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US envoy to Libya dies in Benghazi consulate attack

Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:9AM GMT
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The US ambassador to Libya and three other Americans have been killed in an attack on the US consulate in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi.

A Libyan official has confirmed the death of the US envoy.

The attack occurred on Tuesday night after a group of people held a demonstration to protest against an anti-Islam movie made in the United States.

Witnesses said the protesters attacked and set fire to the consulate building while gunmen and security forces clashed. Rocket-propelled grenades were also fired at the US consulate.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by TI:

The Middle East is populated with ignorant people. 

The Prophet said, "We are an illiterate nation; we neither write, nor know accounts. 

the world is populated by the mundane and mediocre but it is up to leaders to set the tone.  Unfortunately, the world over, men of little worth are easily elevated to leadership by like minded mobs.


Egypt for example needs to make a statement as to the tolerable in its society. Its present leaders who are more concerned by their position are stymied as to what to do. Egypt gets the most of US aid after Israel. I saw a documentary that minus US aid, Egyptian gets 2/3 less bread to eat.


Congress has to vote that aid and increasingly they will have to validate it. If the Egyptian government does not come out with a statement condemning the violence against the US embassy. I am quite sure that next year the Egyptians will have to contemplate the edibility of mud pies.

Originally Posted by asj:

Uncalled for, but tell that to the Libyans who are fighting for not to be enslaved by the Americans

The anti-Islam movie is the creation of a free citizen and has nothing to do the American government. This is an individual freedom of expression. Would it be OK if American start to shoot every Muslims in the U.S. in retaliation? It this what you call payback time?

At least 5 Americans injured in attack on US consulate in Libya: US official

The US Consulate in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi is engulfed in flames during a demonstration by a group of people protesting against an anti-Islam movie, produced in the United States, on September 11, 2012.

The US Consulate in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi is engulfed in flames during a demonstration by a group of people protesting against an anti-Islam movie, produced in the United States, on September 11, 2012.
Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:32PM GMT
At least five Americans have been injured in an attack on the US consulate in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, a US official says.

The unnamed official said that “five or six Americans were wounded” in Tuesday night’s attack on the consulate, where US ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three staff members of the consulate were killed on the same night, AFP reported on Wednesday.

The clashes broke out after a group of people held a demonstration to protest against an anti-Islam movie made in the United States.

Witnesses said protesters attacked and set fire to the consulate building while gunmen and security forces clashed. Rocket-propelled grenades were also fired at the US consulate.

The incident occurred following a massive demonstration held earlier in the day in neighboring Egypt to condemn the movie that insults Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Thousands of Egyptians gathered in front of the US Embassy in Cairo to express their anger over the movie.

The protesters scaled the walls of the embassy, pulled down the US flag, and called for the expulsion of the US ambassador in Cairo.

They also asked the US government to apologize to the Muslim world over the release of the movie.

Cast And Crew Of Video At Center Of Middle East Protests: 'We Are 100% Not Behind This Film'


CNN has obtained a statement from the cast and crew of the movie that sparked a riot in Libya Tuesday, in which those involved with the movie distance themselves from the fim.

"The entire cast and crew are extremely upset and feel taken advantage of by the producer. We are 100% not behind this film and were grossly misled about its intent and purpose," the statement says. "We are shocked by the drastic re-writes of the script and lies that were told to all involved. We are deeply saddened by the tragedies that have occurred."

The New York Times, meanwhile, has tried to chase down the origins of the movie, only to conclude: "It is unclear whether a full movie even exists."

Pakistan condemns insulting anti-Islam film


Pakistan's Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar
Wed Sep 12, 2012 6:34PM GMT
Pakistan’s foreign ministry has strongly condemned a controversial anti-Islam film, made in the United States, which insults Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

“The government of Pakistan strongly condemns the airing of a defamatory video clip in the US, maligning the revered and pious personality of Prophet Mohammad,” the statement said.

The statement added that the clip would promote “hatred, discord, and enmity within societies and between peoples of various faiths.”

The ministry also condemned the violence sparked by the video, which resulted in the death of the US envoy to Libya.

The act has drawn condemnation from the Vatican in Rome, Egypt, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sudan, and Iran.

Earlier, US ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, along with three other consulate staff members was killed in Benghazi after a group of angry demonstrators reportedly attacked the consulate building over the insulting film.

