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Yes Riff Raff I really needed that ambulance when I passed off, you all are thinking this is a joke? NO. I am a soft hearted person and will never hurt anyone. Will never abuse anyone. And NO I do not watch any Bollywood films etc becuz I would love to watch with my beloved husband and not by myself.  Again no more comments from me, I need to rest now.


Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Riya:

Radha, you honestly should take a break from here. No need to stress yourself like this. Its not worth it. You are way too emotional.


* The boys in Political, Mitwah, Jalil, etc are showering Radha with a lot of love on her birthday. See link:


* I realized recently that something wasn't right about this character.



Did you not say "not to practice hate with any one"? When someone comes to your door begging, what do you do?


I have a real job, but called in sick for your kind information? BTW who is Ronald Arjune? Is he another poster for Hoopla or something? No I do not need anyone except some peace of mind. and Yes one of my Sons is coming here to check on me who is a Doctor himself. GTG, Feels like Nauseated for lack of sleep and crying on an doff the whole night. Drama Queens do not cry when people are not around them would they? but I cried silently and made plenty of Duas to my Lovely Allah SWT to take me away from this bad world where men have no respect for woman and on top of that instead of saying a simply sorry and ending the matter they love to prolong the agony of other's. Gosh I also have to complete 8 more Paras/books to complete one whole Quran. May Allah SWT guide me. GTG and need to rest badly.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Did you not say "not to practice hate with any one"? When someone comes to your door begging, what do you do?


* It was very kindhearted of you and the others in Political to wish Radha a happy birthday and play her some music.


* Judging from her recent posts, It looks like her psyche is extremely delicate. She ought to heed Riya's advice and take a break from the forum.







Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Good marning, Rev.

I commend you for starting another thoughtful thread on a serious family issue.

Moreover, I am delighted that you have offered some enlightened thoughts on parents-kids relationship. Except for one statement you made, where I think raw emotion messed up your fine thoughts. Here:


* Those are not children---they are friggin terrorists."


As you pointed out so wisely, Rev, MONKEY SEE, MONKEY DO.

Some young monkeys are likely to see that highlighted word. It's easy to spell and pronounce, and it begins with the most popular letter of the alphabet.

Have a great day, Rev. Be assured of my commitment to spend quality time and undivided attention to your interesting threads on Social.


Mr. Gilbakka:


* Thanks for the kind words above.


* Rest assured this is not the kind of thread where you'll have to vigorously apologize for your comments.hahahaha


* But seriously gilly, I have always said that my parents are the greatest human beings ever.


* Personally I don't view any other human as GREAT---not Jesus, not Buddha, not Einstein, not Reagan, not my wife, not my 2 sons---only my parents are great.


* By the way, growing up my Mom was the disciplinarian---she was the one in charge of doling out licks. She believed in the mantra "spare the rod and spoil the child". My dad, on the other hand, never hit any of his children----all he did was watch at you sternly and grunt and you'd pee your pants.hahahaha




* If there is a god---then God blessed me with the greatest parents ever.


* I am sure God also blessed you with the greatest parents.


* Once children hold that view they forever love and respect their parents and care for them when they get old.



Originally Posted by Riya:
Originally Posted by Radha:

MyDear Sis Chameli, for god's sake do not make anyone un happy on account of me and I can see that you are going against my simple comment.  Which to me was not a bad comment at tall in the first place and did not hurt anyone.  Please all the Hoopla can gang up on me. and that is fine with me. No Problems. I still love you and care for you Chami no matter what? Becuz I know exactly how you are feeling and I feel sorry for you and your kids and always make Duas/pryers for you all, I had full freedom to express my views, didn't I? I think you are also against me now? If only you were here and seen me crying and I had passed out on the kitchen floor for around 2 hours and now I woke up, how I wish that I was dead so that Hoopla would have had a huge celebration. No Chami since my husband is out of state and I hope and pray that he will return soon, I hav enever watched any Bollywood film or anything.  Yes when I am sad I do sometimes listen to some of my Husbands fav songs.

Remember I had told you that I have to trick myself into thinking that my husband will be coming back home otherwise I cannot live. I am sorry if I have hurt you by my words or by my actions or anything. I will quit HOOPLA very soon. Yes I will this time.

lady, you got serious issues. No offense.

Lady?, hehehe....I bet is Rev playing the fool

Originally Posted by Rev:


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Good marning, Rev.

