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Residents removing the flagpole on Thursday night after the town’s programme had been blocked by the police.

Feb 25 2018


The Corriverton Town Council is expected to meet tomorrow  to discuss the way forward after   police stopped their flag-raising programme allegedly because the police had not granted permission.

Senior municipal officials have however argued that permission had never been necessary for this programme in the past and the action by the police was politically directed.

Mayor of the Corentyne, Berbice town, Krishnand Jaichand, today told Stabroek News that the council will meet to discuss “what actions need to be taken”.

Jaichand questioned whether the police would have acted in the same manner had the Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, who was scheduled to be part of the programme, actually attended. He asked, “Had the minister attended and spoken would the police have taken the same action? Would they have stopped the proceedings? Would they have claimed that permission was not taken?”

The mayor further stressed that these are questions that need to be considered in order to properly understand the situation that unfolded on Thursday evening at Republic Square.

Jaichand had said that the police’s action on Thursday evening was a first for Corriverton.

The police action included the forcible removal of the chairperson of the flag-raising programme from the stage.  The residents who had gathered were incensed.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Baseman posted:

PNC showing who owns Guyana.  Coolies beware!

I have been saying the same for a long time now. Thank God GNI is here to facilitate coolie voice that means nothing. Yet, they want to cuss you down like they have control over Guyana. 

I feel sorry for all of them who are rushing back to the PPP when the damage is done.

Last edited by Former Member

What i can't understand this debacle started from the assumed obstruction by PNC directives.

Why remove the flag pole ? this is the type of mediocrity the PPP are instilling in their supporters.The flag pole isn't the problem confront the PNC directives.


This is some real shit done by the Police. I was 12 years old when the first flag was raised at Republic Square in 1970.Been there year after year until I migrated.

That Square meant a lot to me and many Corriverton Ian despite the political party we support.

I am reading that it is Anna Ally who gave the police that instruction.

Chief posted:

This is some real shit done by the Police. I was 12 years old when the first flag was raised at Republic Square in 1970.Been there year after year until I migrated.

That Square meant a lot to me and many Corriverton Ian despite the political party we support.

I am reading that it is Anna Ally who gave the police that instruction.

It's a shame the flag pole was allowed to be removed.


Bulkan saddened at blocked Corriverton flag-raising.

Feb 26 2018


The flagpole being removed on Thursday after permission for the flag-raising was denied.

While he is saddened at the blocking of the  Corriverton flag-raising ceremony by the police  last Thursday evening, Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan has rebuked town councillors there for  what he said was their yielding to political pressure from the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) instead of upholding protocols and conventions.

The police are yet to make an official statement on why they stopped the Region 6 republic anniversary flag-raising event, but Corriverton Mayor Krishnand Jaichand believes it was because the town council objected to Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan as the featured speaker. The police, the mayor said, told him that the event was stopped because requisite law enforcement permits were not applied for by the council.

Bulkan told Stabroek News yesterday that he had spoken with Jaichand prior to the scheduled flag-raising who told him that while government had proposed that Ramjattan be the featured speaker at the event, his councillors had objected and instead wanted PPP/C parliamentarian, Adrian Anamayah to be the keynote speaker. Anamayah is from the said region.

“It is sad, because I read and you are aware as I am what happened.  I did speak with him. I was told by Mayor Jaichand that the council did not want Minister Ramjattan and they made plans for MP Anamayah,” Bulkan said.

“Prudence should dictate that the council should show respect and allow the minister to speak last, in the end it seemed that this did not happen and things took a turn the way it did. Protocol and convention is that the minister should be the last speaker. He said that he is with me but the council made the decision and he would try to get them but I do not believe that,” he added.

Staying away from pronouncing on the issue of the police’s stopping of the event, Bulkan would only say that “it was sad that it had to descend to that.”

The Corriverton Mayor relayed on Thursday that some four days before the event, Region Six Regional Executive Officer, Kim Stephens contacted him and insisted that Minister Ramjattan would be present and “he should be the guest speaker”.

Jaichand added, that Bulkan also contacted him and spoke with him in a very professional manner asking for him to “reach back the council and persuade them” to allow Ramjattan to speak last.

However, according to Jaichand, the council decided that they would stick with the programme and welcome Ramjattan to share greetings but he would speak “second to last”.

Jaichand said subsequently Minister of Social Protection Amna Ally phoned him to indicate that “this was a government thing”.

