glut and not high valued products we can also cultivate is the problem. Also that we do not have a strong manufacturing base is completely the PPP's fault. They concentrate on thievery and laundering money via the proliferation of a fast food economy more.

Keep your labels to put on your cassava bread that you got from your 300 acres. Save some for the piwari bottles too.
You need to stop addressing the Guyanese issues since you haven't gone there in more than 40 years.

Skelly - I completely agree with the above statement.  People read garbage in the newspapers and base their opinions and arguments on a bunch of lies.  In my opinion, if you have not walked on the streets in Guyana and talked with the people who live there and witness first hand what really goes on with the simple folk, then you do not qualify to make any statement on the lives of people in Guyana.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Isn't it troubling that this govt is not at all focused on development and bringing in investments. They are solely focused on vilifying the PPP and their supporters in the guise of routing out corruption. 

What investment the PPP brought in except the drug culture that turned t shirt vendors into mall builders and eco resort developers? We are a billion in debt for a massively over built airport, a road to nowhere, fiber infrastructure than never was, a sugar plant that does not work, a hotel that produces no income but instead vacuum it up. Bauxite is dead, sugar is dead and rice is on its last legs. What development are you talking about again? We build nothing, manufacture nothing, and sustain our self by begging. 60 years down the pike and we cannot even produce enough services and goods to balance our own budget except by begging at the international community's table for charity.

You speak through your own ignorance. The present govt is killing rice to punish the coolies who support the PPP. It's a shame you speak of Guyana in the "WE" and yet you fail to comprehend that Guyana is all agriculture..cassava, rice, piwari, lumber and  now KATAHAR.

and you speak through your racist lens as usual. The preposterous idea of  the present government would kill rice to punish indians at the expense of national well being could only be engendered in such a poisoned heart. That Guyana is all agrarian is not a bad thing. The lack of diversity and the focus on products that are experiencing a market glut and not high valued products we can also cultivate is the problem. Also that we do not have a strong manufacturing base is completely the PPP's fault. They concentrate on thievery and laundering money via the proliferation of a fast food economy more.

Keep your labels to put on your cassava bread that you got from your 300 acres. Save some for the piwari bottles too.
You need to stop addressing the Guyanese issues since you haven't gone there in more than 40 years.

Skelly - I completely agree with the above statement.  People read garbage in the newspapers and base their opinions and arguments on a bunch of lies.  In my opinion, if you have not walked on the streets in Guyana and talked with the people who live there and witness first hand what really goes on with the simple folk, then you do not qualify to make any statement on the lives of people in Guyana.

He constantly needs attention. Could have been a special needs child with ADHD.

skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Isn't it troubling that this govt is not at all focused on development and bringing in investments. They are solely focused on vilifying the PPP and their supporters in the guise of routing out corruption. 

What investment the PPP brought in except the drug culture that turned t shirt vendors into mall builders and eco resort developers? We are a billion in debt for a massively over built airport, a road to nowhere, fiber infrastructure than never was, a sugar plant that does not work, a hotel that produces no income but instead vacuum it up. Bauxite is dead, sugar is dead and rice is on its last legs. What development are you talking about again? We build nothing, manufacture nothing, and sustain our self by begging. 60 years down the pike and we cannot even produce enough services and goods to balance our own budget except by begging at the international community's table for charity.

You speak through your own ignorance. The present govt is killing rice to punish the coolies who support the PPP. It's a shame you speak of Guyana in the "WE" and yet you fail to comprehend that Guyana is all agriculture..cassava, rice, piwari, lumber and  now KATAHAR.

and you speak through your racist lens as usual. The preposterous idea of  the present government would kill rice to punish indians at the expense of national well being could only be engendered in such a poisoned heart. That Guyana is all agrarian is not a bad thing. The lack of diversity and the focus on products that are experiencing a market glut and not high valued products we can also cultivate is the problem. Also that we do not have a strong manufacturing base is completely the PPP's fault. They concentrate on thievery and laundering money via the proliferation of a fast food economy more.