I commend you for starting another thoughtful thread on a serious family issue.

Moreover, I am delighted that you have offered some enlightened thoughts on parents-kids relationship. Except for one statement you made, where I think raw emotion messed up your fine thoughts. Here:


* Those are not children---they are friggin terrorists."


As you pointed out so wisely, Rev, MONKEY SEE, MONKEY DO.

Some young monkeys are likely to see that highlighted word. It's easy to spell and pronounce, and it begins with the most popular letter of the alphabet.

Have a great day, Rev. Be assured of my commitment to spend quality time and undivided attention to your interesting threads on Social.


Mr. Gilbakka:


* Thanks for the kind words above.


* Rest assured this is not the kind of thread where you'll have to vigorously apologize for your comments.hahahaha


* But seriously gilly, I have always said that my parents are the greatest human beings ever.


* Personally I don't view any other human as GREAT---not Jesus, not Buddha, not Einstein, not Reagan, not my wife, not my 2 sons---only my parents are great.


* By the way, growing up my Mom was the disciplinarian---she was the one in charge of doling out licks. She believed in the mantra "spare the rod and spoil the child". My dad, on the other hand, never hit any of his children----all he did was watch at you sternly and grunt and you'd pee your pants.hahahaha




* If there is a god---then God blessed me with the greatest parents ever.


* I am sure God also blessed you with the greatest parents.


* Once children hold that view they forever love and respect their parents and care for them when they get old.



Rev, every child must consider him-/herself blessed with good parents.

I'm no exception. My mom is alive just like yours and I count my blessings in that regard.

My dad died 15 years ago but if I talk about him now I will pass out on the floor for two hours and no one is at home to call an ambulance and I don't want to pass out because I want to fight in Political a really bloody fight and I have to psyche up my mind real irie to go over there.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
My dad died 15 years ago but if I talk about him now I will pass out on the floor for two hours and no one is at home to call an ambulance and I don't want to pass out because I want to fight in Political a really bloody fight and I have to psyche up my mind real irie to go over there.

Mr. Gilbakka! You are too funny

Originally Posted by Observer:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Riya:
Originally Posted by Radha:
Riya: lady, you got serious issues. No offense.

TI: Lady?, hehehe....I bet is Rev playing the fool

Observer: That was my thought too.  What's that saying about people who think alike? 


* Thanks for entertaining sweet and kind thoughts about the Rev.



Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Miraver:

Manin' Rev,

This thread is a nice reminder for us.


How about those parents who abuse their children? How about those parents who sell their daughters into the "trade" business?



Good question Mira. I don't think one can call these parents.

Ksaz, it is sad when we read or hear about the abuse that children suffer at the hands of their parents. 

Originally Posted by Miraver:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Miraver:

Manin' Rev,

This thread is a nice reminder for us.


How about those parents who abuse their children? How about those parents who sell their daughters into the "trade" business?



Good question Mira. I don't think one can call these parents.

Ksaz, it is sad when we read or hear about the abuse that children suffer at the hands of their parents. 

Saddening indeed. I once saw a show on ID where a 'father' killed his pre teen son and put his body in a barrel filled with acid. Why? for a $19k insurance policy.

Originally Posted by Miraver:

Manin' Rev,

This thread is a nice reminder for us.


How about those parents who abuse their children? How about those parents who sell their daughters into the "trade" business?





* I'm glad you like the topic.


* Listen! There is no question the world is filled with selfish, uncaring, narcissistic people, and such people make lousy parents.


* The world is also filled with evil and sick people, and such people make abominable parents---they are the ones who abuse their children.


* The question is should children of abusive parents choose to HATE them forever ?


* I have always believed that forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself and if your parents were abusive you must eventually forgive then. By so doing you give yourself a wonderful gift.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Miraver:

Ksazma, that is a cruel situation. Sad. Very sad.


Rev, I believe that children are gifted to us and it is our duty to take care of our children. i don't know if children who suffer immense pain (not spanking) because of their parents will even know how to forgive.



I agree Mira. Our kids are precious enough for us to love and care for them as a duty. There are a lot of people out there who cannot have kids of their own so we should never take that gift for granted.  







* In a lot of instances a nursing home  is a safety net for old people who have outlived their children.


* In my family, myself, my brother and sisters have agreed that no way ever Mom will ever be placed in a nursing home when she gets old.


* But what if Mom outlives us ? I think we have to have another discussion.







Last edited by Former Member

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