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(GINA).-President Donald Ramotar maintains that A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change  (AFC) are squandering the opportunity to work with the Government and,  that the Government’s move to the High Court is to protect the sanctity of parliamentary democracy.

Addressing members of the media during a press conference today at Office of the President, the Head of State said that his continued monitoring of the situation in Parliament clearly shows that, “APNU and the AFC are squandering the opportunity of working together with us in the interest of our nation. They are violating all parliamentary norms and practices.”

He pointed out that since the commencement of the Tenth Parliament there have been willful efforts of the two parties to create a hostile atmosphere in the Chambers whilst being uncooperative and disruptive. The Head of State suggested that the impression given is that they are trying to reverse the democratic gains made since 1992.

“The parliament will be characterised, I believe as a dictatorship of one by the APNU and the AFC; neither one having won individually, a majority of votes over the lawful PPP/C Government which has the largest bloc of votes,” he stated.

 The President also slammed the two parties for ignoring the principle of proportionality, explaining that continued attempts to sow confusion was reflected in APNU’s rejection of the suggestion for a forensic audit of the November 28, 2011 General Elections results whilst they continued to play a victim.

 He described that act by the opposition parties as a travesty, revealed from the very first meeting to elect the Speaker and Deputy Speaker. “ Despite efforts on my part,” said the President, “on meeting individually, with the APNU and AFC and collectively at the inter-parliamentary dialogue, to reach consensus, the APNU and AFC plunged ahead to elect an AFC Speaker and APNU Deputy, thus breaking completely with traditions of Parliament. ”

 The second instance came with the election of the Committee of Selection on the floor of the House. “Again we had discussed this at our meetings. The Government raised the issue of the size and composition of members of the Parliamentary Committees and, to uphold the constitutional provisions with regard to proportionality of the electoral strength of the parties at the elections. Both APNU and AFC totally ignored this and proceeded to take a majority on the committee of selection,” President Ramotar stated.

 Government’s proposal was five for the PPP/C, four for APNU and one for AFC, an allocation which would more accurately reflect proportionality of each party’s strength at the polls. “The APNU and AFC formula of equal seats for the Government and APNU and one for the AFC, makes a mockery of the principle of proportionality,” declared the President.

Excerpts from Demwaves

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"President Donald Ramotar maintains that A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change  (AFC) are squandering the opportunity to work with the Government and,  that the Government’s move to the High Court is to protect the sanctity of parliamentary democracy"

The joint opposition parties are playing partisan politics at the expense of the Guyanese Populace

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"President Donald Ramotar maintains that A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change  (AFC) are squandering the opportunity to work with the Government and,  that the Government’s move to the High Court is to protect the sanctity of parliamentary democracy"

The joint opposition parties are playing partisan politics at the expense of the Guyanese Populace

The opposition does not exist as a rubber stamp of the government. Too long the nation has endured unaccountable government rife with naked corruption and nepotism with the PPP kith and kin becoming corpulent swines  overnight literally and figuratively. That one seat margin held by the opposition is now a cutting shear trimming the pork off the PPP piggies. Guyana now has a new political reality where democracy can have a chance at flowering.


Democracy means a permanent negotiation and discussion space in the nation's political life. It is never clean but gritty and adversarial as competing political pluralities struggle to clarify and share a vision. It is the best form of government and perhaps our best intellectual invention as humans. The PPP needs to get used to this because if they are to remain in office it will always be in a political construct like this.


Voters are not walking back to the old days where Pradovilles can rise from the dust in one and two incarnations when the sewer system to one of these homes can allay the despair of the 20 families living in abject squalor in Plastic city. The PPP can no longer use the nation as their milk cow or soup spigot or pork farm. They will have to learn to work for the money like every other citizen must.


On Friday we will know the fate of the government.  If the budget cannot pass then the gov't cannot function. This is means new elections. I predict the AFC will support the budget and prevent snap elections. It's in their interest to do so since it will build the people's trust in Moses and the AFC. To do otherwise would surely spell disaster for the AFC.

Billy Ram Balgobin

If a forensic audit is conducted on the 2011 elections, the P.P.P/C will be given a majority, snap elections will result in the same, the Guyanese populace now seems the devious intentions of the joint opposition parties

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

On Friday we will know the fate of the government.  If the budget cannot pass then the gov't cannot function. This is means new elections. I predict the AFC will support the budget and prevent snap elections. It's in their interest to do so since it will build the people's trust in Moses and the AFC. To do otherwise would surely spell disaster for the AFC.

it is not "if the budget cannot pass". It is if t he PPP is not amenable to consultation with the opposition who currently holds the majority in parliament then there is a stalemate. 


