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Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Hmmmm.  Funny you mentioned that.  I picked that up too and in fact mentioned it to other GNI posters in person.

Stupid woman,"facts" do not materialize from ignorant minds in a day dream. They reside out in the world where one can develop statements ( called truth) in some language that describes their status. Let me hear why you are here as opposed to why you think I am here. To this point all I gather that you do  to bend the knees and mutter confused praises about the crooks in the PPP. Of course we get the liberal sprinkling of your finer tastes, supposed great looks and prized education.  Only the last one concerns me but I have not had a glimpse that  as yet.

Ahhh, don't give me that.  You are really not concerned about my great looks???

I do not buy pig in poke or poke on a pig.

Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Isn't it troubling that this govt is not at all focused on development and bringing in investments. They are solely focused on vilifying the PPP and their supporters in the guise of routing out corruption. 

What investment the PPP brought in except the drug culture that turned t shirt vendors into mall builders and eco resort developers? We are a billion in debt for a massively over built airport, a road to nowhere, fiber infrastructure than never was, a sugar plant that does not work, a hotel that produces no income but instead vacuum it up. Bauxite is dead, sugar is dead and rice is on its last legs. What development are you talking about again? We build nothing, manufacture nothing, and sustain our self by begging. 60 years down the pike and we cannot even produce enough services and goods to balance our own budget except by begging at the international community's table for charity.

You speak through your own ignorance. The present govt is killing rice to punish the coolies who support the PPP. It's a shame you speak of Guyana in the "WE" and yet you fail to comprehend that Guyana is all agriculture..cassava, rice, piwari, lumber and  now KATAHAR.

and you speak through your racist lens as usual. The preposterous idea of  the present government would kill rice to punish indians at the expense of national well being could only be engendered in such a poisoned heart. That Guyana is all agrarian is not a bad thing. The lack of diversity and the focus on products that are experiencing a market glut and not high valued products we can also cultivate is the problem. Also that we do not have a strong manufacturing base is completely the PPP's fault. They concentrate on thievery and laundering money via the proliferation of a fast food economy more.

Keep your labels to put on your cassava bread that you got from your 300 acres. Save some for the piwari bottles too.
You need to stop addressing the Guyanese issues since you haven't gone there in more than 40 years.

Let me get do not know who the hell you are talking to yet you feel you can declare categorically what I do or not. That alone should point to your grasping for straws. 

You do need to huddle among your racist mental furniture for comfort because you have no place else to go. I bet it is not a plesant place to be in your sixties and still not yet abstract the fact you are clinging to straws. I bet we will hear the same distressing sounds as you walk to your grave because life failed to inform you of the obvious....bye....

I might be in my sixties. I have never panhandled. I have lived longer than you and will live longer than you.
My wife of 40 years never left me and ran away with another coolieman, blackman, buckman, chineyman, douglaman or a putageeman.
I never went looking for my wife in RH with sakawinki parrot on my shoulder. I could go on to add more.


Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
  1. How do I address the lies you tell????
  2. Did you mean to post this statement on another thread???
  3. We are talking about a whole different subject matter here.

You are the bright one...the world exists on a person able to express facts about it or you are just another moron.

Ok dude.  I am going to be real honest with you now.  More than half of the time when you write stuff on this forum, I do not have a clue what you are talking about. 

I do not think you inability to comprehend what I write is my problem.

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Isn't it troubling that this govt is not at all focused on development and bringing in investments. They are solely focused on vilifying the PPP and their supporters in the guise of routing out corruption. 

What investment the PPP brought in except the drug culture that turned t shirt vendors into mall builders and eco resort developers? We are a billion in debt for a massively over built airport, a road to nowhere, fiber infrastructure than never was, a sugar plant that does not work, a hotel that produces no income but instead vacuum it up. Bauxite is dead, sugar is dead and rice is on its last legs. What development are you talking about again? We build nothing, manufacture nothing, and sustain our self by begging. 60 years down the pike and we cannot even produce enough services and goods to balance our own budget except by begging at the international community's table for charity.

You speak through your own ignorance. The present govt is killing rice to punish the coolies who support the PPP. It's a shame you speak of Guyana in the "WE" and yet you fail to comprehend that Guyana is all agriculture..cassava, rice, piwari, lumber and  now KATAHAR.

and you speak through your racist lens as usual. The preposterous idea of  the present government would kill rice to punish indians at the expense of national well being could only be engendered in such a poisoned heart. That Guyana is all agrarian is not a bad thing. The lack of diversity and the focus on products that are experiencing a market glut and not high valued products we can also cultivate is the problem. Also that we do not have a strong manufacturing base is completely the PPP's fault. They concentrate on thievery and laundering money via the proliferation of a fast food economy more.

Keep your labels to put on your cassava bread that you got from your 300 acres. Save some for the piwari bottles too.
You need to stop addressing the Guyanese issues since you haven't gone there in more than 40 years.

Let me get do not know who the hell you are talking to yet you feel you can declare categorically what I do or not. That alone should point to your grasping for straws. 