Protests have erupted in several countries, including Libya and Egypt, in response to the sacrilegious movie.

Originally Posted by asj:

The incident occurred following a massive demonstration held earlier in the day in neighboring Egypt to condemn the movie that insults Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).



The attacks that killed the 4 Americans, including the ambassador, were orchestrated by al-qaeda--and the nasty and hateful internet video that insulted mocked Prophet Mohamed, peace be unto him, was just a bogus excuse to trigger widespread violence.


Obama thought al-qaeda was history after he got Osama---the world now knows al-qaeda is alive and well.


Oh well, Obama is off to Vegas to do some fund raising---he could care less about American lives being lost---he sympathizes with his brothers in the middle east---little does he know---they hate his guts.




Protests Near The U.S. Embassy In Tunis

The Associated Press reports that conservative Muslims demonstrated near the U.S. embassy in Tunis on Wednesday, demanding the closure of the offices.


Conservative Muslims demonstrate, one holding the Quran, outside the United States embassy in Tunis, Wednesday, Sept.12, 2012 to demand the closure of the embassy. The American embassies in Algeria and Tunisia warned of more protests Wednesday, following attacks by protesters in neighboring Libya in which the U.S. ambassador and three embassy staff were killed. (AP Photo/Hassene Dridi)

Afghan president condemns American anti-Islam movie

Afghan President Hamid Karzai

Afghan President Hamid Karzai
Wed Sep 12, 2012 5:56PM GMT
Afghan President Hamid Karzai has strongly condemned a controversial US-made anti-Islam film, postponing a scheduled visit to Norway.

The Afghan president's move follows growing protests against the release of a film insulting Islam's Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

On Wednesday, the Afghan presidential palace issued a statement, slamming the “desecrating act”, which has caused “enmity and confrontation between the religions and cultures of the world."

The statement further condemned the act by saying it “badly impacted the peaceful coexistence between human beings".

Afghan clerics have also condemned the movie made by Sam Bacile, an Israeli filmmaker in the US state of California.

Protests have erupted in several countries including Libya and Egypt in response to the sacrilegious movie.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by asj:

Uncalled for, but tell that to the Libyans who are fighting for not to be enslaved by the Americans

The anti-Islam movie is the creation of a free citizen and has nothing to do the American government. This is an individual freedom of expression. Would it be OK if American start to shoot every Muslims in the U.S. in retaliation? It this what you call payback time?


Insulting another man's Religion can never be deemed "freedom of expression"

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by asj:

The incident occurred following a massive demonstration held earlier in the day in neighboring Egypt to condemn the movie that insults Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).



The attacks that killed the 4 Americans, including the ambassador, were orchestrated by al-qaeda--and the nasty and hateful internet video that insulted mocked Prophet Mohamed, peace be unto him, was just a bogus excuse to trigger widespread violence.


Obama thought al-qaeda was history after he got Osama---the world now knows al-qaeda is alive and well.


Oh well, Obama is off to Vegas to do some fund raising---he could care less about American lives being lost---he sympathizes with his brothers in the middle east---little does he know---they hate his guts.



Rev you will blame Obama when you get constipated or diarrhea.

Palestinians burn US flag in protest against anti-Islam movie

Palestinians burn the US flag during a demonstration against an anti-Islam on September 12, 2012 in front of the UN headquarters in Gaza City.

Palestinians burn the US flag during a demonstration against an anti-Islam on September 12, 2012 in front of the UN headquarters in Gaza City.
Palestinians have burned the US flag in front of the United Nations headquarters in Gaza City during a demonstration against a movie insulting Islam.

you guyanese make me laugh without AMERICA you fools think guyana could have had any free election,that is what we call AMERICA the protector of the free world you fools live off the benfit of AMERICA and yet you hope and pray evil things could happen to her and her people that risk their live to give you fools comfort.the middle east have a set of mad people that cannot live in the 21 century and try to understand changes and because some of you is muslim you jump on the band wagon and the only country that will keep this world free were every one have a right  and freedom of expression AMERICA IS THEIR TO make sure you can enjoy it in the free world

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by seignet:



Americans are shivering in their boots.


The US will now back away from the rebels in Syria.  They are the same Saudi backed wahab terrorists types who are surging in Libya and Egypt.

