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Sheik101 posted:
Nehru posted:
Sheik101 posted:

I cyant believe what I reading. But congrats anyway

Yuh Skont jealous the man.  The man still gat Rot Rods and he think is Bigan seed he spreading at Black Bush Polder.

Oh please...jealous my ass. Don't let Davo know. He might get a heart attack or nervous breakdown.

That's why I said I'll believe it when he shows proof.  Shouldn't this guy be taking care of grandkids?   I guess he's a Liberty Avenue hotshot and can get a young wife who can make twins.  Anyway, congrats to them. 

Leonora posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Nehru posted:
Sheik101 posted:

I cyant believe what I reading. But congrats anyway

Yuh Skont jealous the man.  The man still gat Rot Rods and he think is Bigan seed he spreading at Black Bush Polder.

Oh please...jealous my ass. Don't let Davo know. He might get a heart attack or nervous breakdown.

That's why I said I'll believe it when he shows proof.  Shouldn't this guy be taking care of grandkids?   I guess he's a Liberty Avenue hotshot and can get a young wife who can make twins.  Anyway, congrats to them. 

Liberty ave hot what?? This sad sack is a far cry from there. I cyant believe Paul bai. Lol.

Nehru posted:

I man Rass trying to get hook up with a young thing so long and not being successful. Power to meh Padna Prince.!!

Nehru, you and I have been friends for many years now. When I look back at our history, you're truly one of a kind person. I wish I could say the same for some other folks, but my gut feeling doesn't allow me to. 

Now, don't make me get mad. You have a beautiful wife inside and outside. You cherish the quality in her. God don't make them like that anymore, Ok?   


Y'all stop watching each other's wife. Especially you Prince. You need to be watching yuh own wife and yuh two lil picknees even though yuh rass shoulda tie up yuh stones already. 

Anyway, congratulations to you and your wife on the birth of your twins. May they have long, happy, healthy and successful lives. 



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