You do need to huddle among your racist mental furniture for comfort because you have no place else to go. I bet it is not a plesant place to be in your sixties and still not yet abstract the fact you are clinging to straws. I bet we will hear the same distressing sounds as you walk to your grave because life failed to inform you of the obvious....bye....

I might be in my sixties. I have never panhandled. I have lived longer than you and will live longer than you.
My wife of 40 years never left me and ran away with another coolieman, blackman, buckman, chineyman, douglaman or a putageeman.
I never went looking for my wife in RH with sakawinki parrot on my shoulder. I could go on to add more.


I do not doubt you could add more. You seem to live in your own imagination. You are not talking about me but the fantasy in your head.


skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Isn't it troubling that this govt is not at all focused on development and bringing in investments. They are solely focused on vilifying the PPP and their supporters in the guise of routing out corruption. 

What investment the PPP brought in except the drug culture that turned t shirt vendors into mall builders and eco resort developers? We are a billion in debt for a massively over built airport, a road to nowhere, fiber infrastructure than never was, a sugar plant that does not work, a hotel that produces no income but instead vacuum it up. Bauxite is dead, sugar is dead and rice is on its last legs. What development are you talking about again? We build nothing, manufacture nothing, and sustain our self by begging. 60 years down the pike and we cannot even produce enough services and goods to balance our own budget except by begging at the international community's table for charity.

You speak through your own ignorance. The present govt is killing rice to punish the coolies who support the PPP. It's a shame you speak of Guyana in the "WE" and yet you fail to comprehend that Guyana is all agriculture..cassava, rice, piwari, lumber and  now KATAHAR.

and you speak through your racist lens as usual. The preposterous idea of  the present government would kill rice to punish indians at the expense of national well being could only be engendered in such a poisoned heart. That Guyana is all agrarian is not a bad thing. The lack of diversity and the focus on products that are experiencing a market glut and not high valued products we can also cultivate is the problem. Also that we do not have a strong manufacturing base is completely the PPP's fault. They concentrate on thievery and laundering money via the proliferation of a fast food economy more.

Keep your labels to put on your cassava bread that you got from your 300 acres. Save some for the piwari bottles too.
You need to stop addressing the Guyanese issues since you haven't gone there in more than 40 years.

Let me get do not know who the hell you are talking to yet you feel you can declare categorically what I do or not. That alone should point to your grasping for straws. 

You do need to huddle among your racist mental furniture for comfort because you have no place else to go. I bet it is not a plesant place to be in your sixties and still not yet abstract the fact you are clinging to straws. I bet we will hear the same distressing sounds as you walk to your grave because life failed to inform you of the obvious....bye....

I might be in my sixties. I have never panhandled. I have lived longer than you and will live longer than you.
My wife of 40 years never left me and ran away with another coolieman, blackman, buckman, chineyman, douglaman or a putageeman.
I never went looking for my wife in RH with sakawinki parrot on my shoulder. I could go on to add more.


I would advice not to bring personal stuff on here

RiffRaff posted:

I would advice not to bring personal stuff on here

I do not mind him posting "personal" stuff here. It dives me the option to do the same if necessary. Meanwhile this highlights my view that these fellows make stuff up all of the time because most are doddering on the borders of senility and lost their sense of relity or propriety.

Last edited by Former Member
RiffRaff posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Isn't it troubling that this govt is not at all focused on development and bringing in investments. They are solely focused on vilifying the PPP and their supporters in the guise of routing out corruption. 

What investment the PPP brought in except the drug culture that turned t shirt vendors into mall builders and eco resort developers? We are a billion in debt for a massively over built airport, a road to nowhere, fiber infrastructure than never was, a sugar plant that does not work, a hotel that produces no income but instead vacuum it up. Bauxite is dead, sugar is dead and rice is on its last legs. What development are you talking about again? We build nothing, manufacture nothing, and sustain our self by begging. 60 years down the pike and we cannot even produce enough services and goods to balance our own budget except by begging at the international community's table for charity.

You speak through your own ignorance. The present govt is killing rice to punish the coolies who support the PPP. It's a shame you speak of Guyana in the "WE" and yet you fail to comprehend that Guyana is all agriculture..cassava, rice, piwari, lumber and  now KATAHAR.

and you speak through your racist lens as usual. The preposterous idea of  the present government would kill rice to punish indians at the expense of national well being could only be engendered in such a poisoned heart. That Guyana is all agrarian is not a bad thing. The lack of diversity and the focus on products that are experiencing a market glut and not high valued products we can also cultivate is the problem. Also that we do not have a strong manufacturing base is completely the PPP's fault. They concentrate on thievery and laundering money via the proliferation of a fast food economy more.

Keep your labels to put on your cassava bread that you got from your 300 acres. Save some for the piwari bottles too.
You need to stop addressing the Guyanese issues since you haven't gone there in more than 40 years.

Let me get do not know who the hell you are talking to yet you feel you can declare categorically what I do or not. That alone should point to your grasping for straws. 

You do need to huddle among your racist mental furniture for comfort because you have no place else to go. I bet it is not a plesant place to be in your sixties and still not yet abstract the fact you are clinging to straws. I bet we will hear the same distressing sounds as you walk to your grave because life failed to inform you of the obvious....bye....