The Muslim/American fear this may cause a backlash against Muslims in the U.S. There are many verbal threats made in retaliation. All Islamic States are quick to condemn the United State rather than to send a signal to their people that the anti-Islam movie is the sole belief of an individual citizens and has nothing to do with the U.S. government. In any case. they want to sound off as though they care about Allah themselves. When you have corrupted leaders that run away from knowledge, you will have corrupted citizens that will never learn that knowledge. 

Originally Posted by asj:

Insulting another man's Religion can never be deemed "freedom of expression"

Read this:


In the great US of A---"the first amendment to the constitution protects free speech or press against suppression by the government: "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press."


So the US constitution protects Pastor Terry Jones when he wickedly attacks the Prophet and muslims.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by asj:

Insulting another man's Religion can never be deemed "freedom of expression"

Read this:


In the great US of A---"the first amendment to the constitution protects free speech or press against suppression by the government: "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press."


So the US constitution protects Pastor Terry Jones when he wickedly attacks the Prophet and muslims.





It is this freedom which has allowed many muslims to come here and be critical of the despots back in their homeland.  Back home they would be stoned to death.  However, that being said, there seems to be an extreme neo-con group here in the US who take comfort provoking muslim sentiments.  Some of what they do is pointless apart from provocation.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by asj:

Insulting another man's Religion can never be deemed "freedom of expression"

Read this:


In the great US of A---"the first amendment to the constitution protects free speech or press against suppression by the government: "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press."


So the US constitution protects Pastor Terry Jones when he wickedly attacks the Prophet and muslims.






Try to initiate a conversation on free speech, that the Halocaust never existed and less the six million jews were murdered, as far as I know this is a crime in
America and most European Countries and the first amendment will not be on your side, there goes free speech. 

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by asj:

Insulting another man's Religion can never be deemed "freedom of expression"

Read this:


In the great US of A---"the first amendment to the constitution protects free speech or press against suppression by the government: "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press."


So the US constitution protects Pastor Terry Jones when he wickedly attacks the Prophet and muslims.






Try to initiate a conversation on free speech, that the Halocaust never existed and less the six million jews were murdered, as far as I know this is a crime in
America and most European Countries and the first amendment will not be on your side, there goes free speech. 

The jews do not put out fatwas on any for any religious impropriety. Muslims of all people in the world are unique in this. They can say all sorts of terrible things of others do anything in the name of islam and then go bat shit over someone saying inappropriate things about them.


I have no sympathy for any who pretend to be about religious sanctity and in the name of it commit all sorts of barbarity. Muslims may not like it but we are not them and on no account will we ever be them. There also happens to be more of us.


Lets see, Jesus was miserable to his mom, he is not god, he was not killed on the cross....doubt anybody in this modern era ever call down a fatwah on account of that.


I do not believe in Mohamed or jesus or Bhudda and reserve the right to say it is all myth. <Maplethorpe had the cross in piss in a national museum. There was shouting and screaming but no one burned the place down or attempted to kill the curator of the museum!


This man, who made the film, however odious he is has a right to say as he please. Take him to court, shun him, but murder people in his name and call it holy is as ridiculous a thing ever. There is no defense of this on religious, ethical or secular grounds. This is pure bullshit and ungodly ignorance.


If you sick fu.cks who defend this do not like it, go the hell and live over there.

Originally Posted by asj:


Try to initiate a conversation on free speech, that the Halocaust never existed and less the six million jews were murdered, as far as I know this is a crime in America ... 

You clearly do not live in the United States or understand what the 1st amendment to the constitution means.


Listen, if anyone in the US claims the holocaust never happened or 6 millions jews were not slaughtered by the nazis--he or she may be accused of being anti-semitic---but there is no crime--none.




By the way, in how many countries can a citizen be so honest about the leader of his country ? The constitution guarantees Clint the right to hammer America's first muslim born black marxist president, Odinga Hussein Obambo.





Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by asj:

Insulting another man's Religion can never be deemed "freedom of expression"

Read this:


In the great US of A---"the first amendment to the constitution protects free speech or press against suppression by the government: "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press."


So the US constitution protects Pastor Terry Jones when he wickedly attacks the Prophet and muslims.