Keep your labels to put on your cassava bread that you got from your 300 acres. Save some for the piwari bottles too.
You need to stop addressing the Guyanese issues since you haven't gone there in more than 40 years.

Skelly - I completely agree with the above statement.  People read garbage in the newspapers and base their opinions and arguments on a bunch of lies.  In my opinion, if you have not walked on the streets in Guyana and talked with the people who live there and witness first hand what really goes on with the simple folk, then you do not qualify to make any statement on the lives of people in Guyana.

He constantly needs attention. Could have been a special needs child with ADHD.

Hmmmm.  Funny you mentioned that.  I picked that up too and in fact mentioned it to other GNI posters in person.

Bibi Haniffa
Amral posted:

Billy your post is no laughing matter. There is a time and place for everything. Dont go around the Internet posting stuff that is false. 

To Stormy and Amral,

I would like to apologize for the joke I made about "urea" involving Stormy.  I made the wrong choice of words which can certainly lend itself to all sorts of interpretation some of which can have serious legal effects. I did not intend to insinuate anything unlawful or harmful on the part of Stormy.  The intent of the joke was just for fun.  After re-reading what I wrote and  Stormy's response I realized I have to be very careful with what I say.  I've always been an admirer of Stormy's intellect on this forum even though at times I disagree with viewpoints on political issues.  I enjoy being on this forum and I would like to see our debates remain civil and respectful.

Storm, If I cause you any harm I humbly apologize. I realized we are living in difficult times with terrorism is a major problem. I hope you accept my apology.


Billy Ram Balgobin
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Isn't it troubling that this govt is not at all focused on development and bringing in investments. They are solely focused on vilifying the PPP and their supporters in the guise of routing out corruption. 

What investment the PPP brought in except the drug culture that turned t shirt vendors into mall builders and eco resort developers? We are a billion in debt for a massively over built airport, a road to nowhere, fiber infrastructure than never was, a sugar plant that does not work, a hotel that produces no income but instead vacuum it up. Bauxite is dead, sugar is dead and rice is on its last legs. What development are you talking about again? We build nothing, manufacture nothing, and sustain our self by begging. 60 years down the pike and we cannot even produce enough services and goods to balance our own budget except by begging at the international community's table for charity.

You speak through your own ignorance. The present govt is killing rice to punish the coolies who support the PPP. It's a shame you speak of Guyana in the "WE" and yet you fail to comprehend that Guyana is all agriculture..cassava, rice, piwari, lumber and  now KATAHAR.

and you speak through your racist lens as usual. The preposterous idea of  the present government would kill rice to punish indians at the expense of national well being could only be engendered in such a poisoned heart. That Guyana is all agrarian is not a bad thing. The lack of diversity and the focus on products that are experiencing a market glut and not high valued products we can also cultivate is the problem. Also that we do not have a strong manufacturing base is completely the PPP's fault. They concentrate on thievery and laundering money via the proliferation of a fast food economy more.

Keep your labels to put on your cassava bread that you got from your 300 acres. Save some for the piwari bottles too.
You need to stop addressing the Guyanese issues since you haven't gone there in more than 40 years.

Let me get do not know who the hell you are talking to yet you feel you can declare categorically what I do or not. That alone should point to your grasping for straws. 

You do need to huddle among your racist mental furniture for comfort because you have no place else to go. I bet it is not a plesant place to be in your sixties and still not yet abstract the fact you are clinging to straws. I bet we will hear the same distressing sounds as you walk to your grave because life failed to inform you of the obvious....bye....

Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Isn't it troubling that this govt is not at all focused on development and bringing in investments. They are solely focused on vilifying the PPP and their supporters in the guise of routing out corruption. 

What investment the PPP brought in except the drug culture that turned t shirt vendors into mall builders and eco resort developers? We are a billion in debt for a massively over built airport, a road to nowhere, fiber infrastructure than never was, a sugar plant that does not work, a hotel that produces no income but instead vacuum it up. Bauxite is dead, sugar is dead and rice is on its last legs. What development are you talking about again? We build nothing, manufacture nothing, and sustain our self by begging. 60 years down the pike and we cannot even produce enough services and goods to balance our own budget except by begging at the international community's table for charity.