At a snap elections the PPP stand to lose by more and Ramotar loses a term. In the next parliament the Opposition will be more heavy handed since his behind would not be able to call a snap elections. He has to deal with what he has.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

If a forensic audit is conducted on the 2011 elections, the P.P.P/C will be given a majority, snap elections will result in the same, the Guyanese populace now seems the devious intentions of the joint opposition parties

 Let the PPP call a snap elections and get crushed. They cannot co opt the nations resources as they did the last time and overseas money will not be that easy this time.


The P.P.P/C is confident, and the Guyanese Populace will turn out in their masses and support the working class party, the nationalist party....the Peoples Progressive Party....

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P/C is confident, and the Guyanese Populace will turn out in their masses and support the working class party, the nationalist party....the Peoples Progressive Party....

 They were extremely confident the last time. I bet they spent at least 10 US per vote they got. They will have to find their own money this time since the state media cannot be misused nor will they get the use of other state assets. I also doubt the international donors will care to fund another election just because they cannot share the sand box.


The P.P.P/C was a victim of their own success as most successful Governments in the region and around the world, Owen Aurthur of Barbados, Kenny Anthony of St.Lucia, Potia Simpson Miller of Jamaica.....etc

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P/C was a victim of their own success as most successful Governments in the region and around the world, Owen Aurthur of Barbados, Kenny Anthony of St.Lucia, Potia Simpson Miller of Jamaica.....etc

 Ir is a victim of is corruption and thievery. The PPP is only as successful as they tell it. Most people and the elections confirmed that; thinks differently.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Most Government regains a landslide victory at the next elections, as Potia Simpson Miller did in Jamaica.......A majority victory awaits the P.P.P/C

You lost...get used to it. Work with what you have or lose worse next time


The P.P.P/C has not lost the elections, the JOINT OPPOSITION party gained a questionable one seat majority, the P.P.P/C has secured the Presidency, and continues to run Guyana in the best interest of all its citizens, especially those of the working class...

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P/C has not lost the elections, the JOINT OPPOSITION party gained a questionable one seat majority, the P.P.P/C has secured the Presidency, and continues to run Guyana in the best interest of all its citizens, especially those of the working class...

 They won the majority of the seats and that is what create winners in our system. The PPP has the government the opposition has the purse strings. It is the best situation possible where thieves predominate.


the ppp will never call a snap election,they know that this is their last term,ramottar is not trying to fight the corruption in his government, he cannot because he use to thief too


Get the PPP out of office it is going to be like magic when you awake suddenly in the land of Burnhamism. The beautiful dream is over and you are back to the harsh reality of tyranny, bullyism, shortages, racism, opportunism, and every other malady you can think about that existed in the days of the PNC.


Dumb Guyanese! Get smart and do the right thing - secure those gains that were won through hard struggle.  Don't give away tomorrow to those who have no interest in bettering your lives and making your country prosperous. Ostracize them. Let them know that you have 0 tolerance politicians who cares nothing about you. Run them out of town.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Get the PPP out of office it is going to be like magic when you awake suddenly in the land of Burnhamism. The beautiful dream is over and you are back to the harsh reality of tyranny, bullyism, shortages, racism, opportunism, and every other malady you can think about that existed in the days of the PNC.


Dumb Guyanese! Get smart and do the right thing - secure those gains that were won through hard struggle.  Don't give away tomorrow to those who have no interest in bettering your lives and making your country prosperous. Ostracize them. Let them know that you have 0 tolerance politicians who cares nothing about you. Run them out of town.

The PPP is already shackled. No magic was necessary .The people made the choice of other than them so they now have to open their books and actually learn to practice accountable administration.


As much as I detest LFSB and would live to move his memory into some mossy green spot in the rainforest to be away and foster a forgetfulness of his rule one is reminded of him every day with these new scoundrels in office.


Apparently they are on a march to out do him in all areas. The have already out done him in the murdering sector, "out robbed" the treasury and out done themselves in dictatorial rule. Thhey even out did him in the this party patronage society where kith and kin comes first! The only thing left for them to do is out last him in tenure.


Lucky for us we have a means to checkmate them.




If you want to build a good reputation as political analyst on Guyana you will have to stop fabricating stuff about a democratic government that is a respected member of Caricom and the United Nations. The Carter Center has lauded Guyana as a fledgling democracy with a great future despite threats from the PNC. How can you say the PPP gov't has outdone the PNC in every way??  Burnham ever allowed free elections? Did he ever allow the opposition to have access to the press?


You need to stop masquerading on GNI as some Dalai Lama with noble ambitions. You are nothing but a intellectually dishonest Looney who thinks the public is gullible for your daily trash. You have become as ignoble as Freddie and as distasteful as CN Sharma - a constant annoyance on GNI is what AMRAL needs to keep the ratings up. Damn Brother!! 