He added that the minister said she was responsible “to let the ministers in the various regions … speak and she had allocated Minister Ramjattan to speak at Corriverton”.

Jaichand said that Ally in a harsh tone demanded that Ramjattan be the featured speaker.

“I called her back in twenty minutes after I spoke with the council and told her that their (the council’s) decision remains the same”.

He said, “Her words to me were then, she have already called the commander instructing him for tonight’s programme to not materialize”.

Stabroek News contacted Ally yesterday who expressed disappointment that she was not allowed to give her version of events before the story was published on Friday. She said that such a controversial story required the comments of all parties and since she was not allowed then she would not now.

“Stabroek News could have called me…they did not then and so I have nothing to say now,” Ally stated.

Bulkan said that he believes that the councillors were given a directive from leader of the opposition People’s Progressive Party that Ramjattan not be the keynote speaker and if present should only give brief remarks.

He said that he could not see the rationale behind the council holding the stubborn view that a Member of Parliament be the keynote speaker at a national event where there would be a minister of government present, moreso a vice president.

“I think it was external and I think they were not allowed to make their own judgement and decision and they were directed from different quarters. It was one that was imposed about them. Why fight the central government? Why so want to speak last when it is not in keeping with conventions and protocols?” he questioned.

“Their action is keeping with the actions of the PPP where they do not want their council to act as an autonomous body. They show they are wedded to a centralist mindset…”, he added.

Way forward

Meanwhile, the Corriverton Town Council is expected to meet today to discuss the way forward.

Mayor Jaichand told Stabroek News yesterday that the council will meet to discuss “what actions need to be taken”.

Jaichand questioned whether the police would have acted in the same manner had Ramjattan, who was scheduled to be part of the programme, actually attended. He asked, “Had the minister attended and spoken would the police have taken the same action? Would they have stopped the proceedings? Would they have claimed that permission was not taken?”

The mayor further stressed that these are questions that need to be considered in order to properly understand the situation that unfolded on Thursday evening at Republic Square.

Ramjattan didn’t make the trip to Corriverton but attended the main observance at D’Urban Park on Thursday.

Jaichand had said that the police’s action on Thursday evening was a first for Corriverton. The police action included the forcible removal of the chairperson of the flag-raising programme from the stage.  The residents who had gathered were incensed.

When Stabroek News sought to clarify from whom the instructions came to stop the flag-raising programme, Commander of B Division, Lyndon Alves,  said yesterday that ranks do not need instructions from him to act when the law is being infringed upon.

Stabroek News also questioned Alves as to whether the police’s record showed that permission for a programme was sought in previous years, however, Alves said there is no need to look back at the records as he is “acting on the law”.

Meanwhile, Stabroek News contacted former Mayor of Corriverton, Roy Baijnauth, 78, who served as mayor from 1994- 2012. He stated that during his tenure permission was never sought from the police to host the town’s flag-raising ceremonies. He also noted that the police would always be invited to march and be a part of the planned activities.

Ganesh Gangadin, who served as Mayor of Corriverton from 2016 – 2017 also said, that no permission was sought to host the two flag-raising ceremonies which were held under his leadership. It was Gangadin who was escorted off the stage by police on Thursday evening.

Meanwhile,  a flag-raising ceremony was also held in New Amsterdam on the State House lawns on Thursday evening which saw no interference from any lawmen. In attendance at the New Amsterdam flag-raising ceremony was Minister of Education, Nicolette Henry, Region Six Chairman, David Armogan, Mayor of New Amsterdam, Winifred Haywood and other top  officials including Commander Alves.

Haywood, when contacted yesterday by Stabroek News explained that the police were “informed” of the programme, adding that the police would always be a part of the town’s programme.

Armogan giving his take on the events that unfolded on Thursday evening expressed his disapproval of the police’s and government’s intervention in stopping the Corriverton town council’s programme. He stressed that the town council has a right to decide who should speak at the ceremony. Armogan said, “It was uncalled for to intervene and stop it, and it smacks at the very essence of democracy and freedom”.

He further opined, that whomever the instructions came from to stop the council’s programme should offer an apology immediately. “Whoever gave the instructions should be condemned”.

He also noted that to his knowledge permission has never been sought from the police to host New Amsterdam’s flag-raising ceremonies. He said, “The police, fire service, in fact the entire joint services was a part of the programme”, the Region Six  chairman said.