Try to initiate a conversation on free speech, that the Halocaust never existed and less the six million jews were murdered, as far as I know this is a crime in
America and most European Countries and the first amendment will not be on your side, there goes free speech. 

The jews do not put out fatwas on any for any religious impropriety. Muslims of all people in the world are unique in this. They can say all sorts of terrible things of others do anything in the name of islam and then go bat shit over someone saying inappropriate things about them.


I have no sympathy for any who pretend to be about religious sanctity and in the name of it commit all sorts of barbarity. Muslims may not like it but we are not them and on no account will we ever be them. There also happens to be more of us.


Lets see, Jesus was miserable to his mom, he is not god, he was not killed on the cross....doubt anybody in this modern era ever call down a fatwah on account of that.


I do not believe in Mohamed or jesus or Bhudda and reserve the right to say it is all myth. <Maplethorpe had the cross in piss in a national museum. There was shouting and screaming but no one burned the place down or attempted to kill the curator of the museum!


This man, who made the film, however odious he is has a right to say as he please. Take him to court, shun him, but murder people in his name and call it holy is as ridiculous a thing ever. There is no defense of this on religious, ethical or secular grounds. This is pure bullshit and ungodly ignorance.


If you sick fu.cks who defend this do not like it, go the hell and live over there.

Our prophet (uwbp) is closer to us than our own self and if you mess with him then you mess with us.


However, having said that, our Prophet(uwbp) was always benevolent and kind to even his enemies and as of such one should emulate that quality that he possesses and do not be baited by bigots who only want to make muslims look bad.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by asj:

Insulting another man's Religion can never be deemed "freedom of expression"

Read this:


In the great US of A---"the first amendment to the constitution protects free speech or press against suppression by the government: "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press."


So the US constitution protects Pastor Terry Jones when he wickedly attacks the Prophet and muslims.






Try to initiate a conversation on free speech, that the Halocaust never existed and less the six million jews were murdered, as far as I know this is a crime in
America and most European Countries and the first amendment will not be on your side, there goes free speech. 

The jews do not put out fatwas on any for any religious impropriety. Muslims of all people in the world are unique in this. They can say all sorts of terrible things of others do anything in the name of islam and then go bat shit over someone saying inappropriate things about them.


I have no sympathy for any who pretend to be about religious sanctity and in the name of it commit all sorts of barbarity. Muslims may not like it but we are not them and on no account will we ever be them. There also happens to be more of us.


Lets see, Jesus was miserable to his mom, he is not god, he was not killed on the cross....doubt anybody in this modern era ever call down a fatwah on account of that.


I do not believe in Mohamed or jesus or Bhudda and reserve the right to say it is all myth. <Maplethorpe had the cross in piss in a national museum. There was shouting and screaming but no one burned the place down or attempted to kill the curator of the museum!


This man, who made the film, however odious he is has a right to say as he please. Take him to court, shun him, but murder people in his name and call it holy is as ridiculous a thing ever. There is no defense of this on religious, ethical or secular grounds. This is pure bullshit and ungodly ignorance.


If you sick fu.cks who defend this do not like it, go the hell and live over there.

Our prophet (uwbp) is closer to us than our own self and if you mess with him then you mess with us.


However, having said that, our Prophet(uwbp) was always benevolent and kind to even his enemies and as of such one should emulate that quality that he possesses and do not be baited by bigots who only want to make muslims look bad.

 Who the cares if you lick his balls in effigy? That is your right and not a thing to be imposed on any. Go there and live if that is what you chose to believe. Instead you are here among the infidels who do worship all sorts of gods from alcohol to fellatio and are free to do so in the privacy of their homes or publicly declare their contempt of any not of their faith?


I do not give a damn about what are your conception of the prophet. He does not do anything for me no less than the Christ or the Buddha or Rama.  I do not care what you believe except you  care that you treat your fellow humans with respect and do not pretend you abide by the system only if it bends to you. That is pure bullshit.


The fanatics who murder in the name of Islam are our modern Torquemadas and should be held in contempt no less than he was. Islam needs its reformation. This idea of no one daring to voice contrary opinion of the religion, the holy book while muslims piss on others is absolutely mind numbing. They are as the catholic church used to be and must be held with similar disdain. Any religion in that state is not holy but a curse.


Last edited by Former Member

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