Billy Ram Balgobin

I am not here to build a reputation. I am here to speak my mind as I see it and the rest fall where it may. I am sure if in the heart there is good intent the universe will reward me likewise. The matter here is the chronic cronyism of the PPP and their ingrained, in your face corruption.


Only in your eye this is a masquerade and the only thing the dali lama and I have in common is atheism. I am an affirmed heathen and have disavowed all those ornamentation of propriety with regards to the PPP. They are audacious to enrich themselves and kith and kin at every turn so naked untarnished opinion is necessary. 


Dishonesty is looking corruption and the corrupted in the face and seeing saints. It is not delusion but encouragement. If through your eyes I am to be deemed worthy then woe is me!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Joint Opposition parties are playing partisan policies at the expense of the working class

Ow bai, me feel sorry for you poor PPP people. They should allow you guys to thief out the lil mo wha leff in the piblic coffers. Dem bad. Cry, cry, cry like little sissies Barney and Friends.


You cannot be sincere about speaking out against corruption when you are giving support to a party that has its door wide opened for those corrupted officials of gov't who are now out in the wilderness.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

You cannot be sincere about speaking out against corruption when you are giving support to a party that has its door wide opened for those corrupted officials of gov't who are now out in the wilderness.

They are not in power. I am not going to blame the party for potential corruption. When and if the ever are in power and they do as the did or as is currently done then the get mentioned. Meanwhile, the work is to sanitize Guyana of crooks and for the first time there is a chance to do so with three adversarial parties duking it out for the marbles. The PPP can no longer steal with no one looking or able to do a thing about them. They are now accountable. That is what one should and must speak to.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC and APNU are not working in the interests of the Guyanese people by strangling the PPP in parliament. This is utter non-sense. 

 The interest of the Guyanese people are to be determined by them not you or others. They put the opposition in office with the vetoing authority to the PPP execution of its administrative tasks.  That they are crooks made this a necessity.


Read your own writings on this board and you find contradictions. It's done simply to fulfill your political agenda. You have been arguing that the PPP government is not democratic because it barely command over 50% of the popular votes. Now you are saying the opposition, which command less than 50% of the votes is really the voice of the people. Your assumption of dictatorship in Guyana is absurd and will be rejected as rubbish. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Read your own writings on this board and you find contradictions. It's done simply to fulfill your political agenda. You have been arguing that the PPP government is not democratic because it barely command over 50% of the popular votes. Now you are saying the opposition, which command less than 50% of the votes is really the voice of the people. Your assumption of dictatorship in Guyana is absurd and will be rejected as rubbish. 

Please highlight the contradictions. I know age is acting on my mind but I am still quite lucid to be consistent.


Do not invent arguments for me, especially transparently dumb ones. I would not argue democracy in terms of percentages of popular votes.  Democracy has little to do with who get what at the polls. It is concerned with how freely they get to the polls, the nature of the electoral system etc and not with vote count.

Originally Posted by D2:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Read your own writings on this board and you find contradictions. It's done simply to fulfill your political agenda. You have been arguing that the PPP government is not democratic because it barely command over 50% of the popular votes. Now you are saying the opposition, which command less than 50% of the votes is really the voice of the people. Your assumption of dictatorship in Guyana is absurd and will be rejected as rubbish. 

Please highlight the contradictions. I know age is acting on my mind but I am still quite lucid to be consistent.


Do not invent arguments for me, especially not transparently dumb ones. I would not argue democracy in terms of percentages of popular votes.  Democracy has little to do with who get what at the polls. It is concerned with how freely they get to the polls, the nature of the electoral system etc and not with vote count.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Are you not ashamed to compare the PPP to the Israelis and the Amerindians to the Palestinians??


How low can you go?  How many UN resolutions have been passed against the PPP gov't.?"



the analogy is apt. They are the only Guyanese with natural patrimony yet the PPP is there deciding wow much of their own land they should get.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Who else is there?


What does AFC mean to you?....  Amerindians For Change???

I see the subtle art of deciphering allusions is also problematic for you. The AFC is nowhere located in what I stated above. And since you asked, I am quite sure amerinds will have to take and adversarial stance with any government.


Why don't you come out of your hole and lead the revolt?  I will be glad to attend your public meetings to hear what you have to say.  I hope your not a Guyanese "Run Man" who gallop away when the PNC hurl a few quarries on you.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Why don't you come out of your hole and lead the revolt?  I will be glad to attend your public meetings to hear what you have to say.  I hope your not a Guyanese "Run Man" who gallop away when the PNC hurl a few quarries on you.

Maybe you will get what you asked for and it would not be me leading them. Note in the Rupunini Wai Wai and wapishanas have begun to carry Brazilian passport because they are neglected by the PPP. Chavez also will not meet much Resistance from them either.  Sometimes we bait the devil.


I do not drink or smoke. That has never been my affliction.


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