“We have never had to write the police for permission, this was the precedent set in the past, why you have to apply for permission now?” he questioned.

He stressed that it is important for the matter to be dealt with so as to be certain that the same does not happen in the future or in other townships as well.

Armogan also said that persons need to understand that Minister Ramjattan was not being prevented from speaking at the ceremony but that “greetings from both political parties were welcomed…It always happens, you have a cultural programme, greetings from the political parties and then the flag is hoisted, no one was preventing him from speaking”.

Police on Thursday showed up at  Republic Square, Corriverton in several groups checking out the location. Around 4 pm, the police instructed the persons responsible for the music to not play, which they complied with.

According to reports, the police seized the Guyana flag in order to block the programme from going on. The inspector at the scene around minutes to 8 pm then told those gathered that they would be allowed to raise the flag. Officials then decided to go ahead with the planned programme. The national pledge was said and followed by prayers. However, when the chairperson, Gangadin called on a child to recite a poem as planned on the programme, the lead inspector began to advance towards the stage and he said they were not allowed to do anything else.

After about five minutes, Gangadin asked for the mayor to address the people of his town and then the flag would be raised. The police rejected  this and moved Gangadin from the stage. The crowd then erupted in screams declaring that they would all head to the station in support of Gangadin.

The police then told them they could raise the flag. However, at that point the gathering was incensed at the interference with the programme and decided against this.

Over 40 cultural items were planned for the programme but the participants who prepared for weeks were all denied the right to perform by the lawmen gathered.

Django posted:

What i can't understand this debacle started from the assumed obstruction by PNC directives.

Why remove the flag pole ? this is the type of mediocrity the PPP are instilling in their supporters.The flag pole isn't the problem confront the PNC directives.

Djanjo , do you have evidence the PPP tell their supporters to remove the flag pole. 


Django posted:

What i can't understand this debacle started from the assumed obstruction by PNC directives.

Why remove the flag pole ? this is the type of mediocrity the PPP are instilling in their supporters.The flag pole isn't the problem confront the PNC directives.

Dude...this is some kaka yuh posting...assumed directive??? yuh really think the PNC did not give instructions???

Dave posted:
Django posted:

What i can't understand this debacle started from the assumed obstruction by PNC directives.

Why remove the flag pole ? this is the type of mediocrity the PPP are instilling in their supporters.The flag pole isn't the problem confront the PNC directives.

Djanjo , do you have evidence the PPP tell their supporters to remove the flag pole. 


Re-read my statement,then answer why the people weren't stopped from removing the flag pole.

What sort of protest is that ?

Riff posted:
Django posted:

What i can't understand this debacle started from the assumed obstruction by PNC directives.

Why remove the flag pole ? this is the type of mediocrity the PPP are instilling in their supporters.The flag pole isn't the problem confront the PNC directives.

Dude...this is some kaka yuh posting...assumed directive??? yuh really think the PNC did not give instructions???

Listen banna there are different angles to this story,so i inserted the word "assumed" in the sentence,until more are revealed.

Don't think i am not aware of the "Bullyism" by some of the old farts in the PNC.After reading the last article in SN,fingers pointing to Amna Ally,she should be ashamed of herself.


While he is saddened at the blocking of the  Corriverton flag-raising ceremony by the police  last Thursday evening, Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan has rebuked town councillors there for  what he said was their yielding to political pressure from the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) instead of upholding protocols and conventions.


Django posted:
Riff posted:

funny you use assumed when it comes to PNC, but certainty when the PPP involved

Bhai,whenever there are proofs,the cards are laid on the table.

Django, your proof is your own manufactured facts. I am at Skeldon and read the newspapers of what transpired. My cousin is the mayor of Corriverton, so I get the news from the horse's mouth. Please be very careful how you disseminate your propaganda. PNC police bullied the coolies.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Riff posted:

funny you use assumed when it comes to PNC, but certainty when the PPP involved

Bhai,whenever there are proofs,the cards are laid on the table.

Django, your proof is your own manufactured facts. I am at Skeldon and read the newspapers of what transpired. My cousin is the mayor of Corriverton, so I get the news from the horse's mouth. Please be very careful how you disseminate your propaganda. PNC police bullied the coolies.

Bhai,you mentioned before,your cousin is the Mayor,kudos to him.