You speak through your own ignorance. The present govt is killing rice to punish the coolies who support the PPP. It's a shame you speak of Guyana in the "WE" and yet you fail to comprehend that Guyana is all agriculture..cassava, rice, piwari, lumber and  now KATAHAR.

and you speak through your racist lens as usual. The preposterous idea of  the present government would kill rice to punish indians at the expense of national well being could only be engendered in such a poisoned heart. That Guyana is all agrarian is not a bad thing. The lack of diversity and the focus on products that are experiencing a market glut and not high valued products we can also cultivate is the problem. Also that we do not have a strong manufacturing base is completely the PPP's fault. They concentrate on thievery and laundering money via the proliferation of a fast food economy more.

Keep your labels to put on your cassava bread that you got from your 300 acres. Save some for the piwari bottles too.
You need to stop addressing the Guyanese issues since you haven't gone there in more than 40 years.

Skelly - I completely agree with the above statement.  People read garbage in the newspapers and base their opinions and arguments on a bunch of lies.  In my opinion, if you have not walked on the streets in Guyana and talked with the people who live there and witness first hand what really goes on with the simple folk, then you do not qualify to make any statement on the lives of people in Guyana.

Address the lies I tell rather than spout garbage. Guyanese are still close to 40% in deep poverty some seven decades after independence so where is the  progress. We have not balanced balanced one budged on real earnings in our entire history always reaching for handouts and the diaspora to bad the income deficits and yer ignoramuses like you clamor about progress. We are currently over run by drugs, infested by junkies and have petty stick up boys plying their trade every which way and what do you think that reflects if not a society in deep crisis? If you care to demonstrate that great intellect you claim to possess you ought to tell us why the above hellish reality prevails. And don't resort to the convenient excuse you bigots always pull out of your people!


skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Isn't it troubling that this govt is not at all focused on development and bringing in investments. They are solely focused on vilifying the PPP and their supporters in the guise of routing out corruption. 

What investment the PPP brought in except the drug culture that turned t shirt vendors into mall builders and eco resort developers? We are a billion in debt for a massively over built airport, a road to nowhere, fiber infrastructure than never was, a sugar plant that does not work, a hotel that produces no income but instead vacuum it up. Bauxite is dead, sugar is dead and rice is on its last legs. What development are you talking about again? We build nothing, manufacture nothing, and sustain our self by begging. 60 years down the pike and we cannot even produce enough services and goods to balance our own budget except by begging at the international community's table for charity.

You speak through your own ignorance. The present govt is killing rice to punish the coolies who support the PPP. It's a shame you speak of Guyana in the "WE" and yet you fail to comprehend that Guyana is all agriculture..cassava, rice, piwari, lumber and  now KATAHAR.

and you speak through your racist lens as usual. The preposterous idea of  the present government would kill rice to punish indians at the expense of national well being could only be engendered in such a poisoned heart. That Guyana is all agrarian is not a bad thing. The lack of diversity and the focus on products that are experiencing a market glut and not high valued products we can also cultivate is the problem. Also that we do not have a strong manufacturing base is completely the PPP's fault. They concentrate on thievery and laundering money via the proliferation of a fast food economy more.

Keep your labels to put on your cassava bread that you got from your 300 acres. Save some for the piwari bottles too.
You need to stop addressing the Guyanese issues since you haven't gone there in more than 40 years.

Skelly - I completely agree with the above statement.  People read garbage in the newspapers and base their opinions and arguments on a bunch of lies.  In my opinion, if you have not walked on the streets in Guyana and talked with the people who live there and witness first hand what really goes on with the simple folk, then you do not qualify to make any statement on the lives of people in Guyana.

He constantly needs attention. Could have been a special needs child with ADHD.

Is that why you are here?

Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Isn't it troubling that this govt is not at all focused on development and bringing in investments. They are solely focused on vilifying the PPP and their supporters in the guise of routing out corruption. 