I might be in my sixties. I have never panhandled. I have lived longer than you and will live longer than you.
My wife of 40 years never left me and ran away with another coolieman, blackman, buckman, chineyman, douglaman or a putageeman.
I never went looking for my wife in RH with sakawinki parrot on my shoulder. I could go on to add more.


I would advice not to bring personal stuff on here

You seem to turn a blind eye when he hurls his personal attacks on me. I would ask that you be fair to everyone and that you do not unleash your bias warnings on people who have  different political philosophies than yours. You can suspend me now if you want.....
Remember, I used the pronoun "I". I was referring to myself.
I replied in the first person.

Did you see me write "Stormborn"?

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:skeldon_man posted:

I might be in my sixties. I have never panhandled. I have lived longer than you and will live longer than you.
My wife of 40 years never left me and ran away with another coolieman, blackman, buckman, chineyman, douglaman or a putageeman.
I never went looking for my wife in RH with sakawinki parrot on my shoulder. I could go on to add more.

You seem to turn a blind eye when he hurls his personal attacks on me. I would ask that you be fair to everyone and that you do not unleash your bias warnings on people who have  different political philosophies than yours. You can suspend me now if you want.....
Remember, I used the pronoun "I". I was referring to myself.
I replied in the first person.

Did you see me write "Stormborn"?

You are not only an old bigot; you are a senile old coot. Have you forgotten you have made these harebrained accusations on numerous occasions?


Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ok dude.  I am going to be real honest with you now.  More than half of the time when you write stuff on this forum, I do not have a clue what you are talking about. 

Similarly the d2 handle has been writing like that for years.  It reminds me of Mike Tyson, who uses big words to compensate for his lack of education, constantly trying to prove he is intelligent. Some even described the d2 handle as a buffoon who might be a White pretending to be part Amerindian. We can all agree that his writings is not mainstream and oftentimes seeming to be disconnected from reality. 

Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ok dude.  I am going to be real honest with you now.  More than half of the time when you write stuff on this forum, I do not have a clue what you are talking about. 

Similarly the d2 handle has been writing like that for years.  It reminds me of Mike Tyson, who uses big words to compensate for his lack of education, constantly trying to prove he is intelligent. Some even described the d2 handle as a buffoon who might be a White pretending to be part Amerindian. We can all agree that his writings is not mainstream and oftentimes seeming to be disconnected from reality. 

I write what is clear, legible, precise and able to be grasped by 10th graders. People like you who fail to understand ought to check your motives since I would not question your intellect. I do believe it matches a 10th grade status.  If I were white what would that matter?  You should not have anything against color given your old lady ( and I mean old lady) or the fact one not find you ten paces away on a moonless night.

Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ok dude.  I am going to be real honest with you now.  More than half of the time when you write stuff on this forum, I do not have a clue what you are talking about. 

Similarly the d2 handle has been writing like that for years.  It reminds me of Mike Tyson, who uses big words to compensate for his lack of education, constantly trying to prove he is intelligent. Some even described the d2 handle as a buffoon who might be a White pretending to be part Amerindian. We can all agree that his writings is not mainstream and oftentimes seeming to be disconnected from reality. 

I write what is clear, legible, precise and able to be grasped by 10th graders. People like you who fail to understand ought to check your motives since I would not question your intellect. I do believe it matches a 10th grade status.  If I were white what would that matter?  You should not have anything against color given your old lady ( and I mean old lady) or the fact one not find you ten paces away on a moonless night.

Are you the handle d2? No wonder the similarities in character.  

But on a serious note,  your writing style can be confusing hard to decipher to those not accustomed to your almost middle ages verbosity. Those of us who have been here a while have come to filter out the fluff and get to the essence of your writing. 

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ok dude.  I am going to be real honest with you now.  More than half of the time when you write stuff on this forum, I do not have a clue what you are talking about. 

Similarly the d2 handle has been writing like that for years.  It reminds me of Mike Tyson, who uses big words to compensate for his lack of education, constantly trying to prove he is intelligent. Some even described the d2 handle as a buffoon who might be a White pretending to be part Amerindian. We can all agree that his writings is not mainstream and oftentimes seeming to be disconnected from reality. 

I write what is clear, legible, precise and able to be grasped by 10th graders. People like you who fail to understand ought to check your motives since I would not question your intellect. I do believe it matches a 10th grade status.  If I were white what would that matter?  You should not have anything against color given your old lady ( and I mean old lady) or the fact one not find you ten paces away on a moonless night.

Are you the handle d2? No wonder the similarities in character.  

But on a serious note,  your writing style can be confusing hard to decipher to those not accustomed to your almost middle ages verbosity. Those of us who have been here a while have come to filter out the fluff and get to the essence of your writing. 

As noted, it is difficult for you to decide since you are accustomed to below 10th grade level. What is middle age verbosity? Is that another of your poor learning grasping for traction? Please give me an example of a medieval writer that you know of who was verbose.  Every word I write is needed. It is why so many of you cling to them and regurgitate them when you can.


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