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P&P Insurance Brokers donates $2m to 10 organisations

P&P Insurance Brokers Limited yesterday made its annual Christmas donations to 10 organisations.

A release from the company said that it has been making donations to several organisations over the past 17 years to assist them in their relief work.

In brief remarks, Executive Director of P&P, Vikash Panday said that when the idea was conceived 17 years ago, it was with 10 organisations at $100,000 per organisation making it a $1,000,000 donation.

Over the years, P&P has progressively increased the amount and this year made donations of $200,000 each to 10 organisations making a total donation of $2,000,000.

The organisations benefiting from the donations were:

Bless the Children Home

Canaan Children Home

Ptolemy Reid Rehab Centre

Uncle Eddie’s Home

Friends of the Archer’s Home

The Dharm Shala

Cheshire Homes

Guyana Hauraruni Girls Home

Bal Nivas Shelter

Joshua House Children Centre

Picture shows the recipients flanked by Vikash Panday and Jaya Panday.

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