What investment the PPP brought in except the drug culture that turned t shirt vendors into mall builders and eco resort developers? We are a billion in debt for a massively over built airport, a road to nowhere, fiber infrastructure than never was, a sugar plant that does not work, a hotel that produces no income but instead vacuum it up. Bauxite is dead, sugar is dead and rice is on its last legs. What development are you talking about again? We build nothing, manufacture nothing, and sustain our self by begging. 60 years down the pike and we cannot even produce enough services and goods to balance our own budget except by begging at the international community's table for charity.

You speak through your own ignorance. The present govt is killing rice to punish the coolies who support the PPP. It's a shame you speak of Guyana in the "WE" and yet you fail to comprehend that Guyana is all agriculture..cassava, rice, piwari, lumber and  now KATAHAR.

and you speak through your racist lens as usual. The preposterous idea of  the present government would kill rice to punish indians at the expense of national well being could only be engendered in such a poisoned heart. That Guyana is all agrarian is not a bad thing. The lack of diversity and the focus on products that are experiencing a market glut and not high valued products we can also cultivate is the problem. Also that we do not have a strong manufacturing base is completely the PPP's fault. They concentrate on thievery and laundering money via the proliferation of a fast food economy more.

Keep your labels to put on your cassava bread that you got from your 300 acres. Save some for the piwari bottles too.
You need to stop addressing the Guyanese issues since you haven't gone there in more than 40 years.

Skelly - I completely agree with the above statement.  People read garbage in the newspapers and base their opinions and arguments on a bunch of lies.  In my opinion, if you have not walked on the streets in Guyana and talked with the people who live there and witness first hand what really goes on with the simple folk, then you do not qualify to make any statement on the lives of people in Guyana.

Address the lies I tell rather than spout garbage. Guyanese are still close to 40% in deep poverty some seven decades after independence so where is the  progress. We have not balanced balanced one budged on real earnings in our entire history always reaching for handouts and the diaspora to bad the income deficits and yer ignoramuses like you clamor about progress. We are currently over run by drugs, infested by junkies and have petty stick up boys plying their trade every which way and what do you think that reflects if not a society in deep crisis? If you care to demonstrate that great intellect you claim to possess you ought to tell us why the above hellish reality prevails. And don't resort to the convenient excuse you bigots always pull out of your people!


  1. How do I address the lies you tell????
  2. Did you mean to post this statement on another thread???
  3. We are talking about a whole different subject matter here.
Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Hmmmm.  Funny you mentioned that.  I picked that up too and in fact mentioned it to other GNI posters in person.

Stupid woman,"facts" do not materialize from ignorant minds in a day dream. They reside out in the world where one can develop statements ( called truth) in some language that describes their status. Let me hear why you are here as opposed to why you think I am here. To this point all I gather that you do  to bend the knees and mutter confused praises about the crooks in the PPP. Of course we get the liberal sprinkling of your finer tastes, supposed great looks and prized education.  Only the last one concerns me but I have not had a glimpse that  as yet.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
  1. How do I address the lies you tell????
  2. Did you mean to post this statement on another thread???
  3. We are talking about a whole different subject matter here.

You are the bright one...the world exists on a person able to express facts about it or you are just another moron.

Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
  1. How do I address the lies you tell????
  2. Did you mean to post this statement on another thread???
  3. We are talking about a whole different subject matter here.

You are the bright one...the world exists on a person able to express facts about it or you are just another moron.

Ok dude.  I am going to be real honest with you now.  More than half of the time when you write stuff on this forum, I do not have a clue what you are talking about. 

Bibi Haniffa
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Hmmmm.  Funny you mentioned that.  I picked that up too and in fact mentioned it to other GNI posters in person.

Stupid woman,"facts" do not materialize from ignorant minds in a day dream. They reside out in the world where one can develop statements ( called truth) in some language that describes their status. Let me hear why you are here as opposed to why you think I am here. To this point all I gather that you do  to bend the knees and mutter confused praises about the crooks in the PPP. Of course we get the liberal sprinkling of your finer tastes, supposed great looks and prized education.  Only the last one concerns me but I have not had a glimpse that  as yet.

Ahhh, don't give me that.  You are really not concerned about my great looks???

Bibi Haniffa

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