Where is the disseminating of propaganda ?,from my first post  on this debacle,i said "Bullyism" and had my suspicion of the directive,also i have express my condemnation.

By the way why the flag pole was removed ? what form of protest is that ?

Baseman posted:

Absolute bull sh1t.  The PNC bullyism back in full force.  And seems Ramjattan is on board, if not initiated!  These fickers!!

Django, what you have to say about this?

As you mentioned "Bullyism" there is no doubt  Amna Ally was calling the shots.Some of the PNC- ites will never learn,same old tactics.

The regions should be allowed to carry out the flag raising with out interference.Of course permission have to be granted,if not how will there be police protection.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Riff posted:

funny you use assumed when it comes to PNC, but certainty when the PPP involved

Bhai,whenever there are proofs,the cards are laid on the table.

Django, your proof is your own manufactured facts. I am at Skeldon and read the newspapers of what transpired. My cousin is the mayor of Corriverton, so I get the news from the horse's mouth. Please be very careful how you disseminate your propaganda. PNC police bullied the coolies.

Bhai,you mentioned before,your cousin is the Mayor,kudos to him.

Where is the disseminatinkg of propaganda ?,from my first post  on this debacle,i said "Bullyism" and had my suspicion of the directive,also i have express my condemnation.

By the way why the flag pole was removed ? what form of protest is that ?

Baseman posted:

Absolute bull sh1t.  The PNC bullyism back in full force.  And seems Ramjattan is on board, if not initiated!  These fickers!!

Django, what you have to say about this?

As you mentioned "Bullyism" there is no doubt  Amna Ally was calling the shots.Some of the PNC- ites will never learn,same old tactics.

The regions should be allowed to carry out the flag raising with out interference.Of course permission have to be granted,if not how will there be police protection.

Stop making a mountain about removing the flag pole . I would have burn it rass down . Why you need a pole if it’s not serving it’s purpose .

You are really good at swaying the topics. 

Dave posted:

Stop making a mountain about removing the flag pole . I would have burn it rass down . Why you need a pole if it’s not serving it’s purpose .

You are really good at swaying the topics. 

Swaying my foot,that's your conclusion ?


It's just what you may call party paramountcy. This thing about social cohesion involving the infamous Amna is nothing but a hoax. Guyanese people of all political persuasions should have the right raise our national flag without the interference of the ruling party. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

It's just what you may call party paramountcy. This thing about social cohesion involving the infamous Amna is nothing but a hoax. Guyanese people of all political persuasions should have the right raise our national flag without the interference of the ruling party. 

No longer hold that portfolio,currently are Minister of Social Protection and Government Chief Whip.

Dr. George Norton [Bond rental imbroglio] is the new Minister of Social Cohesion.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Riff posted:

funny you use assumed when it comes to PNC, but certainty when the PPP involved

Bhai,whenever there are proofs,the cards are laid on the table.

Django, your proof is your own manufactured facts. I am at Skeldon and read the newspapers of what transpired. My cousin is the mayor of Corriverton, so I get the news from the horse's mouth. Please be very careful how you disseminate your propaganda. PNC police bullied the coolies.

Django...lets face are caught with your pants down on this one...your defense is wishy-washy padna.

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

It's just what you may call party paramountcy. This thing about social cohesion involving the infamous Amna is nothing but a hoax. Guyanese people of all political persuasions should have the right raise our national flag without the interference of the ruling party. 

No longer hold that portfolio,currently are Minister of Social Protection and Government Chief Whip.

Dr. George Norton [Bond rental imbroglio] is the new Minister of Social Cohesion.

Amna Ally is a stereotypical PNC pig who bullies her way anywhere she goes.  These people have no class at all. Just imagine what her reaction would have been if a flag raising ceremony was stopped at Buxton in this manner during the PPP's time in government.. These PNC people make me sick... The whole country have gotten disgusted with these people.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Riff posted:

funny you use assumed when it comes to PNC, but certainty when the PPP involved

Bhai,whenever there are proofs,the cards are laid on the table.

Django, your proof is your own manufactured facts. I am at Skeldon and read the newspapers of what transpired. My cousin is the mayor of Corriverton, so I get the news from the horse's mouth. Please be very careful how you disseminate your propaganda. PNC police bullied the coolies.

Django...lets face are caught with your pants down on this one...your defense is wishy-washy padna.

Lemme use your own phrase "Knuckle head" where am i defending ? eh bhai.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Riff posted:

funny you use assumed when it comes to PNC, but certainty when the PPP involved

Bhai,whenever there are proofs,the cards are laid on the table.

Django, your proof is your own manufactured facts. I am at Skeldon and read the newspapers of what transpired. My cousin is the mayor of Corriverton, so I get the news from the horse's mouth. Please be very careful how you disseminate your propaganda. PNC police bullied the coolies.

Django...lets face are caught with your pants down on this one...your defense is wishy-washy padna.

Lemme use your own phrase "Knuckle head" where am i defending ? eh bhai.

You guys get all hyper when a couple of Indos take action in their own hands. If dem people remove de flag pole, is OK wid least they are not burning tyres and destroying property by fire.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

It's just what you may call party paramountcy. This thing about social cohesion involving the infamous Amna is nothing but a hoax. Guyanese people of all political persuasions should have the right raise our national flag without the interference of the ruling party. 

No longer hold that portfolio,currently are Minister of Social Protection and Government Chief Whip.

Dr. George Norton [Bond rental imbroglio] is the new Minister of Social Cohesion.

Amna Ally is a stereotypical PNC pig who bullies her way anywhere she goes.  These people have no class at all. Just imagine what her reaction would have been if a flag raising ceremony was stopped at Buxton in this manner during the PPP's time in government.. These PNC people make me sick... The whole country have gotten disgusted with these people.  

To destroy the flag pole is in patriotic. The police should charge them for malicious destruction of state /public property or even treason. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

It's just what you may call party paramountcy. This thing about social cohesion involving the infamous Amna is nothing but a hoax. Guyanese people of all political persuasions should have the right raise our national flag without the interference of the ruling party. 

No longer hold that portfolio,currently are Minister of Social Protection and Government Chief Whip.

Dr. George Norton [Bond rental imbroglio] is the new Minister of Social Cohesion.

Amna Ally is a stereotypical PNC pig who bullies her way anywhere she goes.  These people have no class at all. Just imagine what her reaction would have been if a flag raising ceremony was stopped at Buxton in this manner during the PPP's time in government.. These PNC people make me sick... The whole country have gotten disgusted with these people.  


Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

It's just what you may call party paramountcy. This thing about social cohesion involving the infamous Amna is nothing but a hoax. Guyanese people of all political persuasions should have the right raise our national flag without the interference of the ruling party. 

No longer hold that portfolio,currently are Minister of Social Protection and Government Chief Whip.

Dr. George Norton [Bond rental imbroglio] is the new Minister of Social Cohesion.

Amna Ally is a stereotypical PNC pig who bullies her way anywhere she goes.  These people have no class at all. Just imagine what her reaction would have been if a flag raising ceremony was stopped at Buxton in this manner during the PPP's time in government.. These PNC people make me sick... The whole country have gotten disgusted with these people.  

To destroy the flag pole is in patriotic. The police should charge them for malicious destruction of state /public property or even treason. 

The average person who attended the event did not realize that politricks played a big role in the cancellation.

First, the Mayor refused for a Minister of the Government to address the crowd and secondly another Minister wanted to show that she graduated from Burnham class and wanted to shut up the PPP Mayor.

Dave posted:
Nehru posted:

dat shit mouth woman only know cohesion if yuh paste wan balata pun she mouth!!!!!!!!!!

The flag pole is more suitable to plant in she ???

ok dave...take it easy

Riff posted:
Dave posted:
Nehru posted:

dat shit mouth woman only know cohesion if yuh paste wan balata pun she mouth!!!!!!!!!!

The flag pole is more suitable to plant in she ???

ok dave...take it easy

Yeah man!!! I man cool .

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

It's just what you may call party paramountcy. This thing about social cohesion involving the infamous Amna is nothing but a hoax. Guyanese people of all political persuasions should have the right raise our national flag without the interference of the ruling party. 

No longer hold that portfolio,currently are Minister of Social Protection and Government Chief Whip.

Dr. George Norton [Bond rental imbroglio] is the new Minister of Social Cohesion.

Amna Ally is a stereotypical PNC pig who bullies her way anywhere she goes.  These people have no class at all. Just imagine what her reaction would have been if a flag raising ceremony was stopped at Buxton in this manner during the PPP's time in government.. These PNC people make me sick... The whole country have gotten disgusted with these people.  

