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August 5, 2015 | By | Peeping Tom 

The government should increase the salaries of Ministers and other top officials by 100%. There are many valid reasons why this should happen.
For one, if salaries are going to be increased at the bottom, there have to be increases at the top. Otherwise, there will be convergence of salary scales, and this will affect morale.
If policemen are to be paid a minimum of $100,000 per month, it is only fair that the Commissioner of Police should be paid one million dollars per month and the Minister two million dollars per month.
Increasing salaries at the top will also help reduce corruption. Pay people well and they will have less incentive to dip into the kitty. Pay people well and you will get better performance. Workers will be motivated to work harder and others will want their jobs, and therefore there will be competition for jobs. Those who have jobs will therefore want to work harder to ensure that they do not lose their comfortable salaries.
But even if those at the bottom are not paid huge increases, the persons at the top should always be well paid.
Forget about all that socialist gibberish about paying workers at the bottom better than managers. That has never worked anywhere in the world. If you want improved production and productivity, you have to invest in a superior managerial class.
Regardless, therefore, of whether the claim of salary increases for those at the top is true or contrived, there is merit in the proposal.
It is now a well-established principle of management that 20% of the workers do 80% of the job. The first task of any management is not to identify its objectives.
The first task of management is to identify and keep personnel, its key 20%. It is this 20%, regardless of the objectives, who have to achieve that critical 80% of the work. If this 80% is not achieved, the organization will collapse.
The task, therefore, is for every agency, whether it is government or private sector, to identity its core 20% of its staff who will be the ones that have to run the organization and achieve the core goal of 80% of the tasks to be done.
Management should take care, as a first priority, of the needs of this 20%. These are the people that will go beyond the call of duty. These are the people who will work more than any other. These are the persons on which the future of the organization rests.
Their needs must be attended to. Not just their needs for salaries. No, they must be well-treated so that there are no distractions. They must be able to devote all their time and energies towards the organizations.
They must be able to do this for five to six years straight, after which they should be replaced and others take their place. This is the secret of successful organizational management.
You can throw away all the text books on management. Look after your 20% and you will be in good shape as the owner of a business. Just look at some of prerequisites of top executives of major corporations and you will see that not only are they paid, well, but their needs are taken care of, including a healthy retirement package.
People will therefore talk about how fat an increase is being proposed for salary increases to Ministers of the government. But the bottom line is if you do not take care of these Ministers, they will find other things to do to take care of themselves, and it is the government that will suffer.
So pay them well and fire them after six years. They are expendable just like the next bunch that will replace them.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

If a minister cannot live off the salary that he or she is being offered, and he/she thinks that they can earn more somewhere else, then he/she should turn the position down. Being a minister is not a right, but a privilege. And with any privilege you are honoured with a distinction. In this case the distinction to serve your country. If the money ain't enough, don't steal. Resign and find a better paid job.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

If a minister cannot live off the salary that he or she is being offered, and he/she thinks that they can earn more somewhere else, then he/she should turn the position down. Being a minister is not a right, but a privilege. And with any privilege you are honoured with a distinction. In this case the distinction to serve your country. If the money ain't enough, don't steal. Resign and find a better paid job.

I agree with you. Being a minister means being there to serve the people instead of serving yourself. Sure, ministers and top functionaries should be paid more than workers, but the arguments given by the article here are weak. there is no evidence that higher salaries will curb corruption. It is individual integrity that determines this. Massive pay raise is not warranted for ministers, MP, etc. A blatant attempt to drink at the trough. They previously criticized the salaries of the ministers of the PPP government. The more things change, the more they stay the same!

Originally Posted by Zed:

They previously criticized the salaries of the ministers of the PPP government. The more things change, the more they stay the same!

I don't believe it is a PPP versus APNU/AFC thing. It is a habit that politicians have had all over the world. Most of them want to use their position in order to set themselves up financially for the rest of their lives. If any of the voters believe for one moment that most politicians are doing it for the love of the country, then they are very much mistaken. The only honest Guyanese born politician in high office ever to walked this earth was a guy called Bernie Grant. But he did not serve in Guyana, but in the UK. I wish that we had politicians like him serving in parliament in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Zed:

They previously criticized the salaries of the ministers of the PPP government. The more things change, the more they stay the same!

I don't believe it is a PPP versus APNU/AFC thing. It is a habit that politicians have had all over the world. Most of them want to use their position in order to set themselves up financially for the rest of their lives. If any of the voters believe for one moment that most politicians are doing it for the love of the country, then they are very much mistaken. The only honest Guyanese born politician in high office ever to walked this earth was a guy called Bernie Grant. But he did not serve in Guyana, but in the UK. I wish that we had politicians like him serving in parliament in Guyana.

I agree with what you posted. I do not know of Bernie Grant but if he is honest and serve the people instead of himself, he is great and we need more of him in Guyana.


Ramjattan said that if you steal then you go to jail and he is not joking.

God help them.  Tell me how black people will get rich now..  They thought that they were passing the laws to jail PPP members only.  Who is getting the last laugh now?..  Moses getting 18 million to renovate his house plus a big fat salary beyond anyone's dreams. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Ramjattan said that if you steal then you go to jail and he is not joking.

God help them.  Tell me how black people will get rich now..  They thought that they were passing the laws to jail PPP members only.  Who is getting the last laugh now?..  Moses getting 18 million to renovate his house plus a big fat salary beyond anyone's dreams. 

You LIE..stop spreading rumor,Moses is not getting any money to

renovate his house.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Ramjattan said that if you steal then you go to jail and he is not joking.

God help them.  Tell me how black people will get rich now..  They thought that they were passing the laws to jail PPP members only.  Who is getting the last laugh now?..  Moses getting 18 million to renovate his house plus a big fat salary beyond anyone's dreams. 

You LIE..stop spreading rumor,Moses is not getting any money to

renovate his house.

True bai. But leh abbie seh de man tink he guh die in dah house. He plan fuh be PM fuh life. He laffin till he gat wite mouth.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Ramjattan said that if you steal then you go to jail and he is not joking.

God help them.  Tell me how black people will get rich now..  They thought that they were passing the laws to jail PPP members only.  Who is getting the last laugh now?..  Moses getting 18 million to renovate his house plus a big fat salary beyond anyone's dreams. 

You LIE..stop spreading rumor,Moses is not getting any money to

renovate his house.

True bai. But leh abbie seh de man tink he guh die in dah house. He plan fuh be PM fuh life. He laffin till he gat wite mouth.

Chief House Slave is the most LYING, CONNIVING, SHAMELESS, POWER HUNGRY FOOL on the Planet.  I have never seen an individual so concerned ONLY about himself that he has no compassion, humanity, care or sympathy for even the sick, poor, elderly oy dying individuals.  The Title of PM for him is all that matters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Django:

You LIE..stop spreading rumor,Moses is not getting any money to

renovate his house.

True bai. But leh abbie seh de man tink he guh die in dah house. He plan fuh be PM fuh life. He laffin till he gat wite mouth.

Chief House Slave is the most LYING, CONNIVING, SHAMELESS, POWER HUNGRY FOOL on the Planet.  I have never seen an individual so concerned ONLY about himself that he has no compassion, humanity, care or sympathy for even the sick, poor, elderly oy dying individuals.  The Title of PM for him is all that matters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cyar alyuh  poor man PPP ideology dah side. Is ahwe Ruling Class dayzz now.


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