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kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Good for you, Prince. Yesterday I was very busy tracking down that US$18M ExxonMobil signing bonus, which has already been deposited in a special Bank of Guyana account. I guess I have a good excuse for lateness, right?!

You have devalued the bonus, now $18M. Do you know something that we don't.

He probably have a hunch who pocketed the $2 mil.

kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Good for you, Prince. Yesterday I was very busy tracking down that US$18M ExxonMobil signing bonus, which has already been deposited in a special Bank of Guyana account. I guess I have a good excuse for lateness, right?!

You have devalued the bonus, now $18M. Do you know something that we don't.

Read this. But don't reply on this thread; in deference to Prince.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

Good for you, Prince. Yesterday I was very busy tracking down that US$18M ExxonMobil signing bonus, which has already been deposited in a special Bank of Guyana account. I guess I have a good excuse for lateness, right?!

Better late than never. I appreciate that you came finally. Thanks to you and Alena. 

Alena, you know my wife. We were at a party with Nehru & family and you were there. Remember? Anyway, I always do more than 50% of the chors. I am good at spoiling my ladies. 

Prince posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Good for you, Prince. Yesterday I was very busy tracking down that US$18M ExxonMobil signing bonus, which has already been deposited in a special Bank of Guyana account. I guess I have a good excuse for lateness, right?!

Better late than never. I appreciate that you came finally. Thanks to you and Alena. 

Alena, you know my wife. We were at a party with Nehru & family and you were there. Remember? Anyway, I always do more than 50% of the chors. I am good at spoiling my ladies. 

Oh that's you Was many years ago.  So I saw 3 people on GNI so far.  Thought that was your daughter, wifey looks young -  you scored big.   Anyways take care of the baby and mother in this cold weather.

Last edited by alena06

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