She is a Burnham left over . 

Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

It's just what you may call party paramountcy. This thing about social cohesion involving the infamous Amna is nothing but a hoax. Guyanese people of all political persuasions should have the right raise our national flag without the interference of the ruling party. 

No longer hold that portfolio,currently are Minister of Social Protection and Government Chief Whip.

Dr. George Norton [Bond rental imbroglio] is the new Minister of Social Cohesion.

Amna Ally is a stereotypical PNC pig who bullies her way anywhere she goes.  These people have no class at all. Just imagine what her reaction would have been if a flag raising ceremony was stopped at Buxton in this manner during the PPP's time in government.. These PNC people make me sick... The whole country have gotten disgusted with these people.  

To destroy the flag pole is in patriotic. The police should charge them for malicious destruction of state /public property or even treason. 


How things in Canada?

I dont think they destroying the flag pole, I believe they just removing it...not sure what happen after the removal though.

And, by the way, Knucklehead, the word is nonpatriotic, not "in patriotic" like you said...looks like when you na use dem big fat words, sometimes you make up your own eh? 

VishMahabir posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

It's just what you may call party paramountcy. This thing about social cohesion involving the infamous Amna is nothing but a hoax. Guyanese people of all political persuasions should have the right raise our national flag without the interference of the ruling party. 

No longer hold that portfolio,currently are Minister of Social Protection and Government Chief Whip.

Dr. George Norton [Bond rental imbroglio] is the new Minister of Social Cohesion.

Amna Ally is a stereotypical PNC pig who bullies her way anywhere she goes.  These people have no class at all. Just imagine what her reaction would have been if a flag raising ceremony was stopped at Buxton in this manner during the PPP's time in government.. These PNC people make me sick... The whole country have gotten disgusted with these people.  

To destroy the flag pole is in patriotic. The police should charge them for malicious destruction of state /public property or even treason. 


How things in Canada?

I dont think they destroying the flag pole, I believe they just removing it...not sure what happen after the removal though.

And, by the way, Knucklehead, the word is nonpatriotic, not "in patriotic" like you said...looks like when you na use dem big fat words, sometimes you make up your own eh? 

The word is "unpatriotic", Knucklehead

Last edited by Mars
Dave posted:
Nehru posted:

dat shit mouth woman only know cohesion if yuh paste wan balata pun she mouth!!!!!!!!!!

The flag pole is more suitable to plant in she ???

I suppose you have no problem of our women being raped with foreign objects.

Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

It's just what you may call party paramountcy. This thing about social cohesion involving the infamous Amna is nothing but a hoax. Guyanese people of all political persuasions should have the right raise our national flag without the interference of the ruling party. 

No longer hold that portfolio,currently are Minister of Social Protection and Government Chief Whip.

Dr. George Norton [Bond rental imbroglio] is the new Minister of Social Cohesion.

Amna Ally is a stereotypical PNC pig who bullies her way anywhere she goes.  These people have no class at all. Just imagine what her reaction would have been if a flag raising ceremony was stopped at Buxton in this manner during the PPP's time in government.. These PNC people make me sick... The whole country have gotten disgusted with these people.  

To destroy the flag pole is in patriotic. The police should charge them for malicious destruction of state /public property or even treason. 


How things in Canada?

I dont think they destroying the flag pole, I believe they just removing it...not sure what happen after the removal though.

And, by the way, Knucklehead, the word is nonpatriotic, not "in patriotic" like you said...looks like when you na use dem big fat words, sometimes you make up your own eh? 

The word is "unpatriotic", Knucklehead

Oh rass...

Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:
Nehru posted:

dat shit mouth woman only know cohesion if yuh paste wan balata pun she mouth!!!!!!!!!!

The flag pole is more suitable to plant in she ???

I suppose you have no problem of our women being raped with foreign objects.

Good to see you have change and have different views of our women. Hope you keep it up . 👍


Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:
Nehru posted:

dat shit mouth woman only know cohesion if yuh paste wan balata pun she mouth!!!!!!!!!!

The flag pole is more suitable to plant in she ???

I suppose you have no problem of our women being raped with foreign objects.

Good to see you have change and have different views of our women. Hope you keep it up . 👍


I see you are still of the view of the use of the flag